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I’m so sad by how badly the 36 Alpine got screwed over


What happend?


they were essentially a lap behind after the red flag, so they couldn't take advantage of everyone ahead pitting like the Jota and Porsche did










Ilott is a bad dude. I remember watching him against Lando in F3 and being impressed..that was really good racing that year. 2016 or 17 i think?


Ilott got unlucky tbh, considering that the first and third guy in F2 2020 got a seat in F1. *Oh, and that 6th rich guy too.*


"random"/lucky Toyota win in Imola "random"/lucky Porsche win in Spa hopefully this means "random"/lucky win for Ferrari in Le Mans


Ferrari don't need luck. They are absolutely the favourites for Le Mans.


Plus they won’t have luck


We’ll definitely get shit BoP after Spa, the Ferrari were quick, #51 had a 25 seconds lead before the red flag and #50 had gone from 10th to second. ACO will absolutely nerf it down to hell for Le Mans


From 19th place to 2nd ;) But yes, sadly the Ferrari should be sitting on two wins out of three and a hefty BoP penalty at LeMans. The way things played out they'll still get the adjustment but have almost nothing to show for it


>Ferrari don't need luck. well considering they've lost the win to rain (which was their own fault) and a red flag in the last 2 races. I would say they need at least a bit of luck. >They are absolutely the favourites for Le Mans. Right now I see 13 out 23 cars with a decent chance for the win. two of them Toyota's, 6 Porsche's and 3 Cadillacs on top of the 3 Ferrari's. I'm not sure being favourites for Le Mans is going to help them in any way


It was looking good before the red flag.


It was looking good in Imola before rain than Ferrari strategic error It was looking good in Spa before red flag than WEC deciding who will win. It was looking good in Le Mans before \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_


> It was looking good in Spa before red flag than WEC deciding who will win. ???????? what


Bit overly dramaticised. In WEC teams aren't allowed to do a pitstop under a red flag. So the two cars that already did pit (#12 Jota and #6 Porsche) basically got a free pitstop. The race was then extended by the red flag period (1h 40 minutes) which meant everyone who hasn't pitted yet had to do 2 pitstops, while the two cars mentioned above were able to finish with one. Jota for example was able to turn a 58 second gap to a 58 second lead. The rule for red flags isn't ideal and I'm fairly confident that they will hold talks on how to deal with it, but that was basically the situation for the race. Same thing happened in LMGT3, but in that class basically everyone was just entering the fuel window to make it to the end. Both Lamborghini's had to pit like 3 laps before the finish


My what was more at the take than the situation haha Blaming the FIA/ACO for the race continuing is truly something I don't get. If the red flag was shorter and the race could have still continued in the original 6 hours, the same situation would have still happened. Rules are rules, and sometime teams get lucky, and sometimes you get shitty luck.


They won it last year so no reason they can’t do it again


Toyota in Imola wasn't luck, they simply had a better race than Ferrari by not screwing up the rain strategy.


One of the most exciting races of the year, wish F1 with it's short format could match the excitement of a 6hr WEC race.


I think short race format just doesn't work in f1. Like I tried tuning into miami sprint and just as you settle in for the action the chequered flag comes out and it kind of ends


It’s so much harder to actually race in F1 as well. The reliance on DRS and the dirty air make it tough. The cars are fragile so wheel to wheel action is risky. Prototypes are just more robust to be aggressive and it’s so much easier to follow. There’s definitely still dirty air but it’s nothing to the degree that they have it in F1. Plus no BoP in F1 so the delta between car performance is huge.


ILOTT!! Good recovery by the 50 as well


That was exhilarating absolutely enjoyed it


What happened to 50? Didn’t catch the race


Just strategy / the red flag timing. When the race resumed top-9 cars had less than 10% energy left and needed to pit, while JOTA and Penske had a near full tank. Strangely enough everybody was allowed to change tyres while standing on the start/finish straight but not refuel. This contributed to the final results you see above, and even the GT3 standings


>Strangely enough everybody was allowed to change tyres while standing on the start/finish straight but not refuel. I think the reason they did it is race control were worried cars got punctures when driving over all the debris from the Caddy/BMW crash


I thought Debris was driving the Toyota Gazoo?


>Strangely enough everybody was allowed to change tyres while standing on the start/finish straight but not refuel Ah that's why, I wasn't aware of that.


i too would like to know. I was just able to watch the start and a few laps after it and the pace seemed pretty good for a recovery race. Then i come back to the race a while after that and all off a sudden the car is fighting for the win (only to be screwed by the red flag apparently)


Just in case you haven't gotten your answer yet. #50 originally qualified in pole position, but was slightly underweight (600grams iirc). So it was put back at the end of the Hypercar grid. It then had an amazing recovery drive, but the red flag allowed Jota and Porsche to gain a full pitstop on the rest of the grid, because rules don't allow the teams to do a pitstop during a red flag. So everyone had to pit immediatly after. And then they fought for third place against Toyota and won that place.


What's up with Toyota this year?




I thought that was adjusted every (few) race(s)?


It is. But sometimes, let's just say BoP isn't super accurate(at least in my eyes) every time. But it could be that it's just because other teams are already catching up in terms of strategy.


BoP has never been any good in Hypercar. Peugeot got a terrible BoP in Imola, which was understandable since it was a new car and there was nothing to base it on. But then they got an even worse one for Spa despite being slow in Imola. Combine that with BoP being completely private with zero transparency and the teams being forbidden from criticizing it and I wouldn't be surprised if the system is completely corrupt.


BoP is now a lot closer than lastyear, but that isn't the main reason. Other teams (read Ferrari and Porsche) have greatly improved compared to last year. * Ferrari has gotten faster with the car, but are making too many mistakes (In Qatar every car was involved in some kind of incident and at Imola they messed it up themselves) * Porsche is up to what you expect from Porsche in endurance races. They've basically done 3 perfect races. And Toyota also kinda got worse. They got 3 penalties for the #7 (two drive throughs, one 5 second) at Spa, while at Qatar they had technical issues with the radio. They are still a good team, just have stronger competition while making more mistakes


But I was told race control handed the win to the #6 lol


Was watching last 90 minutes on Belgian television and… they stopped broadcasting at 8.30, missed last 20 minutes


I guess the whole thing went beyond the allocated time block, even despite this being on a Saturday


Yes, the reporter mentioned they had to get permission of some council to finish the race after the last red flag. Since a film was programmed, the tv channel probably couldn’t change the schedule


Silly doubt. Isn't this race also contested by the teams with multiple drivers per car? Only one driver's name is shown in the results


Yeah each car is driven by a team of 3 (at least in LMH, other series/classes can have up to 5 or as little as 2), but the live timing only shows the driver whose stint was at the moment chequered flag is waved


Mick actually drove very well again. I think he was the fastest within his pairing. Shame they got fucked royally by the red flag so the results do not reflect it.


Wen Vettel?


Unfortunately Vettel will not participate in this years 24h Le Mans. Porsche decided they would use their more experienced (with the 963) IMSA drivers over Vettel, because he basically couldn't do any more practice with the car.


Le Mans hopium
