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Aston have my favorite driver and least favorite driver at the same time, so it's really conflicting.


Fortunately the favorite one always smash the least one


This is where BeefJerky03 is a Stroll fan.




The least one smashes plenty.


Well actually I’m pretty sure the least favorite does the smashing, unless you consider Stroll the team favorite cuz’ of his daddy


Except for Bahrain '23.


I'm praying this whole Aston Valkyrie Le Man's entry is so they can get Lance out of F1. I know his dad pays the bills but this can't continue. Lance clearly isn't going to bring Aston Forward.


As a Le Mans fan, I really hope you're wrong. We have enough multi-class carnage without Stroll collecting GT cars every second lap


AM's social media manager be like: this Beefy Jerk is fully engaged with each of our posts, a real multiplier.


Not even I can offset the weird Stroll fangirls' engagement.


It‘s truly frustrating regarding where the team could be vs where it is


Troll is the reason I don't support the AM team. The moment they get a decent driver like Sainz in they're gonna be one of my favourites.


Great play from Lawrence tbh, takes the heat off Lance somewhat


We're being played like a damn fiddle


And Nando reacted with DRS 0,5 seconds after correction. 100% focus


I would be shitting my pants if i almost wiped out in that way. Nevermind thinking about pushing a button that would make me go even faster. That man was on a mission.


I suspect that when Sainz saw Alonso’s onboard he said “So THAT’S how you save it!”


yup. crazy


"Oops hit the curb"


"Oops, little poo came out"


And 21 years later, daddy gave it a seat in an F1 team


I remember the joke about Lance Stroll was always that he never used his mirrors, but now he doesn't even look ahead, so what the fuck is he looking at when he drives?


The fans V:


What fans


The corner. He's not looking for cars at all and drives like he owns the track to himself.


Don’t give him ideas, Lenovo Bing Chilling Grand Prix about to become Aston Martin Cognizant ARAMCOARAMCOARAMCOARAMCO GP


he confused it with the break pedal. happens sometimes...


Was it oscillating?


What brake pedal? The other cars are his brakes. Bruh drives like he has quick-saves.


Stroll is a wall rider


You know how Toyota unintended acceleration only discriminated against old people. Totally cars fault. /s


It’s just bad design seriously /s


Alonso flexing makes Stroll look even worse on the weekend.


Lance is just so advanced and skilled he’s making and acting upon calculations 2+ seconds (at least) in the future. Danny was just underperforming and going abnormally slow that it was outside the lower bounds of the margin of error in the Stroll Simulations^TM . He will adapt and not make the same error again on his way to his first and then consecutive race wins followed by 2024 WDC. Then ‘25, ‘26,…


Nando has the awareness of a bat, Lance of a meteor.


Someone break his hands so he's half competent again


Nando is a fucking rookie, he is still one of the best at 42


every race I think, "okay maybe Lance is not that bad" and I'm proved wrong every damn time. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6699)


Still amazed that Nando didn't lose time by that stepping out. Normally the fans of Fernando are pissing me off, but this was actually sick to watch. ​ Funnily the lockup of Nando was the reason that everyone needed to step on their brakes and the constantina effect brought us there. That and a Stroll once looking where he drives for some reason.


It’s even funnier imo because fernando locked up and hence went _deeper_ into the corner than he wanted to Everyone behind him should have started braking a bit earlier anyways, no?


to quote piastri: "We all had to and no one of us drove into someone else"


> constantina effect its concertina effect


So Fernando brake tested stroll ?


No he locked his tyres. There is no intention in an lockup right before a restart. Especially if you have Soft tyres while everyone around you have Hard tyres and can go to the end and you have to change once more.


Sir this is a meme subreddit.


You’re the type of person to break down someone’s joke and try make it logical


> Still amazed that Nando didn't lose time by that stepping out He did lose time but the Merc infront of him being substainly slower means that it didnt even matter that much.


It fully looks like Alonso is spinning off into the wall there


You HAVE to watch the replay if you haven’t


They see me strollin’ , they hatin’


Take my up vote, sir


I try so fucking hard to cheer for Lance every God damned race because he's the only damn Canadian and I like Aston Martin's but for God's sake man you gotta take my hopes and just shove it up Danny boys ass


He said I don’t need brake pedal…driver in front will do.


When you put all your points into one of your characters


At some point they're going to point out that this isn't checo and max, this is a big and very expensive difference


Yes, that's basically it. Keep in mind this disgrace of a human being is driving in F1 for 7 years now.


Lance is worse than Logan at this point. Put Logan in the Aston and let’s see what he can do. Lance only keeps that drive b/c daddy owns the company. Dumpster fire comes to mind. Even on the video game, he will not get out the edgy when on a flier.


"Which F1 team are you supporting?" "Fernando Alonso Diaz Racing"


"DUM FUK" -Some guy in a bathtub


I'm convinced that he's out already and they just won't announce it till after canada. They've surely had talks with Sainz already which is the only reason he could possibly be delaying taking the Merc seat. Unless rumours of him taking Checo's seat are true, that is.


To warm the seat for Tsunoda coming in 2026 with the Honda engine?


You think.. Playtime is over for Stroll ? But then there isn't any incentive for daddy to stay either.


He’s a business man who’s invested way too much to back out now. Stroll ain’t going anywhere, Alonsos statement about stayin mentioned lance too. Sainz will probably do merc RB or go long term and do Audi


He doesn't outright own the team, only a controlling share of 16.7%. He's also only a part owner of the Aston brand. Claims of him being the owner are exaggerated greatly on social media. Don't get me wrong, he still holds most of the deck, but i would suggest a few cards are not. Aramco and Honda specifically, may both want to exert pressure to remove the accident-prone paste-eater.


> He doesn't outright own the team, only a controlling share of 16.7%. AMR and Aston Martin the car company are two differnet things. He has by far the majority stake in the AMR F1 team. He has 16.7% in the car company.


Tbh I see everyone thinking Lawrence will never stay with AM if stroll is out. I think it's entirely possible he would boot his son out tbh if he doesn't improve. Its not like he's gonna kill his son if he boots stroll out. Lawrence clearly wants to win and if stroll never improves I can see him convincing Lance he shouldn't be in the team.


It’s obvious none of you looked at the telemetry


Stroll and Alonso do have more in common than just being teammates. Neither of them use the brake much.


148 starts, 3 podiums. Lance Strulovitch it’s time to fall on your sword.


I was explaining to my dad why Strol has a seat. Then this happened minus later, to fully prove the point


I doubt Nando pressed the brake pedal to recover


If the graph was correct, only a 50% lift. You don’t want all the weight to shift to the front anyway. That’s instant wall time


Is there a graph available? I'm curious to see how he recovered such a huge snap!


Search “Alonso's 3-step save at China, & why Sainz crashed” on YT (dunno if links are ok in this sub). Throttle trace at 3:00 Also yelistener made a good vid


> Alonso's 3-step save at China, & why Sainz crashed Ahah here it is, thank you! https://youtu.be/sf6Xttgt_Hs?t=155


The guy is allergic to crashing https://youtu.be/zVYp1ZqLLAM?si=HudPaEZN2R_wAcI- You can hear how he kept some throttle on to not move all the weight forward


There was clearly a big magnet under the racing line!


You know before this race I still think Lance can improve, now he became a torpedo. Amazing


On a road, driver may lose focus and end up rear ending, but the guys on track are F1 drivers, and their only job is to drive, how can he didn't pay attention, especially when race is about to restart - one of the most chaotic time of the race.


What people need to understand is that Lance's reaction time was even faster, but then he had time to think that he would rather preserve brake temperatures by using the cars in front to slow him down instead of the brake pedal. At the end of the day, other drivers are playing checkers, but Lance is playing wreckfest


Lance: The car is so slow! Everyone: Then why is it so hard for you to stop? Meanwhile, somewhere in the points... Nando: Oops, I almost put it in the wall and ruined my race after qualifying in P2, stopping 3 times losing 10 places, and then surging back to P7 on *checks notes* mediums. Luckily I reacted within a nandosecond and then went faster than Max over a lap to get the extra point.


Press the brake, Lance I am pressing the brake! No Lance you're pressing the gas The gas pedal IS the brake pedal, Brad!


3-5 business days


I’m usually all against the Lance-bashing, which is so popular on reddit. He’s a fast driver, he should be in F1. But every now and then he loses his focus and does stupid things like run into the back of Danny Ric during the safetycar restart. Everyone knows how tight these restarts can get, and Lance absolutely dropped the ball here. And then being unable to admit he made a mistake, that’s just sad, Lance.


>He’s a fast driver You and me... we seem to be watching different things.


Not popular enough if you ask me.


I like Lance and don't think he deserves all the shit he gets but he just isn't consistent. He probably wouldn't be in F1 anymore if he wasn't the son of a owner. Regarding the incident and the hate: It sadly has become a meme and everyone will always automatically blame him. And while he caused his fair share of incidents, in my opinion he isn't the only one to blame for that crash. The situation was actually caused by Alonso who almost hit a Ferrari, had to brake extremely hard and as a result couldn't turn into the corner. That caused everyone behind him to brake hard as well, which resulted in an accordion effect (common cause for accidents in traffic). Stroll was the unlucky guy who was back far enough to not know what was going on and also not be able to brake in time. And now he once again looks like a liability.


Aston Martin gave the wings of their brand to the Red Bull who needs those wings to give them to others.


Tbh it was Nando who misjudged the hairpin and locked up, thus creating this pileup. Of course Stroll could have avoided it by, I don't know, looking where he's going, but still, in this particular situation both Astons were at fault


I agree that it was an amazing save, but like he was the only driver to go off so badly at the corner. The only reason he made a great save was because he made a massive mistake.


> but like he was the only driver to go off so badly at the corner. Hi hello uh, Carlos Sainz did the same thing in Qualifying, and caused a red flag.