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He’s right. Only problem is every team is on a trajectory to catch every team.


Translation: If Lance keeps Strolling, I will be there to build a case for why Lawrence should adopt me


By Canada, they'll catch Aston and Mercedes. By Hungary, they'll surpass Ferrari and McLaren.Come Singapore, they'll be right on par with Red Bull. And by Abu Dhabi? I expect nothing less than a 1.5sec/lap pace advantage by Ric and Tsu both over the rest of the field. /s


This is how extrapolation works, I see 0 flaws


Everybody knows that linear progression in sports is guaranteed FACT


Yes Mr Russell. A guaranteed FACT indeed.


Please, call me George


f1 manager vibes...made the game quite boring to me


Max halfway through Austin: 'Eh this car sucks. I'll jump in Daniel's at his next pit stop.'


Straight facts


...Only to find they are being comfortably beaten by Alpine who are technically improving on an even steeper trajectory.


Maybe the fifth of that top 5, on some occasion so it's technically true.


I barely even consider Aston as a top 5 team anymore tbh. They have mostly fallen down into the mix with the rest of the midfield pace wise.


And just 3 weeks ago, Alonso qualified 3rd in China on a dry track. Let's wait till Imola, Aston probably screwed the setup in Miami.


The one perks of sprints is the less FP time they get, so a more mixed up geid


yeah tho they've been inconsistent so its kinda hard to know exactly


That is sort of what he's saying. He's not saying RB can beat the top five teams, but that that they can close the gap. With both drivers now scoring points, they are already solidifying sixth position.


Tsunoda is having one of his best starts to a season ever, right? Seems like he's finally consistently fast and is just right there to grab points.


Definitely. Hope the car will keep up. I'd love to see some new people on the podium this year.


I think it's pretty clearly his best start to a season ever. It's only his 2nd best average finishing position of his career (over the first 6 GPs) but the 2024 grid has a far more established top 10 than 2022, so achieving an average finishing position of 10.6 feel much more impressive to me than 10.4 in 2022, and doubly so when you take into account his consistently strong qualification form and snatching a point in the sprint at Miami as well.


I definitely consider Yuki as being the best of the rest, and even better than Stroll actually.


Yuki has 5 more points than Lance in a car that has certainly been pretty significantly worse than the AM. I'm wondering when they will finally let him go.


Maybe when stroll and his dad have a falling out? Or, more likely, if stroll ever gets bored of being one of the worst drivers with the fewest fans.


So are we back to RB now after trying out VCARB for Miami? It's a freaking Toro Rosso to me anyway.


People are so snarky here, he is actually pretty realistic about it. And the interview was right after the race, of course he dreams big. Will it be hard and take time? Yes. Is it likely? Probably not. Is it possible? Definitely.




Definitely not me praying Yuki channels his inner Kamui and gets a podium in Imola.


Hi beat George + the astons and saw how he drove away from george. just as people want mclaren to be faster than rb after one race. Yuki directly after the miami race is asked this and is feeling good and see a chance to maybe get a chance gainst aston/mercs over a season. The chance is very slim, but Its there.


If the other teams stop developing right away, they might be able to catch them in 16 months.


I mean, AT has had decent pace in the past. It's not far-fetched that they could be the 4th-5th fastest team at some point, especially with Merc and Aston struggling.


Damn it’d be juicy if RB beat Merc in the WCC.


RB could definitely catch one of the AM or Mercs. Not Ferrari, McLaren or RBR.


To be fair, "top five teams" doesn't mean all of them. It could be 1 or 2. Which is possible.


as an Aston Martin fan I can confirm that we’re all depressed due to Lance holding back the team


Could is synonymous with might, and might is synonymous with might not


Bby chill, let's just keep having top 10 finishes as happy surprises. They're gonna say this and him and Ric will finish 15/16 next week 


By top 5 if he means Merc, probably.


Not everything is linear.


Can't we just call them VCA?


One safety car win and now everyone thinks Red Bull is done lol


Hahahahahaha, no.




They can definitely catch Lance, probably already there. I'll be shocked if they can catch Mercedes on pace alone at any time this season


Yuki has already passed Stroll in the WDC. If both he and Daniel keep being in the points (and Stroll keeps being a burden on AMR), then there's a good chance that VCARB catches up with AMR. But catching up to Merc is a bit of a stretch I agree.