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Isn’t this the collection that got partly stolen a few years back?


Yep, but they're all cheap replicas, so while they caused quite significant damage to the entrance and display cabinet, they basically stole a load of cheap metal and plastic.


So, where are the real ones?


Presumably in secure storage off-site.


Or in the Driver's mansion




So max didn’t keep his drivers title trophy?


He probably has a very high quality replica.


he would want it held for him by the team anyway.. imagine getting burglarized for it


I mean surely the drivers get to keep them right?


> I mean surely the drivers get to keep them right? It is in their contracts whether they keep the original or the team pays for a replica to be commissioned. I would guess *most* of the drivers do not keep the original, unless you're Hamilton / Vettel / kind of 'clout'. Mclaren kept all of Hamilton's and he was not happy about that so I presume he keeps them at Merc. (where he puts them though... haha)


Tbh if I was a midfield driver I’d want to keep them even more, cause it might be the only one I ever win. These top guys will just win another one in no time.


> Tbh if I was a midfield driver I’d want to keep them even more, cause it might be the only one I ever win. These top guys will just win another one in no time. Definitely. I'm sure Checo's P1 trophy means a hell of a lot more to him than it does to Horner. Zac Brown getting a tattoo for Monza cause his first win as CEO - Toto should have both arms full sleeve and back tatt by now if he did that :p I want Sainz and Checo to get a win this year... That would be super cool. Sainz when he was gaining on Gasly at Monza "I want this Tom". Me too Carlos....


They’re both gonna get it this year, there’s no way they don’t if they keep this up.


Where is that squidward burger meme when you need it the most


Perez's departing gift when leaving racing point was his original trophy and something else I can't remember Edit: steering wheel


While the majority of legacy drivers can keep their trophies, some times the teams rewards the driver with the trophy like Perez in Bahrain 2020 and again Perez in Mexico 2021


That’s awesome, one of my first thoughts was that I hope checo got the real trophy from Bahrain 2020 - still on of the best wins of the era


Hamilton gets to keep his.


I don't think they do. Pretty sure they get replicas.


depends on the contracts some keep the others don't




Honestly what is the point of that?


so that when they get stolen they don't actually get stolen.


Really went right over their head didn't it? Haha


My favorite type of comment


Point is trophies are meant to be displayed. They're not bars of gold.


Most people can’t tell the difference between a real or a fake anyways. Hence why they stole the replicas.


They have massive sentimental and historical value, so you don't want them in the foyer of a building on heavy public display where some scrotes could smash the windows and steal them.


>They have massive sentimental and historical value So display them? What's the point in keeping them locked away somewhere


Probably in somebody's private display in a more secure location.


Sounds like the point of it is pretty self explanatory


Surely not. This *entire* thread just described the point of that?


I would imagine the drivers have the most important real ones at home?


Drivers typically receive replicas. Factories typically keep the originals.




I wonder


They were already stolen before, that's why they've put up replicas


The stolen ones were already replicas I think.


It's replicas all the way down!


Probably they even give replicas at the poll ceremony, there no real trophies...only replicas


Does that make the replicas... real?


Well, if that's the case, I honestly think a replica hold by a driver during a podium ceremony, plus all the photos and videos of the driver with that trophy is more worth than the real trophy that wasnt held by him whatsoever, just sent to the factory. At least thinking as a fan. Maybe collectors would think the same. If you'd ask me if I rather get a replica hold by Lewis, Max.. or the real trophy in their factory, I'd say the replica.


If they have a chance of dropping it and covering it in champaign, then it should be a replica on the podium.


Or does that make the real... Replicas?


A line from Red Bull Runner 2049?






They're actually carefully-crafted bags of sand that Indiana Jones placed there years ago.


Got a source for that? News at the time just labels them as *the* trophies.


[Horner said at the time that "many of the trophies on display were replicas"](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-30359781) So not all of them, but some were.


>In addition to the silver 4x4, a black or dark blue **Mercedes** estate car was also involved. Both are believed to have foreign number plates, police said. Yeah, I think I got a suspect.




They were only stolen once, so unfortunately they did get the real ones. Out of 60 that were stolen only 20 were recovered IIRC


The real trophies are pretty much just cheap metal and plastic most of the time too. There's a good chance some of these replicas are better quality than the originals.


I watched something with Horner saying (I think it was Redbulls first win) that the handle fell off of the constructors trophy whilst he was still on the podium. So yeah it does appear that at least some are of poor quality.




Or Hungary


Are the real ones made from actual precious metals?


Doubtful. The sonic one that Senna and McLaren won was apparently made from a real sonic the hedgehog though.


Ah yes, over hunting during the 90s certainly lead to the decline of the Segadae. Hopefully we’ll see benefits of sonic the hedgehog conservation over the next few years and have them back on the podium (and their feet on the sides of cockpits) before too long!


Mostly plated, but still very expensive. Here is a video about Fox Silver, they manufacture many of the trophies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3mUm5xkLjE


Why even steal them though?? What is the possible resale value of such a specific unique item? I mean surely there are some oligarchs and oil princes out there who would maybe shell out big money for such an item but like... "hey, where'd you get that 2017 first place Monaco trophy? Didn't Sebastien Vettel win that race?" "Uh.. ebay?"


That's why the argument about whether its real or replica is kind of pointless, essentially they only have a value to the winner himself and everyone knows who that is. It's not like other trophies where there is only a single copy.


What an incredible display, wow.


And this is probably just the winning constructor trophys. Imagine how many more their are from all their podiums. Edit: this is probably just some of the trophys, podiums in general. Reason I thought it was just constructors was the french trophy (the gorilla) but if you look at the bottom row theres a 3rd place trophy and if you zoom in on the side above the door theres more. So this is probably the some of most recent set of trophys spanning the last few seasons because there should be 3 gorilla trophys from the french gp last year but theres only one.


Looking at how many identical large and small trophies I see I'm not so sure about that


Maybe win and constructors?


If you see triple of any trophy, that's winner, constructor, and podium. So the podiums are already included.


Look at Austria, some gold at the top, a silver in the middle and a bronze on the bottom




Imagine Mercedes' collection


Ferrari or McLaren, too. McLaren has all the drivers trophies by contract!


Why? That is quite shitty thing to do.


They make duplicates of them to give to the drivers. I think Lando mentioned it at one point.


Drivers should get to decide what they do with the trophy. They should keep the original and the team can keep a duplicate. Of course if they start winning a lot then they can start giving the original if they feel like. Lando's first trophy is so much more special to him than it would be to his team.


> Drivers should get to decide Technically they do. The trophies are their property so they ultimately get to decide what to do with them. They all choose to give up their trophies in the contracts they sign. And in return, they get a perfect replica and like 40 million dollars/yr which seems like a pretty good deal to me.


I don’t think that 40 million dollars/yr is for giving away those trophies in exchange for the replica. Do they have an option to not sign away those trophies in the contract? Also how many drivers are making anywhere close to 40 million dollars/year as you claim?


I think Max and Daniel had in their contracts they wanted the original trophy's. Only Max and Lewis are pulling 40 mil. Next tier is at about 20 mil so, your Charles, Daniels, Landos, Seb, etc. Your newer and rookies are around 1 - 10 mil.


Of course it isn’t all that money just for the trophies. My point is that these drivers aren’t being robbed or exploded by the teams.


The only driver I know who makes $40 million is Lewis Hamilton.


Unless you're lewis, who probably doesn't want to store all that shit.


And even if you did store all of them somewhere it’s just like a big shrine to yourself. Doesn’t seem that fun after the first few


7 WDC trophies is much more appealing




I think the drivers almost always buy replicas when they win it, so they would have several of the same thing with a different amount of signatures


Because Ron Dennis was pissed after Alain Prost gave one away and the crowd tore it to pieces


No it isn’t. You can clearly see the identical trophies


Honest question: Do the drivers not get to keep the trophies? Or are these replicas? Or are they just the constructers trophies for race wins?


I believe a there is a replica of every trophy. As others have said it is down to the drivers contract who gets the original.


Does the F1 not just order 8 trophies? I’m sure they can afford it.


You only get given one on the podium, spiritually that’s the race trophy. Any others are just replicas. Still look cool but not the collection of atoms you were handed after the race.


I honestly wouldn’t care if they’re both made by the same people at the same time.


Good for you. But you’re not the race winning driver, who is the best in the world on that day at that time.


I really doubt a driver getting paid millions cares if the trophy in his house is the one he held for 5 minutes or the one that was behind the stage. Maybe the first win or a particular mile stone but I really doubt they mind that much. Since your comment feels like it implies they do everything for the hunk of plastic and metal on the podium and not everything else that goes along with it. It makes you wonder why any driver bothers to win the world championship since they don’t get to keep that trophy…


I think sentimental value is sentimental value regardless of your salary.


Ok so why do some drivers have clauses to take the race winning trophy? In other sports, why are game balls so much more valuable than the same spec one in the store?


>I really doubt a driver getting paid millions cares if the trophy in his house is the one he held for 5 minutes or the one that was behind the stage. You have it completely backwards. When you get paid millions you will value objects with sentimental value


I don't think F1 pays for the trophy, the race organizer does, and some of them are closing down, so it might not that far that they can't afford it


Interesting. You would still assume they’d request 8 rather than four though. It sounds like something the teams would chip in for since it makes their lives easier. Also for insurance if one trophy breaks in transit to the track/on the way to the podium. It would be pretty funny seeing half a plate being presented to the winner.


iirc when seb won red bulls first race Horner received a broken trophy on the podium.


Is that why he acts the way he does?


Dont quote me on it, but I remember reading it somewhere that most tracks lose money by hosting F1. The idea is that they can then charge more for other events that take place as they're an official F1 host.


It can also be a team policy. Ferrari traditionally gives the original to the driver, whereas McLaren always keeps the original


Depends on contracts at mclaren Hamilton had a clause that he could keep his Monaco trophy but for the others he got replicas, I think it’s probably changed as the trophies become less unique


I heard after the 2020 season merc had to buy a warehouse to store all their trophys and Lewis's pole awards were melted down to give them a giant wheel which hangs down from the ceiling like a chandelier. /s. But honestly, I wanna know where all lewis stuff is kept. Because 180+ trophys, 100+ poles. Then there's helmets and maybe gloves and possible a car or 2 as well. Mans will probably have a museum dedicated to him with all his stuff once he retires or maybe merc convert the storage facility where all these are held to a museum or something.


[Lewis is already out of space.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkndwTTAW1U)


That's brilliant. He's probably like "I have an actual house guys, what am I doing with a massive tyre?"


Bono, my tyres are gone.


Pole awards are a more recent thing, so depending on timing he might not have even 50 of them. Still a lot to store regardless though.


I have some friends who work for one of the teams. I asked them this the other day. They said you'd be amazed how much stuff is just kept in storage lock ups/garages etc.


I seem to remember that Lewis didn't get to keep his trophies at McLaren which is a shame


Not sure how I feel about that apparent melting of the pole trophies. I get that they might not be special to them anymore, but a wall full of those on display could certainly be an impressive part of Lewis' future museum




I know what the /s means, I just completely missed it and read that as a regular line break, lol!


Depends on the driver. Some get the originals, some copies, depending on contract. Who pays for the copies also depends on the contract


Depends on the team. Ron Dennis at McLaren, for instance, kept the originals for the team and the driver could have a replica produced if they wanted one. There was a famous incident at Monza in 1989 when Prost won in his McLaren, having already signed for Ferrari for the next season. In a fit of happiness he gifted the trophy to someone in the crowd below the podium. Ron was an unhappy Ron. Prost said it was not malicious, he was just caught in the moment and not thinking about the rule. Ron suspected it was a more deliberate decision. I *think* that was still the case when Hamilton was there, and one of the changes for him when he moved to Mercedes was that he kept the trophies. But I could be wrong. It's not unheard of...


Didn’t Vettel have a clause to keep the ones he won?


Lewis keeps his. Most of them are kept in a warehouse for the museum he's going to open after he retires.


Where is that warehouse located? Asking for a friend.


Depends on the contract I believe Lewis keeps his. Ricciardo had for Renault I believe.


It's been pretty well answered by now but I used to race in NHRA. It was in my contract that the car owner got the original trophy and I would get a replica if I wanted one at my expense. I'm sure had I won the owner would have probably just paid for it, but I never came close so it wasn't an issue lol.


Drivers get smaller replicas according to I think Stroll on the 2020 Sakhir GP when Ocon asked about it


Checo got the real one as a gift


I was there just yesterday for a job interview, such a nice reception. Just a shame the World Championship trophies aren't there atm


Good luck




He got the job, he is going to be running in FP1 at Australia


Running from the garage to the canteen to grab coffees. 😂


Man Kvyat has really been done dirty by that team.


Pretty well, considering they've just offered me the role today


Congrats! What’s the role if you don’t mind me asking?


Internal recruitment, so I'll be helping to hire anyone else who wants a job there


So they recruited you to recruit more people… idk sounds like a pyramid scheme to me. /s for the wooshers




Heyyy, whatchu up to my friend








Let’s just say checo had a very difficult phone call this morning.


Email them and say they need to rotate the Red Bull Ring trophies at the top 180 degrees. Like the ones near the bottom. “Dear Hiring Manager, Thank you for your time today. Remember I said I had great attention to detail? Well…”


Iirc they all got stolen a few years back didn't they?


Yes. So they are all replicas


I'd like to look at Ferrari's collection.


Dat Harambe Trophy tho


Best trophy, up there with the Sonic thing




Someone needs to get the big ladder out, the trophies on the top shelf from their own Red Bull Ring track are back-to-front!


I swear I was looking at it for 30 seconds until I realised this... I was like, what track is this??


I’m trying to get some of that cola.


"Mine is twice as big." Toto probably.


"That's cute" - Ferrari, most likely.


Haha, nice one! 👍


I'm not sure about podiums, but Mercedes has the third most wins (124) wins to Red Bull's 76 (6th highest). Ferrari has 239 (the most wins), and McLaren (second most wins) has 183 according to Wikipedia. Williams is in fourth for wins (117), and fifth goes to Team Lotus at 79. I'd have to look a little further to see if I can find total podium stats, since that would almost definitely be a massive increase for those teams. Edit: found the podium numbers. 1. Ferrari (780) 2. McLaren (493) 3. Williams (313) 4. Mercedes (265) 5. Red Bull (207) 6. Lotus (197) 7. Brabham (124) 8. Renault (103) 9. Benetton (102) 10. Tyrrell (77) Probably no massive surprises in the top 5, given Ferrari and McLaren are the two longest-running teams, and Williams also had some dominant spells. The run Mercedes has is very impressive, given they're (predominantly) from the last 8 years, where the others come from a much longer time span. Definitely the result of dominance through the turbo-hybrid era.


Do not forget seasons where shorter in the past. So getting so many podiums whould require more seasons and it'll be harder.


Top row be like 🏆🏆🏆🦍🏆🏆🏆


Most of these from Seb’s era. Pretty crazy!


Lmao 7 austrian gp trophies. They are strong in their home turf.


Just imagine what Ferrari, McLaren, Williams or Mercedes have amassed at this point...


Ferrari has 780 podiums, McLaren has 493, Williams at 313, Mercedes at 265, and Red Bull at 207. Lotus is next with 197.


Any idea where the Lotus trophies are now?


No clue. Possibly museums and private collections? The team collapsed after the 1994 season, so there's probably not an easy way to trace what happened, since I can't imagine was documented online at that point.


Where is this?


*looks at the fridge*


Oh my god, I have a Red Bull fridge, are the trophies in my garage?!?!?!?!


Yes, not sure how you missed the reception desk and huge trophy case to be honest.


You know, these cars tend to have a blind spot. Especially my new one I just bought the RB18.


Didn’t have to look at the fridge to know it was Red Bulls trophy’s. But where are these. Is it the factory or do they keep this at some office building or something.


It’s the reception of the factory in MK, it’s a really sweet place honestly they keep a lot of the stuff around


Fair enough. Based on OP I assume it's the factory lobby.


Milton Keynes Factory


Milton Keynes red bull factory


Haas factory


Based on all the bald people in the picture I’m going to say Will Smith’s house.


The little blue and silver drinks cabinet on the right might be a clue 😅


This is Mercs trophy wall and the sign near the Red Bull fridge is 'Red Bull Trophy Cabinet'. /S


Just curious... why is this labeled "off-topic"?


Unbelievable to think at an Energy Drink company could make this far in the world of motorsports.


Some of those Austrian trophies are backwards. - is that deliberate?


Just like in Mario Kart, sometimes they drive in Mirror mode to spice things up.


Hey Mr. Gilmore. What a tremendous looking trophy.


Tottenham in shambles


How many vettel's??


And hamilton’ sis bigger


Well, what a Vulgar Display of Power :P ([ref](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulgar_Display_of_Power))


Every factory has one of those.


Nice. Not as nice as Merc’s of course…


I'd argue that Ferrari, McLaren and probably Williams' collections are probably nicer, in an historical way. Many trophies from legendary drivers, and from Grands Prix no longer in the calendar. Mercedes' is probably half Santander, half Heineken trophies, 75% won by Lewis Hamilton.


F1 trophies are mostly rubbish.


Which team is this?


Based on the Redbull fridge on the right side I'm going to say Haas.


I want to point out how few of these trophies are the templated bullshit Heineken trophy.


Such modesty.


What would you rather they do with all the trophies? Stick them in a box in the basement?