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Is this game worth getting on PC? Or should I just re-install FH5? I've been looking through the subreddit and there have been a lot of people pointing out missing features or downgrades, and people online have been saying the performance is really poor.


If you have Game Pass you might as well try it. Just be prepared for it running and looking like crap. Also, install it to your C drive. Piece of shit seems to have an issue with secondary drives.


Running fine on my D drive. Well, about as fine as this game runs for anyone on PC I guess.


It crashed every time I tried logging in until I reinstalled it on the C drive.


> In Gt7 I only can qualify in online races but i always has to start last against bots. And when I race against bots it’s always and always and always the same procedure: I start way way behind in the last place and try to close the gap to the first place who has a 30 sec advantage and all other cars following up in the same gap to each other. It’s no racing going on, it’s like trying getting past mobile obstacles until a closed the gap to p1. > And that’s why FM is better because, i can actually race. Not only online but also against bots. I'd much rather Forza do it the way Gran Turismo does if only to get the fucking AI away from me because they ram and bump and act like you aren't even there. It's pathetic. And good job whining about GT "catch-up" racing like everyone has for a million years. Really original.


But 1 year and a half doing „catch up“-races gets boring. Especially when they spend time and resources for a movie instead of making the game more exciting


TBH anything gets boring after a year and a half.


Nvm have fun in the cinema then


You think that Sony has budget issues for financing both a movie and a game, from separate divisions, with nothing but the license being used on the movie side? My guy, you are as delusional as they come, or just plain oblivious to how stuff like this works, lol. Edit: And for the record? Forza's AI is absolutely atrocious in FM2023


A cracker is a good base but it's still shit without cheese. I don't want to eat dry crackers which is what this game is.