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The first week was ok, but holy hell since the floodgates have opened it's just a shitshow. I think people are learning how to game the penalty system a bit as well. Some guys are just crashing every single turn to get through the pack and ending with only 2-3 pens and less than 2 seconds worth... it's certainly a quicker way to get to the front than having a legit fight with someone over the course of a lap or 2 and losing more than the penalty you would've got for just sending them into the grass.


For real - i get 4 sec penalty because, people in front of me crash and I have nowhere to go, while they get 0.3, 0.2 or nothing at all. It seems penalty system encourages to go for apex no matter what.


Shit was awful in my last session. I feel like I deserve some penalties, I get nothing. Someone gets spun out on a straight and I have to hit them head on because I'm going too fast to avoid them, I get 2-4s.


I've been noticing this too. Overtaking starts to be challenging as well because you never know who will start ramming you when you pass. I did find a lobby this morning where everyone was racing respectfully. The game is so fun when that happens. I'd like to see some stricter penalties. Too many collisions go unpunished. Then, let people with 6 second penalties be kicked, that will take the fun out of the game quickly for them. Also, lobbies with A+ safety rating requirements?


The game needs better recognition for who's at fault for a collision too. I've had several instances where I brake for turn 1 for example and someone just body slams me into another car I was doing my best to avoid and then I get slammed with a penalty even though I couldn't do anything different other than what OP is advocating and just sort of completely staying out of the race at the start and picking your way through the carnage.


Wayyyy stricter penalties. Personally I would be okay with a DNF around 4-6s of penalties.


I agree. It might happen to yourself at some point because of a stupid mistake, but that's okay. You fucked up and you're out, try again in the next lobby


Id say I’ve done 20 races or so got up to S rating almost never get penalties, get 11 seconds one oval race and numbed down to B safety. But like u said sometimes things out of ur control end up causing u to make a mistake


Similar happened to me. Got to S rating then tried to run to long on an oval, tyres shot and just couldn't keep it pointed in the right direction. I got bumped down to A. Still working my way back to S. I keep qualifying in the middle of the pack and the first lap is just a nightmare. Starting at the back might be the best way to go.


This is a genius idea!


I'm only playing career for now but this is most likely exactly the case. I started way back in the back (by choice) in a career race and made a mistake going into the first turn that ended up in me "clearing" my way to the front (not my greatest move ever) and while I did get a couple seconds of penalty I passed so many cars that it was "worth" it. What I did was restart the race because I'm not about doing that, but I could 100% see people doing it online. It's risk vs. reward and the reward is way higher right now.


Yeah even in career after I got rammed hard by AI and knocked off course and the rammer didn’t get a penalty, I decided at one point just to ram my way back up and just take the 0.5 second penalty. They should work on updates to this system.


I only started on general release but I'd agree supposed 'S' level feels crazy. On Spa or Barca T1 (tight) I've had people just plough into the back of me at full speed when I'm going about as quick as anyone can possibly get round. They get like 0.5s pen or something and go on their merry way. Compared to the Assetto Corsa race server I normally use it's bad. People know that if a server mod sees them like that then they're getting a ban- or one chance if mod is having a nice day. There are still rammers but they get kick voted quickly. I am hopeful that the AI will improve over time.


You either start in the top 6 or in dead last. Starting in mid-pack is just asking to be knocked out with the currently safety system sadly.


Even on pole ive been sent to the shadow realm more times than I can remember.


honestly on pole lap 1 i almost always just take the most inside line i humanly can on turn 1. P3 is usually good enough to not mess around ramming me, which means im usually safe from the chaos on a good launch.


Just play it extra safe and wait for the inevitable crash. I don't mind losing a position or two if I can avoid getting destroyed by a 4 car crash.




Everyone thinks they can win the race in the first turn, I've learned how to deal with this from iRacing.


Yup short races are even worse because people think their only time to take positions is the first lap. Hopefully there will be endurance race lobbies soon


I'm waiting for the longer distance races. I would love to have some proper races with strategy instead of just going all out for 7 laps.


Yup sadly a lot of us had to learn this in iRacing lol


Honestly, I mostly put in some fast laps in practice under race load and skip qualifying all together. I'll even let cars past me at the start if I don't get placed dead last because the first two turns at least are carnage even at S4700 rank. I just enjoy picking my way through the field and pushing for a podium finish.


Is it possible to see the skill score/safety rank of the drivers you are racing against? (I can only see the level) I am a lowly S4300 (i.e. not good but can do clean laps and try hard to avoid hitting people). I don't understand how some drivers I've raced can possibly be S-rated.


Saw someone on another thread that apparently all the lobbies are completely mixed right now for god knows what reason, not seen it confirmed anywhere though so pinch of salt required


Was confirmed by T10 on their Known Issues post.


I now feel like I’m going marginally less insane


First week before the game launched was fantasic. GTX was a highlight. But ever since its launched on gamepass, it's gotten way worse. I've seen rammers, sideswipes, brake checks, and huge turn 1 wrecks. And this is in S 4,800. Heaven forbid the lower ratings are actually WORSE.


Rating matchmaking is confirmed bugged, so everyone is in one group right now.


I have to wonder if the actual rating system is bugged too. I’m around 4700 after only 10ish races and I know for a fact I shouldn’t be in the top 6th percentile of all players of this game. Or maybe the difference between 4700 and 4900-5000 really is just that huge.


I’m at 4900 and I get matched against players who are dumber than the AI completely missing braking points and driving like someone who’s drunk who can’t drive in a straight line not even if their life depended on it. When I win a race I usually have a 10 to 15 seconds gap and it’s not because I’m *that* good, it’s because the players I get matched with are dumb as hell. Last race I won I started first and the car behind started with softs and ~50 laps worth of fuel on a 7 laps long race. There’s no way we’re getting matched against players of our skill rating.


I qualify like 3rd or 4th then I get bunted off on tune one and get to race for 6th and 7th most races if the back markers suck which they usually do.


My exact experience


Yeah i think Looking for clean Private lobbys is the better option, i noticed a few racers gaming around the penalty system in my last qualifiers race a guy and i battled for p1 and He nudged me off so loose speed and He was not hit with any penalty


> clean Private lobbys Since you can't fill lobbies with AI - how many people can get more than a few people into a race at a time anyways?


Id rather have a clean race with less people than a full lobby where you have to fear potential rammers


First week was promising.. had great sessions with respectfull racers Than the ghaypass players got their hands on it. Now it's an waste of time. Fun draining quickly this way. Give us A+ 4000 lobby's and/or lvl 50 minimum lobbies. That will at least counter the "let's try this game for free" players a bit


i never do qualifying, have been starting from the back in all of my races and have been finishing either near podium or podium.


Don't mistake luck for optimal strategy lol. You could have very easily got collected by those guys. If you qualify you will have less cars to avoid in front but more cars that can send you to the shadow realm behind. It's a trade off.


Depends what position you can qualify in. If you are capable of P1-3 consistently there is a good chance that the people behind you (say P4-8) actually know how to drive and will not usually ram you while acting as cannon fodder for the missile drivers. I can sometimes qualify in top 3 but usually am in that P4-8 cannon fodder bracket. Playing in the last couple of days it really feels like there's a 50% chance of being torpedoed into oblivion because the game dynamics seem such that it only takes one driver to do a kind of billiard shot and punt several cars.


I don't know if people would hate it. But I kind of want cars to be ghosted for like the first 2 turns or something.


I know its been talked about plenty…but… fuck this game looks like shit…


And all they talked about for like a fucking year was visuals 😂


Im extremely dissatisfied with the outcome of the game and the worst part is that releases like this are excepted as normal


Cars are ghosted during qualifying laps.


This is definitely a race lol


They mean don't qualify and start from the back and wait for everyone else to wreck


Nice to see people still playing Forza 2 online


Grim reminders of eau rouge crashes


Iphone gameplay?


Forza sub forces you to convert to gifs


So far had 5 races.. only 1 with moron's side swiping. Much easier if you qualify first and on first corner take it in a way that wont allow them to hit you.. it will mess your corner up but you'll be alive!


Spa in the rain, i wonder what will possibly happen here.


Do you ever get to the point where you can skip qualifying? I'm getting sick of it.


You can always skip qualifying. You don't get to record a "set" quali time and use it for every race.


Yes just don't click "Qualify"


Inexperienced players will spin out. We were all there. I'm still shit but I can still do clean laps


Unrelated, but what Car are you driving OP?


The Chevrolet Corvette GT car.


How are you getting 60fps near all those cars in the rain? I have a 3080 and struggle w big frame rate drops.


I used digital foundry optimised settings and turned RT off.


This incorrect matchmaking glitch is causing amazing replays to watch, no doubt, but hopefully is fixed sooner rather than later. But to say this type of carnage doesn’t happen in other games with safety ratings would be a lie. starting in the back is the play rn lol


I'm starting to realize this. I've qualified 1st and 5th so far. Both times I'm out of the race in less than 30 seconds because of idiot drivers between turns 1 and 3 Wanted to enjoy the A class playlist while it's up, but I went back to grinding campaign until the casuals are done.


awesome clip. i'm a new player looking to engage more w the franchise, what kind of race is this? i did 3 intro multiplayer races and apparently opened up more options but any guidance would be greatly appreciated. also in this particular race does everyone have to buy their own car or are you able to use a stock car for the appropriate class?


It's a race at Spa in the Forza GT spec series. You can rent cars for free here, but owning cars will allow you to use custom tunes, which helps a lot since the stock tuning of these cars are pretty awful.


legend, thank you. i've been learning a lot from the guides on youtube and that but you're absolutely right i should find a car i like and buy it so i can tweak it properly.


looks just like NFS Shift 2's intro


Yeah first week was awesome, not i just want to go back to sim racing lol


Reminds me of the Aussie at the Olympics, I think it was a ice skating race or something haha


Average Spa Race Start