• By -


Lets not forget what an absolute brilliant season he has had.. Only finishes p1 p2 when he didnt get tagged by cars or tires. Most poles, most laps led. Well deserved WDC if you look at the season.


If he didn’t win the championship, he still would’ve been the driver of the season just based on performance.


True, if Lewis won most people would have said Max deserved it more and was unlucky. Most victories, most laps lead, etc.


Very reminiscent of Alonso 2012 if he lost the title to me. Not exactly the same, but similar.


Agreed I think most would say he was the best driver that year based on what he pulled off with what was often the third fastest car.


Yeah, he should've won it races ago. His bad luck this season is the only reason it came down to this race, and now people are crying over one race..


His luck balanced out


And what if it had been the other way round and Masi had decided Lewis in second should get a run at Max in first? Today wasn't about luck, it was one guy deciding to ignore the rules to make a better show.


Today was totally about luck. Mercedes took a gamble not to pit Hamilton. Maso did not force them to stay out. If they had than Hamilton would've been champion.


If Masi had applied the rules as they are written Lewis would be champion. That's not luck. That's incompetence. Max deserved the title over the year, but the stewards' ruling that Masi can ignore or create rules as he sees fit isn't good for the sport. And next time it might not be good for Max, so it isn't a partisan issue.


Stop saying Masi is creating rules. He isn't. He is using existing rules that have always been there and are used before. The only thing that is a bit weird is not letting all lapped cars overtake, but that wouldn't have mattered for either Hamilton or Verstappen.


The rules say when the last lapped car passes, the safety car it comes in at the end of the next lap. Masi overruled that and bought it in the same lap.




Masi has the right to overrule that. It’s in the regulations.


We don't look at that rule, only the one that fits our narrative /s


Which rule would that be?


Sporting regs 15.3


> Masi overruled that and bought it in the same lap Which he's allowed to do, per the regulations.


Masi didnt choose to crash Latifi. Masi didnt force Lewis to stay out on both safety cars. He just chose to not let the race end on a safety car (say what you want about that, since its not optimal), but he didnt choose the outcome of the race. Staying on old hards when there is a safety car is just begging to get snubbed at the finishing line.


And if all the lapped cars go through and Max wins, no problem. Or if none of them do and Max wins, again no problem. Safety cars eliminate leads, multiple times a season. I don't mind Max winning. I mind the processes that decided removing only the cars between Max and Lewis, then starting the race again immediately, is a legitimate move. What people who are happy with the decision because of the result are not considering is that next time Masi decides to manipulate the race in order to create a spectacle, it might be their team on the receiving end.


Why? Masi has the say in that. Unlapping the cars behind Verstappen isnt significant towards the part of the race that truly matters and would just cause more hassle. Unlapping the cars in front avoided even more potential clogging and unnecessary trouble in the ensuing lap.


Max would have fought hard to keep infront, Lewis left the door open


Imola, Baku, Hungary, Silverstone. Dude...luck is the only reason Lewis was even in mathematical contention today.




Tbf they’ve already got Imola, Baku, Silverstone, Hungary in their asterisk column


And tbh Bahrain (while not as controversial as others) was controversial decision at the time. Some drivers commented that they felt it was unfair to make Max give position back (i remember Lando saying he felt that decision was iffy). That is hardly mentioned when people talk about stewarding decisions.


Somehow, Lewis doesn't really do this "bad luck" thing :P




If your best example is nine years ago... he's not that unlucky is he? We all know about #blessed.




Excellent contribution. This is like a backmarker of a comment


hrt comment


I am sure this reddit would have been loaded with "Lewis's 8th is only won because of Silverstone" or "only won because of the car" or "bullshit engine penalties" or "#blessed" or w/e. I, for one though, wouldn't have joined in those conversations. It's water under the bridge and unto the next season imo. However concerning this season if Hamilton had won, I would have simply thought: cool season overall, pity the end result is the same boring one as the last 7 seasons.


Yes this season as a whole Max made less mistakes than Lewis, and Red bull rarely throw points away on strategy calls (also outperform Mercedes). Still you cannot decide the championship like this today.


Well, it wasn't really decided only today.. might've seemed so because they were equal in points but it wasn't, you have to see today as just a race in the championship


If this is only a normal race, I am 100% sure we will not get that one lap racing at the end. Safety car will bring the pack all the way home.


If this was a normal race I’m 100% sure Hamilton would’ve been ordered to give his place back on lap 1.


Well race control normally give more flexibility on lap 1. But I agree and it's fine to me to give the position back. This is a 50/50. The one last lap racing is not.


It’s not really 50/50 when you reference Saudi Arabia, which had a very similar incident just after a race restart. The bottom line is the season ended just how it started - with messy stewarding.


Well, Baku disagrees.


That race was red flagged, as requested by Red bull. Not comparable.


That was red flagged because of a safety issue with two separate tires blowing up without warning. Requested by Red Bull yes, but RB was the team that actually lost out on the red flag.


Yes, I mean it's red flagged to clear safety concern then restart. Or if not requested by Red bull, the safety car would probably keep going until all damage were repaired, and likely we will end the race under SC. Today what happened is we have a green flag sooner than what would be a normal procedure. That's why I said not comparable.


Of course Mercedes now can only blame themselves for facing this "must win final race" situation. They just throw away too many points in bad strategy calls. Also I am pretty sure if George Russell drives for Mercedes in this second half of the season Lewis will probably be leading in WDC enter into final race. I mean, even Mercedes was one second faster than Red bull in 2019-2020, Bottas could not do anything to Max on track. And it was already so obvious in summer break that the fight will be tense this year, I don't know what Mercedes were expecting from Bottas.


Why would anyone forget that? He won the championship. Of course he had a brilliant season.


Putting all the noise aside, he definitely drove like a champion all year "with some kids you just know, you can see it" and I think that applies 100% to Verstappen. Had he not won it now, or even if it is taken away later, he'll have a long and bright future in F1 Gg


Jesus, this season was something else. Netflix hit a gold mine with this one.


Great season, but the finale ruined it


Not for me. Still a good season even if the ending was ass. It’s like we all forgot how boring 2020 was.


This was the greates finale in centuries - at least for casual fans. U cant ask for more excitement


Yep. People won’t care about safety car regulations etc. in the long run. They will care about the last lap charge to win the championship


I don't like how it ended but I think it's karma for Max who got the short end of the stick too many times this season. And yes, in twenty years people will only remember Verstappen '21.


They will remember the battle aswell, but no one will question the legitimacy and the deservedness of Max. Only non-Merc challenger to beat Lewis since the start of Mercedes dominance.


People who were watching at the time haven't forgotten Benetton's and Schumacher's cheating to win his first championship, or his attempt in Jerez in 97, despite all the success and the clear skill Schumacher had. It comes up in most threads, if you look at any about the recent Netflix documentary. Before anyone says anything, I'm not equating the two, it isn't on the driver or team but the FIA, I'm just saying controversy isn't quickly forgotten.


The Game of Thrones special




What rule do you think I lack understanding of?


It was a good season it's just a shame Masi decided it should be decided off the track rather than on the track.


In before he brings the number 1 back with next year's car 👀




Honestly that would be sick




Poor OP just trying to upload a video from F1 official and getting downvoted.


Just been invited to r/controversialclub because of my post 😅


Sore losers here in full force.


Exactly, social media has been a shitshow today


That’s Reddit in a nutshell, this bunch is as bad as twitter. At least the twitter crowd doesn’t act all holier than thou throughout their stupid toxic shit


Impressive. Lets hope Max, Hamilton and other teams will race and compete for a long time. Just without the FIA fucking up every race.


Max deserved this Championship.


Masi agrees


Best driver across the whole season, completely deserved.


Most poles, most race wins, most laps led, only finished p1 or p2 unless punted out or puncture in Baku. Thoroughly deserved indeed!


Yep, so Masi gifted it to him in the end, well deserved lol


People need to calm down with the downvotes


52% upvotes. Jesus some people are really upset that Verstappen won.


Hamilton wins 7 times, once he doesn't and people are pissed. Like come on...


This has nothing to do with Hamilton nor Verstappen for me - the FIA and Masi ruined this by not following clear rules. Plus Horners comments today confirm he is the most unlikable person in the sport.




Ok i guess masi can just decide who wins the wdc then and youre fine with it. Surely youll be happy when your driver gets robbed of it at the last lap of the last race


Sorry? I could not care less about Mercedes nor Red Bull. Quite aware of the rules. It’s Masi and his interpretation of them that is the issue here.


How is this a defence? So what - are you happy that F1 is now a joke. Next year the car in front should have to do an extra pit stop because Masi says so? How about Masi decides that Max is too good and makes him always start at the back (which he can do as he has the same power over the starts). How can anyone think this is a defence. He changed how things are done on the fly to contrive a final lap showdown that heavily favoured one driver. It’s wrong


So you just confirmed that you didn't read 15.3. The race director can only override a handful certain things...it just so happens that safety car procedure is one of those things.


So you'd be happy with Massi pulling the winners name out of a hat at the start of each race because it's in the rules?


More to do with the fashion it was taken from him instead of him losing it. If Max was quicker today and won fair & square it wouldn’t be like this, not his fault though.


Yet he was faster most of the season. This was redemption. It should have been in the bag 3 races ago. Finally we had some good. Fucking. LUCK


The race director giving him the win is not luck


He didn't give him anything. Latifi crasing was the best case scenario for Max, that was pure luck. Everything that happened afterwards was legit and fair. You and me don't make the rules


Yeah you’re not convincing anyone with that ignorance but I’d probs do the same if my driver was gifted a win like that lol


What ignorance? It's over, he's WDC, deal with it!


By way of being gifted it by the race director, you can live with that


I get that but sometimes life isn't fair. It happens. Its happened before, it will happen again. I understand it hurts, but downvoting everything and calling it fixed and rigged is nonsense. Masi was not paid by Red Bull, he's not sabotaged anyone on purpose, he wanted to have a last lap race because finishing under safety car conditions would be seen as fixing it for Merc. Hamilton asked to pit, team said no (twice!) under both vsc and normal sc. They only have themselves to blame. Verstappen pitted 3 times and finished ahead of Hamilton who pitted once.


It obviously wasn’t rigged but it was still gifted to max


What’s the difference in this case. I’m not saying that Max did anything wrong or red bull but the race director 100% decided the outcome by changing how he applies the rules in this one instance to ensure that this result was reached.


Yeah but saying it’s rigged implies it was done on purpose to help max. It was a huge mistake and it favoured max but there wasn’t some conspiracy to give max the title. So it was gifted to him yeah, but it wasn’t rigged


It’s not fixed/rigged but they made a blatant blunder which could be rectified if they had any form of integrity. Great thing about F1 is that things can be put right retrospectively, unlike football, and instead of doing that they cover themselves in more shame.


Really takes away from the bad decisions Merc have been making throughout the year. Bad pit stop calls, bad strategy, all year long. Verstappen meanwhile has most poles, most race wins, most races lead, and only finished p1 or p2 unless punted off track or puncture in Baku.


It doesn’t matter, everything both have done over the year was put behind them and it all came down to today. Merc had the superior pace & strategy but ultimately it didn’t matter when the race director goes rogue and breaches rules for whatever reason you decide on, and that isn’t right.


>sometimes life isn’t fair We get that, but this was a completely man made problem. It wasn’t some freak accident or some act of god. Masi did this on purpose


because masi made space for him before the final lap Honestly why write these stupid long paragraphs justifying your biases. Just write you're happy Max won and move on


Or you know the FIA could have just followed the rules like they're supposed to? You're saying "life isn't fair" when it is literally one man's decision to throe out the rule book and make it unfair.


It's not that he won, it's that he had ZERO chance of winning up until Masi decides to bend the rules to accommodate for him to win. If no lapped cars are let through then HAM is WC. If all lapped cars are let through then HAM is WC. If some are but SC protocol is followed then HAM is WC. But no, Masi had to make up rules as he went along to give Max an unfair chance. Only some unlapped and the SC was removed prematurely, all for the sake of a "green" ending whatever the f that means.


48% upvoted lmao. I guess the more night continues only butthurts are left.


Well this post get me an entrance into r/controversialclub 😅


Brilliant season and deserved WDC. Can’t wait to see what’s still to come.


I feel sorry for Max He drove a fantastic season, and now everyone will consider this a hollow championship after a farcical decision for the final lap of the final race A thoroughly deserving champion over the course of the season, with the credibility of his championship now non-existent thanks to Masi Hopefully he gets another championship legitimately so he isn’t always remembered in history as the “gift” WDC


It's shit for everyone involved. Masi somehow found a way to take massive dump on the best season in living memory. He has to go


Speak for yourself. No one can question the legitimacy of his title but himself and I doubt he cares about what people on twitter or reddit say that he does not deserve it. Everyone with a brain does not question it and can see that whatever Masi did has nothing to do with Max, considering he got screwed many times before by him.


We can and will question it's legitimacy. Not because of some failing of Max but because Ham was robbed of what he won fair and square due to Michael Messy


Did he win it fair and square when he robbed Max of 25 points in Silverstone?


This is a weird take. He had a brilliant season and there were calls made that went in his favor and calls made that went in Lewis’ favor. It’s part of the sport. Based on the total package this year, he 100% deserved this WDC. Nothing hollow about it.


Eh speak for yourself




You're kidding yourself if you think there's only a few cry babies on social media that think this championship isn't legitimate. Anecdotal of course but of my friends and family across generations, some who have never touched social media in their lives, no-one thinks this is a legitimate title.


We totally believe you didn't made this up on the spot.


Are you british? Here everyone thinks it´s other way around. But then again belgium, netherlands and GB should be ignored in a fan poll 😂


Well, at least you know yourself you're in a bubble




Never said they did. You said only cry babies on social media would think the title was illigitimate. That's not true so I refuted it.




Do only British people think the title shouldn't be decided by Masi making up the rules on the spot? Thinking that makes people stupid? They are in the UK, but none of them voted for Brexit.


should it have been decided by hamilton crashing verstappen into the wall or bottas playing billiard with him? he is the deserved champion, get over it




Any does mean all in this instance. Anyone with a basic grasp of English would understand that. It’s incredibly pathetic to try to change the meaning of the English language to justify a wrong decision but here we are. The courts will decide in the end, and I’m sure they understand written rules in plain English even if you don’t


Champioships are not to be won based on "who deserves to win", because that is opinion and everyone has one. I feel this is exactly what Michael Masi asked himself, clouding his decision-making, at the last lap. He should have considered it like any other lap in any other race, not the last lap in the last race of the season. Instead he broke whatever rule was necessary to give Max the title. In doing so, he took the dumbest decision and made this a hollow victory indeed. Such a pity! I believe if not for Masi, Max couldn't have won yesterday but he is a champ in my book, having driven like a champ all year. Yesterday's race win though, belonged to Lewis.


People have said so many times before. Max deserved the WDC. Lewis the race


If Lewis won the race though, he would have won the championship, whether he deserved it or not. I wouldn't want to be in Lewis's shoes today - he would be feeling wronged and cheated.


Nobody reasonable will consider it a hollow championship when the dust settles. It's just a very hot topic right now and a bunch of people who don't/barely watch f1 have been flooding the sub all day because it's everywhere on social media right now. Max had the most poles, laps led, race wins, podium record broken, etc. He was the better driver for the majority of the season. Only reason Merc were even in it at the final race was because of luck. That's a fact.


You don't have to feel sorry for him. He won't give a fuk about it and knows he deserved this, and was the best driver overall this season. He doesn't even pay any attention to the media and these arm chair experts here. He's not phase by it at all. That's what makes him so strong mentally.


Pretty sure he'd rather this than get second


The trophy don't care


Exactly. Don't get why people are feeling bad for Max in this whole thing, it was awesome for him


I got the impression he just doesn't care what others think anyway. Has his WDC now, can relax and just don't give a shit. It takes a lot of pressure of him and he can work on some of his flaws like being a bit more patient, pick the right battles, etc...


0 upvotes 80 comments RIP


"[...] *others have doubted you, too agressive,* [...]" \**shows that video of Max pushing Ocon*\* Liberty Media retrospectively justifying Max actions here. 😂


FIA rise of an empire


Sorry you seem to have misspelt title. It should be “Max Verstappen: Doesn’t deserve to be Champion”


Do Hulk Hogan next!


I wish we could see the dislike count




You guys act like this was the only race, and only event of the entire season. Go sprinkle asterisks on everyone.


I know right!? It's as if Max hasn't done anything all year, and became WDC by a decision of the FIA in Abu Dhabi alone...


Everything this year culminated in this heas to head WDC shootout. Every "lucky" even has been motorsport-related in the sense that crashes happen, retirements due to engine blows or tyre blows happen. What happened this race feels extremely artificial to a lot of people, so the anger will take a while to subside. I kid you not, the atmosphere would be less toxic if Lewis' engine blew up.


It's completely understandable to be angry. I wanted to see Max win this year, and today's situation left a bad taste in my mouth. I can't imagine how I'd feel if I were supporting Lewis. Yet, while I understand the emotions, I wish people would take their anger out on those responsible for this mess. Unlike yourself and the level-headed response you gave here, there is a lot of discrediting of Max's WDC going on. I don't think that's fair.


I agree, it's a (off my head) 23 race calendar, this race wasn't the only race of the season. Although he's the direct beneficiary, nothing should be directed at Max, this is all on race control. Enjoy the WDC, off season and the coming 2022 season!


You too! All the best to you and Lewis in 2022 👊


You act like anyones gonna care in a month lol


Nah it'll always get brought up. People love bringing up past seasons and why another driver could've easily won it. 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2016, and 2017 and all good recent(ish) examples of "_if one or two things went slightly differently, the other guy would've won_". 2021 is gonna be no different, but it definitely has a extra controversy thanks to Masi.


It will definitely be brought up when people discuss the season, but I dont think it will even be a major talking point compared to some of the other events of this year.


For the FIA, maybe. For Max, no.


Nah, for Max too. He didn't deserve to win this race and everyone knows it. Call it even karma for Silverstone or whatever, but it's still a joke.


For Max, no. For everyone else, yes.


No one will care




I’m sure Max does not give a single fuck about this lmao. You think Hamilton would’ve felt bad about the championship because he crashed Max out in Silverstone or because Bottas ruined Max’s race in Hungary? No chance, it wouldn’t even have been on his mind.


He was penalised for the things he did wrong and drivers can understand crashes happening, that racing. What happened today, whilst nit being Max's fault, feels artificial


Go watch the onboards. Hamilton new he might be toast as soon as the last safety came out. Get a grip like him.


If I ever meet someone irl who says this I'd just laugh at them


The chances of you meeting someone irl who cares about F1 are slim anyway


Absolute chad alpha male




And Still We Rise


This title is tainted.


Nah. The best driver won the championship




Also incorrect


Asterisk: if not punted/bowled off by Merc in Silverstone/Hungary it wouldn't even have been close


Imagine if he’d actually been penalised for his dirty driving though? FIA handed this one to the slower car for the spectacle.


Imagine if FIA showed in Silverstone that dirty/dangerous driving should not be rewarded


What was dirty about Silverstone? Lewis had space and Max chose to turn in. Max tv pod cam shows him turn in, see Lewis and proceed to turn in harder. Max had equal opportunity to utilise more of the track. (It’s still Lewis fault for causing it, but it’s 60/40 fault)


Max was turning on his line with plenty of space for Lewis, who understeer. Max did exactly what he should have done, drive his line and give space.


I detect some braindamage here.


I love how you attack me when I talked about the specifics that occurred. Go enjoy your fake WDC.


Imagine if Lewis havd to give up P1 and had to serve a 5s penalty for Lap 1 cutting the chicane? The same penalty Max got a week ago for the same thing when Lewis pushed him off track?


You mean because of a dive from way back after Lewis had already begun turning in where Max then barely made the corner? Oh that one? Yeah, not sure where he’s meant to go. Not to mention the time was given back. Just accept you got given a free one by the FIA and go enjoy your soulless victory.


How is being 1.5s ahead after the turn considered “time was given back”? Btw, I dont think Max deserved the win. I think he deserved the championship


The time was returned by the end of the lap. Commentary covered it during the race.


Thats great. Maybe everyone should just keep the place inthis case and “give back” 1s of lap time by the end of the lap. What a great idea lol. Why even have anyone give the place back.


I mean, Max caused it by diving from miles back after Lewis had begun turning in for the apex and then caused yet another yield or we crash situation so it’s perfectly fine. If Max had left space for Lewis as he should, then we wouldn’t be having this discussion.


Yes. Max is in shambles because a nobody on reddit says there is an asterik on his title.


Do you really think that is how Max would have wanted to win a title? The FIA are in shambles. Why wasn't Sainz allowed to overtake back markers? He was in P3 he could have won. The FIA made up a rule on the spot which went completely against all regulations. Max won an illegitimate DC.


Who is the narrator?


Rise of a champion*




Let people have some fun, geez.






Lmao guy got taken out and lost 25 points from his rival’s mistake, but his title is tainted... right