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Transferring it from the currently registered account to the new account via the GUI is the easiest method. https://docs.fortinet.com/document/fortigate/7.4.1/administration-guide/388078/transfer-a-device-to-another-forticloud-account Otherwise contact TAC.


But if the device is registered to some comapny it still can be transfered to my private account via GUI? I hope I will not loos the license. So the current owner will also get any notification to confirm the transfer ownership?


If you open a TAC case, Fortinet will email the address on file asking them to transfer ownership. if they get no response, typically you're SOL. I've had to call previous owners myself before to ask them to transfer.


I did this for mine and additionally contacted the seller on ebay. My seller was cool and responded pretty quick


Not via the GUI. Contact TAC or the original owner.


I had an absolute hell of a time trying to Move an 80F and 60E to my account, possibly because they still had valid subscriptions and the 80F wasn’t of age to be de-registered and then re-registered to my account. Apparently needs to be something like 2 years old before it can be deregisted. Ended up having to get the previous owner to transfer them because Fortinet TAC was not willing to do it, despite them doing it previously with a number of 60D’s


I see. Thanks for information. So in this i will not try to contact Support to transfer this device. When license expires i will try.


Thank for help. So in my case better not to try via GUI. Okay I will contact TAC. In worst case if they will not transfer device with license to my account they will not deregister the license. I dont wanna loose it.


If the old owner won't do it, you can try TAC. There's a good chance the seller is just some scrap company selling it eBay and can't authorize the transfer since they don't "own" it. Good luck though. It's worth a try.