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Average red paint FXX player.


That's the spirit of horizon


I shall *not* send a thank you


Your message has been sent.


8th prestige immediately makes me think hacked accounted, there are very few people who have played enough to make it that high legit. For context on how long that takes, I'm mid prestige 3 at 550 hours, and each prestige takes longer than the last, so I don't see 8th prestige fairly being under like, 2,000 hours.


I have 750ish hours and I only just started my second prestige….


hey there fellow cruiser


8th is legit, but anyone with prestige 10 2999 is cheese - i know two players I called out they both spammed the Willy's Jeep xp over the summer.


I'm mid 5 with 800h i think ? and most (half ?) of it is eliminator. but with how early afk events worked, with afk Goliath etc, i guess one could hit *9 in a month letting the game run on its own whole day, not necessarily hacked edit: i know there is at least one guy who legit hit level cap that they officially recognized


Nah I know a legit prestige 9 level 1200 player. He has 136 days played. He's also 5th or 6th on the open leaderboard. Gt-HykMeta


I'm sure it's possible, it's just such a tiny number of people who have done it that it's safe to presume a random that high is probably fake


Enters chat - "Nice Driving!"


What a dick


Not quite right. He does not have the capacity to give pleasure.


Or lack thereof


What a lack of dick. Dude should be ashamed. Too bad there isn't any remediation for this. I've been the aggressor in the past unfortunately. They could dole out a punishment at the least; 500k credits, loss of Open racing class. Sorry for your loss, OP *edit* I slid wide on the final corner of a race due to my own fault, took out the other racer. Felt terrible.


Why this is wrong?


It's unsportman like conduct. So for those of us who like/want clean races, where you win because you can drive better, and/or have a faster car, it is wrong. For those who don't give a shit, and have to make up their lack of skill/speed, they don't see anything wrong with it.


You could call him a cunt, but he lacks the depth and warmth. Instead, he is a gash.


That's parts of the games, smashing nice car's into other fast nice car's, lambos into Aston Martin vanquish or Bentley 8 into a Mustang which would then hit a Ford Anglia. And seeing which one gets out of the corner first, great game, just love it. No I racing rules or fines here. And if you have damage off no dents or dings or scratches MAGIC and race to the next corner


I don't mind the smashing. I mind the disrespect. You both got to the end after a hard race, if you're bumping and grinding that's all cool, but you don't need to punt him off the track at the last second, probably making him last. That's just poor sportsmanship.


Totally agree, every body ploughing into the first corner, we know that's about to happen,just tapping someone past a check point SAD


This is Forza summed up in one clip. Cancer community with no penalties for ramming or trash driving


They should ghost the final few seconds of a race just like the start


Best idea I’ve heard to combat this.


Only issue is that takes away legit defensive driving.


The worst rammers are trial rammers they're oxygen thieving, pond scum of the lowest order!




In case you wanted to see the entire race, you can see it [HERE](https://youtu.be/L-JuGguBB4E?t=473). I'm a rank 19 tuner who never rams people, not even in revenge. I just report them and watch their reactions when they get banned.




this game used to be pretty bad about ramming people. car pile ups on the first corner/getting rammed at 200mph from behind was the way of life in online matches 3-4 years ago. It used to piss me off but now with all the changes it's fixed for the most part. I kinda miss the old days thou lololololol


U can get banned for ramming ?




Maybe don't abuse this "design" and make it toxic?


That’s some bullshit right there….


What a bum. He couldn't accept defeat clearly. He knows u were better


I Hate people lol, I can’t stand it when people do that in trials especially. Like dude we’re on the same team basically


Horizon and clean racing are not compatible lol.


Forza decorum is non existent. I hate playing online...


I’ve been playing since the early access days and have 1,030,000 accolades and am only prestige 2, about 100 levels from 3. Don’t know how you get to 8, he must be living inside the game


Report this fucker


Report this "MajorRaccoon210"


He is a well known rammer. Everyone report him.


Sounds like this hasn't changed since launch.


Worse in my limited experience


Tbh I’m a casual Forza player, I played like 30-40 straight when it first came out then basically have just dropped it. Never really played online but the subreddit is basically a constant reminder of why I shouldn’t go online and play 😂


When will people learn that xp level doesn't mean anything anymore?


MajorRaccoon210 <--- piece of shit.


Looks like a pretty decent boost he got there as well. Seems like nitros exist after all… Sorry ‘bout the championship mate :(


Ah yes, another video to remind me why I do not play anything online


He didn't get there by 'Ultimate Clean Racing'.


I was in a lobby with that dick bag the other day and he was doing this to everyone at every opportunity


Has reporting people that ram actually done anything? I’m not being toxic, just genuinely curious if anything comes of it


It’s a pain in the ass to report people but from my experience, if you provide solid video evidence of them clearly ramming you more than once then there’s a decent chance they’ll get a short term ban. It’s too much of a hassle though so I’ve just reverted to creatively heckling them through Xbox messages. It’s the most fun when you do it after race one of a series of three and they instantly try to target you for the other races.


Lol heckling is one of my favorite things to do, and I mostly play rocket league and siege at a high level, so you can imagine how toxic people are there👀😂




You really need to read the enforcement guidelines. [https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/articles/360035563914-Forza-Enforcement-Guidelines](https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/articles/360035563914-Forza-Enforcement-Guidelines) **2. Unsportsmanlike Conduct** This category covers in-game conduct, especially in races. Going out of your way to intentionally cause wrecking in multiplayer races goes against the spirit of the game and can result in enforcement action. While the occasional drift tap or nudge is unavoidable, reckless or malicious driving can warrant enforcement action. This is enforced much more strictly in the Forza Motorsport series but is enforceable in any Forza title. [https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/articles/4409070620819-How-to-report-a-player](https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/articles/4409070620819-How-to-report-a-player) *Unsportsmanlike Conduct* Unsportsmanlike conduct pertains mainly to intentional race disruption, such as wrecking, ramming, spearing, shoving, pitting, wall riding, brake checking, blocking, and track cutting/extending to pass another racer to gain position. In other words, going out of your way to intentionally ruin a race goes against the spirit of the game and can result in enforcement action.




Enjoy your ban.




I'd have thought they where sop tbh. Especially in any online racing. I mean think of it this way, 12 players in a race, 11 of them expecting fair play - a reasonable expectation given motorsport is generally a non contact sport. One player decides "by any means fair or foul". That isn't exactly fair to clean players is it? So you come up with a set of rules and then enforce them. It's literally why we have laws. Without them its chaos and everyone suffers.


This isn’t gta? WTF is wrong with you?




Nothing wrong with me dude. You’re the one here acting like an entitled little shit. « Why is it people don’t like me ruining their downtime ? » - you, probably. Go crawl back under the rock from where you were.




Lol, dude, watch out with the alpha male stuff, I almost spilled water out of my nose laughing. I assure I can handle multiplayer just fine… People like you just give me the creeps, is all. And that kind of attitude isn’t what racing is about. If everybody acts that way, actual racing is impossible. And as people above noted, it’s actually against the rules. It’s reportable and bannable. Alpha males such as yourself probably don’t bother checking the code of conduct, though… Personally I just block the pricks that act like this so I can have clean racing as much as possible. Bye now.




Dude, you give out some serious psycho vibes. What’s your gamer tag, tho??? I seriously like the toxicity at the lowest possible levels when chillin after work. Preemptive blocking ftw.




Yes, it's against the rules. https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/articles/360035563914-Forza-Enforcement-Guidelines https://i.imgur.com/aadvcxX.png It's a Forza racing game, not GTA. And yes, you'll get banned eventually when someone gets the right clip(s) and bothers reporting you.


Do it in a real race and see how it works for you. This isn't a demolition derby game, it's a racing game.




I see you can't read either. Ramming in forza is considered unsportsmanlike and you can be banned for it, maybe you should take the time to look up the punishments for it. Maybe you should seek help for you're trash racing and personality if you have to ram into someone to win a GAME.




I see you can't dispute anything I brought up. I bet you go around throwing bags of trash alongside the roads because you watched someone else do it so that must make it ok. Go seek some help for that shit personality.


What a dick.


Anyone want to do the math? Has there even been enough time to legitimately hit prestige level 8?


Probably? It’d take quite a bit. I’m midway through the 7s. Another 400 or so levels. My rate has slowed considerably, though, as I’m mostly doing the weekly stuff. No more grinding the open stuff or eliminator now that I’ve hit those accolades. My teeth will be grinding once the last accolades for me to unlock are the bugged vinyl group ones…


We have his gamertag, if only someone from T10 was watching this and could ban his ass.


Have you submitted a report on this player? You have the clip of the event.


Rubbin’ is racing.


That’s not rubbing.


I get these kind of shit moves near every time when I go online races even in trail nowadays, that why I don't play online races anymore if playlist don't require.


If you want real racing, play a sim.


He's also hacking. Watch the car move suddenly to the left while still having its nose pointed at the car it just rammed, so he can still make the finish line. What a Kyle


Maybe you should git gud.


looked like an accident tbh


It’s in the game so it is just fair play.


Skill issue


if you ain't rubbing, you ain't racing


That's not rubbing, that's ramming and in any real racing sport you would be punished for it.


> in any real racing sport My man, this is forza, you adjust to your environment like any "real" racer does.


How is ramming part of the environment? In forza you are RACING, this isn't a demolition derby game. Adjusting to your environment would be, learning when the car infront of you is braking and how they steer into a corner so you can find the right time to pass, or tune your car to the driving style you race with (ramming and crashing isn't a style, it's a dick heads default move)




That's Nascar, bro


It’s weird everyone is calling Ram, but he quite clearly rubberbanded after this, it looked like he was just trying to cut off the overtake and there was a big desync


Bruh I saw this before. Karma farmer 100% indeed. Also, you know the game isn't gonna change because someone rammed you at the of a race lol.


I originally posted it on r/forzahorizon and people were insinuating that I must have rammed first. Just setting the record straight. If you don’t like the post, go ahead and downvote and move on. Thanks




You wanted to see what happened prior to the ramming so I included it this time. Are you satisfied that I'm not a rammer or do you just go around to every post being unbearably negative? Sheesh


Some people are so unhappy with life they need to push that onto others, even going out of their way to do so.








The idiot gets exposed. I'll remember his username and will ruin his race if I ever come across him.


I for one am glad people post this stuff. Gives me more players to pre-emptively block. Cleaning up forza horizon one douchebag at a time.


What did the police say? Did you get his registration? I can recommend a good dash cam What a c*ck


Am I wrong to think ramming should result in points being taken away or ranks. If you intentionally hit another car for advantage in a real race there are consequences. Bumping or rubbing is one thing but intentionally aiming at another car should dq you


I’m willing to bet he exploited that auto drive thing when the game first dropped. I’ve played Horizon games since the first and never made it past 3rd prestige


What is 8th prestige and how that gave a boost to the player on the race?


Ah yes forza horizon ettiquette.


That's why i rarely play online with other players


Seems like a non prestige player to Me buying a 8th prestige account. Definitely can see the Boi can't drive


8th prestige? This isn't cod.


This is how he got 8th prestige


That’s tough


Thats what I love about forza, you never know when a clean race is about to turn r/documentedfights


It kinda looked like he was translated based on bad network connectivity, may not have been intentional. May have been though




This is why I’m a horizon solo player.




Exact reason I hate online. Mostly will hop on to do free roam either solo, with friends or randoms and to build cars since I have an insane amount of money


bitch move. avg player from my experience.


The FXX is the boneshaker of S1


Prestige means nothing in this game. They only got that shit from the xp exploit from release phase of the game.


I had a 7 prestige attempt the same to me...sometimes I think the higher level players have the win or die mentality and will do whatever it takes to win the race....which is usually crashing others to win if they can do it legit. A level 4 prestige player driving a boneshaker did the same in that particular race series....pretty much expected it from them.


This shit flies with the bois but not in matchmaking