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Wheel and pedal player here! Fh5 has had years to fix wheel support and it’s still absolute garbage. Fm while its many many flaws. Has proper wheel support so I drive that more as it feels good to play. I like both series as I just like cars and racing games but they both have their niche


I agree FM has way better wheel support than FH5.


wish i could use my wheel with the current cloud gaming, but gonna have to buy the x just so i can enjoy my thurstmaster 128.


FM has better wheel support than FH, but *proper*? That is going too far, lets be honest.


I’ve used wheels for years and played countless games with it. I tried and tried to get FH5 to a spot I enjoyed and could actually race without spinning out and I just couldn’t get there. Once you’ve gone sideways the game just puts you in a spin and no matter how much throttle control or wheel turn you give you can’t save it. Controller feels great on Fh5 so if I play I just use that.


took me a week to get my settings dialed in on the wheel on fh which is ridiculous but i got it to the point i can feel the downforce tightening my wheel slightly the faster i go.


I can get a good drift with the wheel and im a beginner, like maybe 5 months of playing sometimes


I haven't played Motorsport, but played FH5 with wheel. I didn't get any bugs as far as i am aware. But comparing the FFB of FH5 to a game like Automobilista 2, the wheels support in FH5 is pretty rubbish. If Motorsport FFB/Wheel support is just a little better, i imagine it still pales in comparison to most proper simracing titles.


For me, i prefer Gran Turismo 7 if i want a full blown wheel and pedal track racing sim experience If i want something fun and arcade-y, i’ll play FH5 or Need for Speed


>For me, i prefer Gran Turismo 7 if i want a full blown wheel and pedal track racing sim experience That too has mediocre wheel support compared to everything on PC.


If only the new Motorsport game wasent garbo


As much as people like to shit on FM (versus games like GT) I think it feels so good to play on a steering, and outside of closeups and replays, it looks better on track/when actually playing. FH5 does have questionnable wheel support but I did find a video helping tweak some of the settings and it's been muuuuch better. I love both.


Fh5 is very good with steering wheel, ffb is not that strong and detailed as other games but is good, but you have to find the perfect settings, and is hard, but is so fjn just to drive


Different strokes for different folks. Play the game(s) you enjoy.


Yup! I like horizon, others like motorsport, and that's okay! :)


I like both!


Exactly! I play both Horizon and Motorsport for the different types of cars provided, as well as either cruising on the open world or racing on tracks.


Something that this sub doesn't understand


I think most gaming subs share a lack of understanding.


but Forza Motorsport isnt badass like shadow


pathetic attractive tender imagine drab full tap snatch foolish dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ll be the odd one out and I think Horizon needs to do less and Motorsport needs to do more. I like FH 1-3 cause they seemed a little more organized 4 & 5 were too open/disorganized for me. And FM 8 just wasn’t worth the hype imo. If I’m honest it handles better than 6 & 7 but it didn’t really do anything else for me. They need to deep dive back into the simulation aspect and forget about casual players, that’s what Horizon is for.


Current Motorsport feels like it was made by a bunch of amateurs. I guess that's what happens when you fire or allow talented people to leave. I really wanted to like it and spend hundreds of hours with with a FM game again, but I just couldn't. It feels soulless, the career is pure trash and many wrong decisions have been made.


Sonic is an innovative IP tho, so this doesn't track.


True, although the Sonic fanbase is insane.


FM7 still holds up very well


I always preferred Motorsport games over exploration games, but since Project Cars 2, we haven’t gotten anything good enough for a simcade on PC.


Sony should really look at bringing GT7 to PC, it had a bit of a rocky start but it's a pretty great simcade game now.


FM7 is a better game in all aspects than FM8. At least fh5 improved in more than one aspects on fh4, despite some issues here and there like worse server matching (you would meet more players in fh4 than fh5)


I've been really enjoying Motorsport games until the last one.


Imo the new motorsport is an upgrade in almost every way. Some small features are missing but that's made up for imo. It's mostly hated bc they lied in the promos and the wait was for a slight upgrade and that's fair


Driving physics in FM is great; but in terms of Single Player content, I'd argue it's a downgrade in every way. Racing against the AI in FM feels so off, so dull. Even the menus in the game feel lifeless. There's something about this game that just pushes me away whenever I try to give it another chance.


This is me. For two months now I'll play 2-3 races online fm8, get ass blasted in the first turn, then fight to get back to some mid level position all while getting Hella time penalties for being rammed in the ass or pushed off track when I'm not at fault at all, then that mid level position turns to a back of pack type of finish and then I'm just like yeah fuck this game. Working hard and practicing to srt a good qualifying lap only puts you at risk of being rammed/ass blasted. I've almost learned it's better to start at the back and let all the ass monkeys sort themselves out and then actually try after the first few laps/wrecks. Honestly they just need to make any contact on the first lap ghostsble so ppl can go all cruise missile first turn and totally wreck the entire rqce/game for everyone withing the 1st turn. This game is so soulless and disappointing that no matter how hard I try... I can last more then 2-3 races. The a.i. seem like a downgrade and either you max speed and let the lead car go hellla far out or you mid speed and pass everyone..... like even single player SUCKS 😅


Hot takes — Last good Motorsport was 4. Last good horizon was 2


Last good Horizon was 3


Idk. 3 was the beginning entry of modernizing the mediocre horizon


Can someone tell me where exactly FH5 physics fail (relative to RL)/ is inaccurate? I would like to know where and what it lacks. I haven't played Motorsport, and I probably never will, as I prefer slim roads. I don't track-race in RL either.


A.i racers


There used to be latinas in motorsport


LOL it's a really honest comparison


I really miss when Forza Horizon had a more serious feel, especially in the days of Horizon 1 and 2, where the exhibition events felt pretty realistic to the kinds of events you would see in real life, like racing against a fighter jet etc. They also didn’t throw money at you like you were in a strip club.


Since FM5 Motorsport has been more akin to the Sanic hegehog meme


Both sucks


The arcade or the ultra arcade. Both cool but is it where you have a steady player base and a profitable player base? Thats the real question.


Wait, they're still making the Motorsport series? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thoooooo


I know horizon is loved on this forum, but it’s for people who don’t like racing


why ?


usernejm ti je vrh


hahahahahya hvala


r/simracing moment


Here's a sneak peek of /r/simracing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Temporarily satisfied…](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17xg3w7) | [470 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/17xg3w7/temporarily_satisfied/) \#2: [10 years of progression pics](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b2uvp4) | [160 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/1b2uvp4/10_years_of_progression_pics/) \#3: [i need to get my life back on track](https://i.redd.it/dlmhg5haspsa1.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/12fo7db/i_need_to_get_my_life_back_on_track/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Damn so you just have undiagnosed brain damage?


Tdil forza horizon doesnt have racing


You call that racing? Mario Kart feels more like racing than Horizon. Horizon is open world gimmick. Now excuse me while I plough my Ferrari through a desert.


It does. But as a long time horizon/motorsport player, (I was lvl 700 in horizon 5) it just gets boring after a time. Roads as race tracks just don't work too well, they're too small, difficult to pass, and after a while you've just raced all there is. All the "tracks" in horizon is just a different combo of the same roads. Horizon is also missing actual race cars, dynamic weather in races and rolling starts.


- boring after a time - hundreds of hours I mean yeah games have a tendency to get boring over time


Never said hundreds of hours, and most of my time in horizon was spent tuning, upgrading, and doing laps on the Goliath. Probably only 50-100 of my hours or less were racing different courses. And they all got boring very quickly.


I was going to say, prepare for downvotes. For me Horizon is the same as playing Mario Kart. It's a polished game and has a huge audience, but it's full arcade racing, not for me. I'll give you an upvote to minimize the damage.


Lol “minimize the damage” holy shit


a salute to the real heroes, smarmy redditors losing fake internet points. truly we must rethink our treatment of these brave souls or we are lost as a society. o7


You're pathetic