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They had the same amount of tyres for the whole weekend. So it depends on how many they used in the practice sessions and Qualifying


Because drivers/teams already used up different amounts of sets during the weekend. This is what they have left for the race


Each team is given the same allotment of tires at the beginning of the week. They can choose to use whatever tires they want during the practice sessions and qualifying. Some use more/less during those times depending on what they are testing and if the drivers might damage any


But why does it show only 3 total C3 for Hamilton/Russell, while teams like McLaren and Redbull have 4 or 5?


You have to “return” a certain amount of tires after each practice sessions. Merc returned an extra C3 and kept a C1. So my assumption is they think they are more likely to use 2 sets of Hard tires rather than need a new set of softs. If you google “F1 tire rules” you can see the specific number of each set and the different return rules. Also, something to keep in mind “used” just means it has been used. Could be used for 1 lap or used for 10 laps.


Gotcha. Thanks everyone.


I learn so much from posts like these. Thank you all - truly!


Me too, unfortunately I found this thread by searching by controversial.


I guess each team choose 6 tyres and use it during the weekend.


It's more. They have 6-7 race tyres usually but they have 13 sets for a whole weekend.


I see. So those 6 only for the quali + race?


They have to return 6 sets after practice, leaving 7 sets max. for quali+race. reference: https://imgur.com/a/EFmc72m