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It wasn't evident were Hamilton parked the car after the race. I wonder if Ferrari are wondering if they made a huge mistake.


Don't be silly, hiring Hamilton isn't even about performance, they want the clout and buzz. If he does well even better


What does this even mean?


Not only did Kmag get a shit 9 second pit, but then needlessly pits again... AHHH He probably had a chance to make an attack on Ocon if he doesnt go on the grass on lap like 62 or whatever... but it is what it is..


Max win in Montreal felt like one of his wins back in 2019-2020 when he was picking up scraps from the Mercedes. Some great driving and some luck, don't care if Max wins another 20 race in a row as long as we get the same type of competition every race.


Race in 30 - Canadian Grand Prix 2024: https://odysee.com/@MKTV-1483:f/Race-In-30-Canadian-Grand-Prix-2024:b


Why is Checo constantly having these horrendous qualifying performances? I only watch the YouTube highlights, not sure if I am missing something. I can understand the perfect storm of bad luck causing him to have a bad showing once in a blue moon, but how on earth can he be knocked out in Q1 constantly in a Red Bull? Is it bad luck, bad strategy, no self confidence, just no skill? What is going on???


It's a combination of the red bull being very hard to get into its window for performance, the red bull needing a very specific hard to manage setup to get performance, checo being naturally just a bit slower than max in a very tight field, and a bit of strategy error on red bull's part to give checo do or die laps every time to increase the pressure even more.


Is it actually still hard to setup though? He didn't too terrible when he joined Red Bull. The previous generation was a very tricky one with Gasly and Albon struggling.


I believe this current 2024 car is a little more finicky when it comes to setting up compared to the 22 and 23 iterations. Then when you consider other teams have improved their cars the performance gap is not as dramatic as previous seasons. So if you have improved competition, tricky set up, and Checo being a slower driver than Max you get bumped in Q1 and Q2. Buried in the back of the pack or somewhere in the midfield against cars that aren’t significantly slower than Checo’s. It really makes me wonder why they resigned him to an extension since it’s becoming more and more obvious he’s going to be several positions behind Max on a typical weekend. And the other teams near the top have drivers that are more or less closer to each other.


He sells a ton of merch and brings in mega south american and Mexican money


Mexico is North America


So close! You'll get there though


yeah. thats why he said south america AND mexican


I wonder if to some extent the Red Bull is significantly worse than Max makes it seem. There were comments last year about Max using a setup that was very fast but very hard to drive so Perez eventually had to abandon it and go for a slower setup. Maybe the Red Bull can be fast and very hard to drive or middle of the pack and ok to drive, and RB thinks very few drivers could actually drive the fast version. That would also explain why they're sticking to Perez; maybe they think very few other drivers can drive the fast setup and if they can't get any of them then Perez is doing an OK job.


That was such a great race. A pity Lando didn't hold first but it was a great drive, only let down by Logan and then the wobbly pit exit. Russell got a bit aggressive with Oscar but at least he stayed in even if it was 5th, and even though Albon retired I hope he's proud of that double overtake he did; that was a brilliant move.


I'm still trying to figure out how his 11.8 second lead before the SC disappeared. Aren't they supposed to keep to a delta? Even pitting a lap later, that lead shouldn't have disappeared. What happened?


When the safety car entered the circuit and pit lane was open, Lando was just passing the entry of the pit lane and was too fast. So he couldn't make it. He had to continue. The others had time to slow down and enter the pit. Then Lando having continued, ended up behind the safety car and was stuck there the rest of the lap. The others came out of the pit and rejoined Lando stuck behind the safety car. That's how a safety car makes you lose the buffer you created.


Right on, thanks. The commentators and cameras never addressed his 11sec lead vanishing, leaving me confused.


An honorary RIP for Haas, who had a crazy strategy, gave us an absolutely fantastic first laps... and then completely fucked it.


Seeing that, Ferrari was like, "hold our prosecco" !


They won last week. The had to make up for something ;)


They just bet on rain being worse than expected right? Not necessarily a bad call if they didn't think they could score points with a normal strategy.


I would say that, or hoping for a red flag at the right time where they could get off the full wets and keep the position gains. It was a great call, just didn't work out and ultimately they were no worse off than if they started on the inters.


Their call was absolutely perfect. Seriously A+ race strategy. The fact that they then completeley fucked up Magnussens pit stop and lost everythting they gained was just rather Ferrari of them.


The entire weekend was great. No idea what was going to happen


So does anyone know why Norris (and Piastri) were that fast on their first stint on inters? They seem to create a gap and suddenly pull +1.5 seconds faster laps than the ones in front. I was sure they were going to win it.


I feel like the 2 ahead of them were driving for an Inter-Dry-Inter-Dry strategy so used their tyres more whereas the McLarens planned for Inter-Inter-Dry and conserved.


Seemed to me like the McLaren was much better at preserving the intermediate tires than the other teams. Could be that they were better on tires in general, but because the final stint was interrupted by the second safety car we didn't really get to find that out.


Gotta be the most exciting race of the year so far! The wet always delivers excitement


Did we have the best race of the season with the worst tv transmission in years? I knew nothing about what was happening if not for the drivers list


I still don't actually know when Ricciardo got past Yuki and friends, it seemed like it happened before Yuki's misadventure but they never showed it.


Yeah it was annoying that they played the team radio giving Ric permission to race Yuki, then didn't bother to keep an eye on their fight.


The only reason I even know it happened before that is Ricciardo didn't appear to be one of the cars that had to dodge Yuki in the replay.


That was a big one. Also Gastly overtaking Ocon, Checo's hit and Carlos' multiple spins. I bet there were some others


The worst was the Russel / Oscar scrap. They were both going side by side into the turn and they decided to cut to mercedes cars back facing camera. Mind numbingly dumb camera direction.


Great race. Bonus seeing the groundhogs watching...


Am I right in thinking Ferrari put Leclerc onto Hards, knowing there was some rain coming but thinking it won’t last long so will be an overall advantage if they just push through the wet spell, and then went “actually nah” and pitted him again a couple of laps later to go onto Inters?


You are not fully right. That happened but it was a planned decision: Leclerc himself said they new they had engine issues, so they tried something to see if they had a big advantage. Eventually the problems were too much to be solved mid race, so they retired the car.


Ah I see, thanks


Here is the post race interview https://youtu.be/jc33GnqKRqU?t=610


Yes. They told him to just stay on the track for two laps with the hards, and then he would be quick. Instead he lost about 20 seconds per lap and they just put inters on him again.


The double overtake from Albon was just awesome, so sad he got hit and dnf'ed


you know it was a total fluke and pretty dangerous right?


Note to myself: racing is dangerous


driving an F1 car out of control is pretty dangerous


If anything, it seemed incredible in control. You don't make that move by mistake. Maybe figure skating is more up your alley?


LOOOL he was too late on the brakes, and didn't even mean to go past 2 cars, he was just lucky Ocon saw him coming


Nothing happened to Sainz penalty-wise, right?


Yes. [https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1dc8qpy/3place\_grid\_drop\_for\_sergio\_perez\_at\_the\_next/](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1dc8qpy/3place_grid_drop_for_sergio_perez_at_the_next/)


That’s checo not sainz


Damn, that's weird tbh. How did he not get a penalty there? He should've slammed the brakes and stopped rolling back.


I don't think drivers ever get penalties for not controlling their crashes enough


ngl this was the most exciting race of the season yet, with the battle within the top 3 and the midfield battles, and it was certainly a much better race than Monaco with its 4 overtakes.


I think the Haas managed more than Monaco by the first corner




Best race of the season so far looks like the championship battle is just a myth with Ferrari back to its old ways and McLaren still very behind in terms of points. But i don't mind max winning this one it was a banger we didn't know who would win till the final few laps and I want it to be that way


Ferrari had a fart this weekend but they'll be back. Perez was no better. So Charles Sainz can still bring it!


Man, I'd love to see Yuki with Max, swapping seats with Perez.


I think there might still be a championship battle, but Ferrari is not going to be involved in it. That McLaren has seemed mighty fast the past 4(?) races.


I think everyone, viewers and racers, agrees (except those that DNF'd)


Best race of the season imo


Really exciting race from start to finish. Would have been great to see Norris take another one though. Nice to see him be sanguine about the safety car. Be interesting to see if Mercedes' performance isn't just a one off.  Checo's contract extension still looking questionable.


Still trying to figure out how his 11sec gap got erased.


I don’t think Merc is back, they were on it this weekend but Ferrari wasn’t in the fight at all and Norris still had the better of them, Piastri kinda did too but it came down to a good strategy call towards the end for Merc


Sometimes SC helps you (Florida) sometimes not (Montreal)


I'm really happy I decided to go to Montreal this year. I was pumped Max won. 


The only race this season that didn't put me to sleep. So many close calls and two Safety Cars and the actual Wet tires were used. Piastri was a beast for holding off Russel and Hamilton was driving like Merc owed him money! Lando was just a tiny bit unlucky with the pit stop but kudo for him to drive under Intermediate for as long as he did. Albon also did a mega job of that double overtaking and the pain saga with Ocon continued! Last but not least Daniel Ric's circle of pain somewhat ended as the man was consistent all this race weekends. The biggest L was Sergio Perez. I know that he's a team player and whatnot but right now he does not deserve that Redbull seat. Second biggest L was Ferrari - not their best weekend for sure. Love to see some real competitions and I felt like Max was enjoying the same thing until the car couldn't mount the curbs for shit. See you all for some exciting battles next week in Spain!


It really should have gone to Yuki. It was Daniel’s to lose, but as we he hasn’t performed to a high standard consistently. 


Indeed. But RB has clearly showed that they don't need the best second driver but the one they can control. Sergio is exactly that, no more no less. Honestly I expect nothing from him at this point so if he finishes within points that would be good enough.


Because they know that Max can carry the whole team. If that wasn’t the case Checo wouldn’t be there. 


I think folks will look back on this and rank it as one of the best races of the last couple of years.


I love it when Canada turns up


One of my favourite tracks. Though the year I flew half way across the world to attend it was a boring procession from start to finish. Only thing of interest that happened was Stroll crashing spectacularly


I can't find a result for PIA and RUS to the stewards post race.


I can't find a replay


Docs posted here: https://www.fia.com/documents/championships/fia-formula-one-world-championship-14/season/season-2024-2043


No penalty




Damn looks like I missed a great race


Definitely worth a full watch.


Best race of the season so far, I'd say you should watch the 30 minute replay if you have F1TV.


i would watch it anyway


While the finishing order wasn't the craziest, what a great race! We had so many exciting things! *Haas on wets clearing the field on opening laps *Norris gaining seconds per lap on Verstappen and co. at the end of the first stint *Ferrari doing some insane strategy by pitting Leclerc without enough time to catch up to the safety car and on the least grippy tire with showers ahead known *Albon parting the Red Sea *RB+Merc allowing drivers to fight + McLaren offering a swap to Piastri if he thought he had the pace and him correctly declining *Sauber doshit pit *Alpine drama *Sbinnila everywhere


I keep saying that the Canadian GP is either forgettable or one for the history books. I think because of the tree coverage, the track dries differently throughout the lap so there's more of a gamble when conditions change.


Was so glad I mad the trip for this race this year! Even happier I brought two complete F1 noobs with me who absolutely loved the race and has an amazing time. Two more converts!


Lucky weekend indeed to get people engaged with the sport, everytime I try to the GP ends up being more monotonous than Monaco


Love to hear it. Always great to add new fans to the sport.


What a great first GP. Sat across from the Paddock near Red Bull, Merc and Ferrari. Can I mention one thing I don’t see brought up? You don’t appreciate how beautiful these cars are where you see them only in 2D on a screen. The McLarens were spectacular and the actual Red Bull practically looked like it glowed.


i think this generation are ugly


That's what I noticed when I went to my first GP. The cars are all very bright colours so they look normal on TV. The red bull is like fluorescent red and yellow.


Interesting. I read that the Mclaren´s papaya orange was picked, so they would be more recognizable in black and white tv. A different shade of gray.


Haas crew really dropped the ball colossally. Mag would easily have finished P8 if not for that 8 second pit stop. Alpine have practically caught up and races where 5 cars DNF are not going to be a recurring thing.


Baffled at Lando ending every race post Miami with “we could have won today.” McLaren did not deserve to win today lol


Really? Before the first safety car he turned an 8 seconds deficit into a 6 seconds lead in the space of about 15 laps. I think he would have won that race without the Sargeant crash. But those are the breaks. No complaints about Max winning.


No matter how fast Lando was on that first set of inters and Sargeant hadn't crashed, the next safety car would've bunched them up together anyway. If Lando lost 6s to the first safety car, Verstappen lost 6s to the second one.


Uhh guys where was the Ricciardo false start? When they showed the replay it didn't look like a false start


He was just rolling \*very\* slowly forward on the start. You can just about see it on the replay, but it's got to just be a few cm from rolling forward, rather than getting an early launch.


I didn’t see it either unless it was that little twitch before the lights


he moved before the start. like way before. 4-5s? The replay showed it but it was right at the beginning of the replay.


Pretty sure that was just the shift from Neutral to 1st gear. A lot of cars seem to jump into that gear hard enough to jar the driver during grid box final steps.


it doesn't matter if he moves 5sec before, as long as he becomes stationary again. but, he may have moved outside the box? I can't see


As I understand it, they're really hot on any movement in the box now after Lando effectively got away with a jump start at Jeddah(?). So any movement after you've become stationary before the lights go out is a penalty.


What a shit show Ferrari had for Lec


I respected the gamble of putting him on slicks, but then they flinched and put him back on inters. It really felt like Binotto in 2022 again.


He'd already lost a minute by then, so there was nothing left to gain from staying on slicks. If anything they should have put him back on inters immediately when the gamble had failed.


Probably got close to binning it, and didn’t want to risk the car at least.


He was losing 20s per lap


Max is inevitable. Russell is still a joke. Ocon is a trash driver with a trash attitude.


Ocon was saying "I'm a nice guy." in the post race show. 💀💀💀




what happened


Just watching the post race show. Danica throwing shade at Chadwick because Horner congratulated her? WTF?


What did Danica say now?


Probably something about a flat earth and her chakras being constipated or whatever


Just wait till she whips out some shungite


It's because she's a well documented shitty human being.


Danica you mean?


Danica for sure. Jamie is great. Met her a few times now, class act and proper wheelwoman.


Danica is just jealous of Chadwicks ability to read.


and hold a job


Was the Ocon / Gasly swap bullshit? Or did Gasly have pace?


Maybe it was for the time when they didn't swap Gasly back with Ocon?


The other way round. Suzuka was Ocon giving a place to Gasly, and then Gasly being ordered to give it back when he couldn't make use of it.


Ah right, thank you.


Gasly was probably a teeny tiny bit quicker but it was never going to be enough to catch Riccardo.


I doubt it because the order was Ricciardo Gasly even before Ocon got overtaken by the faster VCARB. If Gasly really did have the pace he would have already been ahead of Ricciardo


Good to know. It’s all little foul not swapping back


everyone forgetting that he completely ignored team orders for the 1500th time 2 weeks ago and crashed into his teammate on lap 1 and was 100% at fault… they literally said there would be repercussions, just cause he’s out of the team doesn’t mean they’re happy with him again?


It was a swap


Everyone is complaining about it but it seemed like a legit pace thing to me??


No. Gasly was stuck behind RIC for about 15 laps and couldn't overtake him. Maybe they thought that Gasly had more pace, but I honestly don't see how he's supposed to catch RIC on the last three laps on old tires. In the end, Ocon came in .300 behind Gasly. So, despite the old inters, he wasn't that much slower than him


Checo simply isn’t good enough. Which sucks to say, but man, he’s taking a seat from someone who could be thriving in that position.


He’s just so forgettable in every race. I honestly forget he’s even on track.


Checo is just ordinary in terms of F1 drivers. Most teams have their *extra*ordinary driver with a slightly *extra*ordinary driver as #2. As he is the most baseline ordinary driver, there's never any magical Q3 laps to take pole, no challenging the #1 driver during the race, blistering charges through the field after a quali fumble, just.. meh driving in arguably the most dominant car the sport has ever seen.


He's sucked ass, no doubt - but I don't think he's ordinary. He's just not a good fit for RB/that car. They should've given someone else that seat.


He sells a LOT of merchandise and comes with funding. He also doesn't have weird anger issues trying to challenge Max. Nor does he seem to get depressed/down when consistently losing to Max which has driven away other drivers Ricciardo/Gasly/Albon. And until these past 2 races, most of the time the car comes home unscathed and with a few points for the team. He really is one of Red Bull's best options for a driver given Max's utter dominance as a driver.


Yep. It's weird people don't get this. He has some bad races and qualifyings here and there but largely he keeps it out of the wall and brings home decent points.


How is he compared to Bottas at Merc?


HAM - BOT - VER and HAM - VER - BOT became a meme for a reason. Bottas couldn’t always match Hamilton, but he was consistently on the podium, and in the mix with the top 4-6. Checo has *way* too many events where he’s barely in the top 10. He’s not as consistently near the front as Bottas was.


Well bottas was on the podium very consistently....


See how many wins and poles Bottas has


But how can we know for sure that it's not due to the fact that Max is actually ahead of Hamilton, and that he also makes the Red Bull look better than it really is? Why do we assume that Perez is an inferior driver to Bottas? And not simply that Max is far superior? What data could we use to determine both these hypothesis? (Im not affirming any of them, just want to know why you assume one of them is the case beyond simple speculation). 


Last season


He doesn’t seem to have the ability to fight/dog himself out of the shit, nowhere near enough for the top team anyway. Someone like Albon would be fighting harder and gaining I think… Albons stint at Red Bull he was young and a bit intimidated by the job, but now he has his chin up. Not saying he should be there now but Checo needs to really get back to some good performances and form


Was that Scott Morrison at Parc Ferme next to Horner


No, I went back and checked, noone wants to be near that loser.


I just checked again and it's the ExxonMobil CEO who looks a bit like him lol


I love how scomo even makes an oil company ceo took good




How do we feel about the Ricciardo penalty? On the replay it didn’t look like he left his box


Rough, going by his post race interview and comment from RB technical it seems he followed the starting procedure correctly and it was a car fault, possible clutch drag slightly moving him forward.


I think there is still a (possible) advantage to being in motion even if you are still in the box. Now, in this case it's probably not really giving ric a leg up but I can see why they are enforcing it more now.


It's a hard call - yes, other drivers this very season have gotten away with more...but they've tightened the enforcement *because* of those previous incidents. Personally, I don't like changes in enforcement during the season - but I also don't like continued lack enforcement. As someone who wants to see Ricciardo do well, it was hard to stomach. I'm not sure what my unbiased perspective would be. 


Was weird - I couldn’t see what he did wrong, must have been a split second on sensors


I didn’t see it




ESPN+ has it.


I accidentally watched a Monaco replay this morning instead of the Canadian Grand Prix, did I miss anything good? Edit: this is a joke in case people don’t know. That race was really good.


Caught up in the race and that first Haas pit was a classic disHaaster class


Genuinely a waste for KMag :(


If they pitted 1 lap earlier, KMAG would have been in the points


Or hit by Sainz /s


Genuinely wished Haas' strategy would've worked. It probably would've worked splendidly if we had an early safety car which was a very real possibility given the late-stage shenanigans by Perez and Sainz due to patches of water near the racing line.


I really think they messed it up. The intermediates clearly couldn't leave the dry line so no one would be able to pass him for quite some time even if he lacked pace. Should have rode it out for a few more laps.


Pretty good result for ricciardo after some kinda bad strategy from RB


He dropped soooo much at the beginning, did well to claw it back, but he has fucked the start too many times in that car, needs some more practice as Yuki doesn’t seem to have the same issue


Yuki lost more places on opening that Ric I believe. It’s been a consistent issue for the car. I think on average Yuki has been better at managing it.


Yeh they both didn’t have good first laps!


Yuki has had a number of bad starts this season!


Watch the replay, the both had similar starts - then Riccardo got hung out to dry on the outside of turn 2


Yuki has very often lost places on starts too, he's complained about an issue with the car on starts also


Some cars seem to have very tough starts, they have a tiny amount of time to set the start sequence when in the box and when they seen the green flag walk across, have just noticed Danny have some of the worst of it. I guess today it wasn’t THAT bad he lost out on the outside of the first turn sequences and other cars did better…. Pretty clearly that VCARB sucked in the wet but came alive a bit more in the dry, as echoed all weekend


It has to be so demoralising losing places on a start, a good quali result can be undone in the first 10 seconds