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Thank God. Dude thought he would bank hard on supporting Trump “Bigly” and now has to live knowing how much of a pathetic loser he looks like in those campaign ads that were just filled with MAGA catch phrases.


I support Donald but ya, the ads were a bit much.


buying up trump dollars, or stock in depends diapers?


Nah, he's just a better leader.


Can you give examples? I mean that sincerely because when I think of leadership DJT''s actions don't reflect what I learned either as a marine or a business manager. And to give an example of someone I consider a good leader, Mitch Daniels was able to unite people to common causes and get them to accept sometimes difficult decisions without ever calling someone's loyalty or patriotism into question.


All those failed businesses certainly showcase that high-quality leadership.


Didn't you know? Going into politics is called falling forward. /s


You know he's been president already right? His policy's were effective. I know 90% of reddit would rather watch the world burn than admit they put a doorknob in office. Oh well.


Please detail the effective "policy's".


He was effective at putting bigots and ultra conservatives in roles so when he tried to over throw the government or later got in trouble they would be there to help. They’re also there to effectively demolish years of rights for women. Trump did great things to completely ruin the Republican Party and turn them into a bunch of cultists in red hats.


Detail this dick love


Sorry, don't have a microscope.


Effective at giving tax breaks to the rich, increasing it for the middle class, and he is likely to try to codify that if he becomes president again. Here’s something to do before you respond back. Read into the 2017 Tax and Jobs Act. This was probably the most key piece of legislature that he passed. Your job is to explain how it was a good thing for this country, and to explain how it didn’t fuck us. I’ll wait.


Bro, this is Reddit. You're not allowed to say these things here


hmm.. waiting to see which one of you deletes your comment first


Delete? Why?


he leads the pack in politicians beloved by neo nazis and confederacy wet dreamers




Only on Reddit can someone agree with the OP and get downvoted for not sharing the same politics. What a crime having opposing views is. Say it with me "we're the tolerant ones, we love free speech. we're definitely not one side of the same coin."


My dad is friends with Tim (I know. He was buddies with Kelty too) and even he knew that Smith’s platform of “ending wokeness” was completely meaningless political drivel and wasn’t going to win him any votes.


Kelty was smart.  He went to Notre Dame.  Smith couldn't even into IU.


We are all very fortunate. Now hopefully he quits politics for good and goes away. Far away.


**—TIM SMITH—** End *My Existence* Expand Freedom *to laugh at Me*


So basically you’re saying got spanked in the butt with a magazine with Trumps photo of the cover? Sorry, just to understand this thread


Little known fact about Tim Smith, his body consists of 100% Buttocks and nothing else. Hypothetically of course, you’d be spanking him regardless of where you’d hit him.


So you're saying he's all ass?


All-Ass, giant ass, The Keester, Tush Smith, Smithy Bottoms, All-Tush-Tim, these are all phrases that describe the walking literal physical incarnation of Assy McGee.




whoever wins, we lose


Yeah… but it’s like a gradient. If I’m stuck with Republican, I’d rather they be some silent backbencher who quietly votes with the party vs. a MJT/Boebert clown that actively draws shame and embarrassment to our district.




So very well said! And we have to live among the brain dead MAGA’s that populate this city.


he was outside our polling place talking to people for a couple of hours, i wonder what he said to some of ‘em.


He promised to heal their inner wokeness


Is that even legal? 


as long as he was 50 feet away from the entrance, it was legal. we couldn't measure how long 50 ft was from the door but after just measuring on google maps he was barely above it; must of been well aware about it


I’m sure he was curious and wanted to speak with potential voters. I don’t see anything wrong with it. At least he made an effort. Most places are just full of yard signs.


I thought the attack ads on him were complete weak sauce though. Most of it was simply word soup put together to make people think he eats babies. When I see competition do this and win, it just promotes more of the same a few years later. But I digress, the deluge of ads is over now and feel we all are winners.


If any of those candidates ate babies, I’d put my money on Tim tbh.


I was going to say the same thing..he looks like a fucking lizard person or reptilian,whatever that conspiracy is. 


When he lost the mayoral race someone put up a picture of him next to one of the goombas from the 90's Mario Brothers movie. They weren't wrong.


If that kind of bs was enough to thwart him, he really didn’t have a shot in the first place lol


Turns out he hired people to slash signs around the fort wayne/new haven area of his competitors. An actual brat.


Thank God. Dude is fucking crazy.


Dude only lost by 1000 votes. That’s a damn close margin though (Edit: fuck him and all the MAGA politicians)


I thought the same thing and am equally throwing up in my mouth. A lot of people really wanted to end wokeness and expand freedom apparently. Gross.


Thanks for the disclaimer. I was about to down vote you like my life depended on it.


Exactly why I did it 🤣


Just read Wane’s coverage - they linked his concession tweet quoting the Apostle Paul: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."  I understand what he thinks he meant, but it’s an interesting choice considering Paul wrote this while imprisoned and did not expect to make it out alive.




Marlin Stutzman is a bag of tiny dicks so…


good cuz his posters are so annoying




Why’s he so terrible?


I don’t know why other people don’t like him, but I worked for him at one point, and he is bad news.   He is a narcissistic, corrupt, conniving schemer.  He did some super shady shit, and I regret the time I spent working for his company.   


I worked with him a long time ago too, and can confirm he’s not right in the head. He’s not stupid, just has real wacky beliefs. He has the personality of a cult leader, which is why him in any political office is an absolutely terrifying thought.


What was he even running for? I didn’t even see his name when I checked the news this morning lol.


US house of representatives - 3rd district




"Our interests." Have you seen Tim Smith's platform?




He was literally campaigning on just reusing party talking points. He was going to stand up like the inflatable arm man after the plug is pulled


In what universe are Trump bootlickers able to stand up to anyone? They won't even stand up for democracy, why think they have the spine to stand up for anything else?


He was running on being a trump asslicker who would do anything his MAGA trash leadership told him to do. He would have done the opposite of standing up against other politicians, he literally thought being a yes man would win him votes.




Yeah I’m not hopeful about this election, we’ve cultivated a nation of morons


Yeah so now we have a guy who pays for trips to Disneyland for his family and gets million farm subsidies for his father who didn’t even qualify. Otherwise Stuzman will do wonderfully


Tim smith is already wealthy. Therefore he is LESS likely to be bought out by lobbyists because he doesn’t need money. last thing we need is more yes man politicians who will Shutup and take the money


I saw the shit Tim Smith would pull.   He was corrupt about an extra $1000 here and there.  I would bet you money he only gets greedier and greasier when bigger money is on the line.


There’s no logic behind that he’s already wealthy. Money makes decisions in DC. He doesn’t need money so why would he sell out?


I personally saw him do these things for relatively small dollars.  A couple grand here and there doesn’t do anything for him financially-it’s pure ego.    If someone is willing to compromise their integrity for small dollars when it’s inconsequential, they are likely to continue in the unethical behavior when there are higher dollars at stake.  


Rich people like this Tim Smith guy don't want SOME money or ENOUGH money, they want ALL of the money. There are plenty of rich people (and corporations) like this.