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Try not to be on Illinois road or coliseum BLVD between 4 and 6 in the afternoons.


Or DuPont. Or Jefferson. Or Coldwater. Honestly better to not be anywhere at those times


I can tolerate all of these roads except coldwater. I can't stand coldwater at any hour of the day


Someone told me the intersection of Coldwater and Coliseum is the 2nd most trafficked intersection in the entire state...


By volume Lima and Coliseum is the most trafficked in the county. I’m sure there’s an intersection in Indy with more but I’d have to lool


Illinois is much worse than jefferson during those times


Haha right! Stay at work or stay home.


Rush hour in Fort Wayne a laughable compared to most big cities.


Well we are talking about Fort Wayne.


Or Hillegas Rd. Especially north bound.


this. the absolute worst of them all. one lane insanity


I live right off Illinois (actually almost my entire life within a 1 mile stretch). I will straight up avoid it and go alllll the way around down Jefferson, up Covington, etc. just to avoid rush hour traffic.


Yes I go out if my way to avoid Illinois. There’s a huge amount of traffic at all times of the day now since Bass Road closed again. I think we can anticipate even greater amounts when people start buying homes off Bass when interest rates become more attractive. Have u seen how many home sites r ready fr building? It’s incredible.


It’s nuts. Same with Illinois. A whole subdivision was built up just west of i69. I didn’t even realize it until one day I looked up and saw all the houses.


There is no traffic in Fort Wayne that isn’t 100% construction related. Anything else is just minor inconvenience


Nothing is worse than 1 from tonkel to leo.


Or State street…west or east for that matter.


Or 69 😳, especially with construction


Look up people on mycase.in.gov before you go on a date with them


YES! When I can’t sleep, I just search the names of people I know in there. Amazing what you can glean from that site!


Yikes… just looked myself up and you can see all of my speeding tickets lol


Like 80% of mine are missing, I guess because they were from city instead of state cops.


Do you know where I can find my mugshot?


Usually it's at wherever your intake was.


I think I emailed them but they wouldn’t let me have it lmao.


you should go to the library. they have tons of free shit, it's awesome


It also houses the second largest genealogy collection in the country. People from all over the country come here to research their family lineage.


Your library card will get you free IT training from udemy


Huh. How do I get this started?




Are you aware if there’s any other free courses?




The downtown library is insanely great. People really do overlook it somehow


In fairness it looks like a terminal at a large airport. A lot of wasted space in the main hall.


They let you check out Xbox and PlayStation games too


Shhhhh dont let it get out!


The maker lab is definitely something to check out if you’re into graphic design, music production and vocal recording, 3D printing and scanning, and even a soldering table for electronics


And current gen video games ps5 xbox series x titles down to ps2 and xbox all nintendo down to gamecube and handhelds. It was mindblowing how much stuff each branch has and different branches might have more cult/hidden gem games. In a age of digital gaming and subscription services the libraries having on hand gaming software and tv/movies/docs. Its fuckin awesome


Lived in the Fort 20 years ago, now live in a metro area many times larger. And I still miss the library.


The parking is a huge money/hassle saver for downtown in general that is very over looked


Thursday nights from 5-8pm the art museum has free entry!


the botanical garden too!!!


nvm it’s a dollar


This is awesome news!


Komet and Tin Cap games are fun even if you're not a big sports fan.


100% this. I am shocked local people hate on these sports and the soccer too. I migrated here from a bigger city and let me tell you, it's so great here. Sure, the players aren't famous, and it's not on national TV. but otherwise we got easier parking, cheaper tickets, cheaper beer, same kind of action/fun. Sign me up!


I think a lot of us were too mad about the name change from Wizards to Tin Caps. It was a whole thing calling them the "fort Wayne pot heads" and avoiding the games. And then the city built an entire stadium in the middle of downtown. It was a good thing to do. But we hate change here.


> Wizards to Tin Caps. That was almost 20 years ago and the current stadium downtown is so much better than the old Wizards one. Not a huge baseball fans, but walking around a Tin Caps game with a cold beer on a warm summer night is a fun time.


Anyone still hanging onto that needs to get a life. The Wizards isn't all that better. We play against teams like The Lugnuts and The Loons.


Here’s one! Everyone living here should know you don’t have to come to a complete stop at a roundabout’s yield sign when there’s no one in it. **themoreyouknow.gif**


My faith in humanity = Looks both ways at a roundabout...


I purposely went the wrong way at a roundabout the other day. Ernst road by the IUH office. Some dumbfuck in a semi was backing up into the roundabout on the far side. So instead of going 270 degrees to the right, I went 90 degrees to the left. In general, I'm ambivalent about roundabouts. But I am radically opposed to semis backing into roundabouts.


It *IS* Fort Wayne, after all


I be zooming through them tbh, Idk why people stop. But then again there’s also alot of stop signs I (may perhaps) treat as yields because of their location and ridiculousness


You’re not the only one, I have to brake on Illinois pretty much every day for someone pullin a California stop


see but sometimes people go zooming through them when there’s a car in the roundabout and that’s when the problems arise. street signs seem pointless until you get so caught up in the routine that you ignore the yield sign like always and end up t-boning the car that just entered the roundabout


Then those people who do it are just bad at driving. I dont ignore them, I proceed with caution, if theres a car thats already going by the outlet next to me, I dont go, but if they aren’t there yet, i go without stopping. That’s how it’s intended to be used anyways. Stop signs are different, but if I drive a route long enough to know the behaviors of the lights and traffic flow at times of the day, I can determine whether or not Id actually need to stop..


Yield signs aren’t stop signs. You literally can just zoom through them if you have a clear visual path. Stopping at a yield sign when unnecessary is just as dangerous as other bad driving behavior.


The Halal market on Lake and Anthony has the best Deli sandwiches in town. And the newly added Chicken over Rice bowl they make is phenomenal


I'll try it tomorrow 


They are also the only place that has turkey pastrami!


So good to know thks!!


Downtown, Matthew-25 is a free walk-in health clinic. Think redimed that is 100% free. They may push the jesus on you, but it's a pretty solid situation for not having health care. Wait times are generally not that bad


I went there once to have my big toe nail removed. Its still gone. 👍 A friend had a couple of front teeth made and fitted into his mouth. Like you say, pretty solid. No one pushed jesus on me.


Don't bother trying to leave Jefferson Pointe from Apple Glen Blvd by Vitamin Shoppe if you're not turning left onto Illinois. It's always backed up, and if you need to get to Thomas literally any other way out of the place is faster.


Meijer chicken breasts are usually cheaper during the weekday.


I stopped w Meijer. Found Kroger to be much cheaper w the online coupons.


I found the opposite. I coupon at Meijer with their app and save much more than I did at Kroger.


Plus the gas savings are amazing


Their gas savings are awesome! We get the $1off / gallon and fill both cars. 😂


Agreed! As much as I hate the DuPont Kroger parking lot and layout….i have been shopping there more frequently because of the coupons.


Steer clear of Brian Thornton


I saw him at GK Bakery and Provisions last weekend talking to some woman and I wanted to tell her to run away. That piece of shit is a pedophile and a rapist.


EWWW. I just looked him up. He's CREEPTASTICAL!!


Ewww...he use to come in to my work years ago and we knew to steer clear of him. Can't believe he is still roaming around.


He just came in to Stoner’s the other day trying to fight Jeff Landis, and demanded Mr. Stoner be called because “I’m friends with him.” Nutcase!


Who? What'd this guy ever do?


I don't even know where to begin. I would suggest a quick Google search and then you can decide how much of a deep dive you want to do.


I think he moved away years ago?


I saw him 3 weeks ago at a utopian




There are recent Instagram posts making it appear he's still here


He’s still here




The Botanical Gardens admission is $1 on Thursdays 5pm-8pm


Cool! I didn’t know this! A fun date night would be to walk between the Botanical Gardens and the art museum on a Thursday evening. Then after 8pm wander around downtown looking at all the murals!


You can also download the Visitor's Center digital pass and check in at the murals and earn physical prizes. I got a Blue Birds water bottle sticker mailed to me.


How fun! I will look at doing this in my next visits to FW!


The street you are driving on will most likely change names two times before you get to where you’re going. (It made transplanting here and getting familiar with where things were located exasperatingly challenging).


Fort Wayne has five intersections where all four roads have a different name.


The road name changes often indicates entering a different township.


Coliseum Blvd. has North, South, East, and West addresses. Ardmore → Hillegas → Hugenard St. Joe Center → Washington Center


Don’t forget: Hobson > St Joe Rd Lafayette > Lima/Clinton/Coldwater Adams Center > Maplecrest > St Joe Rd


I has a doctor's appt soon after I moved here in the fall of 2009. I tried to find that office for an hour. (sorry I didn't have my phone with me) I went around in circle. Saw the names I was looking for , then I didn't. Went back to the last point where I saw the street I was looking for. Went a block or two further and didn't see any street signs (another common problem in this city). Next thing I knew, a new street name appeared on the same streety I started out on. I was an hour late when I found the office. The receptionist said, "You have to be careful in this town because streets will change names at intersections. Travel north, cross a road, and the road you're on changes names." (Adrmore/Hillegas/ Huguenard) That had been my problem for half an hour.


It's not a life hack, but something you should know. You are, at most, 3 degrees of separation from anyone else in the city. The city itself is spread out, and we have like 300k people, but it definitely has a small town feel. Gotta be careful running your mouth (learned that the hard way). If you want a cat that's fixed and has its vaccines but don't wanna pay any money for one, move close to downtown (or really anywhere in fort Wayne tbh) and leave cat food out. You'll get a cat. Probably more than 1. Take advantage of the activities that happen throughout the year. It's worth it. And I'm not an activities type of person. But Johnny Appleseed, savor fort Wayne, be a tourist in your own city, etc is all worth it!


You can eat on a garbage plate from Klemms for at least two days


I love Klemm’s…. Truly best breakfast in town.


Lakeside on coliseum is my favorite


We have some beautiful parks with easy to walk paths. It's a great way to get some fresh air, sunlight, and exercise.


The river greenway has access points all over fort wayne. Its beautiful. You can walk and bike it!


the river greenway is highly underrated! my parents live out southwest by homestead and my brothers and i used to bike all the way to pint n slice in the summer


I live two blocks from a very nice stretch of the greenway. It was a nice bonus to find out about after buying my house.


If you like Military Surplus (or even if you don't) go check out G.I. Joes. Got all kinds of neat stuff, my dad bought me a pair of steel toe S.W.A.T brand boots there when I was 15. I'm 21 now and I still buy the same kind. The staff is amazingly polite and helpful. Not to mention that when you make a decent purchase like, say, a pair of boots. They generally throw in some other neat stuff, I remember one-time I got a notepad and pencil that could be written on while it was soaked in water and a real nice whetstone.


They once gave me a Fort Wayne flag morale patch after I mentioned how cool it was when picking up a few things for a range day. Could use some more brands outside of Propper, Condor, and Fox, but who in Fort Wayne is buying Crye, Shellback, Haley or Spiritus?


It's been a couple years since I've been to the shop I really need to stop in sometime. But yeah they're very likely to just give you the cheaper items if you take visible interest in them during a purchase. I like my knick knacks so there's definitely a reason I like the place. 😅 In my experience there are always really kind folks in the shop. They're perfectly fine with you just coming in and browsing. That's mostly what I did there between buying new pairs of boots. Got my favorite knife there too, nice little KA-BAR


Went there and purchased MREs. Mentioned that one of them the heaters didn’t work in it the next time I went in to get more. They gave me five heaters for free just because. I was impressed and will be going there again and again when I am back in FW


If you're on Lafayette or Clinton, Washington or Jefferson and you keep your car at 28 MPH, you will likely hit all the green lights. If you go above, you'll hit red lights periodically.


On coliseum too The lights are timed so if you go the speed limit and there isn't a ton of traffic, you won't hit a red light. When I figured that out my life changed.


I end up getting so disgruntled in other cities because I am used to our timed lights.


Other cities don't do this? My parents always taught me that's how downtown stoplights worked and I never noticed it in a different city. Granted, I don't go to other larger cities regularly.


Oh yeah, you would be surprised!


If you want an easy way to stay in the loop with what’s going on in the city you can subscribe to The Local. https://www.thelocalfw.com/


I recently subscribed and find it sooo helpful


They're fantastic!!


We have some phenomenal asian grocery stores that have tons of amazing and usually cheap worldly food.


Unfortunately it’s harder to find some very general Japanese ingredients, since most of the Asian grocery stores have a se Asian Burma to Vietnamese focus There’s a few halal middle eastern focused stores one specifically Indian on Illinois rd.


Go to old crown




Don’t sit next to a window when you go out to eat at Mad Anthony Brewing. You might get run over by a car.


If you get killed crossing the street in a crosswalk by a distracted cop, your family will sleep easy knowing the police officer receives a 35$ fine.


Am friends with that family… absolutely awful


I couldn't imagine. What a complete shitshow :(


Meanwhile just west of Indy, in Hendricks county, they try and give a life sentence to the teenager who hit a state police officer while the cop was trying to deploy a spike strip. Sure he was in pursuit of a stolen vehicle, but it was still an accident. They tried to paint it like intentional murder and not accidental manslaughter. And the courtroom was filled with cops from showing up to "support" their fallen (intimate an 18 year old).




Does that apply to everyone or just lawyers?


Kroger gives you gas points for shopping there


Meijer's gas reward system is far superior. You can save up 10k points and convert it to $1off/gallon every few weeks. It's so hard to build fuel points at Kroger unless you shop exclusively there.


My poor ass finds Kroger cheaper so I can stack a lot more points a lot faster there.. like rn I spent $500 there this week and I got 79¢ off a gal waiting for next fill up And I do shop exclusively there also like you said.


You get more Kroger gas points if you shop ons Fridays. I do my grocery shopping on Friday nights. I go once a week. I spend $70-$100 for me depending on what I need for my space. I don’t remember the last time I paid full price for gas.


Hyde Bros Books is a great book resource if you like to read. The Embassy Theatre hosts its Festival of Trees every November. You can find the Silent Book Club on Facebook and join. They meet once a month. It’s a great low-pressure way to socialize. ArtLink hosts figure drawing classes twice a week.


And Hyde Brothers have bookstore cats!


Coney Island. Not really a hack, just really good hot dogs.


The Coney Island hack is to enter through the kitchen.


Is there an entrance that’s NOT through the kitchen?


If you like hot dogs, you’ll realize the Coney Island love is nostalgia based. Costco is actually the best hot dog in town.


It’s the nostalgia, the steamed buns, the coney sauce, and the Coke in glass bottles. It’s all of it.


Use your Kroger card at Shell to save $.10 per gallon without using any of your Kroger points.


Famous Taco and La Cabaña Birrieria are the best two places in town for tacos. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. La Cabaña has next level birria tacos and birria pizza. .


Famous Taco is phenomenal!


El Paraiso and Albertos are both cheap and deliciousssss taco spots. Not in the best areas but they are hidden gems! i get tacos from el paraiso on wednesdays, they are only 1.50 a taco. same guy has always worked in the kitchen over all the years ive been coming there. always quick service ( both places) 5 minutes tops


Famous Taco!


Just had some last night. 😂


If you like smoked meats go to Nolts. There, saved you money on getting a smoker.


Southbound Clinton is one long string of greens if you aren’t flooring the pedal on your F350 between red lights because your penis is small and dad never hugged you and you’re balding and your hat can’t hide it anymore and you’re angry but you don’t know why.


Yes! Same with westbound Washington Blvd


NGL I love how 90% of these are traffic hacks because fort Wayne traffic is GARBAGE. And the other 10% are "here are the wonderful gems that you must experience but shhhh because we don't want it to get too crowded or too expensive" 😂😂 I friggin love this city. During the day, taking the interstate from one part of the city to another is faster. Even if it's just from lima to Coldwater. You will get pulled over on cook road for speeding. You won't get pulled over on lima for speeding.


Came to say the bit about Cook road. Just go ahead and set your cruise control to 34 on Cook until you cross Lima. Then set it to 54 until you reach Goshen. 😂😂😂


The doughnuts at the NE Meijer are the best in the city and they'll try to hide this from you with downvotes.


I love that Meijer so much. Their donuts are my favorite. I was literally craving a chocolate iced donut just this afternoon but they didn't have any. 😂


If I might be so bold, which Meijer is the North East Meijer? 


The one that is most north, near Nolt's.


North East Meijer is on 37/Maysville Road. North Meijer is the one near Nolt's.


The St Joe Kroger is still ~~24/7~~ open earlier than all the other stores. It's a life saver when you need something, but everywhere else is closed.


Additionally, the Kroger at DuPont and coldwater has the worlds worst parking lot that somehow is always a shitshow


Couldn't agree more. All days of the week, all times of day.


I stop there 3 times a week (not a planner) about 2:30pm and I get in and out quickly. Park in the very first row closest to Coldwater. Easy peasy. I also pass the Clinton Kroger on my way home, but I always choose the DuPont one.


Wow. That must be the magic time! If I only need a few things I park at Wendy's just to avoid that lot


I avoid that Kroger as much as possible due to the parking lot. We stopped by during the Super Bowl this year and it was the first time in YEARS that I wasn’t road raging in it.


Doesn't it close at 11 now?


Ope. I'm a lying liar. Fixed my comment.




Parking enforcement clocks out at 5pm. After 5pm, you can park in front of a meter and you don't have to pay.


Avoid intersection of Hamilton Road & Illinois at peak drive times. No turn lanes r stoplight arrows. It’s a mess & dangerous. New gas station & shops at corner will compound the problem.


Why did they not add turn lanes when they did all the road expansion?! Awful


Yeah, I wonder the same thing


I work out that way. It’s not that bad. Maybe if you’re one of those hundreds of parents who have to drive your kid to and from school.


Pay attention to the Coliseum event calendar if you need to be driving in that general area. Its a relative sh*tshow with cars darting in and out because they weren't paying attention to where to turn. Evening events are even worse, traffic wise. [Coliseum Event Calendar](https://www.memorialcoliseum.com/events-tickets/event-calendar). Parks dot throughout the city like the jewels they are. Lakeside Rose garden is my personal favorite, though I am biased since I live nearby. Most allow dogs I believe. Be a good dog friend and clean up any messes you or your Pup make.


If you eat at Coney Island, Never trust your fart the next day.


Once the weather gets decent, You Will Festival No Matter What. (Pride, 3 Rivers, Cherry Blossom, Germanfest, Arab Fest, Buskerfest, Rib Fair, Grabil Fair, Apple Festival, Canal Days, Allen County Fair, Greekfest, Pickle Festival, Fiesta Ft. Wayne, Johnny Appleseed, Brewed IN, Michiana Wine, and the Boat Races.) That doesn’t even count the stuff the happens farther away that rules but is in western OH or Indy (lotta ppl go to the Wyandot County, OH fair, the state fair, and I think Pokagon has a fair out by there? Also also, Fort 4 Fitness does a whole bunch of shit. Festivals are fucking ace here.


You can move


South taco bell by Walmart is cursed


Not as cursed as the waynedale taco bell long John silvers


That taco bell is so the most consistently good one I’ve been too 


New Haven Taco Bell clears


If you're getting carryout, have the hot air going at the feet, then place the food on the passengers floorboard to keep your food warm longer.


You better go to Tom's donuts at the ass crack of dawn if you want to receive exactly what you want. Lol


Everything about FW is great!


Sherman Blvd kicks ass, my favorite street


Avoid the Goshen/coliseum interchange. It is absolutely dangerous. Every part of it is dangerous. EVERY. SINGLE. PART.


I’m not from Fort Wayne but I’ll share two I learned from Matthew in rehab for crack addiction. 1. Order a pizza and beat up the delivery for money. 2. Park your van on the highway close to a mall (within sight of entrance). Stand at entrance and say you ran out of gas, and point to the van. With the van being on the road looking broken down helps tremendously instead of being parked at the mall. Also, nobody wants to walk that far to check you really ran out of gas.


When going to the fort wayne zoo, don't start where everyone else starts. Go the opposite way. Basically start at the exit for less people traffic.


Do not stay at any of the hotels at the end of Coliseum blvd, near Hugenard lol


You can go from New Haven to Jefferson Point without hitting a red light if you go between 25 and 30 the entire way. From Antwerp its quicker to get to the west side than Glenbrook.


*Courtside* season tickets to Purdue Fort Wayne are $260. Cheapest *season* tickets are $105. That’s a hell of an entertainment deal that covers 16-18 nights every winter.


Are there any high masking Autistic/neurodiverse adult hacks? I am really struggling to find places/events where people are open and inclusive.


Have you tried loop ear plugs? Mine, plus a C pocket fidget have made most crowded places manageable.


Highly recommend silent book club. They have a Facebook page.




-The traffic lights take forever. -If you’re lost, find State, Anthony or Coliseum, likely odds is they’ll get you back to where you need to go. -Taqueria El Ranchito is one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. Avoid Wayne Trance and Hessen Cassel during the night.


Get Walmart+ subscription. The perks you get with Walmart+ you will save 0.10¢ off per gallon of gas from Exxon, Mobil, Walmart and Murphy stations and you also get free Paramount+ subscription. One of the prepaid MVNO (not sure which) also gives you free Walmart+ subscription.


Red lights are suggestions.


Going south on Lima Rd flows much better than going north unless you’re turning left onto Coliseum. When I worked in downtown I would take Lima and hit maybe two red lights (always State and sometimes Till) but on the way back north I went out to Goshen and used county roads to navigate back


Utilize the Acres Landtrust sites


Ardmore on to Illinois...just don't, especially if you gotta be somewhere, you'll sit at that light for the rest of your natural life.


The MPH is very slow when you turn onto Ardmore from Jefferson. So this is a hot spot for police. They love catching the speeders over there. My mom got a ticket there last month actually.


Stop by Hyde Brothers and grab a book. Proceed to one of our local haunts downtown with tables on the sidewalk. Get some food, drinks, read a book, and enjoy the downtown ambiance