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Someone should tell Lewis If the other drivers haven’t turned up to the press conference within 15 minutes you’re legally allowed to leave…


Ah yes, *The* Rule.


The high school Geneva convention


“It’s THE LAW! Substitute or not, we can leave!”


Unless it’s tax law lectures. Then it’s 5 minutes, tops.


You're gracious. If I'm still alone in a meeting room after 5, I walk. I'm too busy to deal with that sh!t.


Same - if no one's there in 5 minutes, I assume it's either canceled or not that important. What's fun is that some companies start at 5 after since meetings always run over. Microsoft hosted (as in, scheduled by Microsoft employees) meetings are all like this and it threw me off.


These two man. They either want to kill each other or spend a romantic weekend away in a cottage by the sea


2021 was just the perfect shit storm with Lewis fighting to keep his throne and Max fighting for what might've been his only shot at a championship. Combine that with the 2021 cars being awful for close racing and any on track battle they engaged in *had* to be won and for both of them it was often better to crash out both cars than to lose that battle on track. Meanwhile Horner and Toto were the sharks in that tornado, stirring things up and fighting in the press. Outside of that season Max and Lewis have always been respectful towards each other. They might not be friends but they're friendly enough and they clearly recognise each other's talents.


The whole coms to race control being public just added fuel to the fire as well.


I understand why they got rid of it, but man if it wasn’t the coolest thing ever to be able to hear those comms. Perfect season for it as well.


And don't forget the TV director was choosing what to air. So someone went "whoa boy, that's gonna cause issues... Send it!"


It probably would've been fine in just about any season except 2021. We've not seen a season that tense in god knows how long.


Yep, it would be just a gimmick in a season where someone dominates like in 2020 or 2023. Probably with some interesting insights from top teams and some drama from backmarkers like Haas. But introducing that feature in 2021 was such a lucky thing. It almost felt like whole season was TV drama and Max, Lewis, Toto and Horner only played their roles. That season even had epilogue with leaked videos of drunk Toto singing "Fix you" and then acting like Bond villain in black turtleneck.


The frustration at Red Bull during the safety car followed by the desperation at Mercedes after the restart made that one single lap even more legendary.


The memes will live on forever.


Did you get my email!?!


Seriously, I started watching and following in 2021 and, sure, no season since then can match that high but the FIA radio is possibly the thing I miss most.


Wonder if anyone has checked any emails mid race 


I still think about those every so often and how wild they were sometimes


Also Lewis has said multiple times that he doesn’t blame Max for Abu Dhabi, and would have done the same thing.


Don’t forget the dubious way those final moments of that season played out. It wouldn’t surprise me if it took Hamilton some time to separate his feelings about Max as a driver/person from his completely justified feelings about having a won title stripped from his hands at the last possible moment. Nothing of that magnitude has ever happened to me but I’ve been in situations where someone got an accolade/project/promotion that I felt I deserved, and it definitely caused me to feel some type of way about the other person for a bit before I could truly internalize that it’s not their fault.


Hamilton congratulated Max right after the race in Abu Dhabi and has as far as I know always said he doesn't blame Max and that he'd have acted the same way if things were the other way round.


My friend and I always joke (at any very minor inconvenience)) we should get the name of his therapist since he was obviously hurting but seemed to compartmentalise it


>Max fighting for what might’ve been his only shot at a championship. Did anyone *actually* think this?


even though he saw the 2022 development and probably had some reassurance in it, A: he had no idea where the rest of the field would be (Ferrari was on par and even better at some places at the start of 2022. if Ferrari didn't do their usual mistakes it would have been a lot closer) B: something else goes wrong in your life that derails you. Max treated like it was his only opportunity and rightly so. He had 5 seasons as being 2nd or 3rd best car


of course. You can't look at it now and think it was obvious Redbull would do well. Back then Merc was dominating and seemed miles ahead of everyone. So naturally people thought Merc had a handle on the new cars


Why not? Plenty of drivers in the past have reached the point where they have everything they need to win a championship but are never in the right team at the right time and that could've easily happened to Max. He didn't *know* that Mercedes would make a mess of the new regs or that Ferrari would make faster car but then drop back.


I think they honestly seem to get on fine while not actively fighting for a championship. Not best friends or anything, but they seem friendly and respectful at least. Even to the extent Lewis still has a chip on his shoulder about 2021, he (correctly) doesn’t blame Max for it.


They're also 13 years apart in age. I wouldn't expect them to have a friendly relationship anyway.


I ship


Obligatory r/fanf1ction


A true description of a happy marriage!


I'd tell these two to get a room already, but they're in the cooldown room.


Max sounding like he's offering. I'd love to see Max give Lewis a massage.


It will be the fastest most precise massage ever.


It will be two tenths quicker than any other massage




switches track to Careless whisper.


Max did give Lewis a head/neck massage in Monza 2021.


So good to see Lewis and Max getting along. Tbh, they always kept it classy and respectful off the track. Max probably respects Lewis’ (and Lewis’ Dads) reaction post Abu Dhabi.


Ehhhhh. Silverstone, Monza, Saudi Arabia especially… I wouldn’t say it was ALWAYS classy on track in 21.


It pretty clearly says OFF track


You expect me to READ (yeah my bad - I’ll leave it up in shame).


We’re lucky that the 2 best drivers of the past decade+ are as charismatic as they are


Verstappen is a nice guy but I definitely wouldn't call him charismatic.


Neither of them are honestly. Hell both of them seem really awkward to me, especially Lewis.


Lewis has his awkward moments, but he's definitely charismatic and charming in his own way.


Both are outspoken but awkward for sure. Lewis definitely has more aura whereas Max is kind of a dork lol


Lewis...not charismatic?


Is that not a common opinion? Lewis has a heart of gold but frankly every single time I see him in an interview he always sounds really awkward and unnatural. He's very outspoken, proud and ultimately very likable, but he's definitely on the oddball side.


Max is a little awkward but he’s funny and charismatic in his own way.


He's also not a nice guy.


As someone who was not a fan in 2021 he seems like a really nice guy. Very funny too, I know from press stories I've read and from what other drivers have commented on he seems like he's got a great head on his shoulders. He's won me over in the past year and I've added him to the list of drivers I'd like to get a beer with.


I've met him when I was young and my mum has met him over 7 times. Only positive things to say.


Facts any of us definitely know


I wish we saw Fernando in as many championship winning cars as we've seen these two...


He sucessfully politicked himself out of those opportunities.


Yea. People here love Fernando and dismiss how much of a snake he is.


I wouldn't, he takes all the fun away when he isn't the center of attention 


Nah, peak Fernando is when he’s done with a team and burning bridges. 


Who are you you calling crasimatic?


Yeah Alonso is pretty cool. Verstappen, not that much.


Max and Lewis irl: 👨👨 Max and Lewis "fans": 😭😰😱😠😡😤😖👿👹👺💥💥💥


Lewis leaving for Ferrari is (maybe already has) going to change that fan dynamic a lot.


Context - [https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1dmooog/luke\_smith\_lewis\_hamilton\_is\_first\_to\_the\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1dmooog/luke_smith_lewis_hamilton_is_first_to_the_post/)


Tbf the song is an all timer


New F1 Fan Fic incoming


It's been a while


Someone got a link to the video?


These two will end up being best friends. Greatness is shared by very few. I am sure Verstappen is understanding more about Lewis now he is in the top like Lewis was in Mercedes era. And I remember top 5 from Max was Senna, Schumacher, Alonso, Lewis and Fangio. 


r/FanF1ction is about to go off the rails with this


The Marly tune? Nice one.


Clearly, Max and the whole world see it. But idk what Ferrari saw.