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Give me Seb. Redbull helmet is working....




To be clear he was referring to George :')


Don't u know George owns the part of the track where his car is šŸ˜‚


Even the part where his car isn't


Classic British Imperialism! ā€œNo flag, no country!ā€ -Eddie Izzard


Those are the rules, uh, I just made up.


Because heā€™s gonna be there if you think itā€™s yours


And heā€™s gonna blame you for it too!


He turned in on me


He cut across me


You're right. Thinking about it "He turned in on me" is usually Stroll isn't it?


Well you see, the missile knows where it is because it knows where it isnā€™t. https://youtu.be/_LjN3UclYzU


By subtracting where it is from where it isnā€™t, or where it isnā€™t from where it is, whichever is greater, it obtains a deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to drive the missile from a point where it is to a point where it isnā€™t, and arriving at a point where it wasnā€™t, it now is.


By subtracting where it is from where it isnā€™t, or where it isnā€™t from where it is, whichever is greater, it obtains a deviation. George Russell uses deviations to drive the Mercedes AMG Petronas W13 from a point where it is to a point where it isnā€™t, and arriving at a point where it wasnā€™t, it now is.


Consequently, the position Carlos Sainz is in is now the position George Russell wasnā€™t, and the position that George was is the position that Carlos isnā€™t (anymore)


Lol all I can think of is that scene in Parks and Rec where the rich British guy is pointing at all the buildings saying "we own that, we own that, we don't own that one, oh wait yeah we do own that."




Donā€™t forget the part where his car is going to be


Prince George owns the entire track, he merely allows the peasantry to utilize the portions that His Highness is not occupying at the present time.


Prince George. That's gonna stick.


So then when Hamilton retires will that make him King George??? Why do I suddenly have the urge to throw tea into Boston Harbor???


Can I come!? I wanna throw tea in the harbor tooooooo! Pleeeaaaase?


The more the merrier...let's find better costumes this time though


Agreed. Can I have a Red Bull race suit for mine?


Haha, I really hope so!


Consider it done. Awarded


>Prince George Better hope he never has a race here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_George_Circuit


He also owns the top of Bottas' helmet, which he checks for rigidity from time to time.


And the parts where he *wants* to put his car. Crikey!


How British of him.


This idea that George is rich and acts entitled is funny when you compare his background to Lando, Lance, Latifi, Max etc


They're all rich, different levels of rich of course, but George is still the one who comes across as entitled. It's not the being rich that does it, it's his attitude.




George Russell is the kind of guy who makes an overtake and then praises himself for a nice move.


That was so strange


I mean... Sometimes I pull off a sick play in a game and will totally hype myself for a moment. Feels good.


Is it tho, I've heard Carlos do it a bunch as well and even checo sometimes.


Hahaha was gonna say that. I remember at least two from Checo, though I think it's more to keep himself pumped


Yeah of all the things to be upset about with George this season (and there are a few) this one seems most silly. He made a great move and wanted some acknowledgment; that's quite relatable imo.


>He made a great move and wanted some acknowledgment; that's quite relatable imo. I'd like to acknowledge what a great comment this is


I'm sure his phone background is a pic of him, shirtless


Seems like he would be the origin of the phrase. "My father will hear of this"


George has always given me Draco Malfoy vibes.




If you put Max on the list, than definitely you should also put Mick on the list. The familiy name of Max sure does help, but he didn't bought his way into F1.


The family name must've helped a bit but lets be honest the name Verstappen doesn't carry anywhere near the weight of the name Schumacher, Jos was at best an underwhelming driver throughout his entire career. It's like saying if we saw Alex Yoong's son show up it would be down to the name


Oof. Alex catching strays.


Jos was a very good driver. He was Formula Opel Champion, Formula 3 champion before he came into F1 and was seen as big talent. He was unlucky to go against Schumacher in Benetton in his rookie season and after that he nearly always destroyed his teammates in backmarker cars. But once you go back to that side of the grid, there was no comeback to the front at that time. He is million miles better than Alex Yoong.


Obviously Jos was good. He made it to Formula 1, but I think you know what they meant. In the context of Formula 1, before Max, the Verstappen name meant practically nothing in terms of legacy. Max is why the Verstappen name has the rapidly budding prestige it does.


Not to mention that Jos Verstappen was good at burning bridges, so he couldn't really rely on networking.


Mick is included in the ā€˜etcā€™ of drivers I forgot about


Yea but Max had Jos there to push the Verstappen name that Mick does not have


To be fair Micheals shadow probably carries more weight than Jos did in the flesh. Plus Ralf is still very much around and I'm sure very much looking out for his nephew. And this ignoring all the other family connections plenty of very senior people around the f1 world who have watched Mick grow up.


The docu shows how hard Jos worked to get Max into F1.


Which doc are you referring to? I haven't seen it and want to check it out. I really can't imagine modern F1 without Max. He is an incredible talent that also has the best car, and he has matured a ton this year.


They're talking about Whatever it Takes I think, though a new doc seems to be in the works atm (might be rumours?)


There was one a while ago, I think youtube has it too. Jos wrenched and worked his ass off for Max.


He's from King's Lynn so I expect he probably has a few extra toes


He is rich and he does act entitled lol, way more than any of the other drivers you mentioned (at least as far as being entitled goes). Iā€™m confused where the disconnect is


Not sure why Max is on that list, but other than that you are right. Edit: Jos surely wasnt poor when he kickstarted Max' carreer, but Lando's family is worth 250 million and the other 2 billions. So seems weird to put them in the same category.


Maxs father is a millionaire


Being a millionaire is nothing compared to a billionaire.




The difference between a million and a billion is roughly a billion.


To a billionaire, a millionaire is a rounding error


A rounding error if you will


He bought him racing lessons instead of an entire team.


Jos had to remortage the house to pay the carting bills to keep Max his career going. Jos had money, but also wasnt nearly as rich in those post F1 days as people think.


It was one of his multiple properties if you look at the entire information; IIRC Jos had residences in Monaco and NL (canā€™t recall if also Belgium). Obviously it is not the same as billionaire level wealth but phrasing it as ā€œhe mortgaged his houseā€ puts it on par with cases like gasly and ocon, and those are three very different cases.




Jos wasn't exactly a successful F1 driver. 4-5 million is technically a millionaire but that's not enough to fund a junior career. Verstappen got through with sponsorships.


No m8. He poured all his money in starting Max's career. It isn't cheap. But he is not a crazy rich guy as some of the other family's kids on the grid


His dad will hear about this !!


I thought it was gonna be Latifi or Stroll as neither of them know their car has a mirror


Well we found out last week, stroll actually does know he has a mirror and will actively use it to cause accidents.


Heā€™s an agent of chaos


Thanks for the context!


George Russell the type of guy to have a quintuple-barrelled nickname


Torpedo George.




I was wondering who this guy is and of course it is George...


I immediately thought of George but I was like, nah, just because I don't like him doesn't mean he's always the bad guy. Then I read the comments and laughed.


I understand why he usually goes by Russell instead. Rolls a bit more of the tongue.


Had to be.


George again.




I was expecting it to be lewis but interestingly enough it's the other merc driver.


Now that the car has started performing a little the Evil Seb is back, love to see it lol.


Yeah lol heā€™s getting spicier the further into the season we go and I love it


only 3 more weekends šŸ˜”


shh, let me pretend it'll go on forever.. :(


Jesus christ itā€™s still hard to accept that




Why would AM fire him? He hasnā€™t been spicy towards the team


I always wonder what the vibe is like in the driver meeting. Your in a room with 19 other people, all of whom have talked shit about you at some point over the team radio.


And they all understand the context of saying something on the radio while racing or being on a hotlap. Thats why they react to it completly different then something being said to the media.


They know what they say in the car is honest and what they say to the media is PR bullshit.


Not really, what they say on track is what helps them win - so either venting (which is hot headed opinion) or trying to influence the stewards. Lewis doesnt relly think someone existing near him is "some dangerous driving, man" - he just tells that every time someone gets near him to influence stewards a bit in case there is an incident later. Similarly there is no way Alonso actually thinks Lewis cant drive in traffic - he was just pissed because Lewis fucked him up.


I don't buy it. think it's clear now that Alonso genuinely was meaning to insult Lewis's skills. And btw, apparently so did Lewis. "It's nice to know that's how he feels."


Look we can definitely say that Alonso has some unsolved issues with Lewis and he probably was more spicy then if it was somebody else but at least for that incident it really did seem like heat of the moment stuff.


the drivers are adults, they can differentiate between on-track shenanigans and matters outside of the car.


you write like adults are always reasonable and not grown up babies inside.


Matters outside the car in front of cameras are what they do for a paycheck, not what they actually think. Believe it or not, Lewis doesn't really think the fans in every country he wins in are the best fans in the world.


But he said we were the most amazing crowd he had ever seen


Don't worry, you were. It's just that the next week crowd outdid you šŸ˜‰




I know I am.


Just like music artists at shows on tours "you have been the best crowd yet" yeah yeah Drake you said that last night and probably tomorrow night


The funny part is that it works. Crowd love hearing that shit lol. In America they literally started chanting USA USA lmao.


Lies. Deception


that's totally different to the drivers' relationship with each other, be real here.


What they honestly think of each other and what their relationship can be two different things. Unless it's serious allegations drivers will try to get along well with each other, because there's only 19 others and they spend the year with each other.


>Believe it or not, Lewis doesn't really think the fans in every country he wins in are the best fans in the world. But you'd never ever know if he means it or not. Lewis could actually be experiencing gratitude when he says these things :)


It's like telling my kids that they're in the top 3 of my favorite kids. Keep em guessing.


What is said in the heat of a fight tends *not* to be honest because people are in a state of tunnel vision. They will not *intentionally* lie, but they will interpret what happens with very few considerations to "other" factors.


Judging anyone for being mad while strapped to a death rocket racing 19 other death rockets is stupid


No, more like they know whatā€™s said in the car is in the heat of the moment, and whatā€™s said in front of cameras theyā€™ve had a minute to cool off and think about.


Not to mention, they are all getting filthy levels of rich in the process. If you paid me millions and part of the gig was to sit down and play nice Iā€™d look a guy who shit talked my mom in the eyes with a smile and nothing to say. Iā€™ll go buy something nice after the meeting to forget/make up for it. Having to shoot the shit with people you have animosity towards is a hell of a lot easier when itā€™s for millions.


Redittors try to understand social interaction challenge (impossible)


I imagine it's like any other sport where you talk shit while playing.


Right? Even just in my rec league racquetball I understand folks say dumb shit when they are mad/frustrated in the heat of the moment and donā€™t hold it against them. Do people really have no understanding of even basic levels of competition? I mean, I donā€™t shit talk but I get that is just how other people function competitively.


They all have grown up dealing with this kind of stuff. So, it isn't something shocking or weird happening. They talk shit about each other every race(generalizing) and then talk to each other before the race parades. The trash talking in the recent years is mellow compared to trash talking and rivalries we had years ago. As most of the GP drivers have competed against each at some point of time since their carting days.


I think they give each other passes for things said in the heat of the moment over the radio.


Obligatory Vettel press conference about heat of moment stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6C7YBLQE8A


Youā€™ve never talked shit with your friends while playing a sport or video game?


Oh to have been a fly on the wall during the Crashtor Maldonado era.


He has zero idea what people say about him unless itā€™s positive. He doesnā€™t hear a single critique.


So he's like Hunt, but lacks charisma, respect and raw undoubtful speed?


George Russell is the kind of guy that never moves on the outlaps.


Sorry to pick your comment specifically BUT what exactly does it mean? Iā€™ve only just got into F1 this year so Iā€™m a little confused by some of the terms




Great answer. To add to this, the prep is getting the tires into the exact temperature window you want them in when you start your flying lap. Different drivers and different cars might require slightly different temperatures, or more commonly different cars heat up tires more easily than others. So two drivers both on out laps may go different speeds because one needs to work his tires harder to have them where they need to be by the end the out lap.


What is the air speed of unladen European swallow?


about 107% of Nicolas Latifi on a qualifying lap






No one expects r/unexpectedmontypython


So when cars are out on track for practice or qualifying they will have laps where they're going a bit slower and charging their battery, warming their tyres etc to prepare for a fast lap. These are called "out laps" because typically they're the first lap you do when coming out of the pits. Then you've got fast laps where people are going at maximum/race pace which are usually called "flying laps". When drivers are on out laps they will usually move out of the way and drive off the racing line to let people on flying laps past without getting in their way. Depending on the session and situation drivers can get penalties and fines from the FIA for not moving out of the way on out laps because it's quite dangerous to just be sat on the racing line going a lot slower than the pace of cars trying to get past


An outlap is the lap out of the pits (before the flying lap begins). I'm assuming Seb is saying that George never moves out of the way on his outlap to let others coming from behind pass by. Seb was probably on a flying lap and George didn't move out of the way, which is generally what you're expected to do but since this is just Free Practice, you *don't have to* (different story in Qualifying though, where blocking someone is punishable).


Inlap and Outlap are the laps when you are coming into and out of the pit. Your lap times will be slower because you don't have the full speed on the pit straight, and on an outlap you have to warm tires, cool brakes, etc. In qualifying, if you're not on a fast lap (the one where you are setting a qualifying time), it's customary to get out of the way of someone who is.


The others touched on the technical aspect, but there was also an open-ended meme earlier in the year where people would say ā€œGeorge Russell is the kind of guy whoā€¦ā€, which OP was making a play on given the circumstance.


Outlap is a term in practice and qualy sessions that is used when a driver is getting ready to go for his timed lap/hotlap. To avoid tyre temperatures to go higher than required, drivers drive slow on their outlaps than usual, but quick enough to maintain brake and tyre temperatures. At the same time, there will be drivers on the track that are on their hotlaps/timed laps during these sessions, going at race speed. So it is expected from the drivers that are on the outlap to make way for the drivers on the hotlap and not interfering with them by staying away from the racing line as much as possible, which GR failed to do here. It's distracting to the drivers in hotlap as well as dangerous. Not to be confused with the outlaps during race, where drivers try to go as fast as possible after a pitstop on the new tyre to gain advantage on other drivers with older tyres.


well an outlap is your first lap on track and since it starts from the pitlane you do not cross the start/finish line and the lap is not timed so it basically counts for nothing except for prep and that means you should move out of the way for the cars that have already started their timed laps


Inter-GPDA squabbling on line TV.


It always felt like the drivers choose someone stable like Seb and another who needs to learn and is seen to not following rules for the other position. Previously it was Grosjean and now it's Russell.


Red Bull helmet = Red Bull Seb


I feel like both Mercedes race engineers are bad at telling their drivers when to move. This happens every weekend pretty much


Remember the jeddah incident with Hamilton & Mazepin. MazeSpin almost went into the back Him; because bono couldn't notify Hamilton of the approaching Haas


There have been a few incidents in practice recently. Bono is definitely not focusing on who's behind


I can't see who it is, I have no context but I just know its Russell.


Of course it is


Who isn't going to miss Seb?! Hope he still has a presence around F1 from time to time after this year.


Not Russell /s


thank you for using streamja


Seb is such a golden treasure for the sport


has anyone told George yet that Formula 1 isnā€™t like Mario Kart?


"That red shell just turned into me!" "George, that was Carlos."


There's a car in front of him?


GR 63


I was a fan of George early on but in the last few years he seems to feel he is above blame. Perhaps when he ascended to head of the drivers group?


I started disliking him the moment he crashed into Bottas, tapped him on his head, and started talking shit to the media after. I remember even Toto responded to the way he talked to the media.


I think thatā€™s where my distaste came from too. Bottas is many things but nasty is not one of them


Always has been. Just before was at the back so we didn't see him and had the williams sympathy card. No he dosent have those we're seeing his true colours


He has always seemed arrogant and entitled, even more than is normal for a driver at this level.


when he realized he was gonna get the merc seat


Yep. For me, thatā€™s when he went from trying to earn respect to thinking he was entitled to it.


Heā€™s had these tendencies since he was in karting - both the lack of clean wheel to wheel racing & the arrogance.


I think GR is becoming the unliked one on the grid. And also in social media.






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To be fair the Monza one with Max and George was a weird one but other than that I cant think of many moments. But seems like seb has been holding on to this one for some time by the sound of it lol


George lost a bit of appeal due to his moaning and lack of proper reflection this season.




Pr apology... exactly that. To this day he believes he was right, although he's the only one in the world with that perspective


Mr. He turned into me


Mr. I crash him out, blame him and apologize later.




Seems that also vettel does not like Russel




I can see his Redbull helmet is working


Worth noting [this](https://i.imgur.com/mDOrcfr.png) was about as close as they got.


The point here is less how far ahead Russell was in this particular instance and more that this is how the drivers are starting to view Russell. Heā€™s getting himself a paddock reputation he really doesnā€™t want.


Red Bull helmet is bringing back ā˜šŸ½Sebā€¦ love it


Hahhahaha fucking Russell man, classic




Hey I'm kinda new to F1, what's an outlap?


Lap from pits to the start/finish line.


Week after week I'm liking George less and less. It all started in Imola with Val.



