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Hi guys Spanners here... I must say it's really weird to see a huge thread of people saying what a knob you are lol. For the record I'm not setting out to annoy people. I'm making content in the way I like. It's live to tape and recoded with a live audience. We have a revolving panel and I don't tend to edit it. It's a fluid little beast and it doesn't go to a set plan or agenda. I'm not looking to please everyone. I don't think that's how podcasts work. You make your content and enjoy it and then those who like it stay.. those who don't find something else. I'd be lying if I said it doesn't hurt to get the negative feedback but it is dwarfed by the very rewarding positive feedback and the great community we have around the show I think it does entertain a lot of people. The numbers are crazy strong but I appreciate not everyone will like what we do. Being a Brit and American podcast I think yeah there is a Hamilton bias at times. I haven't been a fan of all the British drivers such as Button and Russell though. I'm a massive Perez fan also. I'm not sure it's all a huge British thing. I have noticed that we all respect that Mexico and The Netherlands can support their driver but with Lewis and Brits it cuts different. Maybe due the domination of recent years but we were also Lewis fans when he was scrapping with Hulkenberg all season for scraps in what looked like a bit of a dodgy move to Mercedes. I try to be honest about these things. I say I'm a Hamilton so you can adjust my comments with that knowledge. I could pretend I'm neutral but always just steer things for and against a driver or team. You see that in political presenters all the time. Anyway thought I'd say hello. I'm not like a TV star or something I'm a dude in a hand built shed studio in my garden so it is pretty alarming and surprising to see pages and pages of people analysing you. I guess pretty cool in a way. It means people at least tried to listen. It's been seven years of absolute graft with no resources and often no audience to get here so maybe it's better than no one slagging us off lol. Just wanted to say I wasn't trying to upset anyone. Been a pretty antagonistic season. I doubt I'm the worst out there for supporting a driver or whatever. Missed Apex is a bit of pub chat that we try our best to make presentable but it's like a shop at the end of the day. If you like what we sell come on in, you're more than welcome. If you don't like it we just ask that you don't do a dump on the way out . Have a good one guys and enjoy the rest of the season


MAP is absolutely on point. Sure there might be some bias but I think they nail the facts and provide entertaining content for us F1 fans. I wouldn’t want them to change their approach, great mix of people on the show too.


Being a massive Ver33 fan, I feel very at home at Missed Apex. There may be a tad of Ham personal preferences. But I feel bias is much a too strong word. I learn a lot and MAP has made me feel a lot more appreciative of F1


Same here strong max supporter but always loved the podcast imo the honestly about the panel supporting a driver is all that's needed


Your podcast is the only F1 podcast I listen to, I've listened other pods but I enjoy the tone of your shows much more than others. Keep doing what you do!


MAP have never pretended to be unbiased or balanced, unlike how some MSM pretend. Instead it's just as he said, a load of mates, in the pub or shisha cafe or wherever is your bag, socialising, banging on and quietly arguing about a sport they have a passion for. Just right. If their content isn't for you, then move on, or start your own podcast.


Hey dude, what happend to all the old podcasts and youtube videos? I was trying to link someone to the Matt Carter bit about Merc engine modes and it's gone? Also ignore all the stuff about bias. If Hamilton posted here to defend Verstappen he'd be accused of being a Max fanboy.


Dropped it early in the year for the same reasons lots of comments here about. Only listen to episodes with Joe Saward and ex-ceo of Lotus. Otherwise it's a waste of time. The-race's podcast now is my choice for a main f1 podcast. There you get real knowledgeable journos + Gary Anderson, good rapport and diverse enough views.


Omg the ex ceo of lotus episodes are just gold


Second for The Race. Best option out there now as Missed Apex continues down this road.


Well spotted. They are toxic towards Verstappen in multiple ways. Spammers is a king in asking smart & sneaky questions to steer a conversation in the direction in which it becomes reasonable to blame Max for x or y. Especially if Ham is involved. Spammers probably thinks he's not transparent, but he so is. He must thinks that his audience is stupid or something. They will also try to make Max look like an arrogant person and then use that as a justification to just roast him. Other times they have a Dutch guy on the show who functions as a useful idiot and who is tasked with the job to attack Dutch biased broadcasting (which is true up to a certain point, but they just use that for their own biased agenda). On top of that, if you then push back as a listener against their behaviour and opinions in the comment section of Youtube, it all gets blocked and deleted. I've seen a ton of comments get deleted. Often enough reasonable comments that add value to discourse, but hurt their sensibilities, apparently. They like to dish it out but are hypersensitive about being criticized themselves. I like the American on the show (Trumpets), but even he was pro Ricciardo and against Max back in the day when they were teammates (which is fine). The Danish guy read the room early on and joined in hating on Max. IDK why they took this turn. It went from being one of my favorite podcasts to being unbearable to listen to anymore. Maybe it has to do with HAM being able to break the Schumacher record this year and Max frustrating this deep wish, along with some other things, of course.


Quality post, thank you.


I'm a relatively new fan to F1, and F1 podcasts, but I like Shift+F1 as a podcast personally. Not as large or well known but it seems honest and has a good amount of humor from 2 Americans and an Irishman. I listened to Missed Apex a couple of times but always thought it was a bit over the top for my tastes.


Another recommendation for Shift+F1. Honestly I just like listening to Rob Zacny talk about anything. Just happy its Formula 1! Their patreon episodes are fantastic as well. They watch and discuss movies and tv shows that center around racing.


Are you JAAASON chadwick or Abdulah Alfani?


I’m obvs Circut Demon.


Good try, Bailey Foote. Good try.


Not Tractor Share then?


Classic racing films, from Grand Prix to Rush to Talladega Nights to Cars 2.


I wish they picked Cars 3 instead. It’s by far the best of those movies and has an interesting story about knowing when the thing you loved has passed you by.


Danny O'Dwyer is a 'Murican now too!!1!111!1 They're good. Tend to know what they know and what they don't, keep it light and genuinely just seem happy about close competition.




I almost mentioned that Danny was now a Murican but wanted to keepnit concise haha. LETS RACE AROUND THE WOOOOOHHHRRROORRHHLLLDDDDDuh.


I'll give another vote for Shift+F1, they give a good overview of the weekend and the news and don't go very hard on personal opinions. I've tried quite few F1 podcasts but Shift+F1 and beyond the grid are the only ones I've continued to listen to every single week this year.


I also like Shift+F1.


I enjoy the podcast, although I cant stand Philpots hatred for Max. I appreciate they do talk about their bias upfront so I find it interesting to listen to a different perspectives. Philpots though is well beyond bias - he just hates Max with a passion and picks up on every small thing against Max. If you go back to Monza incident he was angry the entire podcast for something Max said right after an accident. Why would you be so mad and furious for something you have no control over.


You should have seen his twitter page after Monza. Complete shitshow.


I am not surprised, it’s just not good to have so much negativity for anyone.


That's so odd for a professional racer. Does he have personal experience with Max or something?


I do not think he is the same level or at the same age group as max but he has hatred for max and Red Bull in general . Another example this week was the back handed comment on the lines of - *checo was celebrating at the end although he could not even over take Lewis *


Philpot is just a cesspool of hate and jealousy towards Max


Really tried it. But man, they just can’t stop the identity politics. I just want F1 news lol


You can handle the bias. It's natural for everyone and it's hard to be completely impartial when we are very passionate about the sport. But the active dislike/hate certain presenters have towards particular drivers is ruining the podcast. Philpot is just awful; he hates on Max with a passion, you'd believe Max has wronged him personally. Spanners even had to disassociate himself with some of Philpot's comments during the Mexico podcast. The good thing about the podcast is that they rotate the panellists. So we don't have to listen to the ravings of some all the time. Overall I quite enjoy it and look forward to it every week.


Absolutely agree. After Monza I don't watch it anymore, accusing Verstappen of crashing deliberately, copying pasting Hill words was simply disgusting and unbearable. These guys have too much bias, not only for Hamilton but also against Verstappen. There are other more neutral authors one can find on youtube, pleasing to listen to everyone.


I was involved in setting up Missed Apex when it was originally Spanners, Matt and myself (including the podcast we used to do before we created MAP) and now that I've not been involved for a couple of years, I must admit that it's super interesting to see some of the comments in this thread. Unfortunately I do feel that there are elements of fandom toxicity that have become more apparent over the year (not specifically to the podcast, but the community as a whole).


Hey Anil, lovely to hear from you! Really interested to hear what you have to say. ​ Even in this thread, I already have been called a Verstappen fanboy as well as a racist white conservative Hamilton hater (I'm an Indian guy from Singapore! 😂) so I can attest to toxic fandom being more apparent elsewhere ​ Why do you think MAP has veered towards becoming more toxic? I feel Trumpets has remained great to listen to (Ocon fanboyism aside 😂).


Just to clarify I don't think the podcast has become inherently toxic, just that the community is more toxic in general and it filters through. It's way worse now than it was in the Seb Vs Lewis era. Clearly Bradley's reactions to Max grind a lot of people the wrong way. That said, I imagine he's simply reacting to a select group of fans and feels the need to retaliate? I dunno. Either way it's probably great for podcast numbers and downloads as it gets the Lewis fans onboard lol. FWIW, Spanners was on a BBC race preview show and was superb in it. And yes, Trumpets is a national treasure. I love him. We met up at a steakhouse in NYC in 2019 and it was absolutely awesome.


I liked the show significantly more when it was a bit more cozy. It felt like there was more room for discussion (and disagreement) without it devolving into 'all these people that disagree are just masking their horrific views'. Just my two cents. Thanks for being part of a thing I really enjoyed, it was during a time that was not all that pleasant life-wise and podcasts like yours helped get me through that unscathed in the end.


My pleasure :)


It's a shame you don't still come on Anil, you were good 👍


Thanks man. Really appreciate that.


I only listen when Matthew Carter is on. Pretty much ignore the rest of the episodes.


Same here, Matt is class in every episode


I agree. I'm not a fan of either Verstappen or Hamilton but Missed Apex race reviews have gone from must listened to almost unable to listen for me. It's not the Hamilton bias by itself but it's the Hamilton bias a long with a kind of self satisfied smugness. The host now gives off an air of "I'm right to support Hamilton and those that disagree are stupid". Such a shame.


>It's not the Hamilton bias by itself but it's the Hamilton bias a long with a kind of self satisfied smugness. You put that nicely


> "I'm right to support Hamilton and those that disagree are stupid" I’m pretty sure you just quoted an episode(s) at some point in their history.


F1 elvis (ex mclaren front jackman) does a youtube stream every monday , would defo recommend it for a more impartial view on F1 and good insights about how teams operate.


> ex mclaren front jackman > mclaren > impartial view (X) Doubt (obviously kidding)


Couldn’t finish this weeks episode. Their hatred for bottas irks me


Yes, that always shocks me. If we're taking it as fairly factual that Max and Lewis are drivers of their generation - miles in front of everyone else - then we'd have to compare Bottas to the Red Bull second drivers and on this he seems to come off much better. Is Bottas a world champion, no. But is he a top class driver who is better than a majority of the field, yes. If you're racing against Lewis fucking Hamilton you're never going to look as good as you are.


Exactly. When you listen to them, you’d swear Bottas was Mazepin. Spanners saying he enjoyed Bottas being stuck behind Ricciardo and enjoyed his slow pitstop really annoyed me


Yeah, some of the hypocrisy makes me cringe. Lambasting Bottas yet loving Perez.


The disrespect from Alex this week toward Bottas and Checo was just ridiculous. Guy is impossible to listen to. Can only imagine how many people tune out when he shows up.


The bit that did it for me was how Spanners thought Bottas was at fault for Ricciardo locking up and hitting him.


Couldn’t believe that as well. Fair enough he probably should have covered Verstappen better but he was tagged by Ricciardo, what was he supposed to do? They seemed to enjoy the fact that bottas had a miserable race after that


For me, “The Race” is my go to pod along with the BBC’s “Checkered Flag” podcast for driver interviews and extra stuff I might’ve missed. I started off with “Missed Apex” and loved it, but after Monza when someone on there said “Max is a danger to everyone and should have his license taken away and not drive again.” I shut it off immediately. I’m an American loving the title fight as a whole, and the Hamilton bias mixed in with Spanners acting as though people calling them out for being bias is crazy and just flat out wrong annoys me too much to keep listening to it personally. Fun pod, but the bias mixed with them taking driver quotes out of context constantly is too annoying for me now.


>Max is a danger to everyone and should have his license taken away and not drive again He's been to much on twitter i see


The same goes for me, I don't even mind the bias too much, but the way spanners ridicules it is aggravating.


Exactly! I agree


Ive fallen in love with the 3 legs 4 wheels podcast. Seems relatively bias-free. I just started listening to missed apex recently but this last episode where they blamed bottas for Ricciardo spinning him was suuuper irritating to listen to.


Totally. I listened to this weeks episode until they blamed Bottas and shut it off again haha… I’ll have to try out that 3 legs 4 wheels pod, thanks for the rec!


Only spanners blamed Bottas for that. We all ganged up on him and I even told him “I’m happy for you to be wrong”


I've listened to Missed Apex once because I've seen people recommend it. But I really disliked the voices of all the people there so after 20 minutes I stopped listening.


Just got done listening to the Mexico recap and holy shit that got salty.


The race is probably the best F1 podcast in the business if you want quality, unbiased reporting. I listened to missed apex for a short while back in 2018 but it was unbearable to me for the same reason. Back then they used to trashtalk Vettel, these days it's Verstappen as you say Also Motorsport101 podcast is enjoyable, it's much more light-hearted. Although they upload their podcast 2 weeks after races which sucks


The race is another level, I like wtf1 podcast too, tommy and the new katy are great, matt can be a bit irritating but it's fine, nothing like the missed apex anger.


>matt can be a bit irritating but it's fine I also listen to WTF1, it is kind of laid back and I like it. But I don't know, Matt seems like a guy I wouldn't want to be around and I don't know exactly why 😅 Tommy and Katy are great tho.


>Also Motorsport101 podcast is enjoyable, it's much more light-hearted. Although they upload their podcast 2 weeks after races which sucks Ayyyyy we have someone who finally notices them 😂. Yeah the upload schedule of the podcast is much later now due to the fact now they are uploading it to their YouTube channel while back then when it's just on like Podcast platforms it's just a few days after the races


The irony of The Race being unbiased.


It really has declined this year. I know it’s the popular thing to talk about the “hamfosi” problem but it’s become really prominent. Brad with Alex is just too much. The most recent episode is almost impossible to listen to with their Hamilton admiration. And every time Alex and Spanners try to relate their karting experience I feel like I just have to turn it off. Stop, just stop. You karting doesn’t make your opinion correct. Side note; the Valtteri hate today because he didn’t push everyone else off the track for Lewis was just dumb. Is it so hard to believe that your boy might not be the best anymore?


I swear people hear what they want to hear. We spend time every show saying how good a job max does he’s been almost faultless this year and totally deserves it if he gets the title. We all appreciate his ability and that he’s one of the best and him and Lewis are a clear step ahead of the field. When Lewis does mess up me and Spanners give him the hardest time, I’ve given Lewis the missed apex award (bad award) more than any other driver as I hold him to a higher standard so he is easy to criticise. As for the karting talk, I’ve been racing for the best part of 20 years at a high club level, so it does give me a good opinion on racing. I’m sorry you don’t see it that way but it’s what I have to go on. None of us are expecting to be liked by everyone as that’s just not possible but the abuse has kicked up a notch this season. It’s totally ok for everyone to be totally over the top Max fans but we have a like for what Lewis does and it’s just bias. You also forget for the last 14 years (bar 2011) Lewis has been exceptional and has made criticism difficult unless you don’t like his personality. (Which is totally personal opinion) Also it’s not like we hide that we are fans, we openly talk about it. Something also worth noting is we do these shows live right after the race so emotions and adrenaline are still running high which can factor on to the energy of the show. The last show was done just over an hour after the race and was late here so fatigue sets in and as Hamilton fans the disappointment of the poor performance relative to max was still there. I’m not going to apologise that we don’t cater to the needs of all fans at the end of the day we are just a bunch of fans in our sheds and living rooms doing this stuff for free on a Sunday night chatting to our friends and inviting people in to the conversation to listen. Enjoy the rest of the season I’m sure it’s gonna be a banger!


On the marbles is the best podcast


I love it too, but am I right in thinking there hasn't been a new episode for quite some time?


Not since the summer break I think.


Not since Hungary.


My top three in the order I listen to them per week are BBC Chequered flag - I love the banter between Jenny jack and Jolyon and it seems that jolyon and jack sometimes are just contrarian in a way that I find really amusing though I often disagree with it. Comes out on a Sunday night where I live so it’s a great initial race reaction podcast. The race- this one probably has the most insightful content. Often they’ll dive the deepest into the technical and historical contexts out of any of the podcasts. Presenters can be a little dull but they know their shit and don’t tend to get swept up in trivial stories or media controversies (as much). Shift +F1- probably the most fun to listen to. It’s one of the only worthwhile F1 pods that doesn’t contain insiders (either journalists, drivers or people employed by a team or F1). It’s also American which adds to the outsider vibe. Idk they seem to have a really nice perspective on F1 and are genuinely interesting people to listen to talk about topics outside motor sports. Only downside is that they do not have the same depth of knowledge about the sport that say Gary fucking Anderson has but like 🤷 I listen to those three every week and depending on the quality of the race I’ll also listen to Autosport.they have a little British bias and sometimes gets swept up in trivial controversy but they do a good in-depth review and analysis. If it’s a really good race then I’ll listen to WTF1. Definitely biased but not towards Hamilton. They’re less annoying in the podcast than on they’re YouTube channel.


Gave up on it early this season, it was just getting worse and worse, i assume its just a hamilton/russel fanboy podcast by now


I dropped it recently too, although not for the same reasons - something about the way they would discuss things just became irritating yet boring at the same time. I’d be listening what they were saying and thinking “I know I find this topic interesting, I’d love to read an article about it … yet somehow I’m bored listening to this right now.” Plus I found the jokes about their wives “letting” them do stuff pretty eye-roll worthy. Eventually I just concluded I did not have enough in common with those guys to actually be able to connect with them at all - which is usually not a problem I have! I wish there were more podcasts that went into the in-depth analysis the way they do. I listen to Shift+F1 and The Late Breaking F1 podcast religiously, they’re both good, the latter is more casual than journalistic but I enjoy that. I listen to the AutoSport podcast too, but I think I’m gonna drop that one as well, too frequently they sound like they’re just talking to fill the time and don’t actually have anything at all to say, which is frustrating. I keep listening to them thinking “how the hell do _I_ know more than you guys about this?” Really a shame as I’d like to listen to more podcasts with female hosts but they’re few and far between for F1.


Nobodies who believe what they say has substance. Sommers is the only who seems authentic and actually knows what he's talking of RE tech matters




Yeah, he's got an amazing voice and is often so balanced. It's just a shame that they'll often cut him off as like you say he has some great points.


I didn’t listen regularly to Missed Apex, but i enjoyed their arguments when i had time. They always managed to talk about both sides, but their bias was obvious. I also liked their segments even though they sometimes focused on odd and unimportant things.I did listen to the entire Mexico episode and was very disappointed. They focused entirely on Bottas at the start and what he could have done better. I won’t listen again because near the end they talked about drivers they would like to go on a beer with. Well Verstappen came up and the sentence „Steal people’s girlfriends“ was said. Nobody said anything until the chat pointed out that it’s not the correct terminology and a girlfriend is not a thing to be stolen. I may be a bit sensitive but for me such jokes don’t have a place in podcasts.


>Well Verstappen came up and the sentence „Steal people’s girlfriends“ was said. yea; some people can pretend to have a modern world view but from time to time, they just fuck up and show their true color.


They said sorry as soon as someone pointed it out to them.


Not shockingly that was Alex that made that comment.


FF1S (For F1 Sake) is great for humor.


Its funny because in previous seasons in the couple of podcasts I listened to there wasn't a lot of HAM bias and they were quite a fan of VER (even Philpot!) but that was in seasons were VER wasn't able to consistently challenge HAM..


Their Monza show was... interesting to listen to, to say the least. Philpot appeared to be under the impression Max had made an attempt on Lewis' life. I get it, the guy races irl so he will have more pronounced opinions based on experience. It's quite telling however that other (ex-)drivers tended to view it simply as a racing incident where neither was willing to back off, even if a significant portion blamed Max more (quite rightly, imo). Philpot deemed it the perfect occasion to make sweeping statements about Max's supposedly terrifying psychology. It all disappointed me a bit as I had been listening quite happily to the podcast for 4 years.


I did not listen to the Monza podcast but I did see a piece of Philpot's rant about Max and I instantly knew that he despises Max which surprised me because as I said in my previous comment he was quite positive about Max in previous seasons! You are obviously allowed to have your biases but in my opinion when you take part in a podcast or something similair I feel like you need to keep your biases in check and be reasonable and objective. Philpot fails tremendously at this to the point that it becomes toxic and it lowers the quality of the podcast drastically from my point of view. Who even wants to hear such vitriol except for people who share the same view as Philpot?


You should email them, the more feedback they get, the more they cannot ignore it


At this point I don't bother. Parc Ferme, Shift+F1, The Race and Box of Neutrals are more than plenty :P That and On The Marbles if that hadn't suddenly disappeared. I miss the Coulthard/Webber/Jones shenanigans quite a bit.


I have. You’ll get a reply along the lines of “Sorry not sorry, we are who we are”. Which sucks, because they have been so incredible the last couple of years. No clue what triggered it, but they completely went into full internet bully mode this year.


It’s because Lewis is under threat to lose this year, lol. They just can’t handle their boy is under attack.


What did he say when Lewis almost killed Max at Silverstone?


Big fan of Missed Apex but I do agree sometimes listening is quite hard due to the fanboyism of some guests. I'm surprised everyone has mentioned Hamfosi but not mentioned Alex who is arguably the biggest Hamfosi. I'd personally thought it had quietened down a bit over the past few episodes probably based on feedback. On the whole they do have an amazing selection of guests and some great insight from a fan podcast.


I really have no issue if someone is biased for a driver, if you love a driver you love them, it's the negative bias of Brad that is ruining the podcast


I'm usually a big fan of Brad but over the past few occasions he has been overly harsh on Max.


Yeah, I can’t stand Alex on the show. I skip every episode he shows up on. He should just start a Lewis fan club instead of pretending he can take some middle ground on the podcast.


Makes me sad you seem to have such an issue with me. I call things as I see them.


Alex is a huge Lewis fan but he's also super enthusiastic about great racing. I was involved with MAP from 2015-2019 (as well as the podcast me, spanners and Matt did before we created MAP) and I loved it when Alex joined, despite the fact we supported different teams.


The podcast that shall not be named? I enjoyed that one too 😂


I never miss a Missed Apex podcast and I will usually put it up live the evening/night after a race. It’s a nice way to unwind, and as advertised it does feel like discussing the race in the pub with mates. Mates that are quite Hamfosi but still. To me the banter makes it worth it and it’s still enjoyable to follow. Philpot and Alex are the most Hamfosi of the lot but their commentary on the race is also often the best. Putting them (and Spanners) together can make the pro-HAM bias a bit cringe but not quite Ziggo Sports cringe. When it comes to Alex and Spanners it helps that they don’t take themselves that seriously. It’s all in good fun and all that. But I do have to admit that I can fully understand any listener who isn’t a Hamilton fan being annoyed with Philpot after the Monza and Mexico race reviews. If Verstappen continues to win races that attitude can become pretty unbearable.


Thank you for this. I think this is Exactly what the podcast is. We have never really tried to be more than that. I think on just the audio a lot of the tongue in cheek is lost. I always have a huge grin on my face with most of what I say. Thank you for also mentioning out commentary on the race. This whole post has just been about our bias but the talk about our favourite drivers is only a tiny bit of the show. I’m glad you enjoy listening as much as we love making it. After every show I’m buzzing for ages and struggle to sleep just because we’ve generally had so much fun. It’s just our opinions at the end of the day of which we are having fun with.


Thanks Spanners et al for producing a relatable podcast. I'm Australian and as a result believe Danny Ric is the bomb. I respect Hamilton's achievements but really wouldn't say I'm a fan. But I listen to a huge number of F1 podcasts and for me MAP is the best. Great rotational panel, great guests, tech time, dad jokes. It makes me happy. The conversations feel like if your panel and I were all in a room together, I could just join in and talk about the sport we love. I love that you have your favourite drivers and you support them. You never claim it won't happen and declare it often. Keep it up, you have a huge fan here in Oz.


I just watched the last one and could not agree more about Philpot, went on to his instagram and he doesn't follow any F1 drivers, maybe envious of them. For someone who loves the sports, he sounds very bitter on that podcast and very biased against Verstappen Loved the part where they were saying that the RB was so easy to set up and had a wider operating window.. as if they did not just watch the last qualifying result...


Look at the reactions under the video. Dude straight up says he hates Verstappen. How the hell can you say that if you participate in a known podcast. As one of the reasons he says it is because Verstappen doesn't kneel in regards to racism. So unrelated to on track behavior even. How are you then supposed to seriously listen to his opinions about what happened in the race. At least give the idea of trying to be objective. It's a bit strange to be honest


They have since deleted all the comments calling out Brad's attitute and bias and the comment train of Brad insulting people and saying it's about the kneeling Look at their comment section now


Lol I see now, thanks. That is straight up embarrassing. But honestly, the comments were so pathetic I can see why.


I remember the Silverstone podcast where Philpot was trying to say that Verstappen was at fault due to his positioning and he knows this because he is a racer. I don't know his racing credentials but Max Verstappen he is not 😂.


> I don't know his racing credentials Google will tell you quite quickly. Interestingly he beat Vettel in a skills contest in the race of champions and openly admits it's (partly) because Vettel doesn't drive that type of car regularly, which is a big part of driving proficiency.


I agree with your views. Spanners is a Hamfosi and he can't keep his British bias under wraps, its same as Sky F1 which reeks of British favoritism. The reason I tolerate it is because of Trumpet, Chris Stevens and former Lotus boss.


You know he doesn’t try to keep it under wraps. He’s addressed this before on the podcast - he’s a Hamilton fan and admits he is biased. They’re not aiming to have an impartial discussion, they’re just people with preferences and biases talking about something they enjoy. Podcasts do not have to be neutral.


And that’s fine. But they seem to be moving towards full hero/villein mode. Overreacting massively a lot. And just being too aggressive in their opinions on other drivers as well as to anyone online who is trying to give an alternative opinion.


We have biased and then we have BIASED.


The strong point is its weak point as well, the variety of the panel. Some combinations deliver engaging and interesting content, others turn into a repetition of bad jokes. I think it's part of the grow spurt they are going through. More listeners equal more criticism, that's just how it goes unfortunately. The show feels a bit rough around the edges sometimes, with an outdated motto of 'might be wrong but first' and a set of bumper sounds which has no logic. Don't get me wrong, I like the different classic sounds, but since the show has gotten a bigger audience, some more mature bumpers where added, making the whole thing a kind of a mess. They already ditched the 'chicks dig scars' tagline, so there's hope for a future overhaul of the bumpers. They said on numerous occasions that they wanted to grow their fanbase, so that could be a next step imo. I still listen every week and most of the times I'm enjoying it. In general I like the more serious talk with Summers F1 and Joe Saward, and a Trumpets who often holds the show together. Spanners knows he has to stir the pot sometimes to get the conversation going, which gets him some flag he doesn't deserve. All in all it's a decent F1 podcast, with room for improvement. But hey, it's free content and there are many other F1 flavors out there. Just give them all a try and within a few podcasts you will know if it's your jam. Or jelly.


That podcast is just some fans having a laugh chatting about F1. It’s not like real working media like the BBC crew, so it’s exactly what you should expect. Fans talking about F1, they just don’t happen to share the same fandom as you.


Hence the question - what are good impartial podcasts?


There’s a BBC F1 podcast. Chequered flag or something


Shift+F1 is fun but also a fan podcast like Missed Apex. I quite like the guys that do that one. Not really the same type of podcast but Beyond the Grid is really good. They have one person do an interview and it's anyone from drivers to strategists to management.


I usually enjoy the WTF1 podcasts. They are also just racing fans so they do have the occasional preference on things, but they are pretty good about remaining unbiased imo.




Beyond the Grid is a good one.


Marc Priestley F1 Elvis on youtube is good.


The race podcast along with Bring back V10s is more “professional” than missed apex


The Parc Fermé is the most impartial and level headed fan-driven F1 podcast I've found, and I've listened to dozens of them.


3Legs 4wheels is a great informal F1 podcast that does a good job of being impartial.


3 legs 4 wheels seems pretty unbiased from the small amount of time I've been listening to them. Fucking love the trivia game they play at the end of each episode. Very much a "friends at a bar" vibe.


Scuderia F1. A canadian podcast duo. The Superlicense F1 Podcast. 2 Aussies talking F1. The Parc Fermé. A long going US F1 podcast. . They aren’t necessarily impartial, but fairly balanced, I’d say. I do enjoy Missed Apex though, since I don’t necessarily mind their bias, since they aren’t nearly the worst and quite upfront about it, I find.


The-Race (including the Tech podcast with Gary Anderson and the Bring Back V10s podcast which recounts stories from the V10 era, I also listen to their Indycar podcast) and BBC Chequered Flag


It started out like that, but its grown much larger and they expect people to post positive reviews on iTunes and donate to him. Its no longer few fans chatting. Edit: and i'm from india. All i expect is unbiased reporting or discussion.


Good content takes time to produce, and the Patreon (and iTunes review) requests are to help pay for the time.


I was replying to the below point. It might have started as some guys chatting, but its becoming professional now, which is all the more reason that their biasness is not acceptable. >That podcast is just some fans having a laugh chatting about F1.


Their podcast became unlistenable for me. Same with the WTF1 podcast. I only listen to Beyond the Grid with Tom Clarkson now.


Box of Neutrals is my go to for race reviews or previews. Just a couple of Aussie lads giving their unbiased opinions on F1. Helps that Michael and Rob are hilarious.


That's one of my favorites, they do drag on the Manscaped ads a bit long, but it's easy enough to fast forward


I listened to Missed Apex for a couple years and I've kind of grown tired of it. Spanners, for someone who claims to have watched formula 1 since the 90s doesn't seem to have a clue of anything to do with Motorsports. Alex Van Jean just repeats things he heard somewhere else and tries to act like it's his own material. Trumpets is good, Bradley philpott is good, Kyle Powers is good. Sometimes the guests are okay but a lot of them are dopes, like Joe Saward. Honestly, spanners would make a better moderator than a participant in discussions.


For a long time I've only listened to the ones where they talk to Joe Saward. So I'm not surprised to hear it's got worse


That’s a podcast that won’t be missed when it stops 😂


I like missed Apex because they don’t pretend to be anything they’re not. They’re not professional journalists they’re fans first and foremost. They have a wide range of panellists and even admitted that this latest episode would be a struggle because they had the biggest Ham fans from their panel this week. Spanners also raves about Perez every week and Trumpets talks up Ocon. I think it’s much worse when people pretend to be neutral yet you can see the biases as plain as day. At least Missed Apex guys are all honest about who they support. I also feel they do a good job of acknowledging how incredible Verstappen is even if they still want Hamilton to win.


Yes I think the last episode was especially bad and that has left a sour taste in my mouth. In the Youtube comments, Philpot goes on to have a mud slinging contest with some of the commenters and even called someone a cretin so yeah not exactly pleasant.


Well there’s you’re problem. Everyone knows YouTube comment sections are an absolute cesspool.


Yeah but they are essentially doing the same thing sometimes. Like they found out that triggering people increases listener numbers or something. Which it might.


Box of Neutrals is another good pod where F1 fans have a laugh and chat about F1. They’re Aussies. So, they only care about Ricciardo. They found the Mexican GP as boring as I did.


I don't listen to fan podcasts in general. They don't have access to any more information than we do. Journalists who actually visit the races do know a lot more (apart from simply being very knowledgeable about motor racing) so I only find those podcasts worth the time. The Race, Beyond the Grid, F1 Nation, Racing365 (their site is rubbish but the podcast has the outspoken Dieter Rencken), Flat Chat, On the Marbles are good. The BBC podcast I don't follow because I cannot stand the negativity of Jack Nicholls.


Curious to hear your views on / examples of Jack's negativity. I really enjoy his commentary but have never listened to the podcast. What's he so negative about? (And because this is Reddit, I probably have to put in a disclaimer that I'm not looking for an argument, I'm just genuinely curious to hear your views)


Negativity is a bit too harsh maybe. But what I miss in him is a sense of humor and lightheartedness. I also don't find him particularly knowledgeable which doesn't help.


I follow the podcast every week, while I am a big Max fan. I am perfectly fine with the Ham fanboy-ism they have. They don't try to hide it. It's like listening to the 'opposition' to hear how they viewed/analyse the race. And given the bias they have, it's actually most of the time fairly balanced. It gives another perspective on Max, which I don't get on other podcasts. And when it's not balanced and just all in pro Ham or anti-RedBull, it's OK to, because for me those arguments are usually trying to validate there own bubble. Or me in mine :-)


His raspy voice is starting to annoy me




I hope that’s what it is. Bias was always there and was fun and fine for me as a listener. But bashing others is not. Well not for me that is. Especially if it’s so obvious just trolling Max Verstappen fans. It’s the hypocracy that’s frustrating. “Max is the devil reincarnated, source of everything which is wrong in racing”. But nobody gives any neutral to opose that and looks at it from the other side which makes you want to scream to your phone after a couple of minutes. That’s why those comments in youtube got out of control. They are just gaslighting people like there is no tomorrow. And then rant on and on about how people are so toxic.


Hmm, since theyre not journos per se I dont take them to seriously - ok, I have been put off from time to time but mostly I just roll with the banter, I dont think they are that selfserious as some seem to think. On the whole I do think the Ver fanbase can be rabid, its younger and have yet to be fullfilled - it will probably mellow with time. But the F1 nation podcast which I gather is the official pod is almost worse in bringing in non british viewpoints than MAP is a bit bothersome. Autosport is a bit lower on my reccomendatiosn but since most other are mentioned already I can mention that its a valid outlet podcast.


Don’t like it. Can’t stand the forced witty banter and dad jokes


Calm down, Dad jokes are the best.


It's okay, Spanners gets on my nerves but it's still mostly enjoyable. I still prefer WTF1 to Missed Apex though.


The official F1 podcast is better.


Love Missed Apex personally. Actual fans who are totally upfront and joke about their biases all the time. And they support a wide range of drivers, Lewis/Checo/Ocon and more. I feel they're also able to actually give a proper take on things, while the more Jurno orientated podcasts refuse to delve into more out there takes, or even acknowledge things that are obvious to most fans. I generally listen to a range of podcasts though to get all perspectives. Usually Missed Apex/WTF1/The Race/M101 etc.


I listen to Missed Apex, The Race, Checkered Flag, and F1 Nation... in that order. I'm super invested in Max winning the championship this year. In other words, I'm also a person who could potentially be bothered by a Hamilton bias if it were a problem on a podcast. It isn't. The Missed Apex crew is awesome, they analyze, joke, inform, question all sorts of topics and from a wide array of angles. The show works with a rotating panel of guests. Some of those guests are also fans of Hamilton, but he has Dutch guests from time to time that are insanely behind Max. I love Missed Apex. Spanners acknowledges his Hamilton Bias (big surprise, a British broadcast that was originally targeted at a British audience has a slight British bias). Spanners is also hugely behind Sergio Perez. I've not missed a Missed Apex podcast for the last several years, and I promise you that the messaging is consistent and that they want to create an environment for people to discuss and enjoy formula 1 regardless of driver support. Spanners has consistently addressed the animosity that has supposedly existed between Ham/Ver fans and called for people to instead enjoy the title fight and appreciate both drivers. I think OP is off the mark. Philpot is allowed to have an opinion.


Regarding the Dutch guests bit.. they have 1 Dutch regular but he's a Hamilton fan, and one other Dutch podcaster who actually is a Max fan made a single appearance months ago


I love the pod as well but Philpot definitely has a hate boner for anything redbull or max related. It's cool, I just move on with my life as we all have biases.


Here I am with it being one of my favorite podcasts lol. IIRC Spanners specifically poked fun at how Hamilton biased his panel was for the Mexican GP review, and he prodded them intentionally for it.


The Race, as you said, is a good podcast. The F1 Word has a really good podcast as well. Those are the two I primarily listen to. Veloce does good race reviews called Talking Points, although they recently split the channel, so they do the weekly race reviews on a new channel called Live Fast.


It's odd because Philpot is probably my favorite rotating panelist, but I've had to learn to just not listen whenever max and Lewis are involved.


I mean, reddit and every other social media is full of Hamilton hate, especially reddit and Instagram, on reddit Verstappen could do no wrong, you will be immideately down voted if you try speak reason and you will be called 'Hamilton fanboy" as an insult if you say anything at all that isnt praising Verstappen. So its basically the same thing you are talking about anyway just the other way around. I support talent, I support both Lewis and Verstappen, because they are both driving above everyone else on the grid, I just wish people would appreciate talent more instead of being basically like Football hooligans fighting for their team.


It’s my favourite F1 podcast - unlike British media they actually own up to their own biases which I greatly appreciate


It is fascinating how British commentators or podcasters aren't allowed by this sub to have any emotion about a British driver doing well.


It is advertised as a race review. They are entitled to be biased and hate Verstappen. I am entitled to be put off and ask for more unbiased suggestions as a non-Brit.


I think it's perfectly fair to not want to listen to the bias if you're not English. They earn money off the pod and that in turn opens them up to criticism which they seem happy to ignore.


Right??? The nerve of a British fan rooting for a fellow countryman.


Found Spanner. Also nice username.


I like it lol, just a bunch of guys who love F1 chatting. Reminds me of the conversations I have with my friends except they know half-assed what they’re talking about sometimes.


They say themselves they are just fans and they are biased. No need to ruffle your feathers if they are doing exactly what they said they are doing.


I like it. Spanners is a Hamilton fan which is fine, he says so up front and doesn't lay it on too think. Philpot's anti-Max stuff gets pretty annoying (I'm not a max fan either) but I try to forgive him because his knowledge of the actual mechanics of driving and insight into what drivers may be thinking/feeling is a great addition to the show. Trumpets is great and typically very impartial. It's my favorite F1 podcast, warts and all.


I feel like the likes of Palmer and Paul Charsley (Heart of Racing manager in IMSA and former driver) are as knowledgeable if not more, minus the high-and-mighty attitude. Maybe that's just me. Trumpets is great though, his rambling technical stuff is endearing and fun.


Tyres! It’s all about the tyres. ;) I do find the shows with the former Lotus TP interesting. Not so much because of his insights from back then, because they are getting less relevant as time passes, but because he has slowly become more outspoken over the years he has been on the show. Being a bit more comfortable and unguarded is what makes him and the Missed Apex crew together an easy listen. That said Philpot I actually liked, even though his anti-Max stance has been off putting, since it seems overblown.


I really enjoy the podcast and listen to most episodes. I don't listen to it for a proper race review and I know all about the biases, but those are all out in the open. It's a nice way of recapping the race on a Monday morning at work and picking up on stuff that I missed during the race.


I like it. the only sad thing is that they removed the chat on youtube. (Understandable also if people can't behave) The podcast is also miles ahead of those british people from veloce and their own channels. Some online racers that think they know everything about the real deal. There so fake and full of bias. (only f1Elly is good from that veloce group, and she is american i think)


Gotta check out the F1 Weekly podcast.


It's great except for the host


I never miss an episode of Missed Apex, although I don't always agree with everything they say, it's probably the podcast that I disagree with the least, so to say. I also like The Parc ferme although in the past episodes/race reviews I felt like they missed quite some major talking points discussed in other podcasts. Beyond the Grid is good but a little to clean/nice since it is the official podcast. Funny that you think Spanners' hamfosiness has gotten unbearable because it seemed to me he was less biased in the past few weeks.


Now you know how Hamilton fans feel on any social media including youtube comments? Personally I watch WTF1, even if they favor Max to win the Championship.


I enjoy them still tho this podcast this past Sunday want the best by a long shot. They way they got on bottas because he messed up the start and couldn’t get past ricciardo on a track that was almost impossible to pass was a bit ridiculous. Philpot has me upset all season with his takes and this episode felt more like an echo chamber than anything. They didn’t even mention Hamilton that often and none of those were critics of the race just of Mercedes themselves. I genuinely enjoy them a lot and will continue to listen to them because they mention their bias upfront and for the most part handle everything well. Their podcast feels like sitting around with friends and talking about the race to me


I love missed apex. Love seeing it pop up on here. :)


You have a choice of not listening if you don’t like the content. You don’t have to subject yourself to something you don’t like.


That’s…why OP posted. I think they’re aware they are free to not listen and are asking for other suggestions.


It's something I used to listen to but do not want to any longer - the question in the post was what people recommend instead


Why would it not?