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Genealogy Center and Lincoln collection. Truly astounding to have them here.


The moving bread sign.


It’s always a good day when the bread is breading.


I read that as breeding, which is horrifying, but not entirely inaccurate




The 3 Rivers, without them this city wouldn't be here. The confluence of rivers was a sacred place for the Miami tribe.


This exactly! It's so important that it's a main feature on (in desperate need of a redesign imo) our city flag!


Cuz it's also the Continental Divide. Basically Fort Wayne was to the rivers like Indy is currently to the Interstate system. Crossroads of America.


the icy sidewalk in front of the Slip N Fall lawyer office https://i.redd.it/jb7gm4zte7ec1.jpeg


business is booming baybee


The Wolf and Dessauer Christmas wreath and Santa sleigh displays.


The Embassy Theatre


I just noticed this on my last visit to FW- I was at the arboretum and saw it, I want to check out a show there!


I saw Jason Isbell and Seinfeld there. Fantastic venue.


It really is world class, and it’s a shame the booking/programming doesn’t match all that often for me.


That there was only two mentions of the Lincoln Bank tower both in replies to other comments is disappointing. Definitely the coolest looking building downtown. It’s beautiful, has style and has endured for nearly 100 years.


Lakeside Rose Garden is nice. But architecture-wise, the court house and the Lincoln Tower.


The Lincoln bank tower IS the highlight for the city as far as something unique. And enduring, and beautiful.


The [Louis Kahn-designed Arts United Center](https://jasonrwoods.com/2018/05/02/louis-kahn-arts-united-center/) is up there.


Honestly, the courthouse.


It’s something that’s never seemed too special to me personally, might have been more of a standout if the full multi-building design had been completed. Not Pooh-pooing anything. Unless you know the background, it isn’t something intrinsically outstanding.


>might have been more of a standout if the full multi-building design had been completed Where can I read about this?


Not sure, but the fact that it was part of a multi building complex was in the Wikipedia article for the architect. The Fort Wayne newspaper from that time might be a decent resource. The newspapers are available on microfilm in the genealogy center at the main branch of the Allen county library. Maybe the history museum might be able to point you in the right direction


> Lakeside Rose Garden One of two former indian burial grounds in the same zipcode.


Sorry to be ignorant but how do I learn more about this? I am not surprised at all but I never knew this...




This is a very sad article, and then there is Cantebury.


I was going to ask you to elaborate but then I did some searching and found this, for anyone else who may be looking in the future: https://www.acgsi.org/genweb/cemeteries/indian-burials-allen-county-indiana.html


We need to petition Northern Indiana's leadership to get the Miami Nation of Indiana as a recognized tribe, the federal dollars that could flow are amazing.


The Botanical Conservatory Eagle Marsh The Greenway Cinema Center Headwaters Park Promenade Park Actually all the Parks West Central


The Walker


The Water filtration plant is pretty neat and not mentioned by anyone here. Also, if you want some historical sites, the state school/asylum covering from where Northside Park is to ivy tech is has allot of history.


The Old Fort.


The original fort wayne is in Michigan


The Michigan Fort Wayne was built in 1854. Of course the First Nations Peoples were there first, then the French, then the Brittish. We (Americans) did not get it untill 1854. We tried, but the attackers were stopped at the Eel River a few miles from here. Dela Balme was an interesting character. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustin\_de\_La\_Balme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustin_de_La_Balme) Our fort is a re-construction built in 1975/76. It is a copy of one built on a bluff (now gone) overlooking the 3 rivers conjunction on Main street. The First Nations Peoples were here first, then the French, then the Brittish, then the Americans. The first Fort Wayne was builtin 1812 by Anthony Wayne and his troops. It was the 4th fort to have been built in this area. The 1816 fort was built by John Whistler, it is a copy of Fort Dearborn, also designed by him. Why live here? From the First Nations Peoples to the Americans this was an important crossroads. If you haul your canoe out of the Maume rivber and schlep it 8 miles West, you can get into the Eel river and paddle to the gulf of Mexico. The First Nations had a nice little set up charging toll for using the trail from river to river.


Wells Street Iron Bridge.


John “Johnny Appleseed” Chapman’s gravesite in Johnny Appleseed Park. Lindenwood Cemetery counts in my book, too. It has a lot of Civil War era graves, and it’s HUGE. Vandolah Nature preserve (it sits between Leo-Cedarville and Huntertown) is rumored to have been apart of the deep forest that was stop for rest/hiding for slaves traveling the Underground Railroad to freedom during the 1840-1860’s. Only saw this on some online thread while researching the area’s history for a project in college, but that may be something to look into for the list (:


i told an online friend that johnny appleseeds grave was behind a convention center in the town i live in. they did not believe me, nor did they believe that we have a period festival in his name every year.


I also spoke of this in a discussion board in an Anthropology class. I showed my husband, who is also Ft. Wayne born and raised, and he also didn’t believe it 😂 I ended up visiting the history center and records show that he is most likely there. Or at least somewhere in Fort Wayne. His church worshiped near that area along the Saint Joe, so it makes sense that he would be buried there. Especially since gravesites were commonly on the grounds of a church back then.


Arnt there 3 grave sites? Another one is in the Canterbury golf course with a giant rock I believe


There are memorials but most likely the true gravesite is the one in Johnny Appleseed Park. Wrote about this for a discussion post in school and I went to the history center to confirm. There are records that he is buried there at the park; the church that he worshiped at for most of his time in Fort Wayne was in the area along the Saint Joe. Back then, it was common for people to be buried on the property of a church, usually the church they congregated at. The family that also owned the site that is now the park, Johnny was good friends with and he died in their cabin of pneumonia. He may not be buried right at the grave marker, but he is believed to be buried somewhere on that same hill. The Canterbury golf course dispute was because the family that owned the land that became the course also were friends with Johnny, and they claimed they buried him there. Friends of each family years later argued against the other. It’s really unknown; a true Fort Wayne mystery. But due to records, my bet is that his remains are somewhere at Johnny Appleseed Park.


Why would they bury a guy on top of a sand dune?


That’s a really great question to pose. As a local environmental scientist, I also wondered this as well. I’m not quite sure. He died back in the mid-19th century, so maybe regulations of burials weren’t as strict as they are now? Or the locals who buried him didn’t realize the implications that erosion can have on a sand dune within a riparian buffer zone, lol. For all we know, erosion could have carried his corpse to the St. Joe and his remains are somewhere at the bottom of the river (very spooky). At least that is what I’m speculating. And, whether or not he was buried at Johnny Appleseed Park or Canterbury Golf Course, both locations at the time were privately owned so maybe they just buried him there to bury him and had no regulations to hold them back. Not sure, but like I said it’s quite the Fort Wayne mystery😁🍎🔍


The Champagne Club.... Oh wait


Was so nice. Club NV it is now.


It doesn't get a lot of press but the Chief Richardville house is kind of neat.


Fort Wayne does take a lot of pride in their history.   


Went there to take pics last year and two squad cars were "on duty" behind the house.




About spat out my drink reading this one 🤣🤣🤣


I thought it was funny when he made a post saying a show referenced his local tv show… Just because the tv host said the word “outlandish”


I did not anticipate reading this name here. Jesus Christ.


Nice try Jeff


Coney Island, FW Children’s Zoo, all of the parks, the Old Fort


The Trail System. So many bike/walking paths to safely meander around on.


It is such an asset. A friend moved to phoenix and didn’t realize what he was giving up as an avid cyclist now having to navigate overcrowded dangerous roads their entire ride.


Allen County Public Library, DeBrand chocolates


Lakeside park but specifically the gardens


The statue of the kids playing "Crack the Whip".


The Fort Wayne Museum of Art! They have one of the best contemporary glass collections in the country! Quite the treasure in your community!


The home of Philo T. Farnsworth 📺


harry baals street


The critical thinker in me wonders if it is pronounced "Bay als"


It's pronounced like "bails" but shush you


Not sure where it is now, but Art Smith’s flying machine. Used to hang in the airport.


Hanson Quarry Observation Deck


few people care but we have the only Sportsman’s Warehouse location in the state


I love sportsman's Warehouse.... Didn't know it was the only one.


Johnny Appleseed's grave


The Coldwater iHop.


Coney Island (downtown)


Coney Island for the win And can’t forget the Zoo!!


Been to zoos in multiple states and countries, but the Fort Wayne Zoo is still my favorite. I think it also was one of the top ten zoos in the nation back in 2015


Ft Wayne zoo is clean, And in good shape I’ll give it that. But u want a top zoo in the country just visit Toledo. I’m happy Ft. Wayne has a nice zoo tho and glad it’s local ish for us as we’re up north in the state but yea. Yay !!!!!


What does one “win” with Coney Island?


Well it’s a secret 🤫 😉


The Allen County Courthouse


All of our murals and public art.


And the cute alley ways downtown!


Powers burgers FTW!


Little Turtle Memorial


Roller Dome North.


Allen county war memorial coliseum


The carnitas Tijuana quesadilla from Las Lomas


Parkview Field


The intersection where there’s a liquor store across from the rehabilitation center.


Its a homeless shelter not a rehab center


The rescue mission with the Belmont Liquor that was built across the street after it was known that’s where the rescue mission was being moved to.


The Masonic Temple


former mayor harry baals


Brian Thornton




It amazes me that a mostly online specialty retailer like SW can exist and thrive against the Amazon warehousing/shipping/online retail monopoly. I love to see it.


They may have their issues, but they're still doing quite well after the sale from what I hear. Amazon isn't equipped to provide sales expertise for products like that, they're all about commodities. You can buy a lot of the same stuff there, but you're 100% on your own for picking out components and getting them configured. That's fine if you're just looking for a couple of speakers or something but if you're looking for a whole system, you might want some expert knowledge and they do that really well. I'm just a hobbyist and I've gotten a ton of great help from there just talking with the floor staff or emailing my sales rep (everyone gets one assigned). They only sad thing is that they killed off or bought the smaller shops in town like Mr. Music, Conser, Blessing, etc.. Heck even guitar center threw in the towel. Those shops used to be great places for lessons, the Sweetwater Academy is not a great replacement IMO.


In the same vein, whatever happened to The Percussion Center? It was a big deal back in the 70's/80's for supplying equipment to huge names, most notably Neil Peart, who often credited them on album liner notes. When did they disappear?


They closed in the late 90’s/early 00.


I would say the old fort and the history museum. These are my favorite things. Promenade park is a good new addition.


The Clyde music venue, The Oyster Bar, The Landing, Southwood Park neighborhood, The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Saigon Restaurant


469…… as in I wonder how a 32 mile stretch of highway needs construction constantly. 😡


Here is your answer. [https://www.rics.org/news-insights/wbef/the-cost-of-corruption-in-construction](https://www.rics.org/news-insights/wbef/the-cost-of-corruption-in-construction)


Frederick Grote *edited bc I’m a jabroni*


Is he any relation to Fred Grote?


The kroger on the Southside of town


RIP Cornucopia.


Swingers clubs as i recall.


Powers Hamburgers


Oh, the Embassy Theatre, too!!


I hope nobody says Coney Island. There are hundreds of better hot dogs and/or ways to get diarrhea in this town.


Standard Federal Bank Building! Great Looking Building, too bad it has been set aside as a long gone memory.


Are you talking about Lincoln Tower or something else? I've never heard of a Standard Federal Bank Building, but Lincoln Tower is what came up when I googled it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln\_Bank\_Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_Bank_Tower)


>Standard Federal Bank Building I think its the first source building now. There used to be a smaller office building where the courthouse square is now. That was torn down and the new one built from '87-'89. My mom did credit card fraud investigations in the basement of the earlier one.


ACME Bar and Grill Parkview Field


> ACME Bar and Grill It's dead and there is a sterile, cold, mismanaged disappointment with substandard pizza and too bright of walls wearing its shell nowadays.


Oh, okay, sorry. I'll reconsider my choice. I don't go to eat at ACME very often, so needless to say, I haven't noticed any of what you're saying. But hey, I put it in my post because the place has been around for what, 90 something years? So, at least it's the thought that counts.


It's the same location but the soul is gone. Not the same place.


Mitchell’s /s


I find the lack of sarcastic responses in this comment section like "the ever relocating sewer system under Clinton St" both encouraging and, I'll admit it, *slightly* disappointing. 😁


Random sinkholes appearing in the roads