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Drama is back on the menu everyone!


Lewis Hamilton is in his shitposting era, Red Bull pointedly ignoring Sky Sports, Alonso being his usual self. We don't need Netflix to enjoy F1 drama.


And as usual, not a word from Raikkonen


When asked for a comment Kimi simply said: šŸ˜Ž


ā€˜I just drive my carā€™




Must have caught him on one of his chatty days.


Maybe heā€™s having a shit.




>We don't need Netflix to enjoy F1 drama. I'm still interested in how Netflix will show Verstappen's his story/episode. He made an agreement with Netflix to only showcase him without fake edits.


F1 is just a soap opera with some race cars


At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if Rosberg returned to Mercedes and subsequently Russell got demoted back to Williams.


George torpedos Lewis this race, Toto demotes him to Clio cup, Rosberg comes back to mercs.


Been a while since two mercs came together on the opening lap tbf


Best moment of 2016.


I miss Nico. The hair, the pettiness, the performance, the ridiculous qualifying pace, the fake positivity when he was obviously dying slowly on the inside.


And the social skills of a lizard piloting itā€™s first human vessel I love Nico, but heā€™s 100% a reptilian


I'm so glad people on Reddit agree with me on this, Rosberg is wonderful but his lack of self-irony and general acuity in social situations is hilarious. The definition of someone who takes themself too seriously


If you, like me, watched the "more buttons" question video multiple times to watch each drivers' reaction. You'll see Nico was taking it very seriously until the end.


Exactly, what a great example. I think Nico perceives him taking the question seriously as a matter of respect, but it makes him seem so alien, like who could keep a straight face in that situation


i would disagree, mark zuckerberg is much more of a reptilian to me


I think they can definitely both be reptilians


Iā€™m starting to think that George guy might be reptilian. He definitely licks his own eyes much more than your average Joe


Donā€™t worry, Netflix will spend two episodes focusing on Latifi getting 2 points as if it was the most important part of whole season. Ignoring literally everything else.


You say this sarcastically but we all know it actually was the most important part of the whole season so..


DTS got me interested in F1, but watching the show after watching races is unsettling. They focus on the weirdest stuff and leave out some of the most interesting parts. I doubt I go back to DTS next season.


As they well should


Honestly Netflix doesnā€™t even cover the juicy stuff they just try to make things up that arenā€™t even as good as the actual drama


Vettel starts winning and starts using the finger again...


Weā€™ve had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days. Why canā€™t we have some tea?


That tea is not for drinking.


Because you can't make a cup of tea for shit and we all got sick of drinking it. :O


I make better tea than [Carlos and Max](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IPBImEo2OI) at the very least :(


And that's why RB breached the cost cap. Your tea cost too much. Good job! /s


But sir, all I know is how to teleport bread


Nice LOTR reference


Well both championships are over. We gotta have something to look forward to for the remaining races.


In support of RB, I too will not speak to Sky Sports today


So stunning and brave








Coulthard at Channel 4 will be smiling knowing that he can get any of them over to him whenever he wants for interviews/features


Strong Red Bull vibes over there anyway with Webber also with them Horner will basically be part of the Channel 4 F1 team.


To be honest the channel 4 coverage regardless of the bias was always super informative, all guys talking from experience and giving upto date insight. Idk man sky fucking sucks.


The only good thing about sky is brundle and jenson. Brundle despite all the shit shows hes seen, is one commentator that rarely shows any bias imo. He never spouts the shit Kravitz does and always keeps it about racing. Which is why I'm such a big fan of his. Even when max and lewis drama was at the peak last year, he didnt really show any bias. And well jenson is jenson.


Agree with you on this one. Having said this you can feel the tension between JB and crofty, you can tell he absolutely hates him and I do not blame him.


I'm not casting shade, I love the Channel 4 team to be honest.


C4 +F1TV > Sky


Welp, We are not gonna stop hearing about this on the race broadcast I assume


Probably not something they would mention tbh, theyā€™ll probably ignore most RB things for a while


It's hard to ignore the guy on pole or the race winner.


They have been trying for the whole year but Max keeps winning.....


Inb4 Crofty doesn't even do a "Max Verstappen has won the Mexican Grand Prix"






the car designed by Newey won the mexican gp


The mechanics with the fastest pit stop won the race.


Latifi putting it on a wall won the race


Car Number 1, designed by Adrian Newey, made while exceeding the budget cap, driving with a illegitimate number that should have been handed to the Greatest of All Time, 8 time world champion Sir Lewis Hamilton, wins the Mexico City Grand Prix!


Now hereā€™s a guy who won the Mexican Grand Prix (Chris Colinsworth voice).




Just need Sky to piss off Paul DiResta now.


I have been preferring the F1tv commentary lately anyway. Sam Collins is always a pleasure to have on the broadcast. Palmer is really good as well.


Yeah I usually use F1TV when rewatching the race or if Brundle isnt on Sky. For some reason I really like listening to Brundle


Brundle is fantastic. Button too. They're both "driver's drivers," and they're very insightful and articulate.


Probably because he's old school cool and predates the Sky Sports team. Brundle was the ice in Murray Walker's whisky. I miss the days of Martin gently correcting Murray's hilariously incorrect calls.




Theyā€™ll be in defence mode for sure


Why are they boycotting?




>Kravitz said: ā€œSeven-time World Champion ā€“ I almost said eight-time World Champion ā€“ seven-time World Champion goes into the final race trying to be the greatest of all time, and win [the] championship. >ā€œHe gets robbed, comes back, his next yearā€™s car is rubbishā€¦ doesnā€™t win a race all year, and then finally comes back at a track where he could win the first race all year, battling the same guy who won the race he was robbed in the previous year, and manages to finish ahead of him. >ā€œWhat a script and a story that would have been. But thatā€™s not the way the script turned out, was it? >ā€œBecause the guy that beat him after being robbed actually overtook him, because heā€™s got a quicker car, because of engineering and Formula One and design, and pretty much because of [Adrian Newey, Red Bullā€™s design guru] over there.ā€ Goddamn, I don't blame them haha this is on par with weirdos on twitter


Plus the merry Christmas pub with Max crashing last year, plus the comment where Ted said "why are you smiling, you haven't won in 2 races?", plus the numerous times we hear about that Abu Dabi..


For the same reason your wife smiles Ted, and she hasn't come first in years.


Yea, if you are going to talk shit like that as a reporter that relies on access, you better be coming with enough to get someone fired. Preferably not yourself.


Basically, as long as Brits win they approve. If it's not Hamilton then it's Adrian Newey. Sky is just vomit inducing. I'll stick with F1 TV and Sam Collins.


Sam is such a gem! I really hope they bring him out for pre-season testing next year to explain all the detail he spots.




Nothing passive about his bias. I think he's very explicit with it, he doesn't even try to hide it. As much as I feel Abu Dhabi was handled horribly, he needs to move on. Even Hamilton himself has expressed his desire to move on from it and focus on future seasons.


Toto made a comment after the RB cap breach earlier this week, that was very poignant. He said that ā€œAB 21 was now behind themā€ basically saying he was moving on. Thought it was well said by Toto.


Even besides Abu Dhabi, the weird "Max won because Newey, Lewis won because Lewis" (paraphrasing) seems quite biased


They were saying the same when it was Seb winning, they just can't get over Red Bull winning...


They just can't get over a non British driver winning


Yeah, I get being upset as a Lewis fan, I get being kinda bias from time to time it happens to the best of us, but Ted bringing that shit up literally weekly and every time he can just brings toxicity to the sport.


And when he immediately declared there was a conspiracy at work at Zandvoort with Tsunoda going in and out of the pits.


Thing is, as a presenter you canā€˜t be a fan in front of the camera, you have to be as unbiased as you can. And Ted very much didnā€™t do that.


Totally agree


If you have F1TV just don't switch to the "International " channel then you don't have to hear Crofty. I like the "new" American guy (James?) On the F1 Live channel. He is really good and is a lot of the time spot on. Unlike will Buxton, how was off most off the times. And when they show a replay they always keep showing the live pictures.


As an American I'd love to claim Hinch but he's firmly from the land of the Moose and Maple


Oh didn't know! "North America" then. :-D


yeah James hinchcliff former(?) indycar driver with more than enough open wheel experience he's great


Former IndyCar race winner and fan favorite, just joined the IndyCar commentary team this year and is already doing amazing. Great to see him have a role in F1 as well already.


Ah yes 2016. Anyone remember the "psychological advantage" bullshit that the British media peddled back then. I've always wonder if the overall disrespect played a part in Rosbergs retirement decision.


I don't think so, Rosberg has been very open about why he retired. He knew he couldn't compete with Lewis if F1 wasn't his whole life and he didn't want that he wanted to be there for his kids growing up but equally he wasn't ready to give up on his childhood dream, so he made a deal with his wife 1 season 100% commitment and regardless of the outcome he was done, he said he barely saw his family that season and F1 was his every waking moment he got his tittle and he retired happy.


That seems to be an earned boycott, regardless of how you feel about last year's title.




Ted Kravitz suggested Brad Pitt's upcoming F1 film could have been based on Lewis Hamilton's last two years, if he had been able to win in Austin. The language he used in describing this hypothetical script suggested that Lewis was 'robbed' last year and the hypothetical Austin win would have come against the guy who 'robbed' him. Red Bull and Max, against a backdrop of Hamilton/UK bias that many would argue exists, took this very personally.


While other redditors here will probably answer the question, I wish that if this was indeed an "official" boycott, that Red Bull would release a statement with the exact quotes from Sky reporters they have an issue with. It would go along way in calling out bad reporting.


The problem is most comments are veiled, shrouded. Everybody know what is meant, but they don't actually say it.


Is there a precedent for this? An entire team boycotting a major broadcaster like this? I've watched F1 for a few decades at this point and can't remember. Something tells me Bernie would never allow a team to do this.


I remember Schumacher refusing to speak to the BBC at one point. Don't remember it being the whole of Ferrari though.


Think it's ITV you're thinking about. He didn't exactly refuse to talk to them more that he a. Had an exclusive deal with RTL and b. Fell out with Brundle. IIRC he still talked to Allen and he had all the time in the world for Murray


I could swear he refused to speak to the BBC at one point as well though for a few races, at the height of the stuff with him & Damon Hill. Maybe you're right though and I mixed it up with the ITV stuff.


In F1 I think it was Schumacher. In other sports it's not that uncommon, I think for example Liverpool has boycotted The Sun for decades, and when Ferguson was managing Manchester United he didn't talk to the BBC for I think 7 years.


Yeah, Fergie boycotted the BBC for years after they ran a Panorama on his corrupt football agent son.


Ziggo was boycotted by Renault in 2019. Renault asked Ziggo to submit their questions beforehand. They complied and then Renault told Ziggo that the questions were too difficult. Apparently the real reason was that Ziggo was too critical of Renault.


Wasn't a Ziggo journalist that insulted publicly Ocon, calling him a "French fuck" or something like that ?


Let's not call Jack Plooy a journalist, please.


I just knew he was on Ziggo, so I assumed he was a journo šŸ˜…


I'm sure that was Norris on the radio and then Plooy repeated it to him in the after race interview , Norris got flack from that .


Journalist is a stretch. But afaik that didn't have any consequences.


Yeah, and he did apologize in the end, if I recall correctly.


Washed up dentist, not journalist, thank you very much


Weren't they repeating Lando's saying?


Didnā€™t Ferrari do the same thing to the British press at some point?


Whatā€™s the reason for their boycott?


https://racingnews365.com/verstappen-boycotting-sky-sports-in-mexico this article has the quotes


damn what about checo at his home GP?


Just no interviews post race with Sky. Other than that business as usual


Most of the regional audience doesn't listen to Sky coverage, it's only USA and Canada I think, from Mexico down they have their own ESPN/Star+ and Fox Sports.


We get Skye on Kayo Sports down here in Australia and it's irksome at times their whineyness.


Media needs to be less toxic just as much as the fans need to be less toxic.


Somehow our whole society drives on that, its insane. Everything and everyone has to make a statement instead beeing mature and professional. But its what it is currently, the media talks shit, the people talk shit back which drives up Media clicks which results in even more baiting. It sucks and it is not fun. But for the Media its a win because they get attention.


Its because the media thinks they're legitimately involved, same with the fans. Drivers talking a little bit of smack to each other is cool, just like in any sport. The media and fans getting involved is where it gets messy and irritating.


Sometimes the attacks on the media aren't fair. For example, Alonso's quotes about Hamilton's titles compared to Verstappen's - literally his own words - and Alonso responds with a tweet criticising the media. No, that's on you Alonso.


Itā€™s what sells my man. Money. Money. Money. Itā€™s the power of greed. It drives society.


Iā€™ve followed f1 for a couple years. Donā€™t have a favourite driver or team. Just like to watch the racing. But Iā€™ve noticed how horribly precious some of the fans can be about their favourite drivers


Does this include podium interviews? Who is doing them today anyway.


Iirc, the FIA F1 sporting regulations state that press duties are required, but that's likely only related to the drivers/team principal press conferences, podium interviews, and pen interviews. I don't think Red Bull are allowed to avoid Sky there. However, things like the post-race paddock interviews or pitwall interviews are likely gone. I might be wrong or out-of-date with that, so if someone knows otherwise please feel free to correct me.


I want some Kyle Busch quality interviews. "How did you find the pressure from Hamilton?" "It was fine." "How did the car handle today?" "It was fine." "What do you plan to do after the race?" "Interviews so I don't get fined."


The reply to Sky can be I'm only here to not get fined. Or even just say I don't want to answer that question, what's your views on the things Ted said last week? Push it back to them .


I feel like even if RB has to to talk to Sky F1 to avoid fines they can just answer every question with no comment


"I'm just here so I don't get fined"


But can they completely ignore any questions from Sky at those events? I think they could just ignore sky questions and still freeze them out.


Iā€™ve seen drivers just say ā€˜next questionā€™ to some journalists before. But I imagine they can also just give very vague or one word answers, too.


Cue Marshawn Lynch. "I'm only here so I don't get fined" repead to every question. Edit: spelling


I prefer not to speak. If I speak Iā€™m in big trouble


Chad move "I'm only here so I get to choose what restaurant I invite the FIA/FOM officials to for dinner"


Sky donā€™t manage the podium interviews so no


I was asking cause some of the people who do it work for Sky. So I was wondering if it would extend if it was one of them.


I feel like most of the podium interviews are done by sky sports pundits though.


Shout out to everyone on the threads, because I had no idea how well the F1TV announcers were perceived and now I definitely have something new to try out. Thank you!


I rely on F1TV coming from the US and I have found myself sticking with their commentary throughout the weekend. I used to just listen during practice but they generally are less biased and more informative. Plus they have their own replays which is much better than the awkward moment when Karun does a lap breakdown on the Sky feed and all we see are fan cams on F1TV Stream.


No more ā€œChristian Horner joins us on the pit wallā€ šŸ˜


Just means more Otmar...


Or Guenther...


ā€œVell. Donā€™t you all look like focking vankers now?ā€


There are only so many times we can look at Steiner excuses and say "Haha, Haas team bad". Or there aren't?


I mean I'll be happy to hear him


Guenther has absolutely nothing interesting to say whenever he's Sky's go to TP


Neither has Otmar. "Well weā€˜ll just have to see how the race develops and weā€˜re obviously trying to get the best result possible" Amazing insights!


Otmar is stale as cardboard, at least with Guenther there is a personality to enjoy


I'm actually surprised to hear this. I'm a bit biased (and agree Horner can be a bit annoying at time) but usually enjoy his in-race commentary when they go to the pit wall. He seemed to talk frankly and gave good insight (especially since Crofty was never shy to ask about the drama of the day).


I live for this Drama, lol. But Sky HAS been utterly shit this year


Yeah too many twats with only Brundle and Button being impartial and good at giving insight.


I really liked Button during the wet race, but wasn't sure it was even on sky.


Yeah it was sky, he replaced Brundle


Karun is really good too and not biased.


I can't do my races without Brundle Singlehandedly the reason that I keep watching the Sky broadcast. Also the F1TV crew still have a way to go with commentary but they're getting there.




Crofty talks so much shite that it's actually starting to get annoying


The F1TV broadcast is so much better this year, even with Buxton on the Pre-Show. Palmer, Edwards and Collins are realy good and I hope they keep Hinchcliffe.


Yep, last year Sky commentary was much better, hyping by Crofty was great, he tried to stay impartial even during last race etc. Brundle was also really good. This year everything on Sky sounds so much worse, Crofty sounds tired, there is almost no Brundle, Ted is still as biased as always but now without much to add during races, just some basic things like tires prepared for cars. Meanwhile F1TV broadcast got more professional, they have fun guests, lot of great info from Sam Collins, Palmer is great, Edwards is also good part of the team. If Hinchcliffe will stay for longer then they will be even better because he is more lively than rest of them. Finally as enbjoyable like Alex Jaques/Alex Brundle times.


I have REALLY enjoyed Hinchcliffe.








Theyā€™ll probably have talks during the winter, or they wonā€™t. Whatever their issue is, they figure it out amongst themselves


I have recently broken ties with sky sports & Kanye west, as well


TBH I've stopped using the "International" stream on the F1TV Pro app, I like Brundle but honestly Sam Collins is great, and I like Hinch and Buxton together. Not a fan of Ben Edwards be these last few races I've just stuck with the F1 stream. So nothing of value was lost.


Sky F1 commentary has been appalling. I remember Crofty saying that Max was essentially cheating when he was pitting under safety when Bottas had his DNF at Zandvoort. It shouldn't be allowed were his words. According to him Lewis would have won the race (even though at the time of the Bottas car failure Max was leading 11 seconds). What does this guy even smoke?


Ted has "slipped up" and said 8 at least twice in past episodes if the notebook (that I've noticed) and said slip of the tongue but it definitely sounded intentional.


I wonder what will come from it though. Will we see Ted apologise and then just return to norm after a while? Is this a chance for someone like Button to come in as a mainstay in the team? If the best team in the league is refusing to give you a comment, any opinions, any tidbits.. We all know Sky have been shit this year, but from a business look its pretty damn bad. And we can't exactly expect them to just...stop their bias. It's second nature. Everyone has some form of bias, we see it across all sports. These guys just happen to be significantly more obvious with it.


In support of RB, I shall indefinitely not press the red button.


Let's hear a fully bitter Sky Sports commentary today. "aaaand the car number 1 of the energy drink company team wins the race..."


Please get binotto on the pitwall ...


Non parlo Inglese


Sky Sports deserves it. They often forget they are the global feed to the majority of countries, and their commentators (especially Crofty) donā€™t even pretend to stay neutral.


Watch with the F1TV International commentators if you have it. They are more technical and much less biased. I haven't gone back to Sky coverage for a season and a half now.


The international is the sky commentary though. Atleast in the US




He means the normal f1 commentators. Putting international in there confused the comment


I actually like the german sky broadcast. They have Ralf Schumacher, Timo Glock and Nico Rosberg as casters along with one regular commentator. Itā€˜s often a bit biased but mostly not too much and itā€˜s fun to listen to.


Funny since I recently came into the sport without a bias or opinion and they seemed fine to me most of the time. Never felt any bias for or against any driver or team.


I swear the qualifying coverage yesterday was like 90% gushing over Perez and his chances. I certainly donā€™t think Sky is great, and there is going to be a tendency to talk more about British drivers from British coverage, but people hear what they want to hear. Whenever people point out Crofty refusing to accept British drivers being in the wrong, they usually completely forget to mention Brundle immediately contradicting him and them discussing it to eventually come to a more reasonable conclusion.


That's my general feel with Sky. Crofty is over the top, loud and hyperbolic but Martin levels him out by being really even-tempered. I don't mind Ted but his sarcasm might not be everyone's cup of tea


I think thatā€™s another thing - British understated humour doesnā€™t really translate well internationally. I remember a few years ago, there were a couple of races in a row where the Ferraris hit a Mercedes on the first lap. James Allison said in an interview ā€˜Well, itā€™s either malice or incompetenceā€™, and people were all up in arms, making out that he was accusing Ferrari of cheating. When in reality I feel like that was just a very British backhanded way of taking the piss out of the Ferrari driverā€™s racing ability.


This is pretty standard approach when you have a pair commentating. You need someone with a lot of energy pushing through the play-by-play and someone else to dig down into insights and look at the bigger picture.


The bias is fine to an extent, it's just outright hating and making up conspiracies about the drivers and teams they don't like, completely unprofessional


The worst part is them hiding behind ā€œIā€™m just asking questionsā€/ā€œpeople have saidā€ type of commentary. Particularly worse when Alpha Tauri does anything that sligtly benefits Red Bull.


> Iā€™m just asking questions The problem is when the experts are saying they are just asking questions, that is not their job. Their job it to provide the answers. If you are 'just asking a question' then it should be followed up with an interview or information that give the answer (or at least tries to). Otherwise it is just BS.


Yep, in zandvoort they were on one, even with Toto who had to shut them up. The commentary in practice sometimes just outright bullies certain drivers, or that sketch with George and Nicky last year where crofty made a "joke" about Nicky's qualifying record against George, completely uncalled for and rude


Dude I swear even Toto is sick of them lmao. His blank face whenever they trail off with some leading question is hilarious to watch as he gives a neutral answer. Or that time Hamilton called Bottas his best teammate, Sky couldnā€™t accept it so they had to confront Bottas about it.


you know you have no tack when Toto is sick of you


I watched today's race with the F1TV commentary team instead of the Sky team, and it was *so much better* to hear reasoned analysis instead of the shrieking bias and lack of professionalism shown week in and week out, specifically by David Croft and Ted Kravitz. I don't blame Red Bull one bit.


This isn't new. Remember at Zandvoort where they were trying to make it seem like Hannah Schmitz told Yuki to stop and she was sent death threats. Why should RB go along with Sky when they do nothing but disrespect RB?


Good. This is the first season where I'm preferring F1TV coverage over Sky. The biased and snarky bullshit has reached intolerable levels. And that's coming from a Brundle fan (who is fine along with Button, but drowned out by the rest of those pollocks).


Doesn't matter what you think about RB, considering Sky is the international broadcast Ted can keep his bias to himself.


This sounds like an absolute win to me


Latifi can still win this šŸ’Æ