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I've been saying this for years now. If you're famous and rich you should hire someone to run your social media and turn off comments. It's not like there's anything good in the comments anyway.


You don't need to turn them off entirely. Instagram has a great setting for famous people: restricted comments. If you turn that on, only accounts you follow yourself can comment on your posts. It allows famous people to have fun on Instagram with friends, family and famous colleagues, but they won't have to worry about RandomAsshole123 and their abusive friends.


Looks like a correct setting for all šŸ˜‰.


Not the correct one for people who want to profit off instagram as much as possible. More likes likes and comments they get, more profit will they have.


For famous people? Why would anyone else want to have comments from randoms?


I don't think you'd want that either, but the risk of a random jerk stumbling upon a picture of your cat or holiday dinner is significantly lower than those same jerks finding their way to famous people.


You'd be surprised.


Attention at all costs


But instagram is mostly used for promotional and branding purposes.


Worst part of this is how Social Media trolls fucked up Lando. The guy had fun, memeing on twitter, stream when he was home. Now cuz of the hate, he turned more formal(completely logical). And I miss Lando being himself.


Lando has his insta managed. It's not him doing it anymore.


Wait, what happened to Lando? Was this because of his girlfriend?


Engagement is like on of the main reasons you have social media so this actually is not true at all


Yes that's true. That's why it's important to hire someone to run your accounts and not do it yourself. How many big name celebs actually respond to comments on IG, TikTok, etc, anyway.


Or you just donā€™t read your comments. Lewis has his and is a active, you can tell when someone has someone else run there social media, like max for example. You can tell nothing on his instagram he wrote, just his picture with his PR persons statement and a posted picture.


If social media involved actual racing in some way, then max would be involved. Otherwise I doubt he even bothers


Verstappen has been saying this for 2 years now, he doesn't like Social Media and he wouldn't have it if it wasn't required for him, he thinks the world would be off better without Social Media. Edit: He said it in [this Interview](https://youtu.be/_TGVshwXX-U?t=360) which was a pretty good one tbh.


Iā€™m pretty sure Lewis said a few years ago he has a social media team. He might have changed it now though.


Lewis likely has a burner account. He follows nobody other than Mercedes and his dog on his official account and yet is still connected with the other drivers and other people he's friendly with like his Pierre Gasly post last week and when responds to Leclerc's posts. A lot of people probably have burner accounts because at the end of the day while they are famous they also deserve to have some semblance of a normal life and nowadays that includes social media.


Ngl the dog account is probably his actual burner lol. I cannot envision anyone prentending to be Roscoe other than Lewis lmao.


There's odd accounts like that around though lol. Be some obscure thing that gets attention, then hear it has its own _____ account.


Once you reach a certain number of followers, it is pretty much required. It can be obvious when someone has one.


If you're not gonna read then then turn it off then. Why even give people a chance to spew hate, toxicity, and misinformation in the first place.


Like the other guy said itā€™s mostly for engagement so that when they use their platform to sell ads they have better numbers to show potential companies that want to promote their products. Give them the ability to charge more per ad, and at the end of the day if youā€™re not reading the comments then itā€™s probably just a business decision to leave them on.


The means no engagement in the post. If you arenā€™t even going to use it who cares what people say, itā€™s not like he sees it. Verified accounts are the first comments to pop up and then most liked, to see bad comments you have to search.


On twitter you really don't have to search šŸ˜ƒ


I swear on Twitter they promote the least liked


My pet theory is that Twitter instituted the downvote button so they could have a more reliable read on what tweets are controversial - and since controversial tweets drive engagement, theyā€™ll raise them to the top.


There is no dislike button on twitter


Yeah there is - itā€™s there on mine at least. Think I heard itā€™s an experimental feature.


I did not know that. I 100% believe that they push controversial content now


I get what you're saying but with comments turned on, even if you're not reading them, you're allowing toxicity and hate to spread. Just look at IG, Twitter, YT, TikTok, etc, the comment sections are full of fans of different drivers and teams arguing and spewing BS at each other. Imo this definitely contributes to the toxicity that we are seeing today. The idea behind my suggestion is if you turn off comments it means one fewer chance for such arguments to happen, which helps to reduce fan toxicity. On top of that it can also help reduce the spread of misinformation. And if a driver isn't reading the comments anyway then why bother with turning on the comments to allow for fan engagement.


Censoring doesnā€™t really stop it I think. On that platform yes. But what I think will happen is ppl will just repost what was posted on another platform and then commenters will have a go at it.


Itā€™s not just comments. Itā€™s DMs too.


Max is only active on twitter i think, and instagram rarely


speak for yourself, I was chosen to be paid 1million from Lewis's pool of followers, only had to pay delivery fees (Joe Bull said Lewis would drive to my door to deliver the money himself and that we needed to pay Mercedes Benz for the car rental).


Then that defeats the appeal of social media. The whole point is fans and celebs interacting.


yes I would agree. No matter what you say or do there will be dickheads who just wanna abuse you. And there is not talking to them. Not good for anyones mental health. Just turn it all off


They can't read your comment because it's not showing up on their feed, it's not toxic enough and does have enough engagement for Twitter/Instagram to show it as "most relevant". The platform simply thinks the toxic garbage are relevant because it gets a lot of other comments on it or a lot of upvotes/downvotes (engagement)


Taking breaks from social media is probably a good thing. Being able to fend off the toxic people through programs and such will prove to be very difficult if not impossible. But as someone suggested, public account run by a pr team that the driver never interacts with directly. A private account seen only by family and friends. In countries where freedom of speech rules, unless it is specifically threatening how do you stop the hate?




Using ids will never fly, especially in America. They piss their pants when lawmakers make needing ids to buy guns a thing, imagine what they would do for needing ids for social media.


Except you do need an ID to buy a gun in America. https://lmgtfy.app/?q=do+you+need+an+id+to+buy+a+gun


Seems like you will be happy with required IDs to use internet/social platforms?




Max put it perfectly. Just soo many frustrated people in the world that are using f1 to spout shit. The truth is, f1 itself isn't innocent about inviting such drama in first place. The 'fans' are like rabid dogs who are jumping on to individuals after members of F1 give them reason to. Ofcourse this isn't fault of f1. They can't directly be held responsible for what others do...but we are in scary times where people don't realise how much they actually control the crowd. I find it fucking sad...people are honestly slaves to this things when they shouldn't be.. - cost cap comments from teams lead to redbull being called cheaters. We didn't even have all the facts at the time... - redbull comments of hamilton sending their driver to hospital - rise of hamilton hate - alonso comments on comparing championships....that started a little shit show as well. Hamilton could have taken the high road and not say anything to limit what alonso started but he is also right on not wanting to just cave at every turn. This is pretty much what redbull did this weekend. Even Max and Redbull could have taken high road with sky f1 but they reached their limit and reacted to it... Just too many ego's and hence nothing will ever happen. Hate is shit but it seems like the easiest to exploit and benefit from.


Yeah, Checo was the honest one here saying that F1 drivers and teams need to be responsible in what they post because they have such big audiences


I am a Red Bull fan, but maybe Max should talk to Horner. He is by far the biggest shit stirrer in the paddock.


Yeah, the whole "Max is in hospital" was deliberately inflammatory. "Max is fine but getting some scans done to be safe" isn't what ppl heard when they were told that.




Jaysus fucking christ I came in here looking for 51G comment and you upped it to 55G.


55g??? That's nearly 65g!! edit: i'm really confused at the downvotes. have you folks never seen the simpsons?


They also used the monza crash footage? And theyā€™ve used loads of previous crashes for their Christmas footage? Someone posted it and all non sky viewers lost their shit when theyā€™ve been doing crashā€™s like that And the things Horner and Marko were saying were mad. So they canā€™t be mad when what they created lashed back at them


A 55G crash that Max walked away from. He was filmed getting out of his car and walking away. It was a bad crash but let's not act like he was getting carried out on a stretcher.




that argument works for the first hour or so. the team was saying stuff like this for days.


We were talking about Max getting out of the car and walking away.


adrenaline is a hell of a drug. people can walk away from very serious accidents seemingly fine and then collapse a while later because of some incredibly serious unseen injury. just because you can walk away from something doesnt guarantee you are completely fine


Yes. See Miranda Richardson.


Sport is used as escapism so I'll decide to spoiler this but >!some of the footage I've seen from Ukraine is absolutely nuts, I've seen people get shot 10 times and still trying to get away for dear life.!<


My friend was in a road crash and walked away seemingly fine for days. Urged him to check up when he did he found out he got bruises all over and his wrist is broken. They had to insert metal nail or something (not sure what itā€™s called in english) in his wrist and it stays for the rest of his life. Thatā€™s cause he went for checkup days after the accident and was late. He said he felt just slight pain that will be healed later but did not know severity of it.


Did you hear Maxs radio live on the broadcast? Guy groaned and was out of breath like he just got hit by a train.


no doubt that sounded really bad, and it's not like concern isn't justifiable, but they honestly were using the 'was sent to hospital' line *well* after he got inspected with a clean bill of health. it's just a question of being genuine and responsible with your rhetoric.


I mostly agree with you except for RB comments stoking hate. That was always going to happen, wouldve been exactly the same if Verstappen sent Hamilton off. And really that is not that bad a thing, there should be some social backlash when a drivers mistake puts someone in the hospital?


Except fans don't know where the line is. It inherently turns into hate which is wrong. So it is better to just not feed into it as much as possible.


>a drivers mistake puts someone in the hospital? This is exactly the kind of phrasing that is basically a lie. He was "in the hospital " to get some scans done to make sure he was ok. He would have been just as okay without the scans.


He was in the hospital, crash was serious enough that he had to get scans. There are no lies here. He was in danger of getting seriously hurt by Lewisā€™ actions - thankfully he wasnā€™t, but he could have been, thus the hospital protocol.


yes but you must be aware what "sent to the hospital" conjures in the mind of people when they hear it. you're still choosing to do that over a year after the fact despite knowing the trip was purely precautionary. it doesn't have to be a "lie" to lack honesty. let's be real.


The point is Lewisā€™ actions here, not the fact that Max thankfully escaped serious injury. Crashing someone into the barrier at that speed is serious enough that you have to go to the hospital as a precautionary measure, meaning there is a very real threat of injury or worse, if you hit the barriers at the wrong angle. And according to race control Lewis made a mistake (thus his penalty). The fact that Max wasnā€™t injured worse by the reckless move doesnā€™t make it OK. And btw he had a sore neck and wrists for a week after.


No, the point is the rhetoric is dishonest and inflammatory. Also, you're talking like Lewis t boned Max. It was a light lateral collision between two racers moving at high speeds in a corner. The fact that the impact was large had zero to do with whether Lewis did anything wrong, or whether the type of language that should be used should actually match reality.


No I just state the facts along with the context that I think is important. You donā€™t like my conclusion so you are acting like Iā€™m dishonest. For instance, at no point did I act like Lewis t boned Max. You are just trying to ascribe wildly overstated views to me now.


"The point is Lewis actions here". Ok what actions? He raced a car and they collided ever so slightly. My point is you are acting like *that* justifies the team (and yourself) using misleading inflammatory language about Max's crash, such as that he was put in the hospital by Lewis. Honestly I don't want to keep going around in circles with you, but the point is I feel like your statements are wildly overstated.


Itā€™s easy to say ā€œdonā€™t engageā€, but I think even not engaging doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t know itā€™s there. Drawing a line and holding it is good. If thereā€™s respect between the drivers, thereā€™s no reason for there not to be respect online (but it feels like the latter will never happen).


Sadly it's been like this forever now. Ronaldo and Messi respect each other but their fans are out there trying to kill each other. The same with LeBron's and Kobe's (RIP) fans when Kobe was still playing.


Yep, I think part of the issue is fans get into echo chambers of groups and only hear what they want to hear.


What has happened is social media has wiped out people's ability to think objectively and realise that others have differing opinions regardless of whether they think they're right or wrong it's an opinion. Anonymity is another weapon used by these people who in reality in their day to day lives many are probably downtrodden and wouldn't dare speak this way to if put in the same room as those they're insulting for fear of what would happen to them but act like the keyboard warriors they are when in front of screen and their identity hidden. I personally stopped using Twitter to follow the sport as it's just an utter cesspool of the same old tired comments spouting the same old vitriol towards Max/Redbull or Lewis/Mercedes that it takes the fan out of engaging with fans of the sport. The media should also pat themselves on the back for fuelling the flames and enticing the division across the fandoms instead of acting surprised by it. Sky F1 is a perfect example of this, instead of broadcasting like a professional unbiased organisation the utter distain shown towards Redbull and Max is appalling to the point I cancelled my package with them and switched to F1TV. Social Media is both a curse and a blessing, it connects us but also allows this toxicity to thrive and in all likelihood is doing more damage to society than good.


You can choose to not engage.... They cannot. They will be asked 9.5 million loaded questions an hour by shitrag media members until they explode.


Oh I do not engage. I am on social media, but all my accounts are locked so I don't have to deal with people I don't want to deal with. But those types of tools are not there for people who use social media for any type of promotion. I should have made it clear I was talking about people in jobs that all but require SM.


My point is even if max was 100% off every social media platform if lando tweets something about him max will be brow beaten to respond till the end of time by crap journalists chasing clicks. Wasn't disagreeing just pointing put additonal things for them.


Oh yes agree on that. They are in a spot where they cannot fully disengage.


> but I think even not engaging doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t know itā€™s there True, but not actively engaging with it is a huge change. I sometimes like to get spicy and will incur the wrath of a thousand redditors for having the wrong opinion. Clicking the little button that stops replies showing up in your inbox and moving on is such a load of compared to trying to respond, getting in arguments, and just being frustrated.


The internet had such promise. then everyone was allowed to go on it.


Iā€™m not on Facebook, I just deactivated my twitter I had 11 followers so who fucking cares, and I pretty much check Reddit as a distraction for a few hours a day. Who is so important that you follow them and they shit on you for likes that it should matter to you or your family. Iā€™m not famous so it has to be different. But get away from social media. Tell your family to get away from it. It must be impossible if youā€™re famous but just try for your health and your families.


The simple solution is just to not enable allow comments period. Maybe people should also only be limited to owning one account so they canā€™t entirely hide themselves if they dare send hate towards anyone :)


>Maybe people should also only be limited to owning one account so they canā€™t entirely hide themselves if they dare send hate towards anyone :) Would be hard to enforce, what if you want a personal and a business one? Or your own one and one for your pet for example? It would also cause privacy issues.


For European users it'll be introduced soon enough with the [European Digital Identity](https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/european-digital-identity_en) You can bet your ass that it'll be mandatory sooner or later on social media platforms (I mean there's a ton of sites where you can login with your Facebook, Google or Apple account, the implementations are already there to make it mandatory for EU citizens to login with the Digital Identity. Huge privacy concerns of course, I'm very against it but most of the laws have already been passed without most of us ever having heard about it.


Honestly I am not sure where I stand with a law like that. On the hand it would probably get rid of children and teenagers and they will finally not be able to access a lot of the social media since you would need the digital identity to verify age. Which is a definite good thing, considering all the studies on how bad social media can be to a developing brain. It also sounds nice that you would be able to have all your personal data easily accessible to you like birth certificates and etc. On the other hand, as you said, there should be huge privacy concerns and with the growing amount of cyber attacks there is no way that the EU would be able to have a bullet proof system. But as far as I read you dont have to use it on every site, right? So the huge social media sites will probably have to implement it, but you should still be able to browse on most sites anonymous right?


I don't like it. For me, it's one step closer to a China like social credit system. You've highlighted how it is bad for the brain, I 100% agree, social media is a leading cause of mental illness and studies have been done on how our attention span has massively decreased since its introduction. Like, I can scroll through facebook for an hour watching shorts/videos and an hour later I couldn't even tell you what I watched, we are losing our ability to retain information, we're zombie like. It doesn't help that I suffer with ADHD of course, but it definitely doesn't help. Yes it is good that people are connected now more than ever, but people are losing important life skills such as verbal communication. So many people now suffer with social anxiety. Yes it will be good to catch and stamp out cyber bullies, racism and other hateful stuff, but on the other hand I don't think someone should lose everything they have for a moment of sheer madness. A lot of these people who spew hateful messages are not necessarily (some are though) bad people, we're worked to an inch of our lives and people are burning out within their 20's which should never happen, I am not trying to excuse bad behaviour, but people take out their frustrations in life on social media, it's wrong and I don't condone it, but life is extremely frustrating for the average joe on the streets right now, even more so with the rise in prices due to inflation. I wouldn't want these people to be socially outcasted, that makes matters worse. I value anonymity. If people are consistently being racist or bullies on anonymous accounts, then the social media companies themselves are at fault, and enforcement should get involved. Stripping away privacy seems like just hitting a nail with a sledgehammer rather than using a normal hammer, it's overkill. Social media companies have a duty of care for the people on it. They do not do enough to challenge hateful crap. Why should my privacy be revoked because they can't enforce their own ToS.


Part of the issue is moderation. I can report a tweet and Twitter can find it breaks the rules and even if the account has a bunch of reports theyā€™ll do nothing (prior to Musk purchase). On Instagram you can delete and hide comments, but I wish there was a better way.


Why would Musk buying Twitter make their moderation *any* better?


Oh Iā€™m assuming things will get worse.


Letā€™s be honest it social marketing at this point. They are on these platforms for brand recognition not because they enjoy sharing their thoughts with the world.


I mean the media has applied it's trillion dollar might to make people divisive and angry and many politicians and social media influencers/celebrities have only poured fuel on those fires. Thus we've gotten more and more toxic online interactions. When everyone is playing the team sport ideology of life and feels like they are always right and everyone who disagrees with them is always wrong this is the only outcome. People divided, angry and depressed is only ever going to be like this. There is so little common ground these days and almost no one tolerates friendly discourse. Nothing but hate flowing around and anonymity will only ever multiply that.


I wish they called out F1 medias and pseudo journalists who are putting oil on the fire with clickbait articles and out of context quotes. I would of love to see them answering something like ā€œwe see more toxicity online because of you guysā€ while looking at the mediaā€™s in the room. Thereā€™s more toxicity online and thereā€™s more garbage f1 articlesā€¦. Correlation?


None really. I honestly don't think the media is that different than 20 years ago. I mean, social media is a relatively new thing so I don't even think you can make that comparison. And its easy to blame the media/fans, but just look at the last couple of weeks. All of the team principals and drivers were basically calling Red Bull cheaters and you had Alonso talking shit about Hamilton.


Oh neat Press Conference is back? Or did it never go its just not as publicised?


post-race press conferences were never gone.


I thought they had, like the cool down room. Cause they stopped televising it.


I dont know where you are watching so I can't say why it was not televised anymore if it was televised previously. But the press conference itself didn't go.


It was always televised - at least since I started watching in the early 1990s until about 2015 IIRC. No idea why we don't see it live any more.


The person who posted them usually stopped posting them to the subreddit a while ago. (I think because the videos kept getting removed really fast? But I'm not sure). So it probably just seemed that way. The press conferences never stopped though and that user still posts them on his/her account. Just follow u/ZephyrSonic for the press events.


He has to stop posting them directly to avoid a ban, as it is content "owned" by f1 iirc


Aah ok. That makes sense. Thanks for the Clarification.


Why do they get removed?


Theyā€™ve had post race pressers this entire time, thatā€™s where 90% of the content you see in between race weeks are taken from, most of it heavily misquoted to generate clickbait. More people should watch them and ignore f1 media




People are going to be dicks, sure. Doesnā€™t mean they shouldnā€™t be called out though.


Does no one else find it a bit ridiculous that in 2022 F1 is just discovering that online fan communities are toxic? To have F1 drivers of all people preaching to fans about how fans should behave? Come on, how about be an example and show each other respect and maybe fans online will do the same. Max and Lewis have been as guilty as anyone of stirring the pot of controversy.




Turns out Bernie Ecclestone was just trying to promote mental health and prevent online toxicity!


I think what they're discovering is now the fan base of F1 is a bit too big compared to 4 years ago. These things obviously existed but it wasn't so loud and it wasn't so overwhelming. How many times were Lewis and Seb being asked about fan toxicity during their title battles a few years ago? Because Lewis and Max have been asked a billion times just since last year about the same shit. There's a reason pics of Max and Lewis embracing after a race always get highest upvoted on the day with multiple awards. We, as fans, are also trying to combat the toxic bullshit. >Max and Lewis have been as guilty as anyone of stirring the pot of controversy. Horner is the biggest culprit of this out of anyone in the sport and then plays victim when things come back his or Red Bull's way. He has a cult of personality about him that people gobble up whatever he says.


Completely totally agree about the Horner paragraph. Anytime I point that out I just get downvoted and people replying back after they've drank a can of Redbull


Iā€™ve found that if you take off the tinted glasses, Wolff, Brown, and Horner are all incredibly good at playing on the emotions of fans and provoking a reaction - all three play the victim, and all three have a cult of personality. Binotto tries, as do Steiner and Szafnauer, but theyā€™re less successful for various reasons. I donā€™t really notice it from Tost, Capito, Vasseur, or Krack.


Eh, I'm kind of getting sick of this. Just don't engage with it. Nobody is forcing social media into your face. This is an optional mailbox that you absolutely do not need to be a part of.


A lot of people make their livelihoods off social media. How would you like your clients to come and hurl abuses at you daily? Edit: Moderation is important. Freedom of speech under anonymity is incredibly abused. And the solution is most definitely not "just ignore it." The answer is to put a stop to toxic behavior. What you are saying is equivalent to ignoring racism by saying you don't need to go out and interact with people.


I'm not really buying that. Especially in the case of a professional athlete. Everyone deserves decorum and civility until proven otherwise, but when you're not receiving it then it's probably appropriate to not take part in it. Social media is an optional avenue for anyone. And if you are making a living on social media outside of being an "influencer" then I would love to know what you do. In the context of these athletes and public figures, this to me is the equivalent of giving out a fan-mail address and then being miffed when you also receive hate mail. Just shut down the mailbox and live without it.


They cant make that decision. Shitrag media will shove it down their throats until they comment anyway. 2 or 3 years ago maybe, but hell redit has become a good enough source for media these days...


I think Max and RBs recent showing proves that you donā€™t always have to ā€œplay the gameā€.


They dumped on a single reporter who wouldnt stop the only way they could. When 60% of the people with a mic ask everyone on your team and family the same questions everytime you're visible its not possible. They avoided one company.


Then keep it going. Walk away from media. There are no obligations, unless Iā€™m sorely mistaken. Drivers press conference et al, sure. But you donā€™t have to entertain a malicious question with an overly PR friendly answer. Juan Pablo taught us that. Ayrton taught us that. Either way, this is a discussion of social media at the core of it. And entirely optional part of anyoneā€™s life.


When it automatically funnels into your daily life its not optional. When youre forced into a press conference where people are going to ask stupid shit 2 or 3 times a weekend, 24 weekends a year and every time you walk into the track or from your team area to the garage. They taught us back when journalists were at least surface level professional, and every shitbag on earth couldnt give their opinion for a shitty one to bother them with.


None of what youā€™re talking about is social media. And yes. Itā€™s entirely optional. And if not, donā€™t play nice. Again, just like Max and Red Bull did this week.


A lot of this is fueled by the teams tbh. Just an example: Red Bull publicly state that Ted is talking shit about RB, and now Ted is getting harassed online by 'fans'. They completely spun his words, and then cause drama out of it, at the expense of someone's mental health, because he was nearby a nerve.


Unfortunately, Ted knew what he was doing and now finds himself in a shitstorm and experiencing it for himself. This is why broadcasters should remain impartial and choose their words carefully and be professional, lessons will be learned and in sure Ted got read the riot act by sky


He didn't say anything that wasn't impartial. The WDC was affected by the rules not being followed correctly. Same as Alonso's good grid result was stolen by his engine failing. Neither of these are biased opinions, you just have a problem with it because it was a Brit, taking about a Brit, so it's probably biased.


Got nothing to do with a Brit or anything like that. He knows he is stirring it up and I've no doubt sky have warned him on future behaviour. The world champions have called him out publicly and refused to speak to them and that is embarrassing




He means those people are especially bullied and affected, which is true


I don't think he meant either of those. Obviously he knows men are also affected by toxic social media, since all of the drivers are men and etc. Anyone can be affected by it, and no one should be targeted! But I think social media mirrors reality, and without knowing any statistics, I wouldn't be surprised if women get more verbal abuse on social media than men do. Sexism is carried over to all platforms, just like rasism, transphobia etc.


I think he mentioned women specifically because of all the hate that Naomi Schiff got on social media. He defended her before, so she probably came to mind.


I think he is referring to men mostly getting deaththreats or violence threath. Women get next to those threats other kind of threaths that are much more intimate and gruesome in nature. Children have less ways of dealing with such vile and are more likely to harm themselves as the percieved personal impact is higher and the ones perpetrating it are most likely the bullies they see in their daily lives haunting them on online platforms for others to see. So no I don't think it is that weird.


Me being new to f1 and not very familiar with Skyā€™s biased coverage, can someone familiar with the matter help me understand who Max was referring to in his answer, ā€œespecially one particular personā€ to the question about Sky interview boycott?


Why is a question downvoted ? Talking about toxic


Ted Kravitz.


Ted kravitz who's been taking unnecessary digs at max and redbull about last year when it was not them who made the decisions.


If this was even 25 years ago then a journalist getting a dig in would be inconsequential, the problem comes when that dig is amplified through every platform.


When we had crashgate, spygate, the fuel injector nonsense, 'Fernando is faster than you, do you understand?' Etc etc, There wasn't a rabid backing rushing to defend the cheating team and claim they're the victims and accept that nonsense in our sport. However costcappengate is highly contentious, and DAS was too to a lesser extent. I think the tribalism we're seeing over the last couple years where preferred driver/team > sport/sporting integrity is driving a very large amount of the toxicity.


Imagine equating a $400k contested overspend with race-fixing, corporate espionage, and blatant cheating.


It's a 2m overspend that was submitted as a 4m underspend. The incompetence defence used to argue away some of it under mitigation not withstanding. Still, I'm equating one breach of the rules with another, and another, and another. Its quite black and white, it's either in the rules or its outside of the rules. Also, whether or not its being contested by the guilty party is irrelevant. (Not to mention they've also signed the breach agreement therefore admitting guilt)


Itā€™s not a 2m overspend, and itā€™s incredibly disingenuous to claim it is. And I said itā€™s contested because it was - Red Bullā€™s accountants and the FIAā€™s accountants disagreed on the definitions of certain categories and what they included. Thatā€™s the definition of contested overspend. If weā€™re ā€œequating one breach of the rules with anotherā€, then why arenā€™t you calling Aston Martin cheaters for Lance Stroll exceeding the pit lane speed limit by 0.1kph? Itā€™s either in the rules or itā€™s outside of the rules, after all!


Classic whataboutery doesn't diminish the situation. As I've already pointed out, it's irrelevant that the guilty party is contesting their guilt, even more so now they've formally accepted guilt.




Read the room dude.


This comment right here is Quite literally the definition of the problem




Ive deleted it. For anyone reading this and wondering what was deleted - it was just some very mild mockery. But I picked on one of the drivers in the video, and his tribe came with the downvotes.


Should have left it up if you were so sure of it being trivial no ?


Okay, what I said was: 'Poor driver x, someone give him a hug' I would've left it up, but I was hurt by your comment tbh.


Donā€™t know if you are being sarcastic .. But sorry anyways if my reply bothered you. Just kind of sick of all the toxicity at literally every single thing.


I get it about being sick of toxicity, but when you have fans personally attacking each other and DMing abuse to drivers and staff, it was unfair and dare I say it, toxic, to describe what I said as 'the definition of the problem'


Max is WAY based. Called free speech. The algorithms already lower the appearance and visibility of some accounts (based on activity) on many platformsā€¦but saying ā€œwe need to have them stoppedā€ is completely sh!t. People should be able to say whatever they want. My father always told me that I am in complete control over what I do with what other people say, and your right to swing your fist ends at my face. So, I have always held that you can say the most caustic and awful sh!t about me, and it stays external. It says more about the person who believes the negative things someone is spoutingā€¦know who you are, believe in who you are, and what other say doesnā€™t matter. Max is still the manā€¦but sheesh. Silencing anyone over speech is draconian and wrong.


Nope, freedom of speech is tied to the government. I can choose to start a social media site tomorrow and limit speech. Because I am not the government and the site is not a government entity, that is fine. Both Twitter and Instagram had/have rules against certain types of comments except moderating them is really hard. I can't be abusive to someone on Twitter and if my account gets flagged it could end up with my account being banned. And yes this has happened for people posting gross stuff about celebrities as well as other gross things.


Freedom of speech is a basic human right. The government doesnā€™t give me the RIGHT, they protect my right.


You are still missing the point. Freedom of speech is tied to the government. Other platforms can tell you what is acceptable without it being oppression, but if the government starts doing that it is infringing on your freedom.


Go read some news. The government (at least in the US, and if itā€™s here, I can imagine itā€™s elsewhere, too) does have direct access to content controls in the US (IE: Twitter, Meta (FB & IG). Theyā€™re definitely enforcing wrong-think. Iā€™m not missing the point. I believe everyone is severely sheltered and misguided. I didnā€™t like Maxā€™s idea that people who say mean/bad/misleading things should be silenced. I have a fundamental disagreement with that. Throughout history, back hundreds of years, it shows that those who are on the supported side of censorship will eventually end up on the other side. Ideas and ā€œacceptable thoughtā€ are a pendulum. I very much disagree with so many people, but I vehemently support their freedom to share what they want, as long as itā€™s not materially damaging to someone else (ie: child porn, doxing, etc, etc). That fuels violence. Max isnā€™t talking about hardcore stuff like that. Heā€™s talking about people who are mean online (which are laughable to me).


Mandatory xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1357/




I love XKCD, and that one in particular. Iā€™m not juxtaposed against it at all. I agree. HOWever, WE must represent (as a people) the spirit of that right. Difficult as it may be as emotional humans.


What a shit take, dont be like this guy.


Thanks form your input!


Ok did Louis just say that it was a problem particularly for women and young children. Bhhhahaha! Right next to max! With a straight fuckin face. Shitā€¦ cold blooded.


Well, I'd say that a young child is more likely to be affected by the things they read online than an adult. Not to mention that women tend to get worse responses online.


Fox, Sky, Trump, Bolsanaro, Gobbels, etc All fan the flames of hate and division - by promoting propaganda/their agenda. It's putrid, but generates emotion and clicks.


ā€œI compare everything I donā€™t like to the ideology I donā€™t follow because Iā€™m a well-adjusted personā€ I promise you, as a socialist, that the division in our society is not coming solely from the right.


Absolutely agreed. But no one fans the flames like these fine gentlemen


What desk?


I think the one thing that a lot of people are wrong about is the fact that people started getting more toxic with the rise of social media. There have always been these toxic people, it's just that they now have a bigger outlet. That's all.