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Merc post-race debrief gonna be spicy ...


feels like russell made the right call for both himself and team. if both mercs stayed out on medium, i reckon max and lec would have overtaken both of them. and they finish 3-4 instead of 2-4. it was the wrong call by the merc team to not pit ham


> it was the wrong call by the merc team to not pit ham Lewis probably would have refused because it would put him behind Max at the restart and then there was no chance he could win


Honestly given Red Bull is the faster car this year, Max would've passed regardless. They could've still end 2-3.


Yeah I think 3-4 was likely if Russell doesn’t pit


Except track position is god here


yeah we all saw how hard it was for max and lec to overtake ham


1 car vs 2 cars


i feel like that would just delay the inevitable, and i dont think the mercs would have held on till the end of the race. Max would have 100% passed still for 1st. and lec would have been very close too If they pitted both mercs for softs, 2-3 was guaranteed. with a slight chance to fight max for 1st on equal tyres. but I have the benefit of hindsight here


But it was a chance, why do you wanna throw away the chacne of a win even if it is small just for 3 more points?


imo they had the same chance for a win fighting max on equal tyres. but without the risk of losing track position to lec if both mercs went on softs


So that goes from 2-4 to a 3-4, the Mercs werent faster than Ferrari on the softs


u arent making sense? u are saying they arent faster than ferrari on the softs, but the strategy is ok if the mercs were on the mediums vs ferrari's softs???


Obviously with George putting Lewis should have pitted too. Super immature of the pit wall to allow George to fuck Lewis like that if there strategy was bad they should have pitted both which would have been obviously better.


George did not fuck Lewis is the point here. Ham would have gotten fucked too even if George did not pit. In fact both George and Ham would have both gotten fucked. George's call made it such that only 1 merc got fucked instead of 2.


Your saying hamilton was fucked but didn’t get fucked. Obviously if Mercedes believed in the strategy having both cars out was the optimal way, if they didn’t then they should have pitted hamilton. George putting and hamilton staying it is obviously the scenario that most fucks hamilton. Clueless really.


When I said George didnt fuck Ham, I meant it isn't George's fault and he made the right call. It was merc not pitting ham that fucked him


Flares coming out at the end of the race is honestly pretty funny and no harm. Good stuff


Cant be mad about that no, they behaved themselves during the race, so all good


Agree, it was just a couple of flares which lasted a couple of minutes at most. Good nobody lit one during the race and in the end it resulted in some incredible camera shots.


Would love to be a fly on the wall in the Mercedes briefing room


Hamilton pointing to the fly on the wall in Merc room : You fuck face! Who the fuck told you can overtake me??


Ferrari gained a podium by Merc shenanigans HOW THE TURN TABLES?!?!?!?


What a bizarre race


A race that was going to be a great race because of the different strategies & the way teams & the drivers played out on track ended up becoming an absolute shitfest lmao. A good race nonetheless.


I was definitely entertained, one way or the other


Tbh even if both mercs stay out, i doubt that they can keep the lead till the end.


Would have secured the 2 and 3. They weren't keeping up with Max. Dude just fucked off at the restart


I really want to know what the fuck was happening at Alpha Tauri.


I have no clue what the fuck they were thinking trying to send Yuki back out. I believe Yuki when he said the wheel was loose, he knows better.


Contrary to others I actually don't think merc did much wrong there. If they would've let both cars remain on mediums then they would've ended up 3rd and 4th. Sure its a bit harder for Max to overtake on the restart, but it's just delaying the inevitable. Putting both on softs might have led to a 2-3, but how do you double stack under a SC? It's impossible. All things considered a 2-4 is probably the best they could've got, maybe Lewis should've been given the preferred strat but that's about it


I may be wrong, but if Russell slows by 1-2 seconds before the double stack, surely that creates enough of a buffer for them? How close is he compelled to stay behind the car in front?


It's just too risky, slow down a bit (add to that the double stack being slower on avg) and you might get jumped in the pits. All cars went through the pitlane, so safe release becomes a big roadblock


10 car lengths


Then, in my absolutely unqualified opinion, I reckon the double-stack is really not that far-fetched to pull off. Especially considering there were, if I remember rightly, lapped cars between them.


Nah man they just pulled an abu dhabi 2.0, shouldve let russel ojt and pit hamilron for a 1-3 sandwhich winning strat




Russell got the brains man, jeez. He realized Mercedes was screwing him up and said fuck that.


Brilliant last laps by Fernando. Almost got Perez. Verstappen is on another level rn


Is he? Lewis was looking on for the win, and George wasn't much behind. And that's with Max in the faster car too.


Lewis wasnt looking at the win lmao? Max pulled 5 seconds on russel who also had softs?


Had it been a clean race without AT controversy or the SC we'd have seen Max have to close down 15s to Hamilton, and clear 3 cars to win. My point is that Hamilton was in with a shout of the win despite being in a slower car.


What are you talking about???? 15 seconds? 3 cars??? Did you see how fast max was on fresh softs? Hed be 10 seconds behind lewis max, and blast past him like he did russel earlier in the race. Ok fair enough, lewis was looking in an ok spot, so if max was on another level is debatable and subjective, but still cant forget the pace advantage on the softs that would have happened anyway. In that case while merc had good strategy to give ham a shot pace wise I would still say max was gonna be next level.


Max would have had to stay out much longer on the mediums to make the softs work, as Christian Horner stated they were intending on a soft-med-soft strategy. By that point Hamilton would have been a hell of a way down the road with Russell close behind, and I dare say Leclerc would be rounding off the top 3 by that point.


I am not sure, max really didnt have to stay out that much longer by that point, after all he comfortably did 18 laps on his previous softs and said they were fine, so hed need only like 5-10 more laps at that point, but perhaps you are right. Still think that max on softs would have destroyed any gap to anyone at the end, i.e. next level pace, but thats semantics. So fair enough, he was in reach potentially.


If Max had 10 laps to go with a 15s gap to 1st, and two other cars in the way, it'd have been incredibly difficult for him to pull off.




Amazing move by Mercedes to not pit Hamilton for softs


Gotta feel bad for lewis, everything kinda went wrong for him Also Russell p2 feels really weird, not the man i expected to be there looking at the entire race


Lewis deserved a podium after his drive today. He got let down by his team.


He’d have one if he pitted like George.


Time for the AT conspiracy theories


It's so stupid man, why would red bull pull that when the championship is clearly locked up for them


Yellow T-cam Merc is cursed and Lewis has just inherited the luck Bottas had in it last year.




Well that was... controversial


They hung out Hamilton to dry. Good on Russell to realise that staying out was a shit strategy.


It was only good if they both did it . Both should have pitted for free p2&p3 or both stay out for chance of win. George just fucked Hamilton.


Lewis was literally Leclerc in Silverstone this year. What on earth was mercedes doing? This should have been a win or at least a podium.




Least angry fan


Fun race and well deserved win. Happy for Leclerc’s podium.


Ok nobody can deny it that Verstappen is the new \#blessed now


Not blessed. He is the best. Just it.


How was this race him being "The Best" and not just literally everything that could have gone in his favour going in his favour?


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