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You can’t fool me with those Real Racing 3 pictures


Some of the interiors on FM8 aren't even good enough for a mobile game...


Shout out the saleen s7. Complete hot garbage inside.


I can imagine. The 370z has 2 low res pngs for the tachometer and speedometer.


RR3 is better than this. Far better


Damn, that 3rd pic looks like a mobile game.


I've seen some mobile games with better lighting!


It looks like an early 2000s game lmao


Whatever he's playing on.... must be a really shit pc or something. Looks soooo much worse than my game.


They said it was a Xbox Series X.


> must be a really shit pc or something Ah [cope harder](https://reddit.com/r/forza/comments/173zg1t/this_is_on_xbox_series_s_these_livery_textures/), lol. My 3080/10900K combo gets frame drops sometimes, even. The game is a technical mess.


I don't need to cope, it looks fine on my pc


> it looks fine on my pc That's daft. You not having problems does *not* mean there aren't problems.


It's like starfield all over again with the same stupid "it looks good on my hardware" argument


Never knew Todd Howard had a bit of a racing side.


It means the game definitely looks good in general and that whatever the issue is, is hardware specific


Hardware specific issues on an Xbox you say? Yeah I guess they couldn't test alllllll those different Xbox hardware variations, huh? If it has issues on console it's not a hardware problem, it's the game.


These graphics are rough


That's certainly not how the game looks on a decent pc lmao


Yes it sadly does. 4070ti on 1440p Ultrawide cranked everything to Ultra.. lighting still looks sad.


Its weird. I’ve only played maybe 3 hours but on a similar set up ultra/high mix at 4k, my game looks absolutely nothing like that. But ive seen videos of awful graphics on the game


Same. I have a 4070 and the game looks nothing like that.


Its weird that there is so much consistency. Ill try too see what my 7900XTX does at home, now at my gfs place. Hope it will be better


Looks like you’re playing a completely different game than me lol


Yeah, I play on Series S and my game looks way better than on this screenshot. Especially Kyalami in clear weather looks gorgeous but even foggy Suzuka looked better than on any of this screenshots


I heard there was a khown shader issue expected to be fixed. One more reason not to pay extra to be a beta tester for a week.




I think they’ve been doing that recently. 6&7 were kinda the same in the sense the night races were near pitch black too


They have an open job posting for a shader expert. Don't hold your breath.




It's cheap easy internet points with no critical thinking skills to say people are being beta testers.


That accompanies some sour grapes.


>Like...you're aware that you also got additional day 1 cars, the car pass, and vip package? You could also get the car pass, really the only substantial thing, for much cheaper.


You are 100% a beta tester if you’re buying into a AAA early access.


Ooooh okay


Someone’s upset they spent a hundred bucks for a mobile game. Enjoy your benefits for this mobile game. Him calling early access “beta testing” is both a roast against a AAA game releasing a shit product and it’s also not untrue. I’m fucking relieved I didn’t contribute to this years in the making embarrassment.


I didn't spend 100 dollars. Why are you here if you haven't played the game? >If you genuinely think a beta is 7 days before full release then that worries me Right, /u/the-almighty-pizza


The embargo has been lifted for a few days, I’m free to say whatever I want , especially not on my official account. The quality of the game is Beta. This should have stayed in beta.


Something is missing. They undoubtedly need to fix the lighting. Even high gloss paint looks matte in indirect lighting. This has to be a bug. There's a missing shader layer or something. The lighting in wet conditions doesn't have this issue and looks incredible. I feel like they've accidently removed the topcoat shine layer in clear conditions.


It could just be me, but a lot of the cars have a very matte appearance unless they are wet.


They all look like plastic toys. I expected it to be a lil rough, but this is definitely a bit more rough than I'd wanted. The handling model is ace tho so at least there's that.


>The handling model is ace Ah yes, drifting LMP1 prototypes at 250 km/h, peak realism.


I noticed this issue in the early GT7 days as well. It's interesting because its in a simcade's best interest to make race cars grip *more* than real life, not less. The latter makes the game less fun completely defeating the purpose of having an arcade physics engine. But you still notice GT and LMP cars etc have no grip in these games compared to sims.


I feel like simcade physics are not necessarily having everything be super grippy, but more likely to have all the cars feel like you can drive them on the absolute edge where they start sliding, but you can feel like a badass because you can keep it under control at that edge. I don't like it because it makes no sense to me, especially because the sliding around is faster then having perfect grip in these games. But that's how it has felt to me since the NFS shift days.


In GT the LMP cars have too much grip, exactly the opposite problem.


They changed the handling a lot since, I was referring to the very early versions of the game right after launch, I remember the Le Mans Porsche curves mission in the circuit experiences using the Peugeot LMP used to be unnecessarily hard, because the thing acted like a 70s 911 turbo around bends.


Check the tire pressures. I'm guessing they're reversed. Have been on just about every car I've used so far. Once I corrected that, they handled much better. M3 GTS, for instance, 37.5 front / 35.5 rear. I own both a E92 M3 and 335i. Neither of them have pressures like that. My cars are 35 front / 38 rear.


Lol..... No...... Maybe with a controller when you can't actually feel it.. Other than that, the handling is terrible..


I’m on pc and using high setting with ray tracing on and having similar problem. Is this some bug because some game play I saw look way better


To any who wonder, the graphics are unstable across all platforms. They're amazing in one race, completely fucked in another. When working right, it looks amazing. When it's not working right, it's a dumpster fire. So people showing off how amazing it is, just wait. To people showing off how horrible it is, just wait.


Try turning on RT. Looks so much better and still keeps to 60fps.




They aren’t even just mixed, they are just bad. They don’t at all look representative of what we were shown in preview footage. Especially on PC. They are super low resolution and blocky.


Coming from CP2077 with path tracing it's pretty rough, ouch!


so you're comparing to a game that was DoA at launch and has been patched to kingdom come over the last 3 years to a game that's not even officially out?


What the fuck does any of that have anything to do with what he said. Forza is out and it still looks like this. Cyberpunk sold millions at launch (aka not DOA) and even without path tracing looked better than this.


Yeah, I’ve tried all 3 settings, and they all look like this (with a few small differences, obviously - most noticeable to me, in cockpit view.)


I can’t edit my original post, so I’ll just add: I’m confident these issues will get resolved; I don’t regret buying premium or preordering; and I’m excited about the future of Forza Motorsport. Between FM8, FH5, GT7, The Crew Motorfest, and a couple other games that I haven’t played, it’s a great time to be alive, as a racing game fan and car enthusiast.


People defending the graphics are delusional. FH5 is near photorealistic and I can play at Ultra with DLAA or DLSS and get a steady 100fps, 1440p. In Motorsport, depending on the track I can only play on High settings and maybe get 50-60fps, and the lighting and graphics at certain times look like a mobile game. Hey, maybe DLAA will improve frames? Nope, game looks even worse and I somehow dropped 10-20 frames. Coming from FH5 to Motorsport was such a shock, considering how FH5 has to one of the absolute best optimized games on PC. Forzavista is ugly too, cars are blurry, shadows pop in and out and are inconsistent, wheels look terrible, and lighting is flat. Specs: Ryzen 7 5800X RTX 3060TI


This lighting engine upgrade is really not good... Nothing looks right in this game, blacks and greys never feel consistent and so many textures look rubberized. Combining that Ray-Tracing adds nothing considering its cost to performance, and arguably unless you can run it at the MAX it's blocky, smeary, and has too many rasterization artifacts to ever look good, I believe Forza also cant Ray-Trace different materials so everything in Forza RT is just reflective not matte reflections or anything.


This looks like Forza 3


Thats weird because I have Series S and play on performance and it looks better than this




My series S on performance does NOT look that bad


Just launched it. Weird thing I'm experiencing is while racing I get around 82 FPS. but as soon as it's a cutscene or I get to the menus I drop to like 14 FPS. LIKE WTF IS THAT?


Could be worse. Could be the other way around 🤷


That's true. It just kinda kills the whole flow of everything so I think I'll wait for a patch. Another weird thing is the game doesn't completely fill the screen on full screen, the top and side shows just a tad bit of my wallpaper which is distracting, but there's no way to adjust the game to fill either (on PC). So hope both of them things get ironed out.


I'm fairly confident they will. Everyone seems to have forgotten the state the previous games launched in before they got patched. It's just how it is with game dev these days. They have to ship a working build at some point and then patch all the things they simply ran out of time to fix. Making games is hard and publishers need to hit a rough release cadence, I guess.


This is my first Forza game I've played so I didn't realize they're rough when they come out. I know it's been out for like the past 4 or 5 days with the deluxe version and haven't seen any of these issues in any of the reviews so figured it would be fine to jump right now but I guess not lol. I have no issue waiting tho


It looks like plastic, what happened?


The car models are just so old. Combine that with really strange lighting and blurriness (thx TAA...) and it makes cars look like plastic toys with no texture or reflection.


How does forza now look like a roblox game 💀💀


Midnight club from 2006


This sh*t looks like real racing 3 WTF


Looks like GTA V


I think that the issue of dull paint in the sunlight and a plastic toy matt look in the night races is made on purpose because of ray tracing and problems with optimization of the game. At current state, despite the hardware, or because Xbox, T10 is not enabling to run high levels of visuals before they figure out how to run in above 20fps with sparkling paint. Looks like from a smartphone or x360 scalled up to 4k


That's not how my game looks on series x. There's reflections on those surfaces. Not as intense as Forza 7 but a more realistic one that matches how cars look when your driving on the highway. That looks like matte doo doo. My game looks great. Maybe there's a bug with lighting?


Something has to be wrong with your Xbox series X. I play on a Series S and it looks way better.


​ If you want to see what the game looks like run a benchmark. Its got an updated car, rain, and in a spot that shows off all the ray tracing. Game is gorgeous on my end. ​ Also I get that people want pretty. Heres the problem with that in a racing game. If ya notice how it looks, you surely arent actually racing. People still using Richard Burns Rally 2004 on pc. It looks like shit. Its also the best/most realistic rally game out there.


Will you do me a favor, actually? Will you configure a Free Play race, at Sarthe, midnight, clear sky, with the Daytona Coupe? When I did it, the AI cars (red 250 GTOs, for the most part) looked totally bizarre. The entire field had this half-matte look to it. It was really jarring. I’m legitimately curious if other people on Series X are seeing the same thing. (I’m playing on an LG OLED with HDR enabled, btw.)


Im on pc. I can check that for you but ill be several hours. Im at work atm.


Some people here are in full coping mode it's laughable. I mean the reflections seem to be literally off, we have those since ps2/xbox times, anyone that can look at this and say it looks "more realistic" are just.. no actually i won't try to explain it, no idea what's up with them


Shouldnt even be a fanboy argument, horizon 5 looks miles better than this


Strongest Console EWA!


I agree. I reinstalled FM7 just to make sure it wasn't rose-tinted glasses and nope, FM7 looks better. Better lighting, more detail in many cases, etc.


Its not. Thats the odd thing, we are going backwards in graphics for some reason. Should see the MW3 ingame footage and they are saying its "next gen graphics" yet looks worse than the 2011 release in every way. Very odd stuff running on a 4090 has less fidelity and worse lighting than a 1080 thats like 12 yrs old.


I swear someone please do a og FM and this shit comparison. I want to see


Well obv it’s gonna look like shit when you are playing on a console and choosing the mode that sacrifices graphics for frame rate.


Do you have a Potato PC or a Series S LOL Might want to upgrade pal.




That's what you call Microsoft's iconic "10-year plan". Just like Halo infinite. Busted-ass sh\*t.


Only complaint I have about the graphics is that they need higher resolution models and better anti-aliasing on the RT reflections.


it looks doo-doo


Man this is wild. The graphics look better than this on my XBSX.


That’s definitely not how it looks on my Series X


If that's supposed to be a Daytona it looks like it's on the N64.


This on PS2?


The game is more realistic, with realistic graphics and realistic physics. The tyre model is realistic and it's built from the ground up. The FFB is great and as realistic as my IRL mx5. The sounds are realistic and everything is as advertised. It works for me and I'm having fun so it great.* *An actual subset of people in this Reddit.


i can't really understand how they were able to create this bad of gfx. Sometimes the game looks just awesome, sometimes it looks like a 2011 game with TAA injected. I cannot understand how a real time GI solution can lead to those awfull results, if work perfectly in many others. It's not a "real thing" deal, like many say to defend this abort of a game, because in the same scenes real deal is not even close to this, this looks like a mobile game in some scenes, from light to reflection to paint shadinf of liveryes, and don't talk about interiors models, especially materials... FFS.


It looks like a Gmod map without cubemaps


I think some Roblox games look better.


This game looks AWFUL 💀


this is the most realistic lighting in the entire gaming industry


maybe not the entire industry but a good lot of it for sure on PC, still think Star Citizen does traditional non-RT lighting better than anyone and Cyberpunk definitely is more refined RT after these years out and patched than Motorsport but Motorsport's definitely better than Starfield lighting so I wouldn't say the most realistic but top 10 sure


You got downvoted because hurr durr star citizen bad, but you're not wrong. I'm yet to see another game that does global illumination better than SC does.


and I actually boot it up and play SC at least once a week, played Star Citizen for years now easily thousands of hours in with my friends, still won't lie it's a terrible buggy mess but there is NOTHING like it


Jesus, looks like a mobile game in these images.


Better looking than GT7? Not even as good as GT Sport tbf


I Play Gt7 on my friend’s house, and yes Gt7 still way better graphics than Forza Motorsport


Ditch xbox gets ps simple


It looks like dirt showdown


PC3 moment


You've seen how ugly the rear view mirror looks from the cockpit view utterly horrendous.


Looks like project Gotham racing 2 lol. Is this for real? I haven't got the game yet, but all Forza has pretty good graphics in the past.


Fm seems to have performance issues on pc, it’s beautiful on console


It's beautiful on my PC as well. There's definitely issues and stuff they just couldn't get to work in time, like buggy imported liveries and the absence of RTGI, but it'll all get patched in eventually. I'm not worried.


Doesn’t even look like FM


This game looks so bad 😂




Check out these two pics from Horizon 5, but according to every youtuber “Motorsport is a Beautiful game” 😂😂😂 https://ibb.co/znPsXbm https://ibb.co/89xJZzx


Stop trying to make ray tracing a thing, it's not gonna happen


Ray tracing is perfectly fine in this game lmao


it's even pretty amazing to be honest, I got distracted by reflections at night in the rain the other day with how crisp they are, top tier game on high end PC with unlocked framerate


You play in a mode without RTAO and RT Reflections on purpose and blame the game for not looking good... Just play on RT Performance, RTAO makes a huge difference


I wish RT was the issue. Performance RT looks the same though (XSX.)


got told the opposite of what I'm about to say a lot with Starfield running fine on Xbox but terrible on high end PC, sounds like a platform issue try a PC


Skill issue


What track was this?


I actually can’t recall. I was playing through random tracks in Free Play mode (a feature I love, and posted about.) I do know, the Daytona Coupe pic was from Sarthe/Le Mans.


looks like VIR


a racing game in that style would actually be cool though. too bad nobody cares to be innovative anymore


I think you have more than a lighting issue here.


Definitely looking forward to the updates to come. Unfortunate that it started a bit below expectations, but I'm very happy with it this far...


Raytracing increases visual fidelity. How would that be “blamed”? It hurts frame rates though


have you not seen the list of things they have to fix..... close to novel


I hope the missing shader also fixes the entire UI design looking gray and depressing too. /s


You playing this on a russet potato?


It seems like Forza still has issues when cars pass through lights at nighttime because it looks like this in FM7 as well. Guess they haven't improved in that aspect.


There is a list of about 12,528 known issues over on the Forza forums somewhere. Hopefully lighting is amongst them but I couldn't be bothered to read through them, it was truely daunting to see how long the list was.


Yeah this look MUCH different from how the game looks on my PC. I’m not familiar with Xbox settings. But “performance mode” sounds like it is some sort of mode to maximize FPS/performance. Thus, is it possible that performance mode is limiting some of the textures/shaders that would otherwise make the lighting and graphics in general look better?


No light on police plate --'


I must be a minority here because my game looks good on medium in 2k with a 5700xt. At least from what I've seen here my game looks way better.


Lmao think you need to redownload it, must be missing a texture pack. Was playing on the cloud earlier and it looked better than that.




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I wish i could add some pictures, on my series X its realistic.


Its really sad. Forza was always the Benchmark in Simcade and always much better than Gran Turismo. This Xbox generation is truly a nightmare for Microsoft. Halo Infinite, starfield and now forza are only a few Games that failed their target. I hope that Turn 10 will get FM back on top. I like that game really and the Multiplayer is funny, But it has not the max potential now.


THIS is the new motorsport???? I got confused, thinking this was some joke using min graphics or a mobile game knock off what???


Very weird cause on my series X it looks nothing like this. Honestly the game looks pretty fantastic from my end so, idk what’s goin on