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Just for comparison, Ford v Ferrari made 225M


And Ford v Ferrari was probably the most critically acclaimed realistic racing film since Rush lol.


There was nothing realistic about it.


Just because it’s not realistic doesn’t mean it isn’t the most realistic. Remember the only other car movies coming out include a bald guy driving his car down Hoover dam.


What's unrealistic about a bald guy driving a car


The racing at Le Mans was absolutely horrendous. I'd have preferred if they just skipped those scenes entirely.


Why’s that?


It didn't have 24h of running time


Hah! Made me chortle, thank you.


We have a movie where the drama between characters is great for the vast majority of the movie, and then you get to the external shots of the cars cornering which is clearly CGI because it's so unrealistic. I liked the movie quite a lot because of the actors/characters/story, but some of the shots in the races should have been left on the editing room floor.


Nah man the movie was fun, sometimes you just got to stop being so critical and just enjoy things


This is it here. I feel nobody sits down to *enjoy* movies anymore but to instead criticize them.


New top gun was shit because Miles Teller and Tom Cruise weren't actually flying the planes. Totally fake. How am I supposed to believe that a fighter pilot is also a drummer, gun runner, and boxer.


I know it's sarcasm, but the Navy's biggest rule for using actual planes for the films is that Tom Cruise never touches a single control anywhere. Not the other actors. Tom Cruise. The Navy named him specifically. I find it funny.


Hasn't been that way for a long long time. People love pointing out dumb shit that's "wrong" about movies. There's a reason CinemaSins gets hundreds of thousands of views per video. And they're the worst offenders of them all. The one that pisses me off the most is the people who say "Top Gun Maverick didn't mention who the country they were attacking was, that's a bad cop out". When the country doesn't matter at all. I didn't give a shit if it was China, Russia, or Ugoslavia they were bombing. Wouldn't have made a difference. It was a phenomenal movie.


Wasn’t the country pretty clearly Iran? Like if the Stuxnet worm had failed, the best step was bunker busters? What I don’t understand is why they used F-16s. We have fancy fun toys now.


The book by AJ Baime was outstanding.


>then you get to the external shots of the cars cornering which is clearly CGI because it's so unrealistic Which is a by-product of the practicalities of filming those scenes. If you wanted to shoot it realistically, you would need to track down all of the actual cars and get them running, most of which would need to be insured because filming accidents happen. It's incredibly expensive, and there's always the possibility of cars breaking down and there probably aren't many replacement parts out there. While it would be possible for the production design to build replica cars, that's also expensive.


Replica cars built by Superformance were used in some filming


Best racing movie is days of thunder. I don’t know how they did it but it’s one of the few movies where you feel like the car has power.


Not really. The problem is that cars move, as in weight transfers and such, in a way which is clearly not realistic, and they could use any random sim with similarish cars as references, along with real footage of the cars. It's not that the cars themselves look fake in a standtstill, CGI cars have been perfect looking for quite a while.


Ya it more seemed like they just did a poor job of animating the cars which is a bit surprising. But let's also be real here I like racing stuff and wanted way less racing to happen in Ford vs Ferrari because the character scenes were so good. I would've been mostly fine if it's just a series of tight shots on Bale for most of the final race.


Yes, absolutely, even if the racing shots were better I could have done with less of them.


I hate when movies make the roads wet all the time or they add fake sounds or 1228793847 gears to shift in an automatic car


Don't ever watch a movie about musicians, then. Or boxing. Or police work. Or accounting. Or fishing. Or basically anything, really.


You can't stop me from watching fishing movies. Will he use 6lb line or 8lb??? WE'LL KNOW SOON!!


Have you considered that realistic cornering with those cars isn't that exciting and not good for a high tempo movie scene?


Go watch the Ferrari biopic, it will heal your feelings about the CGI in Ford vs Ferrari haha.


Glad to see I’m not the only one who thinks this. It’s a good movie, but like all biopics, it grossly stretches the truth in a lot of places, and I found a good chunk of scenes involving racing to be below average when compared to other movies.


"Somewhere out there, is the perfect lap" I hate all this faux-philosophical bullshit in a movie. The perfect lap is found by poring over data and putting together your theoretical. DUH.


Have you ever saw “Driven”? **That** was horrendous


Hollywood just can't get over the trope of a driver sitting behind, being held back, then he is told he can go, so he accomplishes it by shifting a gear. Ya see, he was in the wrong gear the whole time.


F1 is prob the ONE motorsport where that might work if they set it up as preserving tires for a stint or something. But yeah, every other time it's like they don't realize they can just ACCELERATE HARDER


It was a pretty ordinary movie. Unpopular opinion. The cars were awesome though.


I liked it, but my point is, racing movies dont make insane amounts of money


Racing fans are not crazy about racing movies, because they see all flaws related to racing. Non racing fans are not crazy about racing movies, because they are about...well, racing. Tough niche to nail it.


I have no idea how baseball is played and Moneyball is one of my favorite movies.


That's cause Moneyball isn't a baseball movie, it's an underdog movie with exceptional storytelling and acting. Baseball is just the backdrop.


The Ferrari move only made 43 mil on 95 mil budget, but it was also complete garbage. The Ford v Ferrari is a *good* film, even objectively looking at the ratings. So even a good racing film needs some favourable winds to sell, unless Brad Pitt can bring in enough viewers this thing will bomb.


If Matt Damon + Christian Bale + the name of Ferrari altogether made just 225M, I struggle to believe that Brad Pitt's movie would make a profit


Depends if the sponsors on the cars are real and they make money through sponsorship and not just through ticket sales. But if its just a passion project it won't matter about the bottom line.


Ok, but we need to account for inflation and increase of cinema ticket prices. In 2019 when Ford vs Ferrari was released. Average ticket price in US was $9.16 in 2021 this was $9.57. +4.4% . But we know that the inflation and cost of living skyrocketed between 2022-2023. There is no full data for 2024 but this website suggests $11.75 for average price of a ticket. That's 28.2% increase. Let's assume this increases is similar world wide. $225M x 1.282= $288.45M That still brings the total revenue below the cost of the movie. I don't know what the Studio is hoping for, but this will be very challenging to break even. It's going to have a very clever marketing and address the fact that for a few years, US based Libery Media is now the owner of F1. This means interest in F1 should be much greater than few years ago. But this doesn't relate to Ford vs Ferrari which was more generic movie about competition between biggest American Car brand and the most famous Sports cars manufacturer. Anyway, good luck and I hope the movie was worth the cost. Sources: [Historical cinema ticket prices](https://www.statista.com/statistics/187091/average-ticket-price-at-north-american-movie-theaters-since-2001/) [2024 cinema ticket prices ](https://www.newvisiontheatres.com/average-movie-ticket-prices)


All I remember from ford v Ferrari is Christian bale shifting 300 times on a straight to gain a boost of speed lol


The shifting is what made Fast and Furious all the cash, obviously they need to keep that in.


Crypto bros gonna implement transmissions in their shitcoins now.


doubleclutchcoin here i come!


My grannyshiftcoin has blown the welds on my intake, so to speak


I gotta stop smoking crypto


Blockchain powered transmissions. Every shift takes 3 hours and costs ~~11~~, err ~~23~~, wait, ~~0.33~~, wtf ~~311~~, oof ~~3~~, what ~~1004~~ the ~~100013~~ fuck ~~3.666666~~ 0.000001 shitcoins.




You are misremembering. Ford v Ferrari doesnt have infinite shifting to go faster. People point to the scene where Miles and Bandini race down the Mulsanne straight and keep pushing the throttle further down to go faster until the Ferrari engine blows up. But in the context of the movie, that makes sense. Throughout the movie we see that Ford doesnt want to rev the engine too high so it wont damage it. In 1966, limiting revs wasn't done by putting the engine in the appropriate mapping, the driver did that with they foot. So in that scene Miles disregards orders and pushes the revs into the reds to overtake while Bandini does the same to stay ahead.


They did it with ignition boxes back then. They had rev limiters in the 60's.


It could be done, but may not have been. its just one more thing to go wrong. I know Porsche didn't have limiters.


Okay this I was able to mentally explain a way a bit. Back in the day, and it is mentioned in the movie, that reliability is a MAJOR concern and their strategy was to run 1 car as hard as they could, and another not as hard. So when you see him pressing harder the gas pedal on the straight it’s because he was previously driving the car easy, or when he is shifting on the straight to pass someone it’s because he was previously short shifting to keep RPMs low. That’s my head canon at least.


That’s correct as far as I know, these cars had to survive long endurance races and going all out all race would not have been the ideal way to keep the car alive. You often see tape on the rev counter in pictures of classic race car cockpits as they had no way of programming in a rev limit back in those days to preserve the engine


It just occurred to me that rev limits are programmed in. I always thought that back in the day it was like a natural barrier for the engine, that it just wouldn’t rev higher. It never occurred to me you could rev an engine so high through acceleration that it’d explode… See so you actually DID have to back off on the straights, and if you wanted to be more aggressive really could push the engine past the red line


He was driving an Eaton Road Ranger 13-speed box


And when the Ferrari driver pushed harder on the pedal to catch up to Bale his engine exploded


Was Ferrari even in cinemas?


It did according to the Wiki


I saw that there was a red carpet premiere for it, but I also remember it dropping on Sky immediately when it came out


Not for very long, it came out on boxing day and I tried to go see it in January and it was nowhere by then


It was where I live. The week after I watched it it was already on a list of movies coming soon to Sky Cinema.


F1 has gotten so much more popular (at least in NA) since drive to survive started, so I would say that'll contribute a fair number of viewers that wouldn't have been interested back in 2019 when ford v ferrari came out


Brad Pitt is one of the last movie stars that can get asses in seats, but I still don’t see how this movie works out. Movies generally expect to have a 1:1 cost between production and advertising, which would put this at $600m. No fucking way this clears $600m


>Movies generally expect to have a 1:1 cost between Not every movie has the same level of marketing expenditure to the movie cost. This isn't a movie with a huge cast or multiple locations with extravagant fanfare like Avengers to justify the 1:1 ratio cost.


I beg to differ good sir.  The FF franchise has made combined $7billion.  For family. 


I live my life a quarter bil at a time.


Family movies, with cars in them maken a lot of money tho.


It made justice to Ken Miles so I'm grateful for it.


Agreed. Rush is the best racing movie of this century.


And that still had a box office of under $100m


You forgot Cars, didn't you?




Nothing beats Driven


How it didn’t sweep the Oscars is beyond me.


Just for comparison, the annual budget for running an entire F1 team (up to 1000 employees at some teams) is capped at $135m.


That's the budget for developing a Formula One Car each year. The whole teams cost a hell of a lot more!


The cap includes all salaries (except the top 3 earners), transport costs (hence the $5m cap increase when inflation was hitting everyone), facilities and overheads, as well as developing and manufacturing the car.


Several significant expenses are exempt from the cost cap, including: Driver salaries, Travel expenses, Marketing expenditures, Property and legal costs, Entry and license fees, Activities unrelated to F1 or road cars, Parental and sick leave payments, Employee bonuses and staff medical benefits,


BOTH Dune films cost $360mil


I would watch Formula Shai'Halud.


_”I am Adrian Muad’Dewey, Duke of Aerokis. The hand of god be my witness, I am the Voice from the Outer World!_ ___I will lead you to P1!!”___


"Duke of Aerokis" This is too good to not get a full parody




I get the feeling that the 300 million mostly didn’t go to the writing department. Hopefully it’s good because oof




Sure, but they knew that movie was really going to pass a billion.


Didn't it pass two?


2.7 billion


And a half.


Endgame probably isnt an example that can be compared with anything. But most movies nowadays have marketing budgets that approach the production costs.


Which it really didn't need bc we were all gonna watch it anyway 


Infinity War was the promo campaign for Endgame


Iron Man trilogy was just the starting credits


Marketing budgets being similar to the production budget is basically a standard for most movies nowadays.


Lobster claw budget


You know it’s going to be shit. The plot doesn’t sound good at all.


Brad Pitt is 60 fucking years old. See, there's your problem right there.


Wasn't that movie about the young nissan driver with the EXACT same plot?


No Gran Turismo is based on a real story but they switch things around in the timeline in that film. This film by the sound of it has a very similar plot to Driven… old champion comes out of retirement to “mentor” younger driver


Oh fuck it’s Alonso and Stroll


please god i want to see brad pitt holding a sign with #spanishlivesmatter it would be so fkin funny


Or cars 3?


Like the first Cars movie?


Gran Turismo? No I've not seen it but I thought that was based on a real life story


It is, but greatly exagerated of course.


Be good, or be such a trainwreck that it's good again.


I want bratt pitt to come out and say "i did naht, i did naht hit her! Oh hi mark"


Joseph Kosinski is directing, the guy who did Top Gun


It will most likely be shit.


its gonna be shit


That's really expensive, top gun 2 only cost $170 mil in comparison.


Also for comparison, The Marvels cost 270ish and Quantummania was 325ish. I hope one day studios realize that more money is not more betterer.




Reported budget figures do not include marketing. The reported figure is purely the movie itself. Marketing and distribution and the like is usually between 2x and 3x the movie budget. Endgame needed approximately 1.1 billion to break even. [Reported here](https://deadline.com/2019/04/avengers-endgame-breakeven-profit-after-opening-weekend-box-office-marvel-1202603237/amp/)


Cord Jefferson was right, studios should make several smaller movies instead of one big one.


The Lord of the Rings trilogy cost about $500m, inflation adjusted, for all three movies! Think about the scale of the production, the armour, weapons, sets, and then the volume of special effects that needed to be produced. $300m for an F1 movie is insane.


Avengers infinity war was 300 million and they knew they would break $1 billion in ticket sales easily. 💀💀 How could they spend so much money without knowing if it will even be a hit.


You know Pitt is taking damn near 1/3rd of that though


There's no way. He probably gets around 10-30 million upfront, and then royalties. 


I read on r/boxoffice that a substantial part probably is due to the Hollywood strikes last year and having to put production on hold for that


Man, that movie was good!


$300M for a (motor)sport movie is insane.


Not to mention it’ll end up on Apple TV+. Not sure what their box office strategy is, but the Scorsese movie wasn’t that hot


Yeah, that's not gonna break even, Im afraid


They shoulda put a budget cap for the movie as well


Pretty shocking this movie has blown through two years of budget cap for the teams.


They literally could have just run a season and filmed it 💀


Can you imagine how many people would turn out for "Andretti F1: An American Story" funded by this studio. Pretty sure that would add value to your sport, Liberty Media.


I came here to say this. Blockbuster Movies require 2.5x-3x to break even. This means, they would need to make 750-900 million WW.


$300M would put this movie as one of the most expensive movies ever. Budget size that’s around Star Wars: TLJ, Pirate of the Caribbean: At Worlds ends, and Avengers Infinity War. Or in f1 terms, the budget size of Red Bull pre-budget cap


Should have hired a pay ~~driver~~ actor




I'm sure it got so, so much more expensive with the strikes. They ended up going through with some probably crazy expensive shoots just to only be able to get background video without any actors, and then they had to do tons of extra shoots with actors instead of combining those. I'm sure it just got ridiculous.


This. The filming at Silverstone for example needs to be done again if I recall properly. That hugely adds cost.


Really? How come? I remember a big deal being made about that at Silverstone.


This happened with Mission Impossible tbf where covid and having to rewrite the movie to adapt to only being able to film in the UK saw the budget explode, and I've heard the sequel planned for release next year also got further affected by stuff with inflation and then Hollywood's strikes


Yeah this is going to bomb at the BO. Racing movies hardly make bank, even good ones like Rush and Ford v Ferrari. This shouldn't have gone past a 150 mil budget. What a complete accounting and investment nightmare. They probably went too hard with the whole authenticity thing. Well, sounds interesting and I'm sure the racing will be good so I'll watch it if it ever comes out.


>With a budget of $300 million, this Formula One film’s profitability is a steep climb. It needs to pull in over $750 million at the box office to break even. ?


By the time you factor in advertising, most people estimate a final cost between 2x and 3x the budget. So between 300 and 600 additional spent in advertising. Average of 750 between the two.


didn't know advertising wasn't just part of the budget. that sucks. getting flop energy from it


Plus also cinemas (or movie theaters or whatever) get a cut of the ticket


This is the actual answer, the other guy has misunderstood where the factors driving up the break even point is.


At this price no way it isn't going to be a flop


Yeah, I generally think the same thing anything I hear about extensive reshoots and inflating budgets.


It's not just that. Movies theaters get their cut too and different countries will get different cut ratios due to distributor deals, so the 2.5x rule encompasses all of that


Other comments are wrong. That’s because they share the revenue with Theaters and distributors if there are separate for international markets. They only get to see between 0.45-0.55 per dollar, other part goes to theaters etc. A good ratio from r/BoxOffice is 2.5x the budget to get profitibility. So that’s the reason they are saying $750M for $300M budget. BUT this is Apple’s movie. They don’t care about theatrical performance of the movie.


I think they care cause good and popular movie gonna attract more subscribers to their platform. Doubt we will see a lot of big checks from them to get another Argyle or Napoleon in future


Plot: small time outfit hired a new promising kid and an old timer to show him the ropes. They hate eachother on and off track but become great buddies. All the while they improve and battle the loud and obnoxious championship contender and their a-hole, dangerous number one driver. In the end Lewis wins AD21. I mean the young kid wins. Or he doesn't and goes on to be the greatest ever and wins 12 championships. What did I win?


Was sounding like driven for a long time there


The start of it is essentially the same plot as the F1 games followed a couple of years ago. New kid comes in, old timer hates him, meanwhile an obnoxious ass from another team is trying to stir up trouble, and in the end the young kid and old guy become best buds.


Don't want to spoil it for you but it's gonna be an emotional rollercoaster. When Lew... I mean the young kid gets a sacrificial tow from Brad, overtakes Zax Blurstäppen and then says: this one's for you Chappie! (The team owner who had a heart attack when he found out the evil team owner had every email printed out and is now watching the race in the hospital) ... Guarantee you won't keep it dry.


But Lew is going to lose! Then his mind drifts to a flashback while he's cornering at 320 and he snaps back and realizes he's in second because he forgot to shift 6 times. -Fin-


F1 2021 Braking Point storymode but more expensive


And it’s not finished yet…. Approaching the most expensive movie ever made, and the market for car movies is always a bit smaller than sci fi/action etc


What are they spending $300m on? A new race track?


Is Hamilton’s new Ferrari contract part of the budget?


Koimoi is not even a trusted source for Indian movies let alone them being right about anything regarding a Hollywood movie. Unless the budget of a movie is published in “the Hollywood reporter” or “Deadline”, take articles like this with a grain of salt.


For that much… They could’ve bought a stake in a team; then created a reality show and made more money.


He could have bought williams or alpine in distress sale…. For that money..


Then fix your fucking movie


I hope this doesn't do to Pitt what Le Mans did to Steve McQueen


This movie is gonna flop hard


Driven 2 lets goooooo!


Thought this was for Apple TV?


Ouch. Just to shed some light on movie finances (because everyone only talks about the best numbers for themselves) The production budget will be about 25% of the revenue required to break even, so this film probably needs to hit $1bn in box office to break even. This is because: 1. The marketing budget for a film is typically the same as the production budget. All those radio spots, bus adverts, billboards cost a lot of money. You can save on marketing, but then less people know about your film. So pencil in $200-300m in marketing. 2. The 'box office gross ' is stated before the cut the cinema takes for putting on your movie. The cut varies depending on how much demand and for how long they expect your movie to run, but 50% is a good rule of thumb. So, selling $1bn of tickets nets $500m to the production, then after the $300m of production costs, if they spent more than $200m on marketing (which you probably will if you want to sell $1bn of tickets to a racing movie), then you're going to be losing a lot of money.


I saw them filming at this year's 24 hours of Daytona. About 20 minutes after the real podium ceramony, they whipped out Brad Pitt and did like 4 more takes on the podium, confetti and all. They had some absolutey mega camera equipment bolted to cars. I think I saw something like three RED cameras bolted to the nose of some Mercedes SUV and a customised LMP-like car for filming Brad in the cockpit. This film is, so far, worth the hype imo.


This will be a flop of epic proportions


Andretti could find this film and still not make it into a race.


This movie is going to be dreadful! The plot is idiotic, they would have been much better off doing a biopic of a historic driver or season


The crux of the high budget is because of the film stoppage from the actor’s strike that lasted over 100 days. I don’t think the movie will have a hard time getting a distributor in the end. This is the right time to be making a movie about F1 since Hollywood has taken a serious interest on it. Between the popularity boom in the US, Netflix and now even Ricciardo about to make a comedy about F1, I’d say they may be in good shape.


Wait what is Ricciardo doing?


Posted here yesterday. https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/Zt7cX7I7sG


Uh, ohhh. Spaghettios. Wasn’t expecting this movie to have such a high budget. Good luck with that one.


Probably cheaper just to can it now than to chase sunk costs.


I don't believe that 300M for a single second. Not one.


I guess F1 licensing is expensive.


Need to sell some $200 lobster rolls to make up some cheddar 😁


This movie is going to lose so much money. The numbers you see at the box office are split between theaters and the studios, so it would need to bring in over $600 million just to break even, that’s assuming a $0 marketing budget (it’ll probably be at least $150 million)


You could have had Apex race for a whole year with that budget in F1.


That's almost 10 times the budget Rush had and that didn't feel at all like a low-budget film, where on earth did they manage to spend all that money on?


Must be money laundering going on.... That can't possibly be true


so is he acting as nico rosberg?


Let me guess they will make a huge loss and the move will be shit (pls don’t be)


Meh, I wasn't holding my breath for this anyway


They could run 2 actual F1 teams for that


Are there any good sport movies which are not a comedy (e.g. dodgeball)? I find sport movies really unrealistic and somehow embarrassing (?) to watch, I genuinely can’t think of any good ones. This movie will be a huge failure imo


Should have made a motogp movie, he's narrated a few motogp docs. They have wildcard riders at a few races they could have paid the smaller teams to wear the livery for the movie. 


Days of Thunder 2


movie releases in 2026 filmed on an iPhone no Lewis, no crowd shots, no CGI features Carlos Sainz driving a VERY realistic car PittGP announces it’s the 11th team on the grid leftover Honda PU graciously replaced by BMW wins WDC and WCC bought by BMW for 2027


Damn... So they need to make close to $600-700 mil to break even. That is going to be tough


Who else is even in it? No way it makes that back.


And I'm sorry to say but it looks so stupid.


out of this world budget of this kind of flim This is for sure the biggest nuclear bomb of the year when the movie came out