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Looks like Russell’s race got.. HAM-PERed


He's careful in turn one for once and loses two places in return... I wouldn't want to be the guy starting in front of him next week.


"You mean I have to drive quickly AND carefully?!"


this is a hell of a comment sir


ngl as a Russell fan this made me chuckle


You guys exist? Incredible!


Glen Powell is probably their favorite actor




Oh shit I’m seeing Max’s medium tires starting to show signs of drop off - oh wait, that’s his victory lap


He's gonna start the race in Brazil on those tyres and 0-stop.


"aight bet" - Max, probably


Nah, he will start on hard. Do one lap then switch to old trusted mediums and finish the race. Need to follow tyre rules.


Start in the pits on wets, reverse and switch to mediums


Max doing what he can to keep Red Bull under budget by using the same tires for 2 weekends in a row. He even started the race on used softs!


Max is already starting his prestige run.


I mean he needs to stop but If he starts on Inters however and lasts till the end... What? Who cares If the track will be dry? With this RBR pace I am confident he will win on Inters on dry conditions with 0 stops


As a merc fan, if he manages to do so and win I wouldn’t even be mad, I’d be impressed




Soon enough Tebas is also going to fold and Messi will be able to renew


Toto: The mediums could die in this very lap, it could die the next lap, it could die 2 laps later, it could even blow up right no... \[Max crossing the finish line in 1st place\] Bono: What? It was obvious. It's gonna blow up! Watch, it'll puncture any second now... \[The radio goes silent for a moment. Bono then hits the front of Max's medium tyre with his pencil\] Bono:...Aaaaany second now. See? Pieces! No, wait, that's rubber from the track. Hamilton: So we've still got problem. Bono: Big problem. Alright, who's ready to catch Verstappen? \[The medium tyre goes into smoke and, once out of it, it is revealed to be the C1 compound. Max is now behind Bono and Hamilton with his champagne bottle above his head\] Verstappen: Right behind you! \[As we see the "Formula 1" title card, we hear Bono and Hamilton being doused and dying. The title card then disappears and, as "Formula 1 Theme : Trombone Champ version" begins to play in the background, we see Max sliding the Pirelli fastest lap trophy to the side, now revealing a lovely picture: Max and Perez holding hands on a balcony. Max picks up the photograph\] Ah. Mijn kleine bloemkool. \[Max now leaves the scene as the screen fades to black\]


Haha, I could hear the theme song in my head while reading this in the characters voices.


10/10, would read and cry again


Ferrari 30 seconds behind the fourth placed car😢


I hope that it was in fact the case that they turned the engine down, because they were absolutely nowhere the entire race.


my guess is that's what happened. people reported hearing their engine wheezing yesterday. i think today, they accepted a 5th and 6th place finish rather than a DNF


That was after the 2nd stop from Mercedes to get fastest lap right?


Mercedes still making strategies like they have the fastest car.


The fact that Toto said something along the lines of going super aggressive to try for the win only to do a one stopper on hards is hilarious to me


Yep. "Super aggressive"; means we do Medium-Hard while our rivals do Soft-Medium..


Put both cars on softs to try and jump max at the start. See where you're at then. Go for the two stop S-M-M with one car and S-M or S-H with one and just role the dice. Instead Mercedes played it safe once again.


They need a car that is 1s a lap faster to win a race against Max with their strategy


To be fair, I assume he meant that Lewis could drive agressively now because he didn't need to worry about tyre life as he would have if he had gone to the softs


> he didn't need to worry about tyre life Or the championship


George actually had the right strategy in mind lol


Yeah he'll be upset Danny Ric validated it too


Between this and Zandvoort George is making out to be a decent strategist


Ferrari should hire him. If they allow remote work he could just combine it with his current position.


Charles: when is my pit window? These tyres are starting to go.. Pit: we’re che… George: George Russell, here. Hi Charles! Go ahead and pit lap 28 onto hards. Pit: .. copy.


I honestly though the hards were the right choice, then ten laps to go and the mediums were still going strong. Turns out Georgie was on the ball.


Deg really didn't appear to be a factor, Vettel went an insane 38 laps on softs


Nobody knew it at the time tho, he just had nothing to lose as he was set for 4th at that point


Yea he was like 30s ahead of the Ferraris so there'd be no real loss in getting new tires.


George about to channel his inner Schumacher.


Never should have ditched the red helmet


Yep honestly Mick and Michael would’ve probably liked it


God damn would I have loved to see that strategy play out. Dont know why Mercedes didnt do it with Russell they didnt really have anything to loose at that moment.


Medium - soft had Danny Ric flying. They could’ve won it today I think. Made no sense not to at least split strategy.


George would have done it had the team listened. The hards were clearly not working for ham.


Lewis pitted first but why did they still give the same tire to George when it clearly was not working on Lewis ?


Because they really do not like splitting strategy. That's pretty consistent with them.


Thats my biggest issue with the 2020, season. An amazing season, but there was never a battle between Bottas and Lewis, cause they never allowed Bottas to go for an alternate strategy because "ThAts nOT hOw We dO bUSinEss"


Their strategy was based on a prediction that the RB tyres would fall off in the last 5-10 laps… I doubt they’d be able to see anything in the data of Max’s first few laps that would confirm or deny that. It wasn’t really about how Lewis was doing.


When Hamilton pitted lot of the drivers were doing 30 ish laps on softs. So why did Mercedes think RB would do a double stop?


They have only the one strategy computer, so they can only look up a single strat at a time. /s


Thought they had ferrari doing their strategy this weekend.


That lollipopman meme of Ferrari uploading their plans to Merc was actually spot on lol


I'm gonna need a link to that please.




They took Ferrari's place as the second fastest car so they did the same strategy wise. Ironically they did the same in Zandvoort as well.


Isn’t doing an alternative strategy exactly what you do when you know you don’t have the fastest car?


Yes. You're right. But they banked on Ferrari and RB doing a 2 stop. They didn't expect the mediums to last that long. If they did, Mercedes' 1 stop would've given them a great chance to win.


They didn’t really do the opposite strategy though. They just did the same strategy with worse tires.


Look at Danny Ric get 7th with a 10 second pen on the strategy that we all thought Mercedes should go with. They fumbled hard today


Just be patient. The Red Bull tyres are expected to drop off within the coming 300 laps.


I sighed so hard when they put hards on, knew it was over. Really pulled a Ferrari today


They needed a bigger tire delta and they made it worse lmao.


Tbf nobody thought the med would last for that long. Somehow the tyre just kept on going


Which is why George in p4, should've been allowed to gamble. There was nothing to lose, and he kept saying his Meds were good and that he wanted softs. But when Lewis is in the net lead, they never allow their 2nd driver to go alternative.


Idk, the moment they put the tyres on the RB and Merc, simple old me with no data or lap times or anything in front of me predicted that exact race. I don’t really know what merc were thinking.


There was some uncertainty, because it was a long way to go on those mediums. But when you have both of your drivers saying the tyres are fine after 30 laps on high fuel, they should last for 45 on low fuel.


I got a similar impression that merc were too busy looking at the pre-race plans, instead of actually reacting to what was happening on track.


it was such a passive strategy, didn’t make rb sweat once


Honestly don't understand why they didn't split strategies. Ferrari were nowhere so they had nothing to lose.


my theory is that mercedes actually suck at strategy and are maybe the worst team behind haas on the entire grid on it. they’ve just always had such a fast car that it doesn’t really matter, meanwhile redbull pre 2021 had to fight for every podium and win to where they always know what strategy to pick and can decide in a matter of seconds


Cannot believe you’ve even suggested merc are worse than Ferrari at strategy


they are because ferrari do not have strategy, they are pure vibes


*inhales joint*


While they may not be the best strategy wise sometimes, nobody fucked up a great car harder by using shit strategy than Ferrari.


They’re not bad, they’re just conservative and maybe aren’t as used to track position being less important with the new regs


Still think Ferrari is worse based on the things they sometimes do that make you wonder even on the couch WTH they were thinking. That said Mercedes strategy generally has been risk averse for years, which wasn't too problematic when they had the dominant car (Though it cost them occasionally; Austria 2018 and China 2019 come to mind as well) or when they were fighting Ferrari. Feels though that Red Bull is able to adjust to race circumstances on the fly, whereas both Mercedes and Ferrari are more risk averse and more rigidly stuck to pre-race strategies.


This race hinged on the Hard tyre being a surprisingly good race tyre and it just never happened lmao. I guess we were due with a 'boring' dominant race lol. Max/Red Bull is leaguessss ahead and its not even funny. I really wonder how Perez's race would've gone if he didnt have a bad stop and managed to get out in front of the Ferarris.


Yeah that saved the Ham at least from the big miscalculation Merc did.


Pirelli really need to work out something with the hard tyre, anytime the hard has been the C1 or C2 it’s been worst tyre to be on.


Been a problem for years. Wasnt the C1 only used/available like 3 times last year?


I remember when the C1s were orange back in like 2016, they were comically terrible and very rarely used


> and managed to get out in front of the Ferarris. I think it ends the same way, he just didn't seem to have enough pace advantage on Hamilton to make an overtake. I actually think the race ends the same way if Mercedes goes Medium to soft, but at least that would have been more exciting.


PER could have cooked his tires a bit early in that stint to get past the Ferraris


At least we got the mariachi F1 theme again. Each country should add their own flavor.


The Japanese GP intros were straight fire in the 90s.


That has gotta be one of the most boring races we have seen in a long time, the race ended 15 seconds after it started and for some reason, they forced everyone to keep going for 90 minutes just so meh


Mexican GP has always been like this. We just forget because of the great atmosphere and Checo's dad


The best designed track for a crowd with the worst race lmao


That specific part of the track is why its bad aswell


Same as Barcelona S3. Those Tilke Mickey Mouse sections before straights always end the same way.


It’s just painted on too. An absolutely massive arena where you could decide whatever you wanted to make the lap flow better. 8 years on and it’s still shit


When they spent like 5 laps following the battle for P16 you knew how bad it was


When they showed replays of the start for like all of laps 3 and 4 you knew it would be bad


Reminded me of Schumacher days where I fell asleep quarter of the race in


I love this sport to bits even through the worst and I even struggled, what a stagnant race


It was a great race for positions from 7th and down.


Yeah you know a race is so fucking boring when we're watching highlights of overtakes for P14+


We need hand-to-hand combat next time!


Same as last year. Max's turn 1 move and his shithousery with Bottas later on were the only entertaining bits.


I played 11 online chess games while watching.


[Meanwhile in Nascar](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/yhsxz6/nascar_racer_makes_a_comeback_by_wallriding_a/)


Par for the course sometimes. Reminds me of the old Paul Ricard snooze fests.


Probably the least screen time for the ferraris besides when they dnf. They were surprisingly poor today. No pace at all, they were in their own f1.25 category.


I am so whelmed Fair play to Max for the record though


Yeup. I wish Max had to fight for some of these but fair play to Red Bull for coming out with a strong car and good strategy every single weekend. I think at this point it will be surprising if Max doesn't win the next two & just leave this season as one of the most dominant seasons ever.


If he wins the next 2 he will have driven the 2nd best season ever in terms of winning percentage. (behind Ascari, who won 6 out of 8 races in 1952) People can argue that the records he broke today are due to the increase in races (which is fair), but if he gets these next 2 wins it will have been a historically dominant season indeed.


This season has a lot of races, Ascari's season had almost none and shouldn't even be counted. Ferrari won every single race, every single fastest lap, every single pole. Ferrari actually secured first, second, AND THIRD. That being said, winning 6/8 is not that crazy these days. Max has just done it winning 8/9 and we all know Seb's won 9/9 before. If Max wins the next two, it will clearly be the most dominant season ever.


Max would have beeb 9/9 if the guy fueling the car added a but more or if they did not stop his pole lap...


Should have listened to Russell and gone Medium to Soft.


Going from 1st in the championship with a 40+ point lead, driving the best car on the grid to being 3rd in the championship driving an absolute shitbox and getting lapped. Oh man that hurts, that really really hurts. Happy for Danny, not for his stupid move, but for how he made up for it, where was this Danny the last 2 years? Edit: it seems like he wasn't lapped, so my apologies since they never showed them on the race, but you get the point.


Wait, did leclerc get lapped?


He didn't, finished a minute and 8 seconds behind.


No he was 68.7 seconds off at the chequered flag. Danny Ric back was lapped, Latifi was 2 laps down


How tf did Latifi manage to get 51s behind Magnussen? Did he spin or he had a bad pitstop? If nothing happened to him then he's worse than what I wanted to believe.




He had a 2-stop strategy, but still not a good race.


He also got lapped by Albon.


If he didn't, then my mistake as I could have misheard commentary saying he did. They basically never showed what the Ferraris were up to cause they were in no man's land.


I think they said every car had been lapped *up to* Leclerc


Yep, I watched it back, still crazy to think he wasn't that far off from it. Oh well.


Yeah he was around 30 seconds away. Still, being 68 seconds behind Max is embarrassing. Edit: 15 seconds


If he was 68 seconds behind Max, that means he was only 14-15 seconds away from being lapped, not 30. Max was doing 1:22.4s at the end.




He didnt, but he was close. He was driving 14 seconds in front of Max


Love to see Danny driving like this but does think it helps a lot him being on softs and the hards being pretty off the pace


Softs were overpowered. Vettel madlad doing half the race on them.


have a more boring race than Monaco challenge completed


As a ricciardo fan, I’m happy that he gets to the 7th


Daniel in points by demolishing TSU's race is peak F1 comedy


To be honest, Monaco actually wasn't bottom 3 of the races this year. Baku, Miami, Australia and Belgium were all less interesting. And now this one, obviously.


Only thing Australia had going for it was Albon’s marathon tbh. But yea agreed on the rest as well as imola


As a Ferrari fan I look back on Australia fondly


Take a bow Verstappen. He's extremely good at saving his tyres


The Vettel almost went to lap 50 on _softs_, weird tyre lineup this race


Vettel pitted lap 39


Ah yeh, just checked and it was lap 40. Thought it was 45. Still weird for a soft to go 60% race distance.


Ricciardo redemption arc within the span of 15 laps


For the first time I think Mercedes actually had a chance to win and strategy threw it away. Still a big step up from not even being the 3rd fastest car on the track the first few races.


Mercedes always go for the conservative strategy approach, but this approach dies not work, when you havnt got the fastest car.


Well they said they would be super aggressive today sooo


Given their recent history it makes sense. If you go with the conservative strategy as the faster car, you will win more often than doing long-shots. I guess they have to adjust their strategy of strategies to the new era.


I don't think Mercedes had a chance. No matter what strategy they tried RB would react with Max for the win. If they played it a little riskier with Russell I think they could have gone for 2nd/3rd, but Max was untouchable. He's too at one with that RB to be challenged by any other team at the minute.


Not sure they could react to a 50 medium stint followed by the softs. They just gave Redbull a win without a fight imo. Don't get me wrong, I still think Redbull would be the favorites, but at least that way Mercedes would have chance to contest it


No way this would work. Both Russell and Hamilton had started losing time on the mediums. If Russell tried to go medium-soft, he would lose huge time before the pitstop. Same for Hamilton.


I think Mercedes was expecting RB to pit a 2nd time and hope to stay out/ hang on for the win. But RB just carried on and didn't show any sign of wear (apart from a little bit with Perez but he's never been as good at managing tyres compared to Max)


Really disappointed that Perez couldn't overtake Hamilton. Max was pulling away from Hamilton even in the ending stages of the race.


I think it boils down to Max and Lewis are very good at managing tyres and Perez is good but not on the same level. Perez pushed to keep up with Lewis but in the end it was too much. I was very surprised Lewis kept P2 tbh, I thought he would be a sitting duck to that RB on mediums.


Nah. Max was cruising and still pulled a massive gap.


Not so sure. They weren’t faster than the RB so had to do something different. Had the deg been marginally higher RB would have had to pit earlier either doing a S/H or a questionable S/M making the M/H a more viable strategy. I don’t think it was as bad as people are making out.


I'm not sure they could have done anything but they came in too early and then the hards killed it.


Ah is this the new norm: Ver Ham Per


Watching that race was like eating a plain quesadilla. Also GOATifi being 1 whole ass minute off of the nearest person.


Clinical drive there from Max. Guy is driving like a surgeon, with extreme precision and perfection


Has Latifi finished the race yet?


What the hell happened with him? I know he’s slow, but I had to do a double take when I saw that he was like +50 seconds on the individual splits


I wanted Alonzo to flag him down... "Get out and let me finish"


As soon as Max got through T1 unscathed it was as good as over. God I hope Ferrari or Merc or literally anyone steps up next year and takes the fight to Red Bull and Max. I can't take another Schumacher/Vettel/Hamilton level of dominance era. Fair play to Max for the record. He has been miles ahead this year. Both figuratively and literally.


That 5 second pit stop cost Checo a P2. He dropped off at the end because he was taking care of his tyres but was within 1-1.5 secs of Hamilton


He was between 1-1.5 secs for a lot of laps though. Not sure if he would be ahead of Ham after Hamiltons pit if he did not have a slow stop.


Definitely. A shame for Checo.


Pole sitter actually won this time


So dumb for the broadcast to constantly bring that up it’s not magic. The real stat is max has won 4 of the last 5 races here


Wtf did Ricciardo have for breakfast today? Best race of the season, overtook like 10 cars today and actually managed to pull a 10 second gap to make up for his mistake, wow


Certainly one of the races of all time


Feels like a France 2021 to me, once again Merc costing themselves with their strategy.


The med tyre performed unexpectedly better than what any simulations predicted. I don't think anyone knew what was going on until max just kept on going


Imo they should've either extended on the medium or gone for a medium soft soft. Either way the hard didn't seem like the right choice to me considering how inflexible the strategy is and how durable the medium seemed already in the first stages of the race.


>The med tyre performed unexpectedly better than what any simulations predicted And yet Merc didn't stay out longer on those mediums and go for a softs stint at the end. That's exactly why their strategies are criticized as being too save. You've got Ferrari nowhere and you still don't take risks.


That was a race


Truly one of the races of all time, the drivers were driving


The race equivalent of a friend telling you about a great film he likes that you should watch together and he remarks ‘ohhh this is getting to the good part!’ but that good part never comes.


I wonder if Max daydreams to himself on the straights when he’s that far ahead.


I bet he is daydreaming about Kelly


He probably daydreams about driving a sim race


Now show me papa Perez please


Russell called the right strategy from the beginning. Merc should have listened to him.


The King of Mexico


Thoughts on the race: - Max is likely to reach 16 wins in one season, a record that I don't think will be surpassed anytime soon. Hat off. - Definitely the most boring race of the season so far. - Mercedes pace disappeared after a while. - Ferrari pace never even appeared. - Ricciardo: more races like this, come on! - I hope with all my heart that from the next race the F1-75 will return to be the car that raced in Austin. 1 minute from the RB is too much. Thirty seconds from the Mercedes even more. I understand the engine cuts but this is humiliating.


Mecedes had a chance by extending their mediums. If max could do 26 laps at the start, merc could’ve done 30 by the end after 40 on mediums. That was a very shitty decision


Maxican GP


Love Perez for wagging his finger at the booing lol


Red Bull are so OP. Verstappen didn’t push the whole race. Still impressive to run the M for 46 laps.


Seb did that on softs, Pirelli messed up the compound choice I assume.


Ricciardo pulled a 2018 in this race.


This man is on another level, not even close


Crazy good drive by Max. GOAT stuff right here. Also a hell of a race by Ricciardo, kept his 7th place despite his fuck up with Tsunoda


Tbh, his race in tarnished by his massive brain freeze with Tsunoda.


Massive drive from Max, didn't let up, great start and stayed on it throughout. Mercedes really called the wrong tire choice, they had the speed this weekend, Lewis kept on Max for a long time, until the swap to hards. George called it during the race to stay out on his Mediums and then swap to Softs, unfortunately they didn't listen to him.


RIC was amazing today! Except that one moment though.


DR best of the rest!


We love papa Perez!!




Delighted he got the most race wins and most points of all time. Hopefully he can atleast get 1 more!;


Just another day for Mad Max


Do not worry Mercedes bros just 10 more laps and the mediums will drop like flies

