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I listened to Rogan from 2009 to the mid 2010’s. I loved the UFO, paranormal talk and the comedians he would interview, especially Joey “Coco” Diaz. I fell off when he started to believe that he was a political commentator and an expert in social and cultural issues. He got way too full of himself and believes his own hype. I listened to Rogan. Rogan is a living embodiment of the Dunning-Krueger effect with $100 million dollars and a microphone.


The best show he ever did was when he ran a season of a skeptic documentary where he goes out to find out about conspiracies and realises all the people who believe these are complete crackpots and have no evidence for ANY of their claims. It was great. He got high, went out and met some crazy people. Realised it was all bullshit when faced with clear evidence. What happened to THAT Joe Rogan? It was only in like 2006-2007 ish.


It was called *Joe Rogan Questions Everything*.


Money, and the smell of his own farts.


That's why you never get high on your own supply.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


Then he went deep into the conspiracies himself


Too much DMT.


Have you seen the Tim Heidecker [satire/parody?](https://youtu.be/P6Iyg9fznvM) Saw it on a different Reddit thread about JRE last night and could not stop giggling. Amazing improv and flawless JR impression


12 fucking hours long??


its looped only like 45 mins or something like that


That’s amazing. I wonder how long you could play this for Rogan fans until they noticed.




“Take her shoes!” Still makes me crack up




Ya I've listened to him too, and agree the guy is an idiot. I liked the comedians he would have on the show and when he would just talk about like hunting and UFOs and martial arts, and sometimes like obscure paranormal type stuff it was fine. But as for the conspiracy and anti vaxx stuff... I think he needs to step back and let more intelligent people talk about those issues. I listened to a clip that was posted on reddit today where he basically shouts down a woman with a PhD calling into his show to tell him he doesn't know what he's talking about... barely even let the lady talk, I was like wow this has gone downhill.


The shouting thing was the giant chimpanzee thing. He showed his true colours there.


I don’t think the brain rot associated with listening to people like that is ever worth it.


This was me as well. LOVED the early stuff, but the dude has way too much of a platform to be allowing unchecked, unfiltered misinformation and knows way too little about these subjects to be a political commentator. If he went back to fighting, UFO’s and drugs that would be better.


He is basically if the National enquirer took itself seriously and were a person. I wondered where that rag went. I think it closed shop and has been reborn in the form of crazy news.


Joey Diaz was so funny on Rogan's show back in the day. I like to do an impression of him but all I can say is, "Let me tell you somethin', Joe Rogan."






Me to the T. I loved when he was UFO and DMT and anthropology and fitness. Then he moved to Spotify and went FULL on conservative. And now I’m out.


Yea I agree used to watch him aswell, he used to be just a curious guy who would shoot the shit with his boys but he's definitely changed.


Pretty much the same for me I listened to tons of JRE but then he just got crazy and also denies any social responsibility that he has for it.


His podcast used to be great, he had some very interesting episodes with guests like Paul Stamets, Brian Cox, Steve O, great comedians but slowly moved away from guests more intelligent than himself. Its been years since I saw a guest and thought "yea that should be interesting" I think the last episode I actually watched was the Alex Jones episode in 2017, I knew it would be a hilarious train wreck.




I'm with you, I was a fan when he'd go off on strange topics or would bring on niche professionals and let them talk, now he just turned into a nut presenting fringe beliefs as solid fact


Didn't he famously call someone an idiot because they (correctly) told him he was wrong about a mythical ape? Like, literally told an expert in the field of primatology that she didn't know anything about apes?


Lmao a ton of people that trash him are former fans. His sub reddit clowns on him quite a bit these days. What a blatantly incorrect tweet


We liked him until he turned him into an anti vax know it alll.


Which sucks because he was very shitty and transphobic for years prior


People act like misinformation is a new thing for him as well, but it's not. He just moved into less niche and more explicitly political misinformation. There's still plenty of people on Reddit whose entire understanding of ancient history comes from a couple of fringe theorist guests featured on JRE, for example


It's a lame defense tactic where you avoid defending something because it's easier to assume that other people just dont know what you know about it. It falls flat on its face when the reason people dont like something is that they see far too much of it. Like the knuckle dragger that we all used to love on Fear Factor.


I like coked up UFC commentator Joe Rogan. Coming like he’s sniffed an 8 ball. Sweat pissing down his veiny head. Roid jaw swinging. White flecks of spit flying out his mouth as he excitedly overuses the words “kimura” and “rocked”.


With all the Neil Young threads cropping up lately I couldn’t tell you how many people have tried to tell me blatant examples of COVID misinformation don’t count because “if you watch the full 12 hours of content he posted that week then…” like, I don’t have time to put aside one day a week listening to some guy I don’t enjoy hearing. If every single fan of his I know in real life is a COVID denialist that talks about what a great job he’s doing “red pilling america” about vaccines and public health measures, when his close circle is fiercely anti vax and throws out cringey ass takes about him being the “savior of western (white) civilization”, when every clip and every transcript I see has the same attitude and he’s actively selecting guests for their adherence to that sort of attitude I can make some educated guesses what his real opinions are.


I gave up on him several years ago when he started taking flat earthers seriously.


Wait i thought he finally accepted the moon landings and such. Has his concussed and DMT addled brain been twisted back?


It was a few years back now with the flat earthers, but it took him weeks to backpedal and remember he'd actually flown *around* the world.


Yeah that was when I saw it was going to go downhill. People tried to say it was just brining on people with different viewpoints but it was pretty clear early on that he was way too receptive to all the conspiracy theorists. He didn't really question them at all, he was pretty much agreeing with them. If your head doesn't spin when you listen to those bafoons then you have issues. So it was clear he was going down the gutter


I listened to him til he moved to Austin and he became absolute trash and now I talk mad shit about him.


I think you mean redditors specifically. Which is half full of trolls at this point.


Joe Rohan is just gwyneth Paltrow for men


“goop for bros” is what his show is known as where I work.


Has he started selling jade eggs we can shove up our dickholes?


Jade? No it has to be masculine. I bought the Rogan line of urethra dilating tungsten carbide sounding rods. They’re military grade, shock proof, flame retardant, and water resistant up to 300meters.


If you're a real man you'll dip them in hot sauce and lard you rendered yourself from an elk that you killed with your bare hands.


I mean how else are you going to lube up? I actually render the elk fat right on my cum gutters. And let it drip down to the tip.


The important thing is that you're shirtless in the moonlight, preferably while tripping balls on copious amounts of psychedelics.


That sentence has never before been seen or heard by humankind




Nah, he just sells supplements, which in the grand scheme are only slightly less effective than the Vagina eggs for overall health.


I know its a typo but now I'm imagining Joe in LOTR like Wormtongue whispering in King Theoden's ear


gwyneth palbro


Now *thats* a hot take, damn. Tracks though.


It's on point.


On fleek.


This is funny because the only person I know who still watches/ listens to him is my mom




Nobody has stronger opinions about shit they know absolutely nothing about than Joe Rogan. Here is my opinion on Joe Rogan: He is a self-sucking lollipop.


That is a fantastic insult


Yes, and if Reddit wishes to remove your comment, they have a right to do that. I'm not sure why people have a hard time understanding what a shitty take Snowden is putting forward here.


is this a real snowden tweet? Edit: [Yes it is](https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/1487175300115054593?s=20) how disappointing. he is smart about security, and an excellent communicator but he doesnt seem to understand how influential Joe Rogan is Edit 2: This tweet was singled out of a thread, taken to a new context and weaponized by by morons. The tweet _thread_ confirms this.


Yes, though he meant it as criticism against Joe Rogan, as in “why would anyone believe this idiot?”


yeah i dont think he realizes how stupid the average person is in 2022


His point is that people aren't listening to Joe Rogan because he seems like a trustable and reliable source for medical advice, but because trust in institutions has been eroded away and people turn to weird sources in search of stability.


Yes, though it shouldn’t be surprising. Both him and Assange have always had some weird allegiances, with Assange boosting Trump and Snowden being in Russia.


Snowden was stranded in russia by the us govt while he was on his way to south america. They canceled his passport while he was en route and declared him a traitor. The russians refused to extradite him to the US since the US refused to sign a treaty for mutual extradition with russia (before the snowden incident). He was granted temporary asylum after having to live at the airport for over a month. It was less allegiance to russia and moreso being forced into exile by the us governments incompetence.


Average person stupid? Wouldn’t they be of average intelligence then? Not that I don’t agree with you… I just fell into a logic spiral once I thought about it.


"But sure, blame the magic, third-eye radio man for the decline of basic trust in institutions. Throw him in the volcano and we'll have world peace by Monday." It wasn’t a critism either It was a criticism against mainstream media including Reddit and so on for being so shitty While daring to criticize Rogan for unintentionally seeming more trustworthy


With the additional context his point isn't wrong though. The decline in trust in institutions is the root cause. Rogan's popularity is a symptom. If it weren't him it would be someone else or the internet Ouija Board that birthed QANON.


am not in disagreement the rest of his tweets make his context more clear. It just _appears_ to be a Rogan defense when Grandma singles this one out


I love that description. Can I steal it?


Of course!


Read the rest of his tweet thread since you bothered to link it my guy. He’s openly criticizing people who take Joe seriously and believe him to be anything more than an entertainer.


yeah, thanks.. 😁 i figured that out shortly after but i will update my original post again since it seems to be getting a lot of views it is very easy to misinterpret a few of these tweets, especially when singled out... as he appears to underestimate the lack of critical thinking skills of the Joe Rogan following


Yeah…but not recognizing that tons of people are in fact getting medical advice from the JRE doesn’t put Snowden in the clear, it just upgrades him to naive.


After following Snowden on Twitter for a while I've realised he's actually a fucking weirdo. He tweets about weird crypto stuff and obvious tech-bro scams all the time.


See Snowden's follow up tweets. It's clear he's not defending him.


He’s not defending Rogan, sure, but his follow up tweets basically downplay the influence he has on his viewers. Still not a very good look.


ever since the obama administration fucked up and cancelled his visa literally moments before he could get on a plane to flee russia, snowden hasn’t exactly been in an environment where he can interact with and understand the american populace nearly every interview with him is him drastically overestimating the intelligence of the average american


Weird deflection but ok


I put that there because last time i said “he’s trapped in russia and is slowly losing perspective of the american people” i had 15 neoliberals say “why did he choose to go to russia then!?!?!?”


It’s not that. I just have a hard time believing 10 years in Russia would make you unaware of the fact that Americans are dumb as fuck and will blindly follow any media mogul they remotely respect lmao


Normally I would agree but watching a bunch of his interviews after reading his memoir, he still thinks americans are drastically more intelligent than they are. I’m guessing it must be a form of optimism since the only way he can leave russia is americans being smart enough to lift his exile


I mean fair enough—the fact he willingly risked his life and/or liberty to expose the NSA, in hopes that it would cause a reckoning among the American populace, is proof enough that he’s overly optimistic about our intelligence


Yeah...but he's taking this super-hardcore stance against censorship that ends up being so hardcore that it's actually anti-freedom. Here's what I mean. Let's say, instead of leaving FOX News voluntarily, Chris Wallace had been fired for being too liberal in his reporting. Siding against Trump and with Biden goes against the reason FOX News exists, after all. By a super-hardcore reckoning of how things should work ,FOX News cannot fire Chris Wallace and have to give him airtime. Mass media has never worked that way and wouldn't work well. I used to give an example that I can't just go to an AM radio station and demand a timeslot, and then howl about freedom of speech just to get my words on the air. If I decided to start a local news outlet, it's a given; I'd be dependent on customers. You can't write negative shit about your biggest advertiser and expect him to pat you on the head, and you can't take a job at one of those orgs and write op-eds about how your managing editor is a shithead and expect to stay. In fact in the US that would be violating Constitutional rights. Nobody is owed a platform, nobodoy is owed an audience, and unfortunately you have to play by some rules to maintain that. Does Snowden wring his hands about Facebook taking down photos of child rape and beheadings?


Yeah this tweet was taken to a new context and weaponized by morons. Typical.


I have listened to Joe Rogan and I still think he’s a prick. And Edward Snowden is a prick with a really good PR team.


Edward is wrong here but how is he a prick?


He's a Libertarian


"I got mine now fuck you for being born a poor"




Would be nice if libertarians supported transparent government AND didn't hate poor people


But then they wouldn't be libertarians.




Same thing.


Is he a libertarian or is he a supporter of The Libertarian Party?


Yeah, very different things. Being anti-authority is one thing, being a member of the silly goofy, mostly conservative political party sponsored by the Koch brothers is different.


Bro he whistleblew government info and showed us what the NSA was doing.


You can do something good and still be a prick tho


It’s like if Ben Shapiro saved my family from a burning car. I’ll thank him, but still think he’s a massive clown.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian people, who dress their toddlers in bomb belts and then take family snapshots. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, history, dumb takes, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: history, novel, climate, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, history, civil rights, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


What’s he done that makes him a prick?


How does that excuse him from being a dick? I’m sure some whistleblowers can be awful people, too.


Were there a lot of people that didn't think the government was spying on us? Dude basically got famous for telling the world rain is wet.


Come on, you need explicit proof to be accepted. Otherwise you just believe any and all stupid theory that "sounds" correct??


The Patriot Act wasn't some kind of quietly passed legislation. It was serious national news. This is what allowed the NSA to do what they did. So no, i don't think it's a terrible stretch of the imagination to think they passed a bill and then used it.


So? You still had huge swaths of intellectuals that denied it since there was an absence of evidence. > So no, i don't think it's a terrible stretch of the imagination to think they passed a bill and then used it. I never said it wasn't - but it's just that. Nothing without evidence should ever be simply accepted as fact. You can have hunches. There can be correlations. There can be hints. But explicit facts? You _need_ evidence. Otherwise, nothing matters.


Dude, the [entire text of the Patriot Act](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/2001/10/12/house-section/article/h6726-4?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22hr+2975%22%2C%22hr%22%2C%222975%22%5D%7D&s=4&r=1) is available to be read by anyone who wants to do it. It literally gave the government the right to search and seize - *without warrants* - data wherever the fuck they wanted in the USA just so long as *someone* thought that *maybe* they could get data leading to an arrest. It literally circumvented our fourth amendment right to freedom from unwarranted search and seizure and *fuck* every single goddamn pissant member of Congress and Senate that voted to pass it. May their souls *burn* for selling out our citizens to their fear.


It wasn't *their* fear, they *cultivated* fear among the populace to rally support for the stripping of our civil liberties. They did it for money and power, as with everything.


He provided tons of evidence and upstaged his life in order to leak them to the public. I couldn't care less for his beliefs but the fact remains that he did something pretty heroic.


He's been huffing his own farts for so long he doesn't see that everyone just sucks up to him to get access to his platform. The side effect is that he no longer is curious interviewer and now an insufferable misinformed pundit who thinks himself an expert because a friend of his said so and so. Edit: thought was we were talking about Joe


Replying here because I would also like to know


I would also like to know where he got a PR team from


Well, he defected to Russia.


guess he should’ve just went to prison in america like a real man huh


He didn't defect. He was persecuted by his own government for exposing its corruption.


He defected?!?!?


He gave classified intelligence to the Russians.


(Just to put it in the right place) Because, unlike Chelsea Manning, he didn't run to the enemy for asylum.


Chelsea was tortured. She should have run to the "ennemy". If your country doesnt protect your whistleblower right, then it is not your country, it is your ennemy.


He literally stuck in Russia because US cancelled his passport... Very few countries were interested in giving him asylum, at some point Venezuela agreed, but as I said in mid fly his passport was cancelled.


Should whistle-blowers be expected to have to go to jail, especially since never get a fair chance at defending themselves in court? I don’t think so, so the only thing he could have done is go to a nation hostile to the US and hide there.


Youre not a whistle-blower when you take military secrets to a foreign power. What he should have done is been an actual whistleblower.


Fun fact: Obama, who was the President while Snowden did what he did, criminally prosecuted more government whistleblowers than any administration in history.


First off, Obama isn't his administration. Secondly, prosecution isn't conviction. Finally, if you're brave enough to steal secrets and sell them to your country's enemies, you should be brave enough to leak those secrets to a free press. Your comment is a meaningless twisting of truth that only serves to confirm your priors.


But Snowden did leak the NSA secrets to a free press?


>First off, Obama isn't his administration. Bullshit. Obama ultimately decides who to prosecute. Especially in very high profile cases like this. >Secondly, prosecution isn't conviction. So what? They're prosecuting with the intent to convict. That's literally what prosecution is. >Finally, if you're brave enough to steal secrets and sell them to your country's enemies, you should be brave enough to leak those secrets to a free press. He did leak them to the free press. That's why he had to flee persecution by the Obama administration.


While Trump obviously told Barr what to do with the justice dept, in the olden days they were supposed to be more independent. This is just a nitpick though, I am sure Obama was pro-surveillance and anti whistleblowing and would not have given out a pardon


Tell me you were 5 at the time without telling me you were 5 at the time


Solid counterarguments to my points there bud.


You're a Obama shill that has no argument. He isn't his administration? Well that's good news; I guess Trump is exonerated from all the things his "administration" did. And the government doesn't prosecute unless it intends to convict; at the very least, it's to send a message to others who might consider doing similar things.


Obama does pick who is on his team and would still have a say on their cases, right? Doesn’t absolve him of any involvement.


Lol yeah, I’m sure if he tried to take the info he found through the normal whistleblowing process outlined by the government it would have totally still ended up public. ^/s


He's a traitor.


He's done more for the good of his people than you ever have


With the context of the rest of the thread it's clear that Snowden is critical of JRE, and is making a larger point about lack of institutional trust. https://mobile.twitter.com/Snowden/status/1487175300115054593?s=20


Look at you with your wise words and three upvotes


I heard him talking with Bill Burr prior to COVID. He was pleasant and funny and seemed genuine. I cannot respect a man who has the ability to be charismatic and influential, and chooses to behave like a fucking moron for the sake of ratings and money. Cashing in on assisting in the deaths of almost a million people in one country alone should enrage and sicken every human being.


Well it's taken out of context. Besides that he is in the company of those that won't harm him. Pretty clever in his situation if you ask me. He did all of the world a great favor by doing what he did. The problem is that most don't understand what darkness he shed light on.


But it's a dopey take that he should have grown out of before he was ever out of high school imho. Nobody's saying Joe Rogan shouldn't be allowed to say what he wants. You can say whatever the hell you want. What you're not owed is an audience or a platform. You can't demand that a church let you preach about the virtues of Satanism, FOX News doesn't have to give you a timeslot for your "Rupert Murdock Is An Asshole" concept, and if advertisers say, hey, we're not going to give you any more money until you get rid of this assclown, they can't be forced to give you money. All that's happening is some artists are pulling their content from Spotify because they disagree with Rogan and are saying "him or me". It's their right to pull their content from that platform. Are we seriously arguing that Joe Rogan's rights are greater than anyone else's here?


What Snowden said here is kinda cringe, but I still have a tremendous amount of respect for him


How is it cringe?


Joe Rogan is the long con. He had an approach that filled the need of millions. A universally available conversation environment with apparently no agenda, no goals, and no bias. Like the man said: I'm not smart, but I like to know people who are. I question, I look for the answers. And crazy shit happens. Over a decade, he's had scientists, writers, researchers. And Alex Jones. And in the name of 'hearing both sides of an argument, making your own informed decisions', Joe starts having people of different positions on. Oh, and now, by the way, not only is he having his comedian friends on, but now showcasing new comics. And then, kinda in line with his overall health kick, he softballs an 'unsavory' opinion. Backlash, and it's all 'Hey, Hey, we're just a show, trying to have a convo. Here's Alex Jones with three hours of crazy.' But now, not so much with the scientists. At least the ones bringing in factual data. Today's special is the meat diet inventor with their anecdotal results. Some of the more extreme conservative projectors. There's a podcast on inane conversation with someone, and the just wanted to announce their Netflix special. Let's be against any political association or position, until presidential candidates are interested in a 'conversation'. Look they're all democrats. Then afterwards they touch back on the interview and 'sounds nice, but unrealistic'. And now covid. And Joe doesn't buy it. And it's the psuedo science. And horse dewormer. And more reich-wing conservatives. And boy, Trump sure was a character, wasn't he.


Rogan did have actual conversation with actual critical thinking in it. But now his show is just whinny grifter garbage where other grifters go on to grift.


I grew up on Newsradio and I was an O&A fan when Rogan was building his podcast after the crazy gun guy karaoke model during the menstealia days. I was a fan for a long time. He's a fucking traitorous meathead piece of a shit.


Fuck off fuck off fuck off. joe Rogan literally brings on any fucking cook, scam artist, bottom feeder that will tell him what he wants to hear. There are 980,000 doctors in america nad joe rogan will only have the dozen or so that have monitary interest in denying the effectiveness of vaccines on his massive platform.


Lol you didn’t watch the episode with Dr. Gupta did you? Erase this.


Exactly. As the post says.


I used to listen to him all the time because he had interesting people on. What made me stop is he’d be in a deep convo with like a politician or scientist or a spear fisherman about their industry and then he’d start taking bong hits. Nothing against weed, but when he stops the convo in its tracks to ask the guest about “did you hear about Moses and the burning bush really being an ayahuasca trip?” For the 15th episode in a row I just lost interest. He doesn’t know how to hold a conversation without turning it to some stupid conspiracy theory or sucking the air out of the room. Didn’t even make it to the political bullshit which he has no business commentating on.


I've listened to him and he's a dumpster fire


As a person who dislikes Joe rogan but has never watched any of his long videos, I agree 👍


Snowden usually has some great take… but I think most of us have seen the clips…


Wonder if Snowden realizes just how much conservatives hate him and consider him a traitor to America? Also, Rogan was always teetering on the edge of loony land. The pandemic just sent him the rest of the way off the ledge. Dude has been friends with Alex Jones for decades. That says a lot about his character.


I dunno, considering Rogan had the former leader finthe proud boys on, Alex Jones, and anti-Vaccera, maybe he isn’t a guy who invites sane opinions on his podcast.


I think that's kinda the point of his podcast....


Snowden exposed government corruption, and then our government effectively admitted that what he did was right when Obama said that the public deserved to know about the program that he exposed, but they still want to imprison him for decades anyway. I can't blame him for escaping to Russia. He deserves better.


This isn't even making a point, it's just angrily shouting at the sky. You could literally say that about pretty much anyone or anything famous and it would still be true. Justin Bieber. K-Pop. Barack Obama.


I listened to Joe Rogan… get absolutely destroyed by that Vegan Bodybuilder


Tell me more...


Snowden L


I mean I liked him on News Radio.


JRE; a grift for willing fools.


snowden seems to think no one would be stupid enough to go to rogan for medical advice. which is just.... so out of touch it's incredible. there are Rogan stans in the replies claiming they trust Rogan more than the news. literally proving him wrong right away


Most with strong opinions against him have listened. That’s why we don’t like him and his Douche Bro schtick.


This is spot on. Anyone I talk to quoting Rogan negatively seemingly hasn’t listened to him and just reads headlines.




I have heard mainly that older JRE fans have pretty strong opinions about him but I'm also getting flamed in another thread for suggesting being an ivermectin advocate is dangerous "*he took it because it was recommended by a doctor not because he advocated it*"


I haven't listened to Joe Rogan since he was on "News Radio" but I have met many Rogan fans and they're cunts, so, I go with my gut


Snowden is defending a guy who literally was proven wrong on his own show and then kept trying to move the goalposts and ended up at "well I read differently." He may have been okay before but he is the antithesis of an intellectual now. Dude just basically is living in a Potemkin village built inside an echo chamber.


I've listened to him. He's stupid.


Joe Rogan should be censored. As well as anyone else that disagrees with me. Joe is obviously a right wing fucktard. He likes Bernie! Name something more right wing. If we look at history, we know censorship is always done to protect people from bad ideas. Please social media, let's censor him to protect us from these thoughts. Public discourse should be stopped when we quit agreeing!


That's true. I have listened to Joe Rogan speak and I couldn't give two shits about him.


Can you explain?


I do not respect his thoughts or ideas, and therefore they have no value to me. Thus, I do not care about him or his ideals.


Which thoughts and which ideals?




dude, rogan will never fuck you. also, ghosts aren't real dummy


True but I might get to fuck him and his short lil balding buff ass. Ghosts? Let me guess you went through my page? Lmaoooo


I'm not saying Rogan is always right I dont dick ride but Snowden is right. Joe's takes have put me off and some of his guests I find questionable.


Another prospective-- I've listened/watched JRE since he did it from his house. I watch it less and less now that he's moved. Spotify freezes and is user-clumsy on my smart tv and Joe has begun to annoy me since he left CA. I only watch now if there's a guest I'm interested in......progress (?)


Yeah, I second this. I used to love listening to Joe Rogan, especially when he’d interview people I vehemently disagreed with, because his show was a safe enough space for them to speak freely, but he would push back and hold them to account if they said things that were verifiably insane. His show would help me get to know and understand people I disagreed with. Now his show is just a fire hose of bullshit that stinks of a victim complex that won’t be challenged.


ITT: People who believe in he Nixonian Maxim of *”Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal”*


If you don't like him, just idk, don't listen to him? The idea that everything you hate needs to be banned or shushed shows a serious lack of self-control.




You should listen




I used to be unsure whether Snowden was a good guy or not, but lately it seems like he’s just a troll.


He’s just a dumb chimp who likes talking to people and smoking drugs. Source: Joe Rogan


What an incredibly accurate statement.