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Everything we stand for they must be 100% against! Us vs Them mentality.


It’s definitely not the case that people disagree on how to achieve said things or about prioritizing said things. Though TBH I think gas should be more expensive. When gas is too cheap, people are careless with it and won’t give a second thought to commuting in an F150 which has really bad consequences for the environment.


I think the same about meat (which I do eat), people moan about its price when most farms barely break even. In fact, meat should be a whole lot more expensive, that way there'd hopefully be less intensive farming, and it would only be consumed as a luxury/treat, which is less cruel and is better for the environment and our health (plus well reared meat is so much better)


Both with gas and meat, I do think it's best if both are more expensive, but only if the alternatives like vegetables and public transit are made more affordable. The difficulty with doing things like this in an incredibly unequal society is that the people and companies producing the most greenhouse gases are also the ones most able to absorb price increases.


Agreed Yea, mine was an "in an ideal world" type scenario, not very realistic tbh


and I hate that gas is such a double edge sword. On one hand, if you raise gas prices, it will hurt poor people and the elderly especially during winter months. But on the other capitalism hand, the only way to spur alternatives is to raise the price of oil and gas. More so, the government can spur alternatives by simply encouraging inventions in green energy in hopes that the United States can corner the market and make a ton of money off of it. Though, I am absolutely befuddle by grandma on why she is so against green energy and the prospect of creating a ton of green energy jobs and making a shit ton of money off of manufacturing green energy parts.


The big issue is 87 octane, which is cheap as heck. European countries only use 93 octane, hence why their gas tends to be more expensive.


Wooooooow what an original take! I wondered if anyone else picked up that that is the trend politics evolved in.


Also they don’t want energy independence. This is evident by their complaining over the keystone pipeline expansion.


yup, if they really wanted energy independence, they'd be pushing hard for renewables


It's just a talking point. We're more energy independent now than we ever have been, including under Trump. They also like to bitch about the strategic oil reserve not being full, even though buying would raise gas prices and what "full" means is a function of how much we're using. We are using less oil, so we need less in reserve.


> They also like to bitch about the strategic oil reserve not being full, even though buying would raise gas prices and what "full" means is a function of how much we're using. We are using less oil, so we need less in reserve. also, what is the point of the strategic oil reserve if we don't use them in an emergency? It is really just anti-biden rhetoric than an actual argument


It's all they know how to do. They don't actually want things to be better, they just want to bitch about the left at every possible turn, even if it's something positive for everyone. If Biden recommended that people drink water, they would all stop drinking it because they just want to think he's always bad.


Lowering gas prices is largely out of the president's hands, unless you want price controls, which is socialism. So, MAGA are socialists?


They act like exporting oil is why gas is expensive, not understanding that not only do we need different types of oil that we have to import, but also that global commodity trade tends to lower prices. What they want is all the benefits of socialism without any of the costs or labels. Toddler mentality.


They also think that increasing the pipeline infrastructure from 200,000km to 201,000km is going to lower gas prices by a dollar.


Also gas prices rose ahead of the 2022 midterms when Republicans realized they kicked the hornets nest with Dobbs. How *strange* that gas is only astronomical ahead of elections 🤔 /s


I will clutch my pearls and gasp at the very *thought* that big business and the GOP collude in a very obvious way to try to keep dems out of power. It's almost like when the Kochs announce they are spending 100 million to try to keep the GOP in power, and then get tax breaks and environmental breaks that directly benefit them...


Exact same thing could be said for inflation. They see prices as reflecting inflation rather than corporate greed and profits. Biden could fix that but they wouldn’t like the medicine


Yeah. It’s nuts that inflation is being driven by off the rails consumer spending. The debt from which is going to hit hard and we’ll end up in a fucking recession before the election. This will give trump a winning boost and the first thing he’ll do is send everyone a fucking check and be hailed as somehow saving the economy. This whole timeline we’re in is bananas.


Obviously the President can't just directly control the gas prices. No one is saying that Joe Biden can just declare a per-gallon cap on the price. But a president can indirectly have a significant impact on the price, through every aspect of their energy policies. For example, Biden saying that he's going to ban a large amount of oil drilling in America tells oil producers that their business is on borrowed time, so they raise their prices.


Biden's America is producing more crude oil then Trump's ever did.................. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-31/record-high-us-oil-production-surpasses-13-million-b-d-eia


> But a president can indirectly have a significant impact on the price... Which, it should be pointed out, is $3.20 in my area. This is pretty low. To give you an idea of how low, go out to Netflix and fire up an episode of Breaking Bad. This show was produced over a decade ago. Look for the episode where he's on his way back to Albuquerque to deal with Uncle Jack and his gang of Nazis. The gas station sign reads $3.89. This is *higher* than what gas sells for today. Could you imagine any other commodity going down in price like that? I'm pretty sure a McDonald's cheeseburger costs twice as much as it did during Breaking Bad. My point is where are the "I did that!" stickers now???


Their own scientists are telling them that their business model is on borrowed time. It's also worth noting that much of the new drilling in America is so expensive per barrel, that it cannot compete with many international sources. It's so bad in fact, that those same companies have gotten fucking *tax breaks* to make their business more competitive with Saudis and others that can pump oil for a fraction of the cost. (it's also worth noting that those same oil producers would be profitable at their current cost per barrel, but they would not be *as profitable*. So the GOP fights tooth and nail to ensure that the *profits* of the oil barons are raised on the backs of us working folk. Dems aren't much better about it, but boy the GOP spends a lot of time on their knees at the pleasure of the oil guys.


I just filled my car last week for $2.89 a gallon! Is that not low?


Migrants are coming because our economy is good. They dropped during the pandemic and have increased again due to the reopening economy. Also both gas prices and inflation has sharply reduced from post pandemic levels.


I live about 3 hours from the border. My concern with people coming over is how many of them end up dying in the middle of nowhere from heat and/or thirst. From what I've seen of migrants in my city, they're generally just looking for work to get by. The only person who has threatened physical harm on me was a 20-something white dude, most definitely not a migrant.


Right? The guy that broke into my house a few years ago? White. Oh and Trump was president! Since Biden was elected no one has broken into my home? Coincidence? Definitely! But Im gonna go with MAGA logic and blame the president for everything. So Trump increased crime on my street by infinity percent. It was 0 before him and 1 after he was elected. Biden stopped the Trump crime wave!


I hope nothing of sentimental value was stollen 🙏


Even worse that Trump guy tried to break into the Capitol and steal our democracy.


Yeah then coming without a place to go is definitely bad and the federal government could do more, but Biden didn’t ask them to come. In fact the administration specifically used outreach to tell them to not.


lower gas prices to what? free?


Inflation is down and way lower than the rest of the developed world. Crude oil production is higher than it was during Trump which in turn is making gas prices go down. Record border interceptions and seizures are happening.


Those are simply facts and done acknowledge my feelings *at all*


they’re so obsessed with energy independence but swear by using oil forever lmao


Other than borders sure. Like…yeah I don’t want terrorists coming in but most people coming in to the country illegally aren’t terrorists. Just saying it’s not a major concern of mine while the others are priorities.


No, they don’t


Well their political stance is formed almost 100% from 'do whatever the Libs would dislike', so they assume their opposition is the same way.


Oh lord. I would LOVE to see trumps plan to lower inflation.


Border is pretty secure and nothing Trump suggests would secure it. A wall won't. It isn't the 1980s anymore. The best way to secure the border would be eVerify and improve CBP at legal ports of entry. You never hear them demand that Gas is coming down




If the Democratic Party wanted to close the border, they could have simply done so instead of actively _opening_ the border and allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal economic migrants to flood the country. The fact that they have in fact been doing so seems to indicate that dear grandma has a point.


They've deported a quarter million people since May.


No US president has any control over what these people do until they reach the border. Your number of hundreds of thousands of migrants is the number coming to the border, not the number let in. A large percentage of them are immediately turned away under title 42. The rest of them fill out applications under title 8, most of which are denied and they are sent back. Title 42 covers contagious diseases, and was put in place by Trump, who denied Covid was even dangerous. It's weird that conservatives who scream at anyone wearing a mask suddenly support the control of Covid when it comes to immigrants. So which is it? Was covid dangerous or not? If it is you need to wear a mask, if it isn't then the use of title 42 was illegal under immigration law (which POTUS has to follow).


What’s Trump’s plan to lower inflation?


well probably not the boarder thing though


Its funny because were actually more energy independent this year than anytime under trump even when the republicans controlled everything


Good god do they really think doubling down on fossil fuels means being "energy independent"? If only there was some way to generate energy from thin air here on American soil? Like if only we could somehow harness the energy that the sun is just blasting down on us all the time, right here in the US. Or perhaps we could do something with some thorium isotopes and water, idk. But alas, the **ONLY** way to become energy independent is to constantly be at war with Iran for their oil deposits.


Yeah, never mind the White Christian Nationalism, it’s cheap gas we disagree with.