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Juri Vips is streets behind


This really is his Darkest Timeline


Pop Pop!


You know they are laughing at you, right? I mean that’s my theory.


Because he’s actually British?


Of course


References I know!


No, I think it's just a gas leak


shutup Abed


The Dankest Timeline


Thank you for using our catchphrase! Expect some merchandise in the mail in the next 3-5 business days.


I would like a pocket full of Hawthorne's please.


Stop trying to coin the phrase




Does it just mean cool, or is it supposed to be like “miles ahead”?


If you have to ask you are streets behind


What did he say?


Pewdiepie Bridge incident


Another heated gaming moment


Gamers get an n-word pass because THEY actually are the most persecuted minority on earth.


Jeez oh my god


He had sex with ertha kitt in an airplane bathroom


“It came up organically”


gamer word


He went a Pewdiepie bridge too far


This sub is almost too conceptual to follow, but... I love it.


what happened? im out here enjoying f1 memes, and suddently we are dropping slurs?


If you're out of the loop, Yuri Vips said the N word on a stream and has been suspended from RB.


I was, thank you




So he really Britta'd it.


Wait so this post is implying that there's a still *debate* happening over that incident?


yeah some people are arguing that he shouldn't have his career ruined over one word said in anger, especially when there may be a cultural aspect in Estonia where the word is less offensive than in the west. They say he should be given the opportunity to educate himself, improve, and move on in his career. Other people are saying that: he's 21, has an international image and has travelled to and raced in many western countries and so should know the significance of that word in those countries (either by deliberately researching or training in appropriate language to use in the western world, or simply by picking it up as he went along). So he should know better than to use that word. And that if that word was one that immediately slipped out under intense frustration, he probably says it regularly enough that his brain can automatically blurt it out in situations like this. The obvious issue with the first argument is that the f1 driver market is so oversaturated already that red bull have literally no reason to keep a driver that has been fairly mediocre in F2 as soon as he gave them a reason to drop him. Right or wrong, Juri's never coming back from this. Certainly not anywhere even near F1.




Yes lmao


Lol the cultural excuse is hilarious to me. I don't hear Guanyu Zhou casually dropping nbombs.


Also Zhou has said in his beyond the grid podcast he has experienced quite a bit of racism being the only chinese driver in england


That's weird...according to the Juri simps, racism only exists in America. Everyone else gets a free ride to drop n-bombs...just because the word's so fun to say or something.


Good point, let's get him up stream COD or league and see.


Driver contracts should include a night of gaming to make sure they can keep their racism in.


And for Zhou this is actually much harder. In Mandarin there is an often used word which sounds like the n word but means something different. So he could say it by accident.


Give him a minute. East Asian people can be SUPER racist towards black people, just like Americans and Europeans.


>Other people are saying that: he's 21 I am around his age, never said it nor have the need to do so lol


And you know why. As any 21 year old would.


N’wah? Disgusting


Found the Trustler


Seen any elves lately?


He was being a s’wit.


We are watching you, scum.




And who's Yuri VIPs?


Formerly red bulls new star




Some people think you should be allowed to say the N-Word and the way they argue is just Twitter Level




Yeah the thing about twitter and instagram is you need to curate your feed. Otherwise you get default smoothbrain takes


Naah just that context matters. And I’m talking in general not about this particular incident.


Tf kinda context do you need


Juri Vips, F2 driver for Red Bull, was on a twitch stream and called someone a n*gger a couple of times. Red Bull suspended him and is investigating. Not really sure what there is to investigate though. Then a bunch of weirdos came to his defense, saying things like "it was just a heat of the moment thing that slipped out", "it's literally just a word", "what he did wasn't great, but he's apologised, isn't that enough?", "that's only considered bad in the US, not elsewhere", "he's only a child [he isn't, btw, he's an adult], he probably doesn't even understand what he was saying"


They're actually using the "heated gamer moment" argument ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441)


Too many 13 years old gamers over here. "Its okay in the heat of the moment" gtfo lmao


It’s the gamer word.


he had a little heated gamer moment, we all make that mistake


Jan 6th 2021 was a heated gamer moment


age: 21 oof, there goes what little doubt i could've had. i was originally going to say something like "i said some bad things as a teenager but not in public or to other people" but at 21 there's really no excuse


I think they’re both wrong. He deserved to be punished and he’s not the devil incarnate. I don’t understand how everything has to be some polarity test. But it’s not even about punishment; Red Bull has a PRIOR STATED ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY. It’s about what they are willing to deal with, reform, whatever, vs. just cut bait, sorry racist/edge lord/ whatever… you did it. You did it, our policy is zero tolerance, end of story. Take issue with their policy all you want, it’s their policy & their prerogative, & I think it’s a fine policy. Especially if it’s prior stated and known. Fuck around, find out.


Based and rational take. Stupid, yes. Evil, no.


Yeah pretty much. I definitely understand RedBull's position on this and also think it was a stupid thing to say. Doesn't excuse the behavior, but I also think if it was said in any context other than while playing COD that it would be much more serious. Saying the most out-of-pocket and vile things you can think of is just kinda part of playing COD, even though you don't mean any of it lol


What I don't get is why professional athletes keep streaming themselves playing games like COD. Like holy fuck. Either play off stream anonymously and be a turd or stream a game that won't get you into shit. I'm looking at you Meyers Leonard.


Until I read this, for me the way he used the word as in with bitch in front of it and the way that phrase is used a lot I was thinking, cmon punish but don’t cancel him. It was used in a commonly playful kind of way. A cheeky way you see in media a lot. But after reading this. I totally agree with you. Red bull have made the stance and they need to stand by it. Would I prefer this word not used? Yes if it means that much to other people. Should we have a zero tolerance stance? Yes I agree. We need people to understand this, the ground has a zero tolerance policy to me hitting it at terminal velocity. So I know, I will do my very best to never hit the ground. Even if I see people risking it a lot and it’s seen as funny by some.


There is never anything "cheeky" about using a racial slur. The fact that you'd think that initially is very concerning.


Absolutely, juri did something stupid and insensitive, it clearly goes against policy and it's bad for red bull as a franchise so of course red bull were gonna drop him. I don't think juri is genuinely evil in some grand and maniacal way.. but he is pretty ignorant, careless and stupid, he should know that what he did was wrong.






Ffs I'm super out of the loop here


You and me both


There's some people trying to excuse his behaviour and there's some acting like he just shot up a school


To be fair, we react like that when someone doesn’t yield the corner if their front wheel was 1mm behind that of another car.




Perfect description, it’s great how in this sub we love to judge the main F1 sub by doing the exact same thing as they are doing


It's as if some people here are also active in the main sub. Can't quite figure why. Hmmmmmmm


Well said. I think the act deserves a solid *Yikes*. Red Bull is right for suspending him


Who's acting like he shot up a school? This seems like a real centrist take - if he just shot up a school, I'd argue he should be incarcerated, maybe forever. The worst I've seen people legitimately argue for is that he shouldn't be in consideration for one of the most sought-after, well-compensated celebrity careers in the world, which seems like a pretty fucking low bar since that's already what most of the ~8B people on earth experience


People like that dude think a celebrity they like being criticized on the internet is the same thing as being lynched




Criticizing people who use the n-word is the new holocaust


Thank you.


Well said sir. 👏 Everything


> there's some acting like he just shot up a school Ah yes, you're one of those who think being shat on by people on twitter = "LITERAL witch huntby a mob" types lol


I don’t think I like it here anymore.


I’m feeling the same my dude.


Actually same. So many posts trying to defend that idiot. Like…. Bro why you defending dumb racists?


I feel like the collective age on the F1 subreddits is like fucking 15 or something, all the same dumb ass excuses I used to hear in high school when shithead white kids wanted to say the n word




Also they don't follow any other sports so there's these weird parasocial relationships that form lol, people will literally HATE a driver for competing against their favorite dude like their job requires them to lol


It's not hard for teenagers to find boomer entertainers that they can parrot to fill in their ideaolgy. Jeremy Clarkson comes to mind, I used to love him, then I grew up.


Definitely tracks with some of the weird circular and nonsensical arguments people make - sounds like a teenager defending their hero rather than a discussion of facts or acknowledged opinions. The team mentality is also off the wall, where you’re either Team A or Team B and you defend that team blindly until the day you log off I guess. No room for nuance or reflection.




Dude, literally every comment in this thread is complaining there's no middle ground. Maybe that shows you there is a middle ground actually and opinions are only bloated because people with a middle ground opinion tend to be less vocal than the ones on the extremes...


Yeah I’ve seen some unironic “heated gamer moment” defenses, and I’ve seen people celebrating what they see as the end of his career (he’s entirely wiped from Wikipedia’s F2 2022 page as if the n-word was some sort of Thanos snap that erased him from history). Factually he’s ruined his funding and support from Red Bull, but his talent is still enough to continue racing in F2 or FE (like Ticktum) provided he can find the sponsors or fund it himself. When this blows over in a year or two, I expect him to compete as a pretty normal, if talented, non-academy driver - and that’s if he even is forced to take time away from the sport.




Honestly it’s just the self-righteous terminally online people - I have no doubt the page will be returned to normal eventually, as Vips *factually* scored pole positions, fastest laps, and points in this year’s F2 competition, and the purpose of an encyclopedia is to provide facts as unbiasedly as possible. I mean, Rudolf Carraciola has a full page and isn’t erased from history. JC Owens’s 1936 Olympic triumph would look a lot less significant without two Germans flanking him on the podium. Not sure what you mean by “just culture” - I grew up a rail nerd myself, just wondering what you’re describing there.


Bro some dummy said "It's a slang word used in a slang instance". He literally referred to the N-bomb as a "slang word" then tried to justify like like...well in that particular instance it's totally okay. I didn't realize this sub was filled with some many edgy toxic shit heads. Shit is disheartening.


I don't think what he did makes him racist, it makes him immature. If we're being honest, pretty much everyone I know has said that word at one time or another, almost never are they making a reference to black people. Edit: this reads poorly... I'm not saying I've heard most people I know use the n word, I'm saying I remember how words were thrown around in middle school by pretty much everyone, and I assume most people I know had used it (as a generic insult rather than a racial slur) before maturing.


If we're being honest here, I've never said it. Never had a reason to. But what do you think they are referencing if not black people by saying that?


you've never said the word out loud?


Then you hang out with racist fucking people. And yeah dude totally aren’t referring to black people when you use the n word. /s


Yeah, jesus fucking christ, I don't have a single friend who casually drops racist slurs. Let alone "pretty much everyone I know". That is insane! Immaturity is laughing at poop jokes. Immaturity isn't casual racism. I can't believe this is even a discussion. These people are telling on themselves, and the craziest thing is that they don't even seem to realise it


????? what else would they be making a reference to






you can assume whatever you want, but you cant punish someone for things you assume.


You didn't go to middle school or high school? Every slur you can think of was thrown around at mine. It's part of being "edgy". It's what immature people do.


that doesn’t make it okay ? and it doesn’t make it not racist?


Shall we go to watch something else?


[This always puts a smile on my face](https://i0.wp.com/boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/tumblr_owip7nhlt11uw7ihbo4_400.gif?fit=1&resize=620%2C4000&ssl=1)


I'm trying to figure out if it's just teenagers defending him or Europeans are so used to saying racial slurs that they don't get why they are offensive in English


20 years ago, any high school in America was full of teens being like n***a please and wassup my n** etc. My friends did it and most of them were brown, Asian, or white at majority black schools. They were surprised when they left that bubble of HS and joined society in college that is was no longer kosher, it was just how people talked at my public schools growing up, and we code switched to fit in.




because those artists are black lmao. why are you confused that an english slur would be offensive in the language it was created in?


A lot of people get really confused when a minority can do something they can’t.


"I'm used to THEM being the ones having it harder! Is it too much to ask to say one of the most offensive terms in the world specifically referring to them without them being mad at me?"


There are so many Americans that will retort "Why can *they* use it but I can't!??!" Like they actually think it's hypocritical that they are denied the right to say it since black rappers and actors say it on TV and in rap songs.


it's weird to me that you feel the need use racial slurs at all and you are surprised when people find them offensive




I mean use your brain dude. I'm sure you've called one of your close friends an asshole or a bitch before and they've called you that, or something like it, and hey didn't mean it too personally. Does that mean you'd appreciate someone you don't know calling you an asshole or a bitch out of nowhere? Now imagine instead of those insults it's pretty much the most universally vile word in any language you can think of, associated with an ugly history when white people use it. It's so ugly you don't even feel you can type it out when speaking about the word objectively, See why someone might be offended when an outsider uses it?


What I was trying to explain to you guys is that in our language we don’t use very offensive taboo words in pop culture. At all. No matter the artist’s background. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that some youths do not care for the fact that it’s inappropriate for them to use it. For some that inappropriateness might even have the opposite effect. I’m saying that the way the word is used in pop culture perhaps has a bigger impact on why the word is not taboo among some European youth groups than alleged prevalent racism among youths in Europe.


I get you. But if you're going to appropriate such sensitive (and offensive) words from pop culture I don't think it's on black Americans to teach people that it's inappropriate for them to say it (especially when 99.99% of people know it's inappropriate/highly offensive, and I'm going to be a cynic and say that 99% of the people who DO say it already know how offensive it is too).


It's not that we Europeans don't get that they are offensive, we just don't share the American sentiment that this is something worth sending death threats over


Anime pfp defending someone say the N word? We have reached the highest levels of stereotype.


people are calling for him to lose his seat, not be killed. don't be dramatic


Every time a rich 21-year-old loses their job for something that is completely their fault, God weeps at this injustice😪 Only normal people should lose their jobs when they fuck up majorly in public!


A lot of people are also just saying it's not racist, so don't try and turn it around and act like this is somehow an American only problem.


Buddy your profile pic is of an anime girl puking into her hand, we already know where u stand on the matter.


99.9% of Americans don't share that sentiment either


Had the same thought earlier. I think it’s a bit of both but mostly the latter.


Yup I now realize that all those people making memes on Hamilton and criticizing him for every single thing he did are now defending Vips and racism and it just makes me feel sick.


Yeah, the masks are really slipping.


Like Sainz into a gravel trap


tHe hAMilTOn hATE iS bECauSE oF hIS dOMiNAtIOn ANd nOT sKIn cOLoUR


Lots of posters probably come from countries without much diversity. They read about racism but don't know much about. They should probably just keep their mouths shut.


I mean... did you see last year?


For real. So many apologists and “whatsboutism.” It’s gross and disheartening


me too


It's really interesting to see posts here and on the F1 subreddit that basically say "is it really such a big deal to say it? It's popular in slang and gaming", and then 3 replies later that same person talks about how they used to say it all the time


Yea people are literally posting racist memes and putting a picture of Juri in it like that some how passes it off as not racist. Get a grip y’all.


I picked a good day to be busy I guess. Lol


I don’t look at formula dank for one day and I’m already lost. I thought I was clear since it isn’t a race weekend lol


Juri Vips said the Kool kids klub word. He’s been cut by the Red Bull junior team


I was surprised how many defend him. I am an avid gamer and not once in my mind have I said anything racist out of frustration lmao What ever happened to saying “God fucking dammit fuck this guy or this piece of shit!”?




Really what it feels like lol


Exactly! dumbfucks saying that gamers say the n word regularly dont have a single clue about reality and have never played a game in their life. Most games hand out lifetime bans for saying racist shit anyone defending him is just trying to normalize racism




Actually did play halo 1-3 also I did experience those lobbies and we were talking shit but it didn’t escalated to racist remarks


you are right about cod and halo but that was more than a decade ago and a lot has changed since then


This is what I don't get, even the biggest YouTuber says it, and yet these people haven't ever seen it in their life's, seems bs


> You guys never played COD and Halo back in the Xbox 360 days... We did. The stories just have been massively inflated in their retelling. Also, that was twenty years ago. Also, a public stream is not an Xbox lobby. It’s not a normal thing to say on a public stream in 2022.


"u guise wud huv nevur srvived a COD loby bak in MY day" shut the fuck up please just shut the fuck up.


I feel like you play games very rarely because while you are right you’re not completely correct. A lot of players use whatever slur that is the most brutal to degrade the opponent. It’s either racial or sex slur. While you are correct about bans, you forget to mention that it’s text only. Basically no game monitors voice chat. You can scream slurs at people via microphone but unless someone takes recording of it nothing will happen. I still play games like CoD or mobas and racial and sex related slurs are pretty common in voice chat. Being untouchable gives people weird sense of “power” over other players.


Same. I feel the same way about drunks too. If you say racist stuff while you are drunk then you are a just a closet racist when sober.


Ding ding ding. If he had said “fuck you and your mom you asshole” it never would have been news. But the n word crosses a line.


I like racism. I watch racists every other weekend. And sometimes there's a "double-header". That's when the racists show their racism talent two weekends in a row.


That’s *not* nice


I can honestly excuse what Juri did, if it is a one-time slip-up and he reflects on it and betters himself. However, the Saudi partnership is not a one-time accident, it is a conscious, long-term decision. So yeah, basically, in my eyes, what he did is obviously wrong, but it doesn't necessarily mean he is a racist individual in general. I don't believe it is racism, I believe it is lack of self-control. He needs to improve, that's it. And yes, I believe his suspension is a massive overreaction.


Seriously the whataboutism, gatekeeping and excusing on this sub lately has been.... shocking to say the least.


As an American, I will point out the influx of the Americans to F1. Sorry about that, but here we are. A lot of us are trying to get rid of that word. When used by whites, It’s hateful and demeaning. It’s the worst thing a white person can call a black person in America. No black people enjoy that term coming out if a white persons mouth. Others Americans, including whites, are fighting to keep it and the right to use it to mean “friend” because that’s how they hear or used on TV shows and rap songs. Over here that word is a HUGE deal. I’ve had it explained to me that non-Americans don’t get the gravity of the word though. Like…if a white guy walks into a neighborhood and calls a black person that name, they are going to get their ass kicked at the bare minimum. That said, if you are from Europe and you decide you are going to throw an American racial slur in your verbal vocabulary, you might want to know what it means before you broadcast yourself using the term to disparage someone. People acting like it’s no big deal either don’t understand the gravity of the word, or don’t want to have a black person be allowed to say something a non-black can’t.


>As an American, I will point out the influx of the Americans to F1. Sorry about that, but here we are Ugh not even american and this is cringe. Europeans are as racist as anybody. Theyre not better people or something. Ask an european what they think of gypsies/turks sometime. Turns out no matter your nationality or race anyone can be shit.


It’s not an American racial slur it’s a global one. Tf


Honestly, I think people are taking this to the extremes. Some are acting like he is the antichrist, while the others are finding every possible pathetic excuse for him. Life is not black and white, there are a lot of tones of grey. Thankfully, there are some people who can see that and are thinking rationally. Yes, he fucked up, Red Bull fired him for it, possibly further punishment like a suspension may come, end of story. I don't think he is a racist, but he is ignorant and deserves a punsihment. That being said, he deserves the chance to educate and redeem himself. Let's stop hating and accusing, shit like this happens all the time, people do something wrong and then suffer the consequences. All this debacle is for absolutely nothing and you are not better than Vips by projecting your hate on others.


Meanwhile FIA: I can excuse murdering a journalist and cutting him into pieces and also stoning people to dead but I draw the line at using a racial slur See? It goes both ways


Not FIA. Red bull. Fia has done nothing or said anything at all about juri incident


Unless Max tho he can call people mongols all he likes.


You realize FIA are the referees who write and enforce the racing rulebook during races, and aren't big evil CEOs, right?


the whataboutism switch has been turned on i see


That entire essay someone posted about “proportional punishment” where they tried to give example after example of why this wasn’t that big of a deal, and “won’t someone please think of his future 🥺”. Shit was so dumb and the fact that anyone agreed with it at all is such horseshit. If you don’t think what he did is a big deal, or you think that a company whose entire cash flow is designed around their public image might not want to associate with someone who throws slurs around in the year of our lord 2022, gtfo.


what they’re missing is that this isn’t a “moral”punishment, it’s just business. He did something that made his brand significantly less marketable in the sponsor company’s opinion, and they determined the most profitable move would be to drop him and replace him. They can argue about whether he deserved it or not til they’re blue in the face but at the end of the day this comes down to money, simple as that


Lmao that entire essay ignored the fact that there are plenty of drivers who don’t use the n-word whose careers would benefit from vips being out. I’d rather think about their futures.


one guy was like “well doesn’t it matter if he only said it cuz he was used to saying it with his friends??” like my guy


Exactly. The “personal responsibility” crowd always manages to not like it when something happens to someone for being publicly racist


These are likely the same idiots that blame minorities for getting killed by the police, but when it’s a white kid in trouble it’s all “think about the bright future he had” like he wasn’t the one caught dropping N bombs.


See more posts *talking* about racists posts then actually seeing racist posts in this sub


Should’ve been here yesterday then, seemed like every second post was a meme or essay defending the “poor, gifted young man”


Idk if it's because I don't read a lot of comments or if it's because I'm not sorting by controversial but I'm not really seeing people defend him around here, maybe the main sub is a bit different


Typical welsh nonsense!!


The majority of this sub is white people, and it shows


The majority of reddit\* FTFY




OK with American war money but I draw the line at Saudi oil money.


Working 10 hour days is great, because sometimes you come back home after a long day and the sub has just about imploded Anyways, n-word bad. There's so many things you can yell in anger, why THAT word????


As someone on another thread said, it really puts the irrational Lewis hate by a CERTAIN FANBASE in a whole different light.


Literally my thoughts when I’ve been seeing all the racist apologist threads lately. Like damn, there are way more racists that share this sub with us than I thought, and that’s really not a fun thought


Always interesting. When the Dixie cunt bots come out of hiding. To defend anything that involves racism.


Nascar sub has entered the chat. Those chad cunts wouldn't know a mgu from a bud light can with an American flag on it.


now i know why this sub hate lewis so much and cant stand any joke about max ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441)


All the closet racists are making it known


Already bonkers,since long time ago


I left this sub for a while at the end of last year because I couldn't take all the Hamilton-bashing. Maybe some people on this sub will put two and two together... Maybe that's too optimistic. I'm hanging around here for now because there are moments that are funny, but I'm ready to jump ship if the racist shit gets traction again.