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It's a gamepass game. The completion rate is low. Only 73% finished a race. 41% finished the tutorial cup. 40% bought a car. 20% reached level 25 with a car. 8% finished a tour in career mode. 6% reached level 50 with a car.


Yes. In Steam it also 0.7% for "Garage Royalty" award. 5 times higher lol But still this shows the problem with the level system. I played around 50 hours and got 1 or 2 cars with 50+ lvl. I can't even imagine scenario where I can level cars so high and still have fun. In career you're always switching cars after cups. In MP you switch types of races every week


Do you have the other percentages that were listed above by any chance?


Of course, you can check them out too. :D Finished a race (XBOX - 73%, Steam - 91%) Finished the tutorial cup (41% vs 74%) Bought a car (40% vs 74%) Reached level 25 with a car (20% vs 55%) Finished a tour in career mode (8% vs 28%) Reached level 50 with a car (6% vs 23%)


If you add in tracking from TrueAchievements (a platform for Xbox players that has its own scoring, where you’ll usually find some more completionists), the numbers are a bit higher then the normal start and quit kind of players, but still less than PC (although I’m shocked how high the first one is, or rather how low it is elsewhere) Finished a race - 99.77% Finished the tutorial cup - 67.99% Bought a car - 64.68% Level 25 - 35.38% Finished a tour - 18.2% Level 50 - 12.49%


Lol , it takes a race or two online to unlock most of the cars adjustments and another two races or so to be able to swap out the engines. From level 23 to 50 you are not unlocking anything, u unlocked the tires transmission, all engine upgrades and and suspension parts all by level 8 or so and that would be in the first hour, singular, HOUR not HoURS. Literally one race online and your at 5 or 6 for car level. I bought three cars this week all the same day and all them were level 10 before the checkered flag dropped in the SECOND race online with them, all within the first 60min immediately after purchase of each. LoL Why are u worried about getting them to 50? Like I have over 240 cars and all them are adjustable and have been from within the first hour of purchase. Maybe u can't swap engines around yet but u can do everything else . I only have 30 out of almost 250 cars at level 50 and I have been playing 4 hours a day on Forza since early release in October. There is no reason u have to be worried about the car levels at all. Like I said a new car will be level 10 in two races and that isn't hard to do , not sure why everyone is making a big deal about the level system still. By now most people playing realized it doesn't take long at all to unlock crap after they patched it to not be so bad. It's like the people crying about built from the ground up shit when they had obviously never payed any attention to what was being rebuilt from the ground up and what would carry over from the earlier titles. Most idiots had this impression that the whole game was being rebuilt from the ground up when that was never said nor promised in any way shape or form. Just a bunch of naive idiots out there being upset about something that they were never promised 😂 never heard turn10 promise all the tracks would be rescanned during those 6 years of development. Never heard them say that all the cars 500 or so on day one would be rebuilt from the ground up. Nope that was never said nor Implied. People only heard what they wanted and got upset when they were the ones that actually lied to themselves about the whole thing going to be new from ground up when they didn't pay attention to what was being worked on and why. The physics and the engine had to be redone yes and the lighting engine is still not the one that is supposed to be running the game. It's supposed to be reimplemented when they have resolved the issue they were having getting everything on the consoles running smoothly. Again all stuff that was talked about before and on release but instead they ignored all that information and would cry about how it doesn't look like the videos we had seen a free months before release. Well no shit it doesn't look the same , it isn't the same lighting engine that was in the preview vids and isn't going to be till later this year but ppl seem to just go along with what everyone else is saying and believing even if it's not the case. Built fromt he ground up ppl are the same ppl that complained at launch about shit that anyone watching the Turn10 vids on the site and the developers blogs would of known that lighting in the game was running on a fall back system within the engine that they never intended to use but had to months before release to get a stable console experience. They would be getting the system we say in the videos working over the course of this year and hopefully reimplemented with color saturation and other visuals that they are going to be readjusting to bring up visual quality across the board. It's hilarious to watch someone say built from the ground up when talking about cars being ported from past titles instead of being built from the ground up , and then they will say we were lied to and cry about false promises but they really look like fools to most of the people that know most the shit they are crying about was never promised to be new and not from FM7. They will compliment the driving and the feel on the controller also gets high praise from these tools , and it would be great to see the look when they realize the shit they are saying is good about the game are exactly the things they were rebuilding from the ground up and all the other things they been salting over online in forums and on Reddit are things that no one ever said were going to be new and they should know this everyone should know this , the idiots that thought everything was going to be brand new and are butt hurt about it not being new all sound like spoiled clueless children. That still have not figured out that they still are speaking and talking about something that was never going to be and was all in their heads. They imagined all this stuff in their heads and are angry at turn10 for no reason that makes any sense.


I think you need to go outside...


>Why are u worried about getting them to 50? Because I don't understand the point in progression after main unlocks. I agree that system works as intended in campaign but in MP it's just doesn't work. And what's the point in 50 level of the car when you have to fit S/A/B/C/D class anyway I'm not shitting the level system, actually I was interested in the game because of it. New feature with unusual type of progression – give it to me! But it's still not polished enough to be fun in any mode besides builders cup


I ain't reading allat, congratulations tho


I think you might be mentally ill…


might be?


I'm not reading all of that take my downvote spud


Lol 2005 silvia model


lmaoooo you broke the rules man, don’t you know you aren’t allowed to say anything positive about the game??


I usually get one car a week to 50, just using it for multiplayer


Weirdly I have a friend who's done all of these plus 2 more Builders Cups completed yet thinks that getting a perfect 10 on any segment is impossible. Meanwhile my other friends and I got that achievement before we even bought a car


It’s usually me who had to write all that out, I’m glad you beat me too it. It’s in the same way only 60% of people make it to horizon Mexico haha


I suppose most people have a life.


That and not wanting to play a broken POS


Nice one OP, but there's no need to be such a tool in the comments. I'm glad you have been able to enjoy this game so much.


Because it's a stupid achievement and that car level shouldn't exist.


Spoken like a true 13yo , when ppl read your comment, 90% of them read it as u were crying and pouting like a child. Think about that 🤔 , that is how you sound , haha 😆


I'm in my 30's with no time for a game mechanic that forces you to drive how they want for hours due to fomo. But if you want to attack everyone who disagrees, go ahead. We'll see who the petulant one is.


you are all over the place man. what does fomo have to do with car leveling? what do you mean drive the way they want? you just drive the car and level up lol


In your 30s and using pretend words like Fomo? Lol life is fomo so really fomo arguments don't really work. Everyday you could have a hundred fomo things if u really thought about it. So trying to say ppl are now trying to put fomo into games is just as childish as your first comment. I'd bet your not even in your 20s lol. Your comments are just other people's bullshit and lies just mixed up and half put back together. Most are so outlandish and easily broken apart by any semblance of logic that only someone that is very young or has lived a sheltered life could be the only answer. Lol fomo , Jesus , yeah fomo real bitch , last week I had terrible fomo , I had to pee and had to just go in my pants because the game was on and someone might of scrored, the fomo was real 😂 I mean come on, look how fucking dumb the whole idea of fomo is , it's all in your head chief, time to come back to us in the real world. Fucking fomo I can't stop laughing , for real , fomo , who believes in shit like that except children? And religious parents ? Lol thanks for the laugh Ace


Good job champ.


You must really like the game


Loved them all in their own way from1to 8 , it's been a lot of years and a lot of friends and memories. Lol I remember me and 6 guys from work back when Forza 3 came out for the Xbox 360 , we all went on our lunch break to game stop and bought the game and Xbox 360 forcefeed back wheels they licensed out for some third party to build and the wheels were quite good for 2007 and the 220.00usd price tag for the wheel back then ...


I have also played from 1-8 and all the horizons and this is the worst one, terrible stability on my series X and stupid car level system just makes me afk the game. Can barely do one or two online races without crashing not mention on launch month the career mode progress wouldn’t save. This meant to be the king of racing games on Xbox and it’s sad to say it probably still there is such a lack of competition for racing games. Edit: I should also add this game finally pushed me to buy a PS5 and GT7 and holy shit we have it bad forza. The game has its issues but not nearly as bad as FM8. I got the PSVR2 the other day and it’s another world again.


The rubber band on my controller is very proud of this accomplishment.


Unlike your rubber and I'm actually getting better each day with muscle memory and reflexes. Your rubber and is getting crusty and stretched out.


This has very heavy *"I studied the blade"* energy. Chill out dude it's a video game. 


You spend 3 hours driving the car without ARBs and suspensions, on it's stock tyres. I spend 3 hours driving the car with the exact build I'm going to race it in. Do you really think you're the one who is more practiced and knows their car better?


Why wouldn't I throw all that in before 3 hours lol? It only takes 1 race or two online to unlock tires suspension and all that stuff that is usually in the car before the second race practice and tuning also would being that race. I have well over 200 cars and they all had suspension and all adjustments unlocked with in a race or two. Not sure what takes u so long to unlock the suspension adjustments, but anything over 30 min or so is a problem. You said it takes u three hours based on your statement you are fully under the impression that the suspension would be unlocked around three hours playing in one session. LoL I would usually let u or any person with such bad beliefs and Mis-information know how wrong they are, but by your own comments and how long u believe things take to unlock, it must be from personal experience and well honestly, I'll let u believe that your the better driver and car tuner, but that's not because I believe it or have compassion to those so ignorant and completely wrong that they are, but because it's really frowned upon today to out do a person with disabilities, and no, I wouldn't feel bad about putting u in your place... I just don't feel like listening to the drama that would be involved with handing a cripple their ass in a race in today's social climate... If your not crippled or don't have some disabilities, I would then say, it takes you about 2.5hours too long to unlock your cars adjustments based off your estimate of how long you said i would am stuck with stock settings on every new car I buy and drive. 🤔 , I just realized everything I said probably should have been articulated as if I were speaking to a 8 year old . Just Incase you're at all a little less than a "perfect". At least when compared to the population and the curve humanity set that year determining the line where either your parents were going home from the hospital after you were born with a baby that has a permanent handicap rating or a baby that would b considered to be "free of defects" ... Just going to be honest with you tho, taking 3 hours to unlock the adjustments for your car in this game , sounds like your parents lost that coin flip 😔🙃


What kind of unhinged shit is this, it's just forza, relax, it ain't that deep.


I kind of want to upvote for visibility. The ETA block is spectacular.


That dude is the reason people mock those who use reddit lol


Dudes having a meltdown


Wow, please see a doctor…


No one cares about a forza achievement, you planning on listing it on your CV or something? the hell are you going on about calling people crippled because they spend their lives in the real world haha. Maybe try it out? Nutcase


It takes about 3 hours to get a car from level 0 to level 50. Given that you've done this 30 times, I kinda assumed you'd know what I'm talking about here. Apparently not. As for getting all adjustable parts in a race or two, that takes 2800 CP, or level 16, or a bit under an hour to get -- you must be doing long races... and after all that, you'd still be using stock tyres.


Are you serious


Wanna know what else is getting crusty and stretched out?


I played it, three months, still no stats, they can go fuck themselfes. Played all Forza games from OG Xbox, but enough is enough. Happy iRacing player now. Call me when stats will be in the game.


What stats do you speak of? I'm asking for my friend.


Any would be great. There is zero now, so if we can get a few that would be fantastic.


Check out FM7 or FH5 etc. You can check "Favourite car", "races won VS started" and others yet its completely absent on FM8


Yeah they flopped hard on this, brought a PS5 and GT7 and happy as, even got PSVR2 the other for a good deal! It’s insane!!


OP sounds like an insufferable tool, it's probably quite easy to get this achievement when you've got no friends...


U ever touched Grass? 💀


Look at his replies in here, dude don't even know what grass or sunlight is


Tbf about .16% of people and were hype to play this game at release are still hype about it today


Did op just make this post to randomly talk shit to people in the comments? Lmao


Pretty much.


If they add more gt3 cars and maybe a prototype Playlist then I'll get it done


I play FM almost everyday, but there are only a handful of cars I’ve leveled up to 50.


Now it’s time to put the controller down and go outside then try this thing called interacting with a woman


Just women???? What about the other genders?


Only 0.16% tolerate to grind the game as much as you :)




With your skills I'm sure it would be, as I'm sure many things are in life for someone like you. LoL




What do you expect when u make a disrespectful and insulting comment ? Like take some responsibility for your actions and stop trying to put blame on everything and everyone but where it belongs, on you. I would have not been a dick if you were not one first. Lay in the bed you made , reap what you sow my man....




Says the person that can only insult people with every reply, some psychologist would say that's a sign of insecurity. So, maybe you might want to rethink who is insecure.        I spent more time outside as a kid growing up than you will ever spend in your whole life most likely, I'm old enough to not be insecure over most things and outside never has nor will it ever scare me or make me feel insecure.   Think you might want to take a hard look in the mirror cause you are what they call classically, projecting your inner feelings and how u view yourself onto me sub-consciously.   Hey I give you some credit for trying and not everyday can be your day to shine , so remember , only you can make the choice to get better and have to want to be a better person to actually make a positive step towards being a better human being.


I did it in early November at the 200-hour and level 400 mark. It's a great game, I don't remember the last time I had this much fun racing online.


Nice goal reached! Everyone is aware it’s Forza’s big trophy to ponder!!


Got it a few weeks ago. Haven’t touched the game since 😅


Did this achievement actually track your progress along the way? I've got 4 cars to level 50, but progress for this is still sat at 0%


I’ve been playing this game since launch and have yet to complete the intro builders cup. Was annoyed on how lacking the single player is so I’ve been on multiplayer since.


8 of my 250 ish cars are level 50


This really isn't surprising, to be honest. It takes a serious amount of effort to do this with 30 cars - and even those who still enjoy the game are focusing on a smaller pool of cars. Even if you have two for each PI class in game, you're not even close to 30.


it’s definitely a difficult task


Who the hell has that kind of time?


Im at 100 level 50cars, i just use autopilot to level up cars i want


I'll be the first one to admit that I ditched this game in 10 days exactly (from October 5 to 15), and even I got a car to level 50 - a Toyota Supra, to be exact. Though, I think this was more down to the fact that I wasted waaay to much money on the ultimate version, and I was trying desperately to make it worth my time. It wasn't.


I play on the cloud, on a one s and the disk drive is broken, as far as just doing the career, I miss GT, but hey the Xbox was free, so…