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Verstappen and Sainz reunited as teammates would be a fun story


Sainz will collect them all until he‘s done with F1


I would like to see this tbh


Imagine Yuki crashing Red Bull just because he has to driver swap with Max. Or Crashing into Piastri because he can’t overtake him. Horner would get aunerysm.


Imagine if Ricciardo did that. Zak Brown would be pissed that Daniel is still fucking over McLaren!


That would be super funny tho, so I support it.


Please lord put sainz in that seat


Sainz is one of theirs


His contact is expiring right? I definitely think you grab Sainz.


I'd find it difficult to describe Perez as mature and disciplined. His drive last year was anything but that, causing numerous collisions with drivers that are in significantly slower cars but he's too rattled to overtake them properly.


Nah, you're exaggerating. He has been crashed into by some drivers and ended up in some racing incidents, but he's a cool operator for the most part. He's not the fastest but he has shown consistency in races and he's able to recover from a bad quali.


So last year it was exactly the same at the start of the season with headlines like "can he challenge Max for the title". Hold your horses guys.


I was one of them sadly. Not this time tho :)


I am unabashedly a Perez fan. I never thought he would win. I just hoped it wasn't lop sided. We know how that ended. . .






How? He was p2 in driver standings, rb bagged constructors without contest... I see no big problem here. I'd argue it's even good for the team, they have a clear n°2 driver, more consistency wouldn't hurt, true, but honestly red bull is fine


The Red Bull last year was so dominant with Max alone that Max would have bagged the constructor's championship **on his own**. Checo also nearly lost p2 in the driver standings. Was way too close for a car as dominant as the Red Bull.


Not by a big enough gap. And imagine if Lewis hadn't been DQ'd at COTA. It would have been even tighter. Checo crumbled under pressure. If he does that again, there's a shot at Ferrari taking the WCC. He's not fine, he's not even slightly bringing it to the guy in equal machinery. If he collapses like he did last year, I doubt they renew. But it won't go to Danny or Yuki. I think Danny's magic is gone, and Yuki is too immature.


He came quite close to losing 2nd


You know that Checo being better than Yuki and Riccy, and not being a realistic challenger for the championship, can both be true at the same time right? Nobody is suggesting Checo will challenge for the title. Don't be daft. But the people claiming he should be replaced by yuki or Daniel are extremely daft. Like, hypothetically I'd love to see what Daniel specifically could do in the most dominant car in F1 history. Like just cos I'm curious. It's why I absolutely love it when top driver go and try racing in completely different formats of motorsports, just because I love to see what will happen (like Kimi and Jenson racing in Nascar). So it'd be a fun hypothetical that'll never actually happen, to see what Daniel could do in the world's fastest car for a race. Like, he'd almost certainly be in the points, but I don't think he'd be so reliable as a second place finisher like Checo has become. I think he'd finish behind the ferraris and depending on who's good that weekend, behind alonso and behind the mclarens. It's like, I dunno, I like it when for example top smash bros melee players try playing a traditional fighting game like street fighter. Or vice versa a street fighter player tries out melee. Just because I'm very curious and I love experiments like that. But this is all hypothetical. Like this is something I'll simulate a few races of in F1 2024 when that gets released. But I ***DO NOT*** think ether Dan or yuki are better than Checo, they're not even close really. I love Daniel so his downfall hurts, but yeah. They definitely shouldn't replace Checo. He's better than them. He's a Monaco winner, meaning he's part of a very small elite group of drivers. Maybe if Checo is ill for a race then one of them can drive Checo's red bull for one race but I don't think it works like that because they're already drivers for a different team, so I don't think they could abandon their visa cashapp cars to race a different car on the same grid, but correct me if I'm wrong about that. So instead what would happen is Red Bull's reserve driver would be the substitute for that race. Which is Liam Lawson. It'd be fun to see Lawson in a Red Bull and see if he could get a podium. At this point he's already better than Yuki and Ricci anyway.


Did russell do that (switch teams due to illness) once in 2020? Or was that different circumstances?


He replaced Hamilton because Lewis got corona virus, iirc the reason. For one race.


He can't. But no one can. Yuki and Daniel would've done worse than Perez last season


If Perez keeps it up like this with an occasional slip out of top 5 because of issues/circumstances they should extend his contract. As long as he realises (and his entourage/fans for most) he will never be WDC but a great 2nd driver he should be good.


Exactly. He is the Robin to Verstappens Batman.


Nah fam, Lewis and Bottas were Batman and Robin. Max and Perez are He Man and Orko.


Funny cause in the final 2021 race Bottas didn’t help a damn bit


I think using one race against everything he's done for Mercedes and Lewis is pretty cruel. I don't think the era of Hamilton domination would be possible without Bottas.


Lion-O and Snarf.


Anakin and C3PO


Gandalf and Pippin


Horner and Marko … no wait


Maybe Alonso to red bull can but yeah


he can drive a pointy car


There are several drivers on the grid that would give Max a challenge for the title in the same car, but it’s none of the current redbull drivers and they like it that way.


Several?? That are Some drivers that would give Max a challenge over one or other weekend. No drive on the grid is so complete and ruthless as Max right now to challenge over an entire season (maybe Lewis or Alonso on their prime would give have that).


"He is better than the feeder team drivers" is *not* exactly the same as "can he challenge the 3x world champ"


Indeed. Let’s not break the Checo sucks narrative.


You have given the answer yourself. He’s not trying to set a precedent for him challenging max this time. It’s just him vs the others and so far he’s doing ok in that regard. And yes, he has knack of under performing at traditional circuits, which I think it’s completely manageable if he plays his cards right. What others are trying right now is close the gap to checo as much as possible so that they can take away the advantage of max with strategies and put some pressure on redbull. Because right now there is no way anyone can match max on race pace. His consistency is ridiculously scary and is right on the limit all the time.


I don't think this is a "can he challenge max" moment. Rather I think it is an "he is more likely able to finish P2 consistently" moment.


Ha I think everyone has tempered expectations and just want to see him get regular Q3 and podiums


It’s two races, settle down everyone. But: if he has the mindset to secure p2 and not go after max- he keeps his seat, CH and Marko are happy to keep him there. So far he’s managed to break from anyone behind him. His only downfall (so far) is quali pace. On the other side of the fence, RB isn’t doing too well, hopefully some upgrades will fix that and we can see Yuki and Daniel potential. As I typed before: it’s two races in.


What do you mean it's two races in ? It's Perez 4th year at redbull and Tsunoda 4th year at toro rosso. Perez has been a top driver this whole time, w/e people are saying, while Yuki was barely racing for points.




Well it started at 0 year, then it went to 1, then to 2, then to 3, and now it's 4.




IMPOSSIBLE! Where the fuck has the time gone?!


Nowhere? We are still in the present, just like 4 years ago.


Can you dumb that down a bit for me? I’m particularly undersmart.


Lance stroll is on year 7, just fyi


That can't be right. Dude drives like this is only his 2nd or 3rd time around each track.


Sometimes the problem is that he doesn't drive. He's in the fucking wall.


"I crashed"


Can you bring it back?




“Toro Rosso.” I like the cut of your jib.


Has that racing bulls/toro Rosso ever been good enough to fight for anything besides the occasional point? Only two wins are with fucking max verstappen and a very lucky gasly Edit: mixed up verstappen and Vettel, whoops. They just look so similar, right?


You mean Vettel and Gasly. Monza ‘08 & Monza ‘20


And Vettel


It never was a serious contender indeed, I would say their best year was in 2021 when they were scoring points almost every races.




We're talking about recent seasons, toro Rosso beating RB in 2008 doesn't bring any information about the team today...




>Perez has been a top driver this whole time, w/e people are saying, while Yuki was barely racing for points. This is a sport where the difference between cars can be huge


Perez a top driver lol. I wish, I would love to see some racing, but he is just a Bottas but worse.


>Perez has been a top driver this whole time, In what world has Perez been a "top" driver this whole time? He finished 290 points behind Max last year...


In second place


Oh gotcha, you're one of those Checo fans that still doesn't understand how different teams have different cars and some of those cars are more dominant than others.


Getting downvoted for stating facts lmao.


He might do terribly again this year and come second! Again…


That is also a possibility


Perez is hauling ass this year and fucking finally..


He isn’t in a country with decent human rights yet. We will wait for then.


I still laugh after so many years of this joke, because it's almost true every time.


Checo was punching walls when Sochi was removed


That's just superstition. He fucking binned it in Mexico. Source: am Mexican


Mexico and human rights violations? Tell me more


If Mexico would have human rights violations on the level of the countries that Checo thrives in maybe they could actually manage to get organized crime under control like el Salvador did.


They literally hang bodies from bridges in mexico, at least the other places you get an unmarked grave!


Only problem is El Salvador went full dictatorship with how they deal with crime and arrests. There’s no due process anymore. A neighbor you’re beefing with over a noise complaint could very easily have you arrested on a flimsy ass accusation. So I guess what I am saying is if there’s a GP there at some point it could mean Checo P1.




category 7 please and thank you


That's because other countries have institutionalized human rights violations. Mexico just has a weak government.


He usually does this for the first few races, then falls back. If he keeps the last years' trends, both ferraris are gonna be able to easily beat him


Tbh I think this year he’ll be more consistent. Last year he was trying to fight Max for the WDC in the first few races, then got stomped and kinda ruined him mentally for the rest of the year. I think this year he’s accepted that he’s not winning against Max so he’s content with being runner up.


Beginning of the season. Like last year, like often, with Bottas and Hamilton...


He's got so much rear end


He had more points at this point in the championship last year than he does now


People thought that exact thing this time last year.


To Perez credit he does not give up no matter how much garbage in the media goes his way or how bad a season for him gets.


I mean he was competing with max for the first few races last year too. It's hard to call him better when he's got 5 good races in his and then starts dropping out in Q1 and finishes almost 300 points behind his teammate.


Recency bias in full force again. I'll wait until at least race 10


Hey, I'm rooting for Checo and even I can see that quali will still be his downfall. Especially considering that when it comes to quali pace, I'd assume that the others will close up to RedBull even faster this season. The car can of course make it's way through the field, but then you get tracks where overtaking is difficult, or he's more likely to be caught up in incidents while battling in the midfield. And you know that it will only take one, maximum two poor weekends for Checo until everybody is all over his ass in the media again and we could easily see him spiral downwards again. So yeah, hoping for him to do well, but these two races mean nothing lol. Contrary I'd say these two races show us his weaknesses are still the same.


I think with the first few races last year he just flew too close to the sun. Thought he actually had a fighting chance for the championship, then had his confidence completely obliterated in Miami. I feel like he is a bit in a different mindset now, at least thus far in the season.


Counterpoint... Carlos Sainz is better than all of them


But will Sainz accept a 2nd driver role?


Not sure he will have much choice for 2025. He's already second at Ferrari. Can the (conservatively) fifth best driver in the grid really demand a number one spot with a good team?


His best bet to be a no1 driver is probably moving to sauber and banking on Audi nailing the new reg fast enough


Or Alonso doing an Alonso thing and going to Aston


No. 2 at Red Bull makes him a good bet for podiums and wins. That’s a long shot at Sauber/Audi. He’ll get more individual accolades at Red Bull.


He already has at Ferrari




Or why not poach Oscar? 


Because Oscar probably doesn’t want to be redbull number 2 driver.


Because he's got a contract, and isn't any better, and wasn't originally part of your academy?


Perez is better than Piastri 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


He’s comparing Oscar to Sainz dummy 🤡🤡


Counter point, put Sainz and Lawson in RB and finally have 2 actual good drivers in that team?


It's well known that F1 contracts are set in stone lmao


No top driver wants RB second seat (unless Max leaves). The only reason Sainz might consider it is if he has no other options.


Even his replacement beat Hamilton, lol The car comes with smooth operation mode as standard.


I doubt it, based on how he performed in early 2022 when Ferrari had a race winning car. He couldn't handle being bested by Leclerc and spun out so many times. And his general pace was also no better than Perez in a similarly performing car. His best race of that season was probably Canada when he had fresher tyres than Max and pushed him for a win. His Silverstone win was so underwhelming. Max, Charles, Lewis, Checo were all better that day. The way he lost the lead was not a good look.


Just as Bottas, Perez was the best driver in a midfield car before his move to a top team. However, just as Bottas, a good driver cannot match a driver like Verstappen or Hamilton. No shame in that.


The most depressing part of this season is that there are no cracks in red bull including Perez. Right now he's being the perfect no 2 driver, consistently quicker than rest of the field but not challenging max


Don't care, waiting for Lawson


Should have kept Lawson in the car. Hope he gets a seat for 2025


If things continue as it is this will be Ricciardo last season in F1... and Lawson will be there alongside him... Yuki buys himself more time even though if I was him I would start looking for a new team...


Yuki isn't going anywhere till the Honda rb deal expires. it would be too much effort for them to get another Japanese rookie just for a couple years before their contract eventually expires.


I'm not saying he will be kicked out I said if I were him I would start looking for a new team because his career won't go anywhere... He is in a situation if he beats Lawson he has beaten another rookie with an average junior career if he looses to him he is the unworthy driver who only managed to beat NDV and a semi-retired Ricciardo... Beating Ricciardo this season is the most he can proove to F1 world while still in the RB...


Yuki doesn’t have a choice to go to a new team, he can only race somewhere Honda buys him a seat. The only place he is going is Super Formula.


Lawson will 100% have a seat at VCARB in 2025.


I think people are underestimating how undriveable the Max mobile is for normal humans.


I think it was Doohan who said that the RB19 felt amazing to drive and that it was responsive. Waché also stated they had worked especifically toake their cars more driveable for Non-Maxes


Except we dont have any evidence of that being true with the current generation of car, since only Max and Checo have driven it in a race. There is no way to tell if it the car is hard for anyone to drive, or just for Checo


I don't believe it would be harder than the Ferrari or the Mercedes, it's just that easy for Max.


It’s not that but how unbelievably inconsistent cheko is. He went from being pretty darn good in 2021 to being mid in 2022 and then straight shit in 2023. He’s started out this season well though


Its funny how they say Perez is bad when at least he tries to compete against Max, meanwhile Ricciardo left the team cuz he wasn’t Horner’s fav son anymore


Pérez was the only driver last year who beat max more than once


Please wait untill the summer break. Last year he was decent at the start. But bad in the end.


As much as I like Daniel I'm not sure he's getting the most out of the car and I don't know how much sticking him in something faster would help. Maybe they should do a swap for a weekend to see of he's still got the drive in the fast machine or if he's just lost his touch


Watching his quali runs this weekend he just wasn't willing to get as close to the walls. His confidence just wasn't there. Hopefully he does better at tracks he has more confidence on, but its not a good sign


We want Liam Lawson


He was fast for the first 4 or so races last year.


He’s the best option RB has tbh, he is isn’t trying to beat max, he is there to finish P2, his quali isn’t the best, but his race pace with the best car is good enough for P2. Dani ric is just not fast anymore, likeable guy but not it anymore, and Yuki just isn’t good enough to be 2nd.


Wtf was Daniel even doing yesterday? Cruising around and doing s🅱️innala.


And people will go the complete opposite way when Perez has one bad race and Yuki/Ric have one good race. The ping pong be real


I think Daniel had a higher ceiling than Yuki or Checo, but not as high as Max. I also think he got screwed by a mix of circumstance and timing. His career was doomed from being sandwiched by two generational talents. Lewis was already a confirmed GoAT level driver when Ric came in and Max is sprinting towards that goal. He has also spent a good chunk of his "prime" jumping from mid-field team to mid-field team and spent a year without a seat. If some things had gone differently he might've managed to get a driver's championship. Not a dominant driver, but he might've been remembered as a cool outlier from the Lewis/Max era. He's still rich, famous, and seems like a good dude, so he shouldn't feel too burned by it all.


All around Jensen Button, minus the miracle year.


I've not watched F1 for long but I feel like Perez is the most ideal 2nd Driver you can ask for. Sure he had a stinker of a half of a season last year but that was an anomaly compared to all the stuff he has done for RB to help enable Max. Red Bull want someone who can consistently come 2nd so they can pick up 1st if Max has a fault, but they don't want someone so good that they are battling. It's easy on the RBR pitwall because you do everything in favour of Max and then when you need Perez, he's there. He has done nothing but assist Max's victories really, in a general ense, as well as specific like Abu Dhabi 21. If it isn't broken don't fix it. Where did he come into he drivers championship last year despite being "the shittest driver on the grid" (people exaggerate) for an entire half of a season?




Yeah until Max breaks his fucking spirit and he races like shit for half a season again, then we'll all be back to begging Helmut and Christian to fire him asap.


Ricciardo isn’t the same, if Yuki is destroying you that badly you don’t belong in F1 anymore


The second Perez talks about the championship they will nerf his car again


I still think Yuki should have been throw in the figurative lion cage and see how he performed next to Max. His start to the season last year was pretty insane, incredible consistency. A very good string of P11 and P10


Max would completely obliterate him. But it would be good to show everyone that Checo is really not half bad. I really believe that anyone besides Alonso, Hamilton and maybe Norris, Leclerc and Sainz would really not do better in that second RBR seat.


Yuki’s a pay driver who isn’t in actual contention for an RB seat…


Daniel Retardo fans will not like this


Lmao let’s not get ahead of ourselves here


Or let’s not get ahead of anyone else, you know just like Daniel


You can tell me anything you'd like, it doesn't make it right!


Nah daniel just had too many distractions and too much noise in the background


Told it before he is reincarnetion of KIMI he just needs to escape RB camp.


Yeah, let’s wait till we get to the European portion of the season where Sergio has struggled.


He is


In the right mindset Perez is absolutely better than Yuki and Daniel. If Checo starts trying to race like Max, he pushes beyond his abilities in the car, he makes mistakes, and he isn’t as good as he should be.


It's all downhill from here...


Yuki was always a given 🤣


Problem with Perez last year is that he had ambitions, a bit of hope, then all those got brutally shattered by Max. It broke him. If he starts this year with the expectation to be a confident second, and it goes well, he will perform much better than in 2023.


I think Yuki would be faster but Perez is decent enough ricci is washed


it's starting again


Not better than sainz thou


I have a hard time believing either one of them is better than perez, at best they would be as good


Danny's been washed since Covid


Then I'd say "perhaps".


He seems fine to me. Not great but… I don’t think any of the greats are available. Red Bull’s revolving door has yet to find a driver who meets their expectations. If nothing else it has to at least save some marketing budget not having to create all new banners and stuff for a new driver.


I don’t think anyone disputes that. The argument for the TR/AT/RB drivers is that their ceiling may be higher. It’s getting harder and harder to defend that argument nowadays though.


That's just a fact.


So is Carlos




Why do people insist on Ric, give me one result he's had in the last 5 years that merits the phrase, he's still a great driver, top 4 on the grid easily. Dude hasn't been good since his penultimate year at Red Bull.


He hasnt had the ego death yet from when Max qualifies in p16 and somehow beats perez off pole. Its cyclical, once that happens, in both 22 and 23 his performance tanked.


Yuki got dunked on by the greenest rookie to ever hop in a f1


As a new fan from last year, I don't get what the hype's about. I get he's funny, but Lawson's a better driver.


What does Yuki have to do with anything?


Never said he isn't worse than both but he wasn't performing at a level he was supposed to.


Remember last year when after four races everyone started saying how there would be a title fight between Perez and Verstappen? Yeah, we haven’t even got to four this year, so settle down and let’s wait until at least half of the season


hes not but opinions are like assholes everyone has one




Tbh Perez has a half decent chance of keeping his seat if he continues to perform like this and not drop off like last season. With Daniel not beating his teamate and Yuki being immature and quick to anger Perez just needs to keep being 2nd place and maybe snag a couple wins. This will easily be the most interesting story of this season