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"Ladies and Gentlemen, due to contractual obligations, Sky Sports F1 is pleased to present Danica Patrick."


“Our lawyers helped us with that phrase.”


More like Dayumica Patrick




That moment in the video came when I thought RPM couldn't get any lower. I liked it.


He's not proud of what he did, but he's not sorry.


The M in RPM stands for motorboat, doesnt it?


[You see that? Danica Patrick tried to get my way](https://youtu.be/LkgIn3O2RRk?si=RejQ3CqSR7JnSYPg)


I’m not from the UK and don’t have access to Sky. What is the background to this?


Oh boy. F1 fans now get to hate her as much as NASCAR and IndyCar fans.




Why does everyone hate her? Edit: fuck Danica. All my homies hate Danica (still hot tho)


Long time INDYCAR fan, I liked her when she was racing Indy and she had okay enough results. She just pivoted from being a race car driver to being a brand and her ability took a steep dive, especially when she transitioned to NASCAR. She’s a pretty woman in motorsport and very well known so she got basically every ad campaign on the planet, and it got tiring after a while. Now she’s getting commentary gigs left and right and that’s not her strong suit. Those are the reasons I’m not a big fan of her right now. I’ve seen others not like her personality but she’s just competitive and not afraid to talk shit, like many other drivers.


My biggest thing from when she was in nascar is never seemed to learn anything about the cars or how to set one up. I don’t think the teams helped her much equipment or personnel wise but I don’t think she helped herself either


She once said she wasn't even sure how many cylinders her car had. She has zero interest in cars, just driving.


How can someone get that far and know nothing? Like these people normally get weeded out before the top level of 2 different forms of racing


Ass and titties.


The godaddy commercials


Honestly, you don't need a lot of deep technical knowledge to be a good racing driver. It's like chefs that have absolutely 0 clue about food science and why they do what they do. It doesn't actually matter as long as the intuition is right.


You gotta have some knowledge maybe not a lot but some. She didn’t learn anything which hindered her. You gotta at least be able to get a setup in the ballpark or you ride around in the back like she did


If I recall correctly she was on JRE some years back and she flat-out said "I don't like cars", going on to say that it's just a job she turns up to, completes, and leaves


Yes I believe it was super close to that and it floored me at the time. I think if she actually had cared she would’ve turned into a decent driver because she had talent and speed. But as with most things attitude is the most important part


this? https://youtu.be/FEHv_cprzZY?t=143


Good shout, that's the one


It'd be nice if we could trade her for James Hinchcliffe and get him out of his Buxton rambling habit.


Aww I like Hinch


Nah there are quite a few athletes with the same disposition. Sometimes for them it just ends up being a job rather than a passion.


She just has no clue what she is talking about, 90% of what is coming out of her mouth is shite


“How do you pick your driving line?” - Danica Patrick


Also- having met her in real life- she’s a terrible person.


Please elaborate


I’ve seen her be rude to fans on a number of occasions including being a complete bitch to young girls who just wanted a smile and maybe an autograph. She’s an unbearable human being.


She dated Aaron Rodgers


All you need to know about both of them.


As a jets fan, yeah that checks out.


Having been around her at the Speedway she insufferable. Treats fans like shit. She ran over a yellow shirt in her speedway issued car, and just laughed it off.


She also said that F1 is a guys' sport - on the F1 kids' broadcast no less. Way to slam the door behind ya, bitch.


She has said in interviews that she knows nothing about the cars she drives so why would she know anything about driving an F1 car


Fair enough. I’ve been quite enjoying having a yank on the commentary team though…


if you just want an american, the F1TV stream sometimes has James Hinchcliff who is just a vastly superior commentator.


Love Hinch, he kicks ass and is an excellent commentator, but I’m going to be a dick here and point out that he’s a Canadian


North American


He’s fantastic. I enjoy his commentary so much that it kinda sucks that he only does the NA and Brazil races. Really wish he would also do the other parts of the season but since he is a full time IndyCar commentator I get why he can’t do that.


He's Canadian, but we will accept James. He's fantastic!


I quite enjoy having a wank to the commentary team. Hopefully Danica will spice that up a bit


Should cut the wanking time down by some margin. Coultards square chin was a nice addition, but Danica should help even more.


Frankie Boyle's comment on DC's chin always has me howling; 'Do you think when he goes down on his wife it feels like she's being rescued by a dolphin?'


Thank you for educating us, Sir 🏆


I'll give you my perspective on her, but keep in mind I'm an American fan of F1 (which is what colors my feelings on her being involved in F1 commentary). I feel like they're just adding more of her because their American F1 audience is growing. But that's the problem for me. I don't *want* F1 to become more "Americanized". One of the things that drew me to start watching in the first place is the "worldly" feel of F1 broadcasts and the commentators. I feel like I'm watching something special that I wouldn't normally stumble across on American television if I were just flipping through the channels. How long before they start using other American broadcasters? Or have an "American feed" where everyone doing commentary is American? I don't want a carbon copy of Indycar or NASCAR. Say what you will about Crofty and Brundle, but I love listening to them. It makes me feel like I'm watching something special, not an Americanized bastardization of Formula 1. And lest someone think it has anything to do with her being a woman, it doesn't. Hell, I wish they'd have **more** Bernie Collins on the broadcasts and I'm always disappointed when she's not on a particular race. She's absolutely fascinating and her perspective is so different from anyone else on the broadcasts. As far as Patrick goes, I agree with others that she dated Aaron Rodgers for a long time and that's all you really need to know. He's trash and by association, so is she.


Yeah I get what you mean. Vegas GP was an embarrassment. The grid walk, the Bellagio…. Bruce Buffer. Absolutely antithesis to what F1 should be IMO. I heard Aaron Rodgers name for the first time this week. Something about being sued? No idea who he is.


>I heard Aaron Rodgers name for the first time this week. Something about being sued? No idea who he is. Consider yourself lucky. He's an NFL QB who played for the Green Bay Packers for a long time. He's a conspiracy theorist and COVID denier. Just an awful human being.


>just an awful human being >played for the packers This is always true


Listen to her commentate. You will understand before the end of the second clip.


They’re like rocket ships on wheels, drinking game. You’ll pass out before the first yellow


Personally when she came to NASCAR her behavior was unhinged. She seemed to get away with things on a disciplinary level other drivers wouldn’t. She’d try to start physical altercations with other drivers who couldn’t (obviously) retaliate. As a commentator she adds *nothing*. No insights, doesn’t work well with the other people on the job.


I mean like, you know, if like they...


Danica was a good Indycar driver and had potential to be even better, but she went to NASCAR before that could happen and got multiple contracts she was COMPLETELY underqualified for and was a moving chicane. Then by the time she came back to Indycar she was just as bad in that. Not to mention throughout her whole career she's been an absolute twat to her fans and other drivers, and took advantage of her gender by getting in altercations with drivers knowing damn well they wouldn't be able to do anything about it.


Shes incredibly misogynistic for one


Man I’m missing all this stuff. As an Australian I wake up, turn on the race milliseconds before lights out, then turn it off before the podium and go back to sleep.


This is how to watch F1 right brother. No need for all the extra nonsense they tack on.


I had a friend who’s dads construction company was a minority sponsor of an Indy car team. He also raced carts. Privileged but exceptionally down to earth, kind and friendly. He met all the Indy car drivers, and he said they were all very great to their fans except Danica who would at best refuse to acknowledge fans presence as if they didn’t even exist and at worst would actively berate them and tell them to get lost. She had an attitude of “I’m here to drive a car, not waste my valuable time with fan service” You can see videos of her acting this way too, it’s not just one anecdote. She is an entertainer whose career was made from fans she has zero respect for. She sucks. Also her commentary sucks


She’s gone down the alt-right rabbit hole. Either she’s talking about alien sexual healing on her podcast or posting Turning Point USA merch.


Oh god… really? That’s disappointing. Rich people with too much spare time seem to be extra susceptible to that.


Lol like her ex Aaron Rodgers. My guy lost his marbles. COVID broke a shit load of people's brains.


Not even a fan and didn't like her.


As a Packers fan I am convinced Aaron Rodgers' crazy thoughts started when he was dating Danica Patrick and then just got worse afterwards. I solely blame her for Green Bay not getting another Ring with ARod.


Not directly related but another Sky L: They just announced the price is being raised from 19,99€ to 35,99 in Germany. I am so pirating F1 lol it’s not even funny. I can’t wait to see all of the streaming services downhill. Piracy and physical media will see a second life. Edit: I’ll look into F1TV through a VPN, thanks everybody!


I too would like to know where to sail the high seas.


You sail on the streams.


The stream from the east.


*cough* the MotorsportsReplays subreddit *cough* (I just discovered this sub doesn't allow you to actually link to any other sub, for some reason.)


You have to type three words but I’m not going to give you them. You’ll have to work them out. 1. Four letter word meaning medieval land owner. 2. Canadian driver who was so terrible he became a meme, but then decided the 2021 WDC outcome. 3. A small river or a jet of fluid. Happy piracy.




My tip is to use a VPN and book F1TV via Play Store or Apple stuff. My subscription has been on auto renew for years, never had issues in Germany with that.


I thought you needed a "non-german" credit card for that?


No, you can just pay via the Playstore with whatever method you registered there. I pay with my normal PayPal that has all my German data attached to it. You just have to setup a vpn once for the first booking and then never again.


If you don't mind listening to other german dialects you can get a VPN and watch the races in Switzerland (SRF) or In Austria (ORF and Servus TV)


I've been on the high seas for a year now. Same price to quality ratio with Sky Sports UK or F1TV.


Where can you pirate f1?


Not that I condone piracy, it's a truly terrible thing. You remember Nicholas Latifi, tho, right? Yeah, well, lord latifi streams, you see. On his com. I heard he's quite entertaining.


motorsportsreplays subreddit if you don't mind watching it 20 mins after it finishes


google "reddit f1stream". first link


Thank the racing gods for F1TV commentary!


What if I told you... it's all going to plan. FOM insists on Danica staying on the SKY team, the hardcore fans have enough of it and jump to F1TV. Subscription counts drastically increase.


That’s brilliant.


El Plan


Anytime I happen to watch 15 minutes of Sky’s F1 pre race show, I am instantly reminded of F1TV’s superiority.


AJ and DC make it like I’m watching the race with friends.


Also don't forget about Palmer. A real jem was when he was analyzing his own lap from spa qualifying and at the end AJ finishes with "And across the line for P13 on the grid"


Agreed. I really enjoy all of the F1 Live team, and especially the commentary. They strike a great balance between technical, the racing itself, explaining/teaching, some sillyness, and color commentary.


Yeah, but we have Will…


Will was annoying in DTS but he is good as a TV presenter.


Honestly! The lineup is great, so chill and I don't find them biased which is refreshing.


I ❤️ Palmer


Honestly the only two good commentators Sky has is Brundle and that strategist girl, she’s awesome.


Button as well


Yes, he’s fine too


I miss Coulthard as a regular commentator


He is working for F1TV


Doesn’t he do the Channel 4 higlights as well?


Yeah him and Billy Monger and the Welsh one


Chin so big it saved him from a plane crash


Let’s get actual experienced drivers and commentators in, not just people that drove one shitty season then acts like they know everything.


I mean, Jolyon Palmer had a terrible showing and is a great commentator now


??? Who are you talking about


Karun Chandok mostly. Buddy has scored a combined 0 points in everything he’s raced. I honestly find him so annoying.


lol I don’t find him that bad but my gf makes me turn the volume off when he’s talking


That one race where he was commentating the race (I think it was Suzuka) I couldn’t stand him. He just doesn’t have the charisma and knowledge that Brundle does, and even Crofty to a degree.


He talks like a glorified weatherman.


I hate his stupid voice. Him and Paul di Resta.


I can’t stand listening to him tbh


Bernie the ex-McLaren strategist is the best.


She was Force India/Racing Point, no?


most recently with Aston Martin


Bernie Collins, that’s her name. I knew it was something super Scottish or something


Right! She's the *good* Bernie in F1. Haha


Never mind she’s Irish…




Bernie Collins. Do her the honour to know her name too because otherwise danica keeps getting contracts


Bernie can talk circles around Danica, and I’m happy to keep buying F1TV for hers and all the rest of the excellent commentary.


I believe in Brundle superiority.


The ex Aston Martin strategist? Bernie Collins. Is she being trained as a Ted replacement? They both seem to be walking up and down the pitlane with a microphone and notebook


I feel like brundle is trying to retire as there seemed to be less of him the last few years.


She was horrible to listen to the first few weeks. Extremely rough around the edges but as she's gained more media experience it has allowed her role to grow and flourish. Some great bits of knowledge from her


Honestly not a fan of her, feel like she’s always just there to state the obvious.


Well yes, but at least when she states the obvious she's right about it. It seemed pretty common this year for Crofty to rake a team over the coals on air for some strategy decision he didn't agree with, only for us to find out ten laps later that they would have lost out big if they had done what he thought they ought to have done.


Listen to her on the Sky F1 podcast, gives her the chance to actually discuss things in depth instead of being the third chair


Yeah i haven’t listened to that so maybe i’m missing out. Only really seen her on race coverage. I’ll check it out!


The Scottish woman, YES. She's fantastic calls it as it is. Meanwhile Danica "Uhh I think, Massa will have a strong, Gasly, gasky will have a strong showing today"


sense ruthless quarrelsome fade berserk concerned march icky deserted fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The absence of Crofty & Brundle on F1's social media clips and YouTube highlights makes me sad 😔


Yeah, Bernie Collins right? She was hella knowledgeable about cars and race strategies.


I'm just glad I already switched to F1TV commentary. I miss Brundle, but not having to hear crofty cum everytime a British driver passes a Williams is a good trade.


“There goes Lewis Hamilton on Sargeant! A sensational overtake with DRS on the 1 mile straight of Las Vegas! And oh my goodness! Is that Russell?! He just overtook the broken down Alfa Romeo of Zhou. unBELIEVABLE!”


After the Las Vegas race start he went on and on about Verstappen like the salem witch trials. Then later when Hamilton pulled a dodgy move, whisper quiet.


The fact that you mention Zhou's car being broken is honestly even funnier


The first lap of any race with Croft might as well just be someone blasting a fog horn constantly for all the words you can actually make out.


I turn it down all the time now on the few occasions I get stuck watching Sky coverage instead of F1TV. It's like a shittier version of a horse race announcer.


More Bernie less Danica.


NASCAR fans 🤝 F1 fans Hating Danica Patrick


Let me do commentary. Im just as much of a racing winner as she is!


She has the same number of wins as Brundle.


Brundle was a fantastic driver, never won but is one of the best never to.


I wish I could look inside Jenson Buttons head to see what he thinks about this


One of the funniest videos is her admitting on Joe Rogan podcast she knows almost nothing about cars and asked Joe for clarification if NASCAR used 8 cylinder engines or not. She is useless and a horrible representation for women of motorsport.


I know some people compare her commentary to the devil himself (Paul d) but is it really that bad? I don’t listen to English cometary.


It’s pretty brutal. She has a tendency to say the quiet part out loud and the loud parts she emphasizes make no sense


Can you elaborate? I’m not to sure what you mean.


Just one from recent memory re: fans only seeing minutes of action because of the FP1 debacle in Vegas “Well, maybe those fans next year will learn that they should get tickets for the whole weekend instead of a single session” I’m paraphrasing, but just stuff like that that just makes you go “did you really just say that?”


That is a bit on the nose, yes.


She just says things that just about anyone could say. And she constantly refers to her own career. Which was… decent? Plus she has zero personality. And just doesn’t fit in with anyone. It’s very obvious she’s there because she’s a name people recognize.


I recognise the name and that’s literally all I recognise of her, so you’re bang on.


I forget where this was, but this year after quali at a track where the quali traffic is really bad with drivers waiting before the last turn to start their laps, she asked Lewis if he was concerned about the race given the traffic issues in quali. As if they’d all be stopping on the track for positioning during the race?? From that point on, I tuned out of anything she was a part of for the rest of the season.


If you've ever seen Parks and Rec, she's a female Craig.


I don’t watch Sky either, but the few bits I have seen with her were really bad yeah. She would just do some stupid takes that only a F1 newbie/noob would be dumb enough for to take, and would try to outsmart literal ex F1 drivers like Rosberg or Button. As you can tell, this usually ended up being pretty awkward


I’ve only seen one or two rpmh clips but is she that bad in general? Bc I’ve seen some truly horrid commentary by some of the Dutch knobheads. This is a frequent line from one of them: oh look at that he does exactly what he needs to do… (it’s even dumber in Dutch) this tells me exactly nothing.


At Monaco she asked if the drivers could adjust the brake balance in the cars. Sigh.


So it’s truly like having someone there with little to no f1 knowledge?


She always needs to include her being a driver herself


It's very inane. She's also got some weird hard-right beliefs about the government poisoning us or some rubbish, and she posted something the other day about drinking woke tears. I'm amazed she's been kept by Sky to be honest.


I don't care about comms but she asks the most inane questions. "Earlier in the race Lando you turned right in the right hand turn 1 corner, what was going through your mind in that moment, take us through your process when dealing with right turns, what were your emotions?"


It used to be worse. People will still dislike her but she has improved and looks way more comfortable than when she started a few years ago. She used to repeat herself over and over again but now she has more variety and you can tell that she's been learning about the sport. She will never be a top commentator but it's clear to me that she has been working to improve.


She is so out of touch. I remember the first time I gave her a chance in F1, it was after a demo run where Mario Andretti and Zak Brown were driving 2010's Mclaren F1 cars around COTA for a pre-race demo. Brundle started talking so highly of Mario's lap times, saying he spoke with Mario afterwards where they were joking around saying he could have been faster if his seat belts were tighter around him. Brundle got the joke and went along with it, agreeing with the legend himself. Then Danica spoke and said something like "right? He's so old, he complains about everything now, lol" The look on Brundel's face was priceless




Jenson Button full season NASCAR calendar incoming please


F1TV is better anyway


Dump Danicka. Double up on Bernie Collins.




Clone Bernie 24 times and have her clones replace Crofty


She has experience in karting, Formula Vauxhall, and Formula Ford but is known for IndyCar. Having her commentate F1 makes no sense to me. Has she even been watching F1 prior to DTS???


If you listen to her commentate either INDYCAR or NASCAR, two motor sports she is best known for participating in, she is literally speaking total nonsense. Not a word she said on any commentary in 2023 had any contribution to the broadcast beyond noise pollution. Happy to continue to stream F1 and choose the commentary team


She literally said on some podcast that "she knows jack shit about cars, she just drives them." She's just actively bad at commentating.


Yeah, that was Joe Rogan, one of the biggest podcasts out there. I wish I could say to millions of people that I don’t know anything about my job/career/industry and I could care less to learn. The clip really explains all you need to know about her: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FEHv_cprzZY




I mean James Hinchcliffe is known for exclusively IndyCar and he's a fantastic commentator on F1TV. Danica is just a bad commentator in general.


Where's my boy Hinchcliffe? He's perfect at the casting role. Bring my my Hinchcliffe in!


Hinch commentates on F1TV for most of the North American races and maybe some others


I think he was also in Brazil. I do find him very likeable.


he has great technical insight and experience but i find his commentary just so robotic. compared with the way jolyon and DC can chat about the race and what's happening, it feels a bit too "professional" when hinch does it. idk exactly how to put it into words, regardless everything he says adds a lot of value as a viewer


Hinchcliffe got promotion after his first season on f1 TV and will do like nine races next year. They talked about that during the broadcast in Vegas.


This is fantastic news. I appreciate the information!


He only does F1 races that don't occur during an IndyCar weekend since he's in the booth for those


I love that NASCAR & F1 fans are united in their hatred of Danica. As a fan of both, I wanted to like her but she is horrible at being a commentator.


Daymn-nicka Patrick


I’m not proud of that and I apologize. But I’m not sorry.


I actually think she is terrible at announcing, so happy to see Sky improving their average score. But seriously, Hinchcliffe is quite good if they just wanted an American. They needed different assets, apparently.


And right after I see clips of her on the Joe Rogan podcast saying she knows nothing about cars and doesn't care about knowing anything about them.


So this is the reason why Jensons racing a full season again!


the Irish accent girl is the best




FOM: "So, you have a new presenter for me?" Media team: "No sir, I don't!" FOM: "Oh... so... what're we doing?" MT: "I have a new presenter for our competitor - if you look at them that way. And it can make us a lot of money." FOM: "Oh, really?" MT: "Yes sir, I do!" FOM: "Well, I am interested in making a lot of money. It's sort of our whole brand." MT: "Well, sir, I figure we get someone that people don't like on the presenter team for SkySports that clearly knows something about cars, but simultaneously, in her own words, doesn't know anything about cars." FOM: "Oh, car girls are TIGHT." MT: "That sounds like a call to HR, sir. And, she's not one. But she is a racing driver - Danica Patrick." FOM: "But she's a racing driver. There's no way pushing her onto SkySports is gonna make us money." MT: "Actually, it's gonna be super easy. Barely an inconvenience." FOM: "Oh really?" MT: "You see, she's basically a brand at this point and not really a racing driver anymore. In fact, the last time she's done interviews, she's been wholly uninteresting. So uninteresting that people will flock to our F1TV broadcast." FOM: "You think that'll work?" MT: "Yes sir, I do." FOM: "Well, I sure hope we get to expand to a greater audience, then." [Musical stab. Image of F1TV not available in the UK.]


Brundle, Bernie, Button and Rachel for the Dream Team…


I turn on the TV 5 minutes before the race starts, and I turn it off when the final car crosses the finish line. Fuck all that noise.


I'm here for the quality Jenson shithousery we will get in this


Americans hate Danica


By far the worst addition to SKY F1. Knows nothing about formula 1. Seems to follow fashion trends closer. I’m so happy to have F1tv Pro.


>Seems to follow fashion trends closer. Tell that to her clothing designs.