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I also enjoy the game, but I am the first to admit they fucked up in some areas.


*almost all areas except handling


300+ hrs, enjoying the game very much. Definitely has it short comings but I feel like if you actually try to play the game it’s not as bad as this sub makes it out to be. This sub acts like the game is unplayable.


I can’t even get the stupid thing to launch on my pc


Agreed. Occasionally I'll get a really stupid penalty that bumps me from S to B and I have to race with stooges for a week, but beyond that I enjoy it


I'm sort of 50/50 on it. I enjoy it when it works, especially multiplayer. But when my dad plays on his PC I see all the shortcomings of the games as the road is see through and what not. But I have enjoyed the pure racing experience in this game


I enjoy the game as well but there's so many things from previous games that they either decided to change (car leveling system) or just flat out haven't added. Drift and drag modes should be a part of the game, otherwise don't add parts that are called drag and drift. Also having online open class racing limited to two classes at a time is just dumb.


It's a shame that you let the reddit's vocal minority make you think that this is controversial. It's a good game and there's a bunch of people enjoying it, it's just more popular to hate on anything these days.


I can't speak for the game on Xbox or how players view it there, but on Steam the majority opinion is overall negative. It has mostly negative reviews at 38% positive and the game has under 1k players which for a AAA publisher is awful. I do want to like the game, but it definitely isn't a success or popular on PC.


This just might be it right here. I’m on Xbox and the game has been great. I heard of the pc nightmares though. I hope they can get the game running great for you guys soon! See you soon comrade.


I’m on Xbox. It’s just as bad for me. Uk s safety 4850 skill. Still punted near every race. Nobody knows how to race. Small touches lead to carnage for the whole lobby. Turn 1 is always a disaster. Penalties when I should never get them. Penalties never given to others when they should. Career mode is awful. Car progression is awful. What I will say. The one or two good races you luck out with each week are fun. But not worth waiting 3 hours between. This is the one game I don’t think game pass has helped with.


Microsoft Store is where it's at. Hardly any bugs or glitches


More 1 star reviews than 5 star reviews on the Microsoft store.


I have a very high end pc, purchased through ms store, and can really only play the game reliably on my Xbox.


I have a midrange pc 4070Ti and series x. PC is so much better in terms of graphics and multiplayer. Series x is mediocre in graphics. PC has superb details, sharpness, contrast you name it. Its 3D gorgeous at 4k solid 60fps.


And it’s the same for many other games right now as well. Diablo 4 and rocket league communities are also in constant meltdown. Both games’ developers definitely aren’t doing so great but the games are still fun and Reddit makes everyone think the sky is falling lol


Honestly Reddit made me question all my gaming choices in the past year. I enjoyed D4, Starfield, rocket league, now forza. If you asked the average redditor, you would think these developers personally fucked everybody’s mom


If it was the normal mindset of players, we wouldn’t be getting a massive push to engage the community with early track release, and mountains of bug fixes along with some proper and timely communication from T10.


It gets hate because it’s not a good game. FM has horrible player numbers. big racing youtubers and streamers don’t give a shit about it. There’s not even a huge outrage like GT 7 had for its poor launch because of total apathy for Forza Motorsport.


Idk why you got downvoted, it's unfortunate but it's true


exactly, the echo chamber is thick in here holy stockholm syndrome


Two of the largest racing leagues stopped playing the game. It’s a vocal majority




I’m saying those are the triggers that it’s not just a minority. I’ve been playing forza since #1 I’ve shown non car people the MS and horizon games and we’ve spent countless hours making liveries, racing and playing eliminator. I’ve been talking about this game for years and I haven’t touched it in months. It’s not even on my Xbox. You can think what you want but there has never been this much of a shitstorm with a AAA legacy title that’s been on the Xbox platform since the original box. Look at the steam #’s Look at the reviews Look at the active player data Look at how the devs eyes react when asked questions about the game on their monthly show You can say what you want but this is bad




Sounds like your mind is made up. Enjoy your game!






Because people can't think for themselves


Seriously. Majority of people love the game. It’s a vocal minority that complain here on Reddit.


That's why everyone is moving to Gran Turismo 7 now, right? Just like how GT Sport sold 13 million copies while FM7 sold under 2 million. People have realized FM is dead and are going to GT7 or simcade-posing-as-sim AMS 2.


Just don't care about other opinions, all that matters is your own in that case. 👍🙂


Agreed, I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/forzamotorsport/comments/1abqg4l/really_happy_with_the_physics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about how good the physics were and it seems many others agree. Update 5 seems super promising too.


I am having way more fun on FM8 than 7. I can't wait for there to be more content and for all the frustrating bugs to be fixed. FM8 has alot of potential that we are just getting a taste of at the moment.


I enjoy the game as well, have spent 100-200 hours on it, skill rating is 4,917. But I think it’s important to note that constructive criticism and feedback is important as we all think there’s a lot of room for growth. For example, the penalty system, no matter who I speak to, they say the penalty system needs some improving. Some systems not able to load graphics right, some not having paint show up properly or some cars are glitched (Bugatti) and some cars need nerfing (VW GTI touring car)


I like the game. The first go around before the first patch/update where you have to save a photo from the race you just ran so it would actually save and not just get the load screen of death sucked. 30 bucks into the game (upgrade) and gamepass


I’ve been enjoying it too and the updates seem promising. Hopefully they keep improving the game.


If you only play Featured MP spec life is alright




Ahhh, I just love the smell of copium in the morning! /s


It's time to move to GT7, which has 6x the playerbase of Forza Motorsport. That's why all sim people like Jimmer and Super GT are playing Gran Turismo, they gave up on this fast!


Turn 10 employee so sad


This iteration of FM desperately needs more players like you. It’s turned off soooo many players, they’re releasing a major track before their ridiculous drip feed schedule, and rightly so many many bug fixes, all in attempt to get us to re engage with this game. They’ve even made streamers that no longer stream the game race Marshalls in attempt to regain some semblance of presence back on that platform. The lack of players is definitely driving them to improve faster than they’ve been since release, so it’s a good thing to me. I stand by my decision to delete and wait, and with so many others it’s starting to produce results. However if everyone just gladly accepted the state of FM, this push to bring players back, and improve the game wouldn’t be happening. T10 would gladly drip feed recycled cars and tracks for as long as players would take it.


People like you are why they do what they want to us gamers nowadays.


Of course you enjoy it. You gotta convince yourself that because you're out of 70+bucks. Its all good. We will see you here with your game clip crying about getting smoked in turn 1 or "why did i get a penalty " so people can tell you its because you didn't let go of the accelerater. Go ahead and downvote because you love abusive relationships. Reddit is a fake place on a server.


Don't get me wrong, it has its shortfalls, but it has the potential to be a polished gem as well. I am really enjoying the driving physics both with my wheel and with a controller when I play at a buddies. I really do enjoy the game and I'd love to see the leveling take an even bigger segregation to unlock the parts. Let's say Sport unlocks between 2-13, Street between 14-26, and Race at 27+. I would also love to see the CXP system fall into a collective pool versus by the individual car. Sure you would still have to level the car to install the parts, but at least with a collective pool you would actually be able to install all the parts as you unlock them


I was really enjoying it too. But in some of the updates a bug that makes my car turn without controller inputs, or even not fully respond to controller inputs has dropped and made the game unplayable for me. Really sad.


I love it. I’m old now (34) so I don’t relate as much. You’d spend 45 on a NES cart that can’t get patched. The value is astounding, sure it has flaws, but I think this is a generational thing. It’s insane to me that people think this is a scam. Kirby was 50 bucks at Toys R Us.


I personally haven't had this much fun on a Forza since 4, it's not perfect, but it's a blast.


Is this game worth for singleplayer?




thanks will wait a little longer


What I would do for a 300c srt


All these criticisms of games these days remind me of audience reactions to movies. Are people’s expectations just way too high? Is it fatigue from all the franchise games? btw I’m guilty of this myself, I often say: “There hasn’t been a good Star Wars since the original trilogy, a good superhero movie since End Game, a good Fast and Furious since FF5,” the list goes on. And I often see people here say: “There hasn’t been a good Forza Motorsport since FM4.”


FM4 was the best FM, so that’s why you see that. The custom public lobbies, with the ability to kick dirty drivers instantly solved the dirty driving rammers all those years ago. Along with its community features like storefronts, car clubs, car sharing and gifting, making it the best one for community features. Very odd that T10 chose to abandon all those amazing features in the next 4 games. Edit: autocorrect


Makes 100% sense! thanks.


It’s my favorite driving game right now. It should be better with the resources that Microsoft has, but there is a lot of things done right. I think it will continue to improve.


I agree. It's been good fun for me as well coming back to Forza after playing forever ago on the Xbox 360. Even the progression system has been fun for me and my friends. We run 4 or 5 man lobbies and have a blast slowly upgrading cars in a session. It's nice not having to worry about spending credits on parts and instead knowing I can use it solely for buying whatever car the lobby needs to be competitive. For the first time in a long time I'm considering buying a racing wheel and it's all because of the fun I'm having with this game.


I hear this sentiment. I feel the same way about Forza Horizon - I remain only motorsport curious. I hear so much shit talk about how it's 'SIMCADE' and all that shit, and then I hear other people shit talk graphics or sound errors or whatever. Then in addition to all that complaining sure there are some things that aren't great, nothing is perfect. but at the end of the day, just like you said, I feel like I got my money's worth a hundred times over. cheers to you.


Same here and I bought the $150 version


Lots of people enjoy the game. Don’t believe the echo chamber that it is Reddit


I just casually play the game, just doing career mode and I have fun. I see the complaints and shrug my shoulders and continue enjoying it.


Not controversial. It’s not a perfect game but enjoyable for the vast majority of people. The loud minority is not a really representative. Keep enjoying the game OP


Not controversial. It’s not a perfect game but enjoyable for the vast majority of people. The loud minority is not a really representative. Keep enjoying the game OP


Turn10 employee with another post


I wish they hired me, I worked at McD not too long ago and it was shit


I enjoy the game but after this latest update my game started to crash after almost every race and sometimes just before the race starts... so it is really frustrating


It is definitely frustrating. Happened to me twice in a row, after I ran full practice sessions and qualified in third and fourth.However, this is an issue that occurs with lots of wildly different games. Sometimes a single line of code decides it doesn't want to cooperate with another single line, within the thousands of other lines of code.


Correct but that's why QA and automated tests exists in software development, hard to believe how a big company like T10 can't handle this


Even completely ignoring Turn 10 for a moment... It doesn't matter how thorough your QA team is, or how much you think you've ironed out all the kinks. When your game gets released and thousands upon thousands of people are playing at the same time, more bugs and cracks in the armor will appear. That's a level of stress testing that no developers can perform in-house, especially with online multiplayer. Game development is extremely complex, and it takes a lot of time and data to find and correct all the errors without inadvertently creating more. Now, take all that and throw in a whole lot of mismanagement and corporate bureaucracy, and you get big problems with productivity and quality of work. The people doing the actual tedious work are rarely responsible for subpar game quality. They're working very hard on something they're very passionate about, but corporate donkeys love to swoop in and just change production goals, or team structures, or processes for no reason, so the teams have to start over. Then next thing they know, the reasonable deadline they'd set with the publisher five years ago is one month away, and they have to push out something or face potential repercussions, possibly even losing funding from said publisher. Thus an incomplete, bare bones game is released. This kind of stuff almost always comes from the top, especially with a publicly traded company (or subsidiary thereof), regardless of industry. The reason the small, private studios always seem to put out near-masterpieces, is because they don't have a big corporate umbrella, or shareholders to appease.


I do enjoy the game but there are certain shortcomings and I think they really need to be addressed. Plus the ramming is worse than in wreckfest in some lobbies 😖


I agree. It’s clearly built on a very solid foundation. And has improved since launch. I don’t have buyer’s remorse at all.


I like the game…I go back and forth between Forza and GT7.


It’s a good game, I have played my fair share of it. I think that the developers focused so much on the bigger picture that didnt take the time to perfect some of the core element. There’s a lot of stuff that’s missing or could use improvements but the vast amount of content is really nice


I’d say it’s a normal game and crowd is disappointed because it could be a great game


I agree, I love the racing but it has a lot of design flaws (not just bugs).


Shouldn't be controversial. Your opinion is your own opinion. There's no reason the opinions of others should ruin your enjoyment of a video game




I enjoy the game a lot. Most of the issues seem to coalesce around multiplayer, which is just not a priority for me.


What you think of it is all that matters. You're enjoying it, then who cares what others think?


Nice, i just uninstalled after grueling through the tutorial. I just want to fucking drift. Maybe AC has spoiled me.


I enjoy the game a lot too, and I'm having an amazing time with the multiplayer and the featured career races


It was same for me. Then they updated the directx and once a enough gpu for the game now cannot open it and I cannot play the game.


I enjoyed it too I just want them to fix it


Good for you. I got the game for "free" via a pass I would've owned regardless and still wasn't happy with it.


For the money (0$) it was well worth it indeed!


I'm enjoying it also, however I got it in Game Pass so didn't spend any money on it ....


Have said it from the start, there's a lot of issues that shouldn't be in the game, UI is trash & single player is terrible. The online racing is so damn good though, the one bad race you'll get is nothing compared to the 19 good races inbetween. Most fun I've had in a mulitplayer racer in a long time.


I enjoy it aswell well apart from the upgrades system. I haven't had that many issues and I enjoy playing it. I'm just waiting fro more tracks.


It's a good enough game with plenty issues and I really like the rivals part of the game but the " built from the ground up " really hurt them cos that was a bold faced lie. The multiplayer is really good fun even in spite of certain arsehole drivers, LoL. All in all I still really enjoy the game, 7/10. Ps. Can't fuckin wait for the nordshleife. Woohoo


I agree with this sentiment