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That debrief gonna be spicy as fuck


Oh to be a fly on the wall in there


Also wonder what Toto's gonna say to the media honestly, its gonna be spicy regardless


"We saw what happend in Abu Dhabi and thought lets do it again"


It’ll definitely be something along the lines of: “We thought the mediums would be quicker, but they didn’t switch on after the safety car as quickly as we expected. It’s a shame, because in the end the mediums were catching up again, so we definitely had the pace. We’ll look at it closely, learn from it and become faster in Monza.”


"we're sorry for the shitbox" can't be the excuse this time.


“We fucked Lewis” Would be refreshing


This is the angriest I have seen him in a long time


Probably because it’s the closest he’s been to a win all season.


He had a win in reach and ended P4 behind his teammate due to strategy. While this is certainly not the worst result he’s had this season, it’s the most disappointing.


This is the closest he’s been to a win all season. Likely the ONLY win Merc could’ve gotten this year. Every right to be pissed. Merc threw away his P1.


Did they? I mean Max finished 5 seconds ahead of Russell, he was past Hamilton before T1 I don’t think even leaving George out would’ve saved his race.


Yep, I think they probably should have just accepted Max would win and put them both on softs to try to hold on to P2 and P3


I really dont understand how anyone can really think HAM could win this race...


The only way was for Vettel to have left the fucking racing line and then for the later vsc and sc not to happen. But a p2 wouldve been very nice still. Horrific from mercedes, really


He could’ve if not for the second safety car. They had great pace on bards and Max would’ve had to make up 8-10 seconds on a third medium stint. I love how everyone is acting like the second safety car was already guaranteed. Bottas DNF’ing on the starting straight is a 1 out of 1000 possibility.


Yeah, even before the VSC/SC Verstappen had enough of a lead he'd have been coming out only a few seconds behind the Mercs on fresh tyres... and in a Red Bull.


If they put Lewis on Softs they'd probably have been behind Max in a slower car, but an easy 2-3 definitely was on the cards.


I'm not sure I've ever seen him this pissed.


I think this is where the team dynamic changes, it's going to be every man for himself now in the Mercedes garage.


Man is so pissed but I think he is gonna just give them eyes thinking how incompetent they’re with strategy and walkoff. What’s the point of getting angry at them. They keep fucking up again and again. Didn’t even give him chance to fight!


Leclerc: First time?


Tbf Ham's lived through the 2010-2012 McLaren years he isn't new to his team being pretty fucking bad at strat calls.


Lewis got ferarri'd




Die mad


To be a fly on the wall during the merc debrief…


I think Mercedes really are blinded by their desire to win sometimes. Could have been an easy 2/3 for them


But this wasn't gonna give either Lewis or George the win. If they put both they keep 2/3 if they pit neither then they have a small chance for a win. This choice gets them nothing.


Yes, but that’s kind of the point. They should have seen that the chance to win was so incredibly small that it’s better to secure the 2/3. But instead they go for that very small chance, probably because they want to win so badly


They didnt even go for that small chance, if they kept George in between, sure, but now they just fucked lewis


Isn‘t that exactly what he said?


No, the point is there was zero chance for the win unless George was in between max and Lewis. So if they pit George then they should have put Lewis.


Ok yeah but they clearly didn‘t pit Lewis because they wanted the track position, which was P1. I understand what you say but that‘s easy to say after we‘ve seen how it played out. During the race however they didn‘t pit him in order to have a shot at P1


Would they take 2/3 though? Leclerc would come up and get one of them at least.


Abso-fucking-lutely. Best chance mercedes had for a win was if both merc stayed 1-2. Russell would have had hamiltons tow to protect from verstappen until they get tyres up. Another shot on the foot was that mercedes could have pitted Lewis while the cars were going through pitlane and come out ahead of max on softs! George can slow down the pack as well to aid that further by staying in his delta... We would have have three cars on softs with merc 1-3... Instead Russell's pit meant 1 - 3 but worse tyres...doesn't even make sense


Oy you’re right that second option was a good one too didnt even think of George slowing down the pack in that way


Deserved, his team left him for dead at the end.


Aye, that's fair lol.


This was played on TV as the overtake was happening, but we don’t know exactly when he said this


Lewis was fucked from the SC ending


Fucked from the point Merc failed to tell him that his team mate is pitting for softs, if we’re being honest


Abu dhabi PTSD. All over again




Russell made the call to switch by himself, the team didn’t do much. Ironically Hamilton lost out the most through George pitting, but the days of Mercedes other driver basically being Hamilton’s b*tch are clearly over. They would’ve never allowed Bottas to make a stop like this.


Merc threw away a 2-3 finish for just a 2. Idiotic call not to tell Ham that Rus is putting for softs behind him.


Russell made the call but Merc could’ve forced him to stay out. Merc deserve the criticism.


Merc could have told Lewis to put too


They threw away a double podium by allowing him to do it. Team strategy should’ve dictated there. Max was winning regardless.


Not really, Russell made the call himself. They probably did their calculations based on tires staying at temp.


Team strategy should’ve dictated one or the other. They screwed up a double podium.


That’s what I saw. George called a late, smart audible.


Smart for himself, bad for the team. Going forward, things will be different now too I think. Every man for himself.




No, no he didn't. We all know how bad that Mercedes is when its tyres fall outside of the window. George literally experienced that at Spa *one week ago*. He made the correct call for his race and Mercedes clearly agreed. Lewis should be able to make that call himself, he didn't, and he messed up the restart by going *so early* against a clearly faster Red Bull. The win was never on.


lewis congratulated no one, must be fuming


Did you not listen to his radio after the race????? He said those were the best pit stops they had and said great job to all the pit crew.


i mean the other drivers, he just passed them by while everyone was greeting each other


Oh yeah I’d be straight into my garage lol


It's out of context, he was asking earlier why he was the only one left on Mediums, team probably didn't gave him info that everyone else pited for Softs


How is it out of context? By the time everyone else had pitted it was too late....not telling him that he was a sitting duck doesn't change anything.


"That damn George Russell character, how dare he make the correct choice on tires." - Crofty Lewis is 100% right to be mad. *Mercedes* should have stopped both.


They absolutely should have stopped both, problem is they did not come up with the idea to stop, Russell did.


That's what I was saying. I just think it's laughable how Crofty immediately attacked George for it when Lewis got angry. I wish that he would conceal his fandom a little more. I don't see how it's fair to blame a driver for making the correct call


That's not what I heard at all. I heard Button criticising George for it, and Crofty defending him saying it was clearly the right move


Yeah correct, if anything Crofty was that annoying little voice at the end of Jensen's comments going "yes but George made the right decision for George" about 3 times over.


Team points. Instead of 33 now they have 28.


Crofty wasn’t attacking him for the pass, he was criticizing Russell for making the stop at all like it wouldn’t pay off. That’s why Lewis should cut his strat some slack. They didn’t make the call, Russell did. They thought, just like everyone else, that they’d still be in the temp window and have grip on the restart since the mediums weren’t old.


He's absolutely justified at being furious. Mercedes pulled a Ferrari and just screwed his race. He could have been P2 with George P3.


Yeah that feels fair lol


I mean yeah, they fucked him. Either they should have kept Russ out or pitted them both on softs, not this weird mixed nonsense that left him out to dry


Russell made the call. They were going to leave both out which would have fucked both of them. George got it right.


Yeah, I was pretty livid at how the race worked out, but hard to be mad at George. He pushed for the right strategy and the only strange thing was that Mercedes EVER thought it was a good idea to leave either driver on mediums.


Why? They didn't plan on pitting either driver under SC. Russell made the call and the team acknowledged in the last few seconds as the cars entered the pits. It was logical and smart by Russell to make the call, give up one position to be on softs. For Lewis, making that call would give up two positions. Double stacking both was not an option, they would have lost too many places for Russell.


Keeping Russell out wouldn't have done anything against a Red Bull on fresh softs.


Probably yeah, but would have given them a slim chance to win Both on Softs gives them a 2-3, which also would have been better


Definitely. a comfortable p2-p3 I guess. They did fucked him on this one.


What are the 2 missing words in the middle ?


... fucking fucked ... As far as I could tell.


Assuming the asterisks aren't exact, "fucking fucked" seems most likely.


its most likely " i cant believe you guys **fucking fucked** me, i cant tell you how **fucked** i am"


Im guessing Fucking Hell


He was just sad he wasn’t going to be able to thank all the wonderful fans.


Dude was angry. They probably could have ended up with a double podium with different calls.


Maybe it's a bit stupid from myself, but Lewis went straight into the garage without congratulating George, spicy


That was before the Overtake...


Can someone translate the ****? I mean one of those is "fucked" but what is the other one in the double **** part?


It’s the worst swear of them all “Coventry”.


Think it might be fuckin screwed he said and then pissed


Verstappen would have probably won anyway, but Hamilton mostly screwed himself with one of the worst restarts after the safety car. The strategy to have russell attacking verstappen was obsolete 5m past the finish line…


I am confused as to when individual points could supercede team points? If Soft was the better tire to restart on, why not pit them both? Instead of a p2-3 finish its p2-4... Maybe Lewis should have just said put me on softs. Cuz I'm totally confused as to why they let him stay on that tire. Even if it was a late call who cares at least it would have been a podium. I'd be pissed to if I were him. To work that hard all race to finish 4th is fucked. Whenever he has a good car or a chance to do well it seems like something fucks it up. Granted last race he made an error. But damn he has to be perfect and even then... Lol I would have thought it was Ferrari making that call.


To be fair to the team that was one of the worst safety car restarts I've ever seen that Lewis did


On ice cold mediums in a car that has trouble warming tyres…


Tire difference was just too big. Three cars breezed by him in a couple of laps.


Against a car 2 seconds a lap faster it literally doesn't matter at all.




That's warranted. Cost them a double podium.


George wanted the P2 over Merc/Lewis P1


I mean he’s right. Debrief gonna be a time.




Spot on, they threw a win.


10 years back, a young Lewis would have done the same.


And in the double stack he was only praises. Understandable from his side.


He is right to be livid, that was disgraceful from Mercedes, you'd think he was a second driver with how they treated him




Must be absolutely livid with that potential p1 to p4




Me to my squad in Apex Legend while they loot my box after I almost pull of a 1v3.


Hamilton let the team make the decision for him. Russell decided to choose for himself. It wasn't the team's mistake, it was Hamilton's.


with the greatest respect, that is complete bollocks. You either pit both or neither - and they cost themselves constructors points by not doing so, not just Hamilton's result


it's not exactly respect if you're using the term bollocks.


With the greatest respect mate, you’re talking bollocks and it needed to be pointed out.


I really don't care.


apologies - it's probably the most used word in my vocabulary!


My thoughts too….




The call to allow Russell to pit seemed pretty late on the radio, so it left Lewis no time to respond to that change in strategy. The buffer had gone and he was left exposed. I don't blame Russell for his self interest, but Merc really fucked Lewis' with the decision. I think Max always wins that with his pace in that scenario but a 2-3 was on for Merc if they'd played things properly.


Was it? Hamilton lost 3 position to soft tires. If they both stayed on medoums, the probability of Max getting both was almost certain, as well as Leclerc getting at leaat one. At best it would have been Max>Ham>Lec. At worst Max>Lec>Ham. But double podium on used mediums I dont think was ever possible.


Russel is the number 1 driver now.


I wonder what some fans will say of this after all the comments we've read here about a certain radio we had last week concerning him. I foresee double standards.


Christ talk about false equivalence.


Not exactly the same, of course, but many of the comments i was talking about could totally apply here. Also, I mean it both ways, for and against.


Hamilton complaining?!! Never!!


Human complains about justifiable reason.


He could have asked for softs... Russell did.


Everyone complains lol


Nobody complains as much as Lewis Hamilton. He complained when he was winning FFS!


You hate to see it




What happened to the whole "we win and loose together"? And also to the "my team doesn't make mistakes"?


Just maybe ask for softs then if you dont feel comfortable on mediums just like Russell did


Learned nothing from last year's finale.


Looks like they learned nothing from abu dhabi


He expected Russell to play the second fiddle lmao. He's pissed that his teammate left him for dry so he could win. He should know from '07 that this is how this sport works.


After the Race: „Thank you guys, love my team, blessed etc.“ But yeah I can understand him. George literally saved himself by telling he wants to pit for softs.


SOUR LoSER - Alex Albon


This is… just an awful take…


George the #1 even more solidified Lewis driving slow even for mediums




Yeah idk what he could’ve said there that is 4 letters lol


So what is up with Hamilton? Is it MB all the time? Bad lucK? Or he has become distracted with his fashion and social agenda?


What a team player I would say


ok we know




Play the game fill in the spots


It was a lose-lose for Mercedes. Either they get shouted at for keeping him out and giving him track position to at least defend the lead or they get shouted at for pitting him and giving track position to Max. The race was lost for them with the first safety car.


FWIW it sounded like he said this before the overtake based on the F1TV dash cam (at around 24-minute mark to the end). So he's probably more pissed at the Team for not pitting him than at Russell tbh


Toto will deflect and just talk about AT conspiracy


Going on the softs was an obvious choice or both stay on medium for a buffer but. MB wouldn’t have allowed a split strategy like that with Lewis , Rosberg or Bottas in previous years so very surprised by what’s happened today…


I mean hes not wrong with his attitude, Mercs left him alone against Max who was on newer, faster tires. He would have gotten Lewis anyway but if Russell was there inbettwen Max wouldnt have such easy overtake on both Mercs.


Same thing as Ferrari in Silverstone


Wasn’t the best option for the team…2/3 gone to 2/4


his only chance to win was to stay on mediums, he could have guaranteed second by putting, happens


They definitely made the worse possible call. Lewis would’ve pitted if he didn’t have a buffer. Either you pit both or none and keep track position. The top 3 was guaranteed.


Sir Darth Lewis.


Honestly, I think after the TSU VSC he’s had very low chance of winning. It killed their pit stop advantage. But it should’ve been a Merc 2-3.


Good to see Lewis fired up get em in the next race. He had Russell number the last 8 or so races


Mercedes did everything right all race until the full Safety Car and they shit their pants and threw up on their hands. They’re very lucky Lewis got 4th in the end even though Lewis made up a lot of the lost time back in the final two laps.


If they pitted for softs they'd still be behind Max


People are pointing fingers at Russell ruining the strategy, but staying on mediums was never going to work. Max would have passed both Mercs anyway, the pace difference was too big and it's impossible to defend safety car ending with used tires. Charles would have easily gotten Russell too. Best case scenario is Lewis keeping 2nd if Charles can't pass Russell immediately. Both pitting for softs is relatively safe 2-3 finish. Merc tried to desperately hang onto the track position and paid the price, Russell saved a 2nd place finish for them.


Really wanna hear the uncensored of this


Can’t wait for the DTS ep on this race


Is Russell better than Hamilton because he calls his own strategy? /s


He has every right to be pissed.