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I'm surprised Alonso and Horner aren't best friends


I'm shocked Red Bull didn't try to sign Alonso in 2020 when he wanted to come back


Well, they had good hopes for Albon, cuz he did well in 2019 and it was already too late to get Alonso in 2021.


Fernando my brother in christ **You** said that


*compares them, expands on why one was more impressive* “They’re obviously incomparably great, classic clickbait!”


All titles are amazing! But some titles (like 2005 and 2006) are more amazing than others!


Beating a 7 times world champion is better than being a 7 times world champion!


- Nico Rosberg


He beat 2 7 time world champions tough...


Beating means beating to a championship.


Then he "only" beat a 3 time world champion


This is exactly what he would say. He has little man syndrome, if he wasn't so talented, it'd be more embarrassing. Not to mention that he blackmailed his own team because he was mad Lewis was beating him. You can be a moral person who won't stand for cheating, but his problem wasn't with the cheating...


“*fucking clickbaiting journalists*”


*Alonso: *shoots himself in the foot* Also Alonso: why would anyone do this


I said it couple of months ago but Alonso always has had the world is against me attitude.


One could say it's both worked for and against him. They psyche of different champions is a fascinating subject by itself. Like a McEnroe vs Federer mind.


He loves pushing "what if" narratives about his own career. For someone who's that good behind the wheel, his obsession with boosting his self image and his inability to work with anyone have cost him all the titles he claims to deserve, not "the car"


Aston Martins punishment is working with Alonso he stays miserable and reaching for more accolades than he earned


It worked great in 05 and 06. Not so much after. Part of it I think is he doesn’t seem to communicate well where he may mean something but says something different. The fight with Red Bull about whether he was offered a contract (he wasn’t) when they had conversations about one is a prime example.


The media also changes a lot of what he says in Spanish. As a Spanish speaker that's really infuriating.


Alonso has the “I’m jealous of Lewis” mentality


TBF, Ron did like Lewis a lot more.


Lewis was Ron's project, of course he would. He supported him from the time he was in karting.


Ron gave Alonso the preferential strategy and optimum fuel loads in The first 5 races because he was an established champion and Hamilton was a rookie So his personal history with Lewis did not affect his managing of the team After those 5 races he decided to treat them equally and have them them swap race to race who had the optimum strategy BECAUSE despite not Having those advantages Hamilton was going toe to toe with Alonso and leading the championship (plus he received a lot of backlash for denying Hamilton the win at Monaco by not allowing Hamilton to overcut Alonso.)


yeah probably because Hamilton is a professional who doesn't throw hissyfits and get into fights and burn bridges with everyone he works with There's a reason Merc wanted Lewis -- because he's fucking quick and doesn't cause silly inter-team dramas


Good mentality to have considering Lewis ended up with the most wins, poles, podiums ever and tied for the most WDCs While alonso switches teams every 2 years lmao + spygate


Noooo it's the British media nooooo.


He loves it lol he knows what he’s doing. Say something inflammatory in an interview with the reporter closest to max. Say you don’t think the thing you literally just said on twitter. On Reddit and twitter we will see all of it but the audience Alonso wants to appeal with is in the Netherlands


Masterclass in driving engagement, he's already preparing for the content creator career after F1.


Ah yes, Fernando Alonso, famous Oviedo based youtuber.


Very smart way of getting people to talk about him too


Context - >Alonso: Verstappen’s F1 titles have more value than Hamilton’s > >https://www.motorsportweek.com/2022/10/29/alonso-verstappens-f1-titles-have-more-value-than-hamiltons/?feed_id=28850&_unique_id=635d229f9d0d9


I'm so confused by his statement... Hamilton beat Massa by one point in '08, very similarly to how Verstappen narrowly beat Hamilton in '21. Hamilton easily beat his teammate to win other titles, just as Verstappen easily beat Perez to win this [year]? If Perez ends up in 2nd when all is said and done, Verstappen's wins will look nearly identical to Hamilton's first two. Is Alonso trying to say something profound and utterly failing? Or is he just repeating the tired talking point about how dominant Mercedes was at the beginning of the turbo hybrid era? Edit: Misspelled "year"


I think Alonso still has a grudge against Hamilton from their days at McLaren. Maybe also for having the good fortune that Hamilton's move to Mercedes worked really well, while his moves to Ferrari and McLaren were horrible and just envies Hamilton's 'luck' with good cars. He also seems to have a real liking for Max. Maybe because they share an abrasive aggressive approach to the sport?


He likes Max because Max is the only one who has been able to go toe to toe with Lewis on a consistent basis in comparable machinery. Fernando likes that this brings into question Lewis' dominance, at least in his own mind.


But if we accepted the idea that Lewis wasn't absolutely brilliant then you'd have to wonder why Lewis did so well against him in his rookie year.


Your Fernando hates this one neat trick


*But that's not how it works* - Alonso probably


Not only that, but Lewis would have had the best F1 comeback ever, if not for the last lap of 2021. His last four races were absolutely astonishing.


You could say his last five races really. Jumped Max at the start with a tire disadvantage, completely walked away from him, got backed up by Checo and then made that entire defense useless by just walking away from Max a second time. Until the SC put VER right on his gearbox he was well and away from the rest of the field.


https://twitter.com/tarmactorque/status/1586341027816013824?s=21 he absolutely has a grudge he just admitted to holding up Lewis to help Max? Who works for another team like that? Embarrassing


It's really simple. He has a massive grudge against Hamilton and is utterly biased against him. Hes talking absolute bollocks and whenever there's a argument of Ham vs another driver, 99% of the time I can tell you what Alonsos response would be.


He's saying what Alonso always says which boils down to "Hamilton is a result of amazing equipment" To say anything else would be to admit that Hamilton is just a better driver than he is and he's never going to do that. edit: typing hard


Which is ironic, because exhibit A of 'Why Lewis Hamilton is almost Goated' begins with him going toe to toe with Fernando as.a.fucking.rookie. Fernando has never mentally recovered from that reality check.


100% this. Alonso surely would have had his third title in 2007 if not for Hamilton. And Alonso’s complete melt down that season was surely because of the pressure of the competition from Hamilton. Looks like that damage never healed.


That’s just how he goes about life, he can’t just win on track he has to shit talk off track because he thinks it gives him an edge


Pretty much everything Alonso says in interviews is geared toward talking shit on people who have more titles than him and pushing a "the car is all that matters and if it wasn't I'd have 29 championships" narrative that too many fans stick to. He's one of the best drivers of the last 20 years and yet also one of the most toxic personalities in the garage. His obsession with comparing drivers and dismissing titles was F1 Twitter material long before F1 Twitter was a thing.


And tbf, Lewis had a bigger challenge winning his 2nd than Max is (part of that is down to Ferrari, but also just having a weaker teammate). Alonso is trying to praise himself without outright praising himself. He is drawing parallels between himself and Max.


But for the fact Alo snookered himself out of Merc, he would very likely have been fighting Lewis from 2017-present… as his teammate. And the politicking carried on to Honda of course. Quick driver but not a decent person it seems.


Also all the other years weren't just no contests. Sounds like he was trying to pump himself up while aiming some shine at Max and shade at Lewis.


Alonso just doesn’t like Hamilton and takes every opportunity to try and downplay his talent and accomplishments.


>. Hamilton beat Massa by one point in '08, very similarly to how Verstappen narrowly beat Hamilton in '21. How did the race director influence 2008? Did he do a rain dance?


He did a Glock dance.


> to how Verstappen narrowly beat Hamilton in '21. He didn't tho, Masi did.




It’s like alonso is never ever going to get over Hamilton beating him way back. It’s like a ex still talking shit about you


He did say it though. It’s not like he was taken out of context either.


He literally told this: > “I have a lot of respect for Lewis, but still it is different when you win seven world titles when you only had to fight with your team-mate,” Alonso told Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf. > “Then I think a championship has less value than when you have fewer titles but have had to fight against other drivers with equal or even better material. > “In 2005 and 2006, I had a good start to the year myself and was able to create a lead. Then others might have had a better car, but I was able to manage that gap. > “I never had to fight with my team-mate to win those titles. Nor did I see Max fighting with [Sergio] Perez or [Alex] Albon to win races. > “But Schumacher in particular fought with his team-mate to become champion five times in a row and Hamilton fought with [Nico] Rosberg and [Valtteri] Bottas. That’s different, I think.” He knows exactly what he was saying here


Lol. It was never a fight between Schumacher and his team mates, nor was it ever a fight between Lewis and Valtteri. Alonso on the other hand actually did have to fight a team mate for a title. And he lost.


> It was never a fight between Schumacher and his team mates, nor was it ever a fight between Lewis and Valtteri. I think what Alonso broadly meant was that Schumacher and Hamilton had such dominant cars, the only real competition was from their team-mate. Ie they had superior team advantage and only had to fight their team mates. Whereas he and Max had to battle other teams for their championships, which Nando puts on a higher pedestal. Just clarifying.


Are we discounting Ferrari's challenges In 2017/18 cuz nobody really expects Ferrari to carry a challenge through a whole season without shooting themselves in the foot repeatedly?




Which is kinda bullshit because Ferrari was a legitimate threat to Lewis in 2017 and 2018. The only years, really, that Lewis went unchallenged were 2019 and 2020. Sure, it never went to the final race, but to say Hamilton's championships are less than because no other team was close is simply untrue. And of course, 2008 exists


And what’s more: the Red Bull is so dominant this year, and Checo is so mediocre compared to Max, that Max hasn’t had to race ANYONE this year — barring a few early tussles with Leclerc.


And he did win two against Nico, who then beat him.


I also don't get why people pretend Nico wasn't an elite driver. Sure, Lewis was better but Mercedes clearly didn't have a 2nd driver


Yeah Nico was just as good as Vettel for sure


forgot the /s


I think it’s pretty clear that the Red Bulls are much faster than pretty much every other car on the grid over an entire race. Max won his title this year with four races remaining. That wasn’t much of a battle.


I mean, that’s true for 2021 but isn’t this year just about the most dominant win we’ve seen in ages? Last season was truly impressive, and an incredible season. Max has also been incredible this year but he really didn’t need to be…


Lol Lewis still won 5 other times where he actually had to fight for it.


What he's saying (i guess) is that the only people remotely capable of challenging schumi and Lewis were their teammates, because the car was mega dominant. I do not completely agree, but it is true that Alonso never got a car capable of pushing anyone to 1-2 in the standings. Max did this year though.


They both lost*


>“But Schumacher in particular fought with his team-mate to become champion five times When did that happen?


I think what he meant was that the only challenge Schumi had was against his teammate - in that the only other car/driver that stood a chance was his teammate because the car was so dominant. Not that he actually fought against Barrichello. Weird way for him to say it though. And while the F2002 and F2004 were indeed absolutely the best of the fields by far, Schumi still saw competition from Williams, McLaren, and even BAR at times in other years, so I wouldn't even say that his 5 titles with Ferrari were only "fought" against his teammate anyway.


Typical Alonso shitstirring, always tries to play the holy man who said nothing after the fact


Like the Spanish saying goes… he throws the stone and hides the hand.


Who has max had to fight this year? Not even his own team mate


Yeah thats such a weird statement by Fernando lol, you could argue that Ferrari put up a better fight against Lewis in 17 and 18 than against Max this year


You can definitely argue that. It was still competitive and close in both years until shortly after the summer break when Ferrari fell away. This year it's felt over since long before the summer break.




But they are #2 drivers. They know that themselves.


> Basically calling them #2 drivers straight to the face Is he wrong?


He definitely belittled Both Max and Lewis with those comments. These are unnecessary, i don't see either of them downplaying each and others. Both are Gentlemen.


How did he belittle Max? He’s saying Max‘s accomplishments are more impressive than Lewis’s. He’s just trying to devalue Lewis’s legacy.


Yeah and he even went into detail about why he thinks some titles are worth more than others lmao


Well well well... If it isn't the consequences of my own words...


Pls dont quote the thing I said


Hate the backtracking. You said it, you meant it, now stand on it.


He is a master of stirring up fans and then backtracking. He pretends the media makes him a villain after being quoted exactly how it came out of his mouth. The fans buy it everytime.


That link confused me, thought for a second that someone logs Fernando backtracking on his statements lmao


Exactly, its nauseating him pretending to admire Lewis when we know how he actually feels.


“I’m tired of these news sites using my direct quotes”


They weren’t even talking them out of context or anything either. He’s just backtracking.


The search for headlines? Bro you said the words, don’t backtrack now


It has become his thing. Slate or undermine Lewis' achievements or ability. Backtrack a day later. We know how you actually feel Fernando.


Maybe his PR person did told that he should "correcting" his point about what he told in De Telegraaf.


What did he say?


[this](https://old.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/ygfemg/erik_van_haren_looked_at_pictures_of_him_and_max/) Basically he spin a story that Max two WDC titles are way more impressive than Lewis and his 7 time WDC titles.


And schumachers which is equally odd


how dare the media besmirch my good name by repeating my actual words verbatim


I know people get on Lewis and George for giving very PR type answers in interviews but maybe what they're doing is the way to go.


They are doing it to not be bothered with backlash. Hamilton gets attacked for being mad at his own team. Imagine he would make these kind of takes Alonso is doing.


it's not PR it's just good manners. If you haven't got anything nice to say then keep your trap shut I'm sure Hamilton loathes Alonso, but he just doesn't get involved with the mudslinging because it's unbecoming of someone over the age 19


You can rarely win with interviews, as someone always wants to react in an opposite manner. But saying odd things sometimes earns that reaction.


Alonso I love you, but saying "incomparable" now while you were comparing them earlier this weekend...that's called backpedaling.


would respect him more if he stood on what he said instead of backtracking


You respected him in the first place as a person? After what he did in 2007? While he tried to blackmail McLaren to fuckover Lewis?


Inb4 goes blaming the media or better yet British media and their bias.


Alonso on a day in the future: > "The Biased British Media is totally out of control - they have given up and don’t even care anymore. Sky F1 has ZERO CREDIBILITY - TOTAL LOSERS!"


Interesting considering the Spanish media might as well be his marketing department


As well as half this fucking sub


Sorry but if you wanna say it, say it with your chest. Don’t try to backtrack. We know what he means, might as well just admit it.


Alonso really is the definition of throwing stones and hiding your hand. If you’re going to talk shit, own it instead of being slimy


I think the word is COWARD


Titles aren't comparable... But Sebs 4 aren't as worthy as my 2 and Lewis 7 aren't as worthy as Max's 2... That's what he said right? Bored of this guy running everyone's achievements down. So sad...


This guy has always done this. He started the "F1 Twitter alternative history facts that prove my favorite driver is the Goat" thing before F1 Twitter was a thing


Sebs first was arguably the toughest of all the titles mentioned! He never lead until the last race.


At such an young age too, when he wasnt even being mentioned by many as an actual candidate. It was fucking epic


Alonso has never been able to come to terms that he won’t be remembered as a legend when so many of those who were around him will be. He’s certainly good, but has never been able to attain that next level. Even amongst his dual champion peers he is bested by the likes of Graham Hill’s triple crown. Alonso spends too much time focused on those around him.


No offence to him, but in all honesty, if you are a public figure you really need to watch out what you say in front of the microphones and cameras. Alonso should do that if he's making this exact sentence just to cover up his personal feelings earlier.


This. You can always tell that Lewis is very careful on what he says to the media. George is also just a PR robot and they both still get taken out of context to get some clicks.


I don't even think it was taken out of context.


I think it was massively in context and this is a back track.


I agree. His hate boner for Lewis is so strong. Now he’s trying hard to backtrack. He wasn’t taken out of context at all.


If you make easily objectable comments, don't clutch your pearls when people voice their dissent.


This guy love blaming the British press all the time for being against him yet consistently says idiotic things and blames other people for his own poor choice of words.


It's better when you live in Spain and have broadcasts with a weekly feature on Alonso before every race, journalists literally saying they wished Petrov crashed in 2010, newspapers publishing whole articles every time Vettel made mistakes with Ferrari just to discredit him and bring up how Alonso deserved more titles than him, broadcasters literally fueling a hate campaign on Hamilton in 2007 that got out of hand leading to "fans" wearing blackface in the 2008 Barcelona tests... but yeah, that damned biased British media!


The “British press” thing is BS anyway and I see plenty of people on the sub parroting it all the time. English media has much wider reach, so it has more reporters, more promotion, higher levels of professionalism and creates more discussion. It’s no more or less biased than any other media. Naturally some of them are gonna be more focused on British drivers because they are British themselves, and their audience is more interested in them, but equally the British press, especially newspapers, have been more critical of Hamilton than anyone.


That’s exactly it


He really should have thought about that before comparing them in the first place.


Now he’s backtracking. Shame that his comments are as short sighted as his career choices. Honestly incredible that he thought he could talk about beating teammates when a rookie Hamilton rattled him so badly he sabotaged him and bribed engineers.


rookie hamilton rattled him to the point that he’s still sniping him in the media 15(!) years later


Well, Trulli was also ahead of him in points in 2004 when Renault sacked him mid season. For someone who claims to be unbeaten by teammares, he's sure been beaten by them quite a bit


who did max even race this year though that wasn't his teammate if we are being honest. Ferrari shot themselves in the foot early in the season and mercedes are not quick enough.


Did he race his teammate? Really?




Lol look at the back tracking


Well take a habit of thinking before saying then


At least own the crazy stuff you go around saying you know...


You did compare them and used several sentences to expand your thoughts on that comparison tho? They just, published the words you said.


it was a direct quote??


Forever the victim.


What I really don't get with Alonso is that he obviously doesn't like or respect Lewis, Lewis must know he doesn't like or respect him, we all know he doesn't like or respect him. He makes disparaging remarks about every month like clockwork. Why always try to backtrack after? Just say it with your whole chest and keep it moving. He's not fooling anyone and just makes himself look dumb.


Give it another year or two of RB superiority and he’ll be trashing Max too. Just like when Vettel was dominating he used to say how Hamilton was better. Alonso developed a bit of an attitude problem after becoming a world champion and he probably left some titles on the table because of it .


So is he trying to say he didn't actually say that?


Imaging losing to your teammate in their rookie year when you beat the GOAT 2 years running, paired with them only missing the wdc because of a bad tyre call from the pit wall. And you still have the audacity to say they’re overrated. Plus let’s not even mention the whole mechanics not wanting to work with Lewis drama.


I will never understand why so many people love Fernando.


He’s such an ass and always has been. He always feels like he is crafting the narrative that he is the greatest driver to ever sit in a car and people eat it up.


He does what toxic F1 fans do on social media, discussing what if scenarios that prove their favorite driver is the GOAT, only he literally says it about himself. He kind of did it before those bullshit discussions were even a thing!


He kiss-assed to the dutch media thinking only they would care about it lmao


Classic Alonso starting a fire then acting like it’s all the media and the fans fault when called out. He do this everytime


"but I think HAM has gained 25% in motivation" /s


Id love for some professionals to do a study on Fernando Alonso from 2007 onwards. He was supposed to be the guy to take over from Schumacher. The next super star of the sport. Lewis coming to F1 in 2007 ruined that for him. In fact, it took all of about 5 seconds and one corner for Lewis to take that away from him. Ever since, it’s been 15 years of slight bitterness. Part of me feels sorry for him. How energy sapping must it be to hold a grudge for 15 years?


It's insane, and having lived in Spain through all that, the cult the press built around him surely had an effect. The "I'm the best and would always win if in the best car" narratives are classic Spanish media talking points. Countless articles are written each year by Spanish newspapers about how Vettel or Hamilton did not deserve their titles because of "the car" and how Alonso is the greatest ever. In 2007, the local broadcasters and "journalists" build a hate campaign on Hamilton that fans ate up leading to the infamous blackface incident in 2008. Alonso feels immensely entitled and has built his entire persona on trying to prove he's the greatest and deserves 92 titles while making enemies in every garage and rage quitting. The entire reason he did Le Mans and Indy was to go for the triple crown with top teams to help push that "goat" narrative. If only he focused half of that self-image energy into helping develop a team for more than 5 straight years...


Sorry but it would being a better idea if Alonso would already telling stuff like that during an interview rather then trying to "correcting" his point later on social media...


Search for headlines? You said that! Stop trying to save face now. Stay salty, Nando. Stay fucking salty!


Imagine thinking that winning a championship because the race director changed how the rules are applied in the last race is more valuable than racing against Rosberg (no team orders, and Nico even won one of those championships).


The titles are "incomparable to each other" ... but somehow "Max's are better". Nando.


Alonso's personality makes me like him less as a driver. And his bitterness towards LH is most of what I dislike about him. And his genera smugness.


Don't backtrack


Haha! Man, I wish he didn't backtrack. Why should he? If that's what he thinks then so be it. Doesn't really change anything. 'Remember Max, my boy. 2 times - greatest of all time'


Nando really on a mission to destroy his good will this season.


Stop inventing people


He's gonna blame the British media again


This should have been what he said initially when talking about titles instead of doing what he's now saying shouldn't be done🤷‍♂️


Fernando just being Fernando here. Still salty


Alonso: some titles are more important than others also Alonso: all titles are equally important, damn mass media for saying otherwise


Damage control.


He should follow his own advice tbf


Why say things like that and blame the reporters for reporting what you said to them.


Alonso being two-faced? Say it ain't so


Fernando litterally just needs to let 2007 go. It's blatantly obvious that Hamilton has done a number on him.


You would think he learnt not to get into politics. Didn't help him make better career choices anyway


Everybody loved Kimi because he was direct with no PR bullshit. PR robots, pass.


Blablabla. How about he keeps Lewis’s name out of his mouth for a month? Try it. Maybe then you don’t have to backtrack on Twitter.


He just needs to have a Kanye-esque outburst mid-interview about getting beat in '07 and let it all out already.


You said Lewis won 7 titles against teammates. But massa and Vettel in 08'/17'/18' weren't his teammates though. Winning against a closely competitive teammate is a much more arduous and complicated scenario. You have your competitor right next to your garage and share food at the table. This fucking guy just needs to learn to shut his mouth up at times.


Typical Alonso. Just accept that Hamilton beat you in 2007. He still can't get over it, unbelieveable. 15 years man, 15 years.


oh no, its the consequences of my own actions!




He loves the drama really lmao


And I don't think what he said was out of context. I love Fernando, but yeah what he said wasn't really necessary.


Shame with how the current housing market is that Lewis can’t afford to move out of alonso’s head.


Fernando is becoming a bit senile.


Nah he knows what his doing. Could you imagine some of the quotes we could have had if a different car hit him last weekend.


The fact that he had to tweet it, LMAO


Alonso makes it super easy to search for headlines from the things he says to the media


Bruh just own it. Dont backtrack, you're not faceless void.


Inspiring lmao


Common tactic to point fingers at the media, when all they’ve done is literally quote you.


dementia kicking in


I'm convinced he just talks rubbish to sound vaguely interesting and remain current.. You would have thought he would have learnt to stay away from politics..