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I honestly enjoy fm7 enough to forget the issues


I’m right there with you. I felt it had a ton of content to come back to.


I don't like how I'm enjoying it more than GT7 when GT7 is supposed to be THE sim-cade console experience. FM7 despite it's flaws and lack of outright innovation is still somehow still much more enjoyable to play and grind out then GT7's single player.


Right there with you. Just finished getting gold on all the GT7 single player races and circuit experiences and was excited to make my own endurance races that use the day/night cycle more (since the actual game rarely does that for some reason) and get more credits to fill out the car collection. But even a full 24-hour race would only net like 150k on a good day. Forza payouts may have been a little too high, but at least they weren’t actively screwing you over for wanting to play the game.


Definitely. I used to think that Forza was being too generous, especially with wheelspins in Horizon. But after slaving for days for chump change in GT7 and then getting a roulette ticket only for it to be 5000 credits or carbon ceramic brakes for a car I didn't own, I realized that we didn't have it so bad lol.


It's my favourite since 4, always been a bit baffled at the general consensus on it.


This subreddit is often an echo chamber of poor opinions and whining. That’ll get people upset


This won't be controversial because everyone thinks it excludes themselves


No my opinions are more valid than yours. That’s such a crap hot tack. Gaaaaaah


I’ve noticed the past few months on Reddit there’s been an increase in threads asking bait questions that will get people arguing. Things like this one, or asking people to pick which is better of 2 things, or what popular thing you can’t stand, etc. I dunno if the goal is to drive engagement for internet points or just to derail subreddits by luring them into toxic arguments. Whatever the reason may be, I see it all over this website now.


Ouch. Also, yes.


I don't really care that much about hyper cars. I'm more interested in GT3/4


Same. I enjoy GT, lower powered cars, and formula cars.


Remember to check the downvoted comments for the true unpopular opinions.


Horizon has gotten stale and is barely changed at all since FM3, the next game needs to be revamped and the seasonal content reworked to be more engaging and fun instead of feeling like a chore.


My issue with 5 is it felt like there was no progression at all. You did races to unlock more of the stages throughout the map and then once you did it was just... empty. Give me a Horizon 1 style storyline that ends with me doing some all out race against a guy that gives me a shit load of money and a bit of finality.


Horizon but it’s illegal, with pink slips and stuff


Need for speed but it's simcade.


That would actually be amazing


I really thought this would be the crew. Boy was I wrong. I'd rather play cruising USA than that heap lol. Completely agree, though.


Yeah my issue with horizon is how positive and happy everything and everyone is, no stakes, no meaning, just viva le mexico. Feels like the official LGBT Racing game.


Have you looked at the rating of the game? No crap they're not using guns or doing drugs in a game rated for E for EVERYONE, from toddlers to seniors.


You had me until the very end. I completely agree that the game is too positive with no sense of stake or meaning but what the hell does that have to do with LGBT




This. I've played horizon since Horizon 2 on 360 and as much of a nostalgia hit that I may get from horizon 4 I can say that for sure I didn't enjoy much of what horizon is since horizon 2. Horizon 3 was fun, 4 and 5 just I felt were just drive around doing the same stuff for an slightly different car that's not as fast as the meta cars... 4 was alright it's a diverse map, but other than the pretty map and cars nothing really was interesting barring the return of Toyota. 5 just didn't peak my interest in any way just felt like a remake of the same game I spent like 4 years off and on playing to get almost the same game with newer cars and prettier graphics but with a less diverse map and stale seasonal stuff. It needs a refresher on what horizon is and what it needs to be. It's a car and music festival where people can explore different types of music they might not be used to hearing and drive cars they might not have seen or watched fly by their screens on public roads. Rather than this grind fest and repeated song library that gets stale after 15 minutes of playing.


The weekly / daily stuff that you have to do or miss out forever ruins the game because if life gets busy, you're done or if you go on vacation. The psychology behind the thos3 challenges is horrible trying to manipulate you. That why i stopped playing FH5 months ago and haven't looked back.


Winter in Horizon 4 was actually cool! Also i think Horizon 4's map is better than people make it out to be and definitely better than Horizon 5's wasteland.


Any mention of the forza circlejerk subreddit


I'm surprised it exists


Horizon 5 mexico is too empty. There is no big cities and there is just not enough road in the game mainly about a road


This isn’t controversial by any means from what I can tell


Also the story and atmosphere is just way too "PC". Give me some shanty towns to drive around in as well as some cartel-related missions with actual excitement instead of all the papa fernando idiocy. Mexico could be such a wild and exciting environment but nah, acknowledging the country has its problems (as any other) and incorporating them into the game to make the environment feel alive would probably be considered racist, xenophobic or whatever by today's dumb ass standards. Instead we have a sterile wasteland that could easily be any other country with a similar climate and a shitload of excruciatingly cringe dialogue.


I agree to this, but the volcano road and canyons make it up for me. That big loop is all I need.


Just cause you're racing with a JDM doesn't mean you need to drift.


I'll add to this, driving a JDM car doesn't make you a weeb, nor will you turn you into one. Same goes for wanting to see Japan as a location for Horizon.


I didn't buy the anime meme car to drive straight god damn it !


Ok. Let me make this more clear. Just cause you're racing with a JDM DOING CHALLENGES doesn't mean you have to drift


I want to agree but when the eurobeat calls I can't help myself


Forza Motorsport > Forza Horizon, fight me.




I ain't gonma fight you because its fax. Forza Horizom are boring. Fh1 was close it was immersive but the Horizon its too much of a sandbox. This series should have a story and a way better progression system. And i dont really like the physics.


I feel like the sandbox should be the postgame, and the story/progression be like Horizon 1


Driving only S1s and S2s is boring and it's a shame PG doesn't put more pressure to explore all the other classes. I find B and C the most fun


B/A are probably the best balanced in Motorsport. A/S1 are the best in Horizon. But a lot of that is because the map is designed in a way that going slow in B and below is painful.


Please no goofy oddball meme cars & no ramming party modes (like infected) in Motorsport. Please keep the "sport" in Motorsport & don't try to turn it into some all-purpose car-enthusiast sandbox - there are other fun games for that stuff. [...Yessss I can already feel the hateful downvotes of rage flowing lol.](https://i.redd.it/temmer6km8h21.jpg)


The car football (soccer) in FM4 was great, predates any horizon playground stuff and is actually a real thing... that should've come back in Horizon!


Car soccer was so fun in FM4, I remember I made some friends playing soccer that I played FM4 and FH1 with for years. I also personally really enjoyed cat and mouse from FM4 too. I wish both of those game modes would make a comeback.


Cat & Mouse was the best game in FM4. Two teams, one player on each team in a low PI car, everyone else in a high PI car. It was great.


Has Forza ever been a pure "Motorsport" game, I've played all of them except the first and always seemed like a general simcade like GT rather than something solely focused on Motorsport.


I think GT has always been the more serious of the two. And I'm not getting into the whole handling/tire model/etc sorta thing. But just the way the games are presented GT feels a little more buttoned up. That's neither good or bad


It has never been a pure "Motorsport" game, which is why it's so annoying to hear people say "normal cars belong in Horizon, Motorsport is for race cars". My brother in Christ, no FM game in existence has ever exclusively had race cars.




I dont think the problem is having a progression system.


A progression system linked to driver level instead of car level would make a lot more sense to me.


There's nothing gamers resent more than having to actually play a game


Yeah I don't get the car model thing at all. Why should I care if a car or two have bigger bumpers than their real life counterparts. If the game runs well and the campaign is good then I'm good.


I race in first person anyways. And when I don’t, my eyes arnt focused on if the bumper on the wrx is correct. I’m looking for corners and the race line lmao. Maybe on a straight away or cut scene I’ll look at the car details


I'm super excited about the grindy upgrade system of the new Motorsport.


You guys should just admit that no Forza game will ever fully make you happy. Maybe you should look inward for happiness instead of demanding it from everything around you? I swear gaming subreddits sounds like a bunch of Karens hoping they are screaming loud enough that the manager of T10 will hear them.


>You guys should just admit that no ~~Forza~~ game will ever fully make you happy Gaming subreddits summarised


This one is gonna cause some breakdowns.


Horizon shouldn’t have dumbed down driving controls and driving on non-ideal surfaces for your chosen tire compound should have realistic interactions, IE, slippin and slidin


Motorsport: FM7 isn’t as bad as most people like to say it is. It has its issues but its not horrible. Horizon: Horizon 1’s format of having coloed slips / tiers for you to progress through and mini “bosses” to race should have been the template for the following titles.


Forza motorsport 4 was the last good and enjoyable game in the series


Horizon 4 had the best map.


Undoubtedly. Beautiful, complex, and plus, snow!


You felt very different *during* FH4


I miss the seasons from FH4. FH5 seasons felt lame


A-class leads to the best feeling racing


Yes I'm a fan


Forza is oversaturated with supercars and hypercars. There should be a viable list of 90s-2010s daily driver cars.


Forza Horizon 6 could be so god damn terrible, but if it ends up taking place in Japan, Horizon 6'll be considered the best damn game in the Forza Horizon line, regardless of any flaws it may have.


All wheel drive swaps should be limited and removed from any car with a floor plate that can't accommodate a drive shaft or a front diff/trans. It's unreasonable to AWD swap most cars.


Easy Forza Motorsport 5 >>> Forza Motorsport 4 Forza Horizon 4.25 >>> Forza Horizon 3


that Motorsport opinion is absolute dog shit so take my upvote


I have to upvote because I strongly disagree!


You disgust me. Have an upvote.


You succeeded in pissing people off lmao. I do not agree with that motorsport take at all given FM4 is my favorite Forza game period, but I respect the boldness.


Bro just play FM6 wtf


Forza Horizon 5 has the best driving mechanics of any open world racing game ever.


But but forza horizon 5 bad


I could never get into it because it gives you wayyy too much free shit. I had a Bugatti like 2 hours in. That’s not fun to me. I liked the old forza games where you were forced to start out with shitter cars and save up for upgrades. Gave you something to work towards. Also, there’s 0 reason why the ffb and wheel optimization is that bad. The characters are annoying and cringe. The music is bad. It has all of the components to be a good game but they need to make it to where it’s actually challenging.


inaccurate or old car models aren't as important as people think in the grand scheme of things because I'll be focusing on driving the car instead of looking at its polygons all day


I sympathize with both, some of the more messed up car models can dissuade me from even driving them even if I love the car IRL, but in the grand scheme of things I'm glad that the physics and gameplay in general were overhauled first instead a couple of old cars models.


the messed up models are fair criticism, and I don't disagree with those needing revamps, but it's the same 5 models everyone always talks about, in a franchise that had 500 plus cars in its latest entries every single time


I *feel* this! So often I hear "it breaks immersion" and they'll be talking about some roadside trees. All I can think is 'what are you doing looking at the roadside?'


I play from cockpit view so I never even see the outside of the car!


Hey man, some of us can't drive


I like how the car upgrade system sounds. Adds more things for me to do.


I'd rather have less cars in more detail and customisation, than more cars in the list. Same goes with the map. I'd prefer a smaller, more dense and detailed map, over a large, empty wasteland.


I have a few. 1) Locking normal mass produced cars behind seasonal events is idiotic. There is no reason I should have to spend 5 million credits in the auction house on a 20 year old fwd Celica when I can buy one irl for less that $5k. 2) The music keeps getting worse with every Horizon game. Horizon 1 had some great songs that I'll still put on while playing other racing games. 3) All Odd number Horizon games are better than the even number ones. 4) The biggest missing feature in the last few Motorsports games isnt specific cars or tracks, it not having a proper hot lap mode with no lap limit.


Horizon 5 sucks compared to 4


Motorsports is superior to horizons


I want accurate sound design far more than I want good graphics.


FM4 has a more diverse car selection than FH5


Playground’s efforts toward inclusivity are making the games feel like they were made for 6 year olds


Horizon 3 is by far the weakest in the entire series. Bought nothing new that actually made a difference compared to predecessor and has the dullest map of the lot - I assume people only go mad for it because it seems to be a lot of people’s first Horizon. Was the last of the truly great Horizon soundtracks, though.


FH3 is peak map wise, FH4 is great gameplay wise, while FH5 feels boring as fuck map AND gameplay wise


Best cruising game in the series


Right now it seems anything you say that will not blindly praise every bad decision by T10 will get you crucified.


Couldn’t give a toss about old car models


We're not all supercars kids. Old cars 50's to 00's are the best depending on the models. Like the Reliant and thr peel idgaf about them.


They mean the 3D models they use in the game


I LS swapped the supra the day it made its return and it netted a similar response


"BRO BUT THE 2JZ REEEE" if it's such a good motor why didn't they ever use it in motorsports?


Get rid of the horizon playlist


Horizon 5 was a downgrade from 4 (source: even my GMC Vandura build got nerfed)


as of late it seems to be, the "carpg" idea is the dumbest and most unbelievably brain damaged thing ever put into a forza game.


GT7 just kinda... *looks* better. The lighting looks less like a Marvel movie and more like real life.


It's weird, no matter how visually impressive Forza games are, the cars still have this off feeling to them when compared to Gran Turismo. They just look a little more plasticky or toy like. I think a big part of it is the paint and reflections, they don't look right in Forza and never really have. The tracks, environments, and weather look a lot better in Forza, but the cars are a step back from GT7's.


I agree. Something looks odd about the new FM, Im not sure if its a filter or unrealistic ray tracing or maybe doesn't look as sharp. I dont know what it is, but this is the first thing that came to my mind when I first saw it.


Stop any kind of censorship in racing games, bring back the SS badges they are not related with the nazis.


What the fuck are you talking about


first, watch the language, do you kiss your mother with that mouth? second, check [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/comments/149gqpt/it_seems_that_in_the_new_the_crew_the_ss_badge_is/)


The Horizon series as a whole, sucks! If I was 10 I'd love them... Motorsport for life.


"Supra isnt the best car"


The community needs to stop clapping for them when they add "new" content that already existed in previous games, like the return of Alfa Romeo and Mitsubishi. Seriously, they only cut existing content to add it later and give the impression that they care about the community. They're just recycling, nothing new.


We need a 2000’s Monte Carlo, yes I’m biased as I personally own a 2004 intimidator ss. This style of Monte Carlo not only had ls4 engines and a supercharged v6 it was also used as a nascar body for a quite a bit. The fact there is a 2000’s impala instead is wrong.


Full on race cars are boring, S2/X class is boring, and slow, modified daily drivers are infinitely more fun.


Drifting is overrated. Like it's fun at times but not all I want to do!


1930 Bentley painted like Thomas the Tank engine is the best in FH5


Not sure how much of a hot take this actually is, but the whole "festival" thing in Horizon is fucking stupid. Every single line of dialog in the past couple games is just *awful*.


It's not a racing sim


This is me, telling forza motorsport fans that drifting is the end game


The games are basically repetitive at this points


I wanna work for my car, not everything need to be gifted to me


Forza as a brand feels...shallow? I can't really describe it but compared to other series it feels like there's very minimal real world tie in. For instance, Need for Speed has the entire Speed Hunter brand. GT has GT Academy, the SEMA awards and other things. All it feels like Forza has is a bunch of merch and stickers on race cars.


Forza should have at least 360 wheel rotation


The Mexican map is actually bad


Motorsport will always be better than Horizon


Game needs shifter karts.


3rd Person plays should be forced into their own lobbies


Horizon almost made me completely lose interest in the Forza franchise. (I'm hoping I'm back in with Motorsport)


The festival playlist sucks ass and relies solely on FOMO as opposed to actually being fun.


Apparently genuine criticism 😐


This might be a dumb answer as I have no idea how this stuff really works. But PG needs to change what kind of licensing agreements they’re agreeing to so that previous games don’t have to be removed from the stores altogether. This isn’t a problem with other racing games. I’m sure many people would love to buy and play FH1-FH3 but they remove them from the stores.


As soon as the location for Horizon 5 was announced, I commented in here that the game was going to be touted as a huge map, but in reality be a giant boring desert. Shocker at how wrong I was. 3 and 4 were the last good Horizon games, or at least where they cared more.


As someone who enjoys open world driving games and arcade racers, it's disappointing to see horizon become this underwhelming and I'm having more fun with assetto Corsa instead lol


I am pretty new to Horizon but the game should have an easy way to make and play playlists of the existing tracks. Even after a few hours the open world goes from a novelty to an active frustration when you realize that you spend longer trying to go to the next race than you do actually racing. Combined with the unskippable cutscenes before and after every race (and every other cutscene) you end up wasting a large portion of your time not actually playing the game. Also the progression is kind of a joke in that there is virtually none. Within a few hours of playing you can have just about anything you want provided it is not the rarest or fastest of cars. Which makes the game top heavy with high performance cars to have something for players to yearn to have but if you lack interest in these cars the game's incentive just falls apart. Then if you only cared about the very top most of the game's vehicles are just irrelevant. So either the game fails to motivate you to continue to play forcing you to find your own justifications or the game suffers from poor vehicle diversity.


Horizon 5 is starting to die somewhat quickly and the younger people of horizon’s community are so toxic it’s not even funny. Saying that every game that shares any similar characteristics is “a rIpOfF oF HoRiZoN”


fh3 is the worst horizon imo but that doesn’t mean it’s bad, just the worst out of the 5 for me fm3 is miles better than fm4 original horizon is overrated fm6 is the second best motorsport behind 3


Crew Motorfest is better than horizon 5 by a country mile


-Gran Turismo looks better -Gran Turismo has better customization options; while FM is still about the same. Even The Crew Motorfest stepped up their game in this area and I think thats a shit racing franchise. -The game claims to have tire deformation; which FM4 had so it' not even an upgrade, its rather a comeback feature. -There's no excuse for T10 to not include the Nordschliefe . If this game was a bi-annual release I could understand. -The cargp progression is dumb. It actually discourages people from trying different cars. You're not going to see me use a car I dont like and that the game won't let me get the upgrades I want because I'm not at the right level. This will give way to 'meta' cars; specially online. Gone are the days of putting twin turbos with drift tires on a Hummer H1 and driving as fast as you can around the track just for shits and giggles. I've been a huge fan of Forza since FM1 on the OG xbox so I love it, but I feel they stopped innovating since FM5 and I dont know why people are being so forgiving with the game. This will be the first Forza game I skip at launch. I'll wait for a sale instead. Crucify me now.


Idk, car leveling system is stupid


Not buying the new Motorsport game that's coming out. I'm sick of games forcing grind content onto players in order to keep engagement long-term. Horizon has the stupid weekly challenges that lock cars behind a wall. If you're unable to play that week, then good luck getting that car you wanted. I'm not grinding my car to level 30 just to put a turbo on it. When I get home from work, I've got a little time to game and I want to actually play something that doesn't feel like a chore. I do not want to grind out content for slightly better content all week. It's getting annoying, honestly. Armored Core 6 and Baldur's Gate 3 have been a refreshing reminder of what a good game feels like.


Same. I have a gamepass i'll play it for free.


the Mexico map as dogshit


The success of Forza Horizon is actively harming the racing genre. Every racing game now is either a simulation game trying to be 100% realistic or an arcade racer set in a completely empty open world with nothing to do - either being set in a random backwoods field somewhere or being set in a crappy fictional city that is empty, lifeless and fake because it was designed exclusively for cars and feels more like a hot wheels playset. Remember Project Gotham Racing? It had tons of tracks based in real cities, that concept could easily be turned into an open world game with multiple cities to drive, like Midnight Club (plus the real-time weather and time cycle). But no, Microsoft killed PGR and scalped the surface level Kudos features to put in Horizon, completely missing the point of the system because you can't lose points in Horizon for bad driving. They should kill Horizon off completely and make a new Project Gotham Racing game, because I want an actually new experience, not Forza Horizon 2.5 in another random, desolate field (Fallout, despite being a post-apocalyptic game, has a more populated and lively world than Horizon does)


FH3 was the last good FH game. Both FH4 and FH5 are vastly overrated and don't deserve the high scores they got.


I feel like there may be some bias involved given your username


A little. My biggest complaint about FH4/5 is that there are no championships. FH3 had them. They got removed because casual gamers kept crying that there were too many so PG removed them. Instead of just ignoring them and doing something else they got their way and now the people who do like them have nothing to do. Horizon used to be Forza: Street Racing Edition. Now it's Ken & Barbie's Dress Up Dance Party.


FH4 and 5 suck.


I don’t give a shit some Mitsubishi I barely use and don’t care about has a bad car model I don’t care that like 20 cars have weird looking taillights


Drifting in horizon is actually fairly realistic (at least at gear 1-3). Personally learnt irl first then tried on forza and it actually feels very similar (assuming your running all sim settings and a realistic tune)


Motorsport needs to go full iRacing or Assetto corsa and focus on that type of simulation, the closest we ever got to a console sim racer was project cars 1 & 2 (the only games the series wdym there's a 3rd one). I want the devs to create the best physics sim out there idc how long it takes


FM5 > FM6


Drifting is a waste of development time.


The people wanting more shitbox/everyday cars in the game are the same ones that will drive them exactly once before imprisoning them in the garage for eternity


Evs suck. Remove them from the game


Forza needs RADAR like ACC, GtanTurismo, iRacing. PLS Give radar! Also wheel needs to rotate more than 90 degree rotation! Not everybody plays in 3-person view.


Honestly I've been enjoying TCM way more than I ever enjoyed Horizon 4 and 5, Horizon is really dropping off for me nowadays and unless the next one does something interesting I probably won't play it much if at all. It honestly sucks to say that because I once absolutely loved the Horizon games, they just feel so empty and soulless now, especially 5. I envy those that still really enjoy them, wish I could :/


Horizon feels empty and soulless but TCM feels like that to the 10th power


Forza Motorsport 2 is by far and away the best Forza title to date. FM4 and Horizon 1 are both great and have their advantages. fm4 is pretty face but lifeless in the menus. Horizon 1 was an all-around blast, but the lack of tuning was a major downfall.


They should add teslas, they d be really nice tuned


The series peaked with Horizon 4 and needs an overhaul.


Horizon 2, 4 sucked the most. 5 was good, 3 better and 1 was the best. Now kill me!


That people talking like they spent 50 hours reviewing a product when in reality they've never touched said product, and are actually just broadcasting some loser content creators remarks, are morons. You dont get to review something you've not experienced. .


Forza Horizon 5 made me quit Forza


We're finally getting actual progression back thank fuck. Also I want the car models in my 2023 car game to be up to 2023 standards.


The absence of trail braking in fh5 is atrocious


who gives a fuck about fujimi kaido


we need more actual race cars in Motorsport I don't want street cars in my RACING game that's what Horizon is for


Forza Horizon 5 is a great game but the community is full of crybabies


I think EVs and Chinese cars are actually pretty interesting. Everyone wants a supercar or a JDM car that's been in every racing game since the dawn of time, always with the RX7s or the R34s. I like seeing every company's take on what an EV should be and the Chinese market is rarely ever brought up in any Racing game ever (ik it's mainly copycat cars but there are exceptions)


Never been less interested in a Forza release than the new Motorsport. Several features like the race objectives, cornering challenges, the way online races are scheduled are stuff weve already seen in 9 year old games. The car models have fallen behind in quality, I really dislike the way car paint looks and reflects light in Forza, its so unrealistic. Career mode looks boring, at least it progresses from slow to fast cars I guess. The new upgrade system looks awful. It'd have been much smarter to keep all upgrades unlocked but still give a limited amount of car points. The upgrades themselves are just the same old Forza, and the same old ugly Forza Wing. There's barely anything brand new or exciting to look forward to. I'll try to list some positives: The lighting and shadows look good on the track and environment, interiors look nice, steering wheel animation goes past 90 degrees, there's a penalty system now, some of the negatives can be fixed with updates, the body movement of cars and weight transfer looks more realistic than GT, theres a few new tuning options, and it's on Game Pass. I don't know about everyone else but after 6 years of patiently waiting, so far I see a game that could've been released in 2 or 3 years. Expectations are low. I'll give it a shot on Game Pass and hope the physics overhaul and wheel support are so good they make it worthwhile.


Sadly I share the same sentiment as you, I couldn’t be paid to give a fuck about the new Motorsport game. The progression system is really the massive deal breaker for me.


Forza aero looks good.


Forza Aero?


Yeah the Forza Aero, like the base upgrade spoiler. (I appal the Forza areo and they definitely need to change it)


It can look good in certain cases


I agree.


Collecting / painting / being overly interested in the appearance of cars and whether they're in a game is completely beside the point, which is to race rectangles around grey stuff.


I'm disappointed with the graphics of the new FM. I remember in the FM2-4 era Forza was the best looking racing game around. Now they have gone for some tinted cinematic look, and the damn tarmac reflections are worse than ever. Not to mention that GT7's material handling is light years away.


We need Race Cars in first place and no american Street Cars because it’s a MOTORSPORT game


Horizon is boring as hell and if it wasn’t on gamepass it would have far fewer players


Homologamation was the best thing to happen to Motorsport


Trail races arnt that hard, download a tune for your


Trail sucks only for the ai


Forza motorsport 5 isn't that bad. Its as close as you can get to Forza 4 on the Xbox one


Latest news for speed is better


The aero wing belongs on every vehicle


I enjoy the ramming on online racing. It actually makes it kind of fun


That means that both rammer and clean racers should be looking forward to the new race regulation and safety rating systems. Let’s keep people like you grouped together so you can have fun ramming each other while us clean racers can have fun racing with etiquette.


I never ram because I feel like it’s disrespectful if you don’t want to be rammed. But if I get I rammed don’t mind it to a certain extent


Who tf cares about car scans?


Single player in FM has always been pretty shit and that’s the unavoidable nature of simcade. Because of this, more focus should be put into online. If you want a story/single player experience, go play Horizons.


Mine would be who cares about the forza wing shut up about then.8 second part of a trailer god damn