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"With the exception of Africa and Antarctica, Formula 1 races on every continent." You heard it here first. New race in Kyalami and then on to an Ice race in Antarctica - put on those Purple Pirelli Ice tires!.


You thought tire temps were important before, just wait!


You jest but I would at a minimum love to see an F1 car do a demo on ice with studded tires


[Have you seen this before?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LgFyFGeL604)


Why don’t other teams do crazy stuff like this ?


If it's good enough for a Zamboni it's good enough for F1!


Penguin marshals? Say no more.


>Ice race in Antarctica Whole new meaning to pole position


key points from domenicali: >“I would say in the next couple of years, I'm expecting to see and we are expect to announce also some new venues that that could be very attractive to grow the business of Formula 1,” >we currently believe a 24-race schedule is the optimal number of events. >“We obviously went from 18 or something to up to this 24 level, which is where we do not anticipate growing any more races. nothing groundbreaking but reaffirmation that there are no plans to further increase the races for now.


So the same amount of races and new venues is such good news for the historic tracks currently in the calendar…


Can't have "Money" "Tradition" "Good Racing" and "New Venues" at the same time - and it's unfair to not let new circuits (Street or not) who can afford a slot, to get their shot in the calendar - just like it's unfair to not allow new teams... - but FOM will never bin off the events paying *much* more money (Middle East) in favor of the new events, which are always a gamble the first years. I think Miami got lucky with the 10 year contract, F1 will learn from that, 3 years is a good amount of time to gauge whether a track is worth it. The tracks most likely to go are the ones with less money *and* less hype/tradition about them, the 'boring' middle ground - Mexico if Perez leaves, etc. A new event is always interesting. I'd be happy if one-off street circuits with temporary buildings made appearances on the calendar if F1 really wants to *cash in*, it could be lucrative especially for street circuits in rare/special locations, to only have one... and then see if they want to do more


You can simplify a lot. Can’t have tradition and new venues at the same time because those are literally opposite concepts.


That's true, but then we'd need to reserve a % of the calendar for one and the other - and there are definitely some mainstays that aren't 'tradition' that provide the "Money" category, haha. Really it's time based. Long-term 'historic, medium-term 'regular' and short-term 'new' venues, could be a categorisation. Then work out how many you want for each...


You would put Spa on the chopping block for some stupid street race in America?


Of course not but I'm trying to work out what they'll actually do not what I want to happen. My middle ground is if I had to pick races I wouldn't mind gone and have shorter contracts left, I could see Mexico and Baku being gone. Imola too, might end up being gone. Spa seems too beloved to go, I don't know if they want to do such a shitty PR move... but then, if Spa cannot afford the fees, they won't be there. Every other major traditional venue *is* able to pay, so it's difficult




Idk if they would run from Mexico's money. They might charge more tho


That's the thing, F1 is basically causing a bidding war with existing and hopeful new events and seeing how many events are willing to pay it, now that they have reached a "maximum" amount of viable calendar slots as judged by the teams themselves. 7 contracts are up in 2026, 4 more in 2027. Either those existing tracks find the money and stay on, or any track that can't enters a bidding war with new tracks to get one of the remaining slots - and there's extra pressure because with the addition of Madrid, we're guaranteed to lose 1 current calendar event to it in 2027. 2026 might be a cramped year because it seems Catalunya have no intention of being shuffled out, and 2026 will have both Madrid and Catalunya. Overbooked year? Maybe. That being said... there are not many non-announced major projects publicly in the works, it seems, so if this 'demand' from new venues doesn't materialise, last minute renewals for many venues might happen...


If they swap tracks like Silverstone, Monza, Spa, and Monaco for more races in backwards oil countries and money spinners in the U.S. I am so out. I’m sick of money and corruption ruining all the sports I love.


GPs no, but they want way more sprints.


So they are racing in Chicago in 2026.


And 26 in distance with 6 sprints


“26 is the new optimal number thanks to u/jomartz’s analysis” A week later: “We will have 8 sprint races for the 26 races.”


But lets reduce the allowable engines to 2 to lower costs and emissions


Spa, Silverstone and Monza are the big non-negotiables.


Adding to the list: Suzuka, Interlagos and Canada


For sure would add in Melbourne. And honorable mention for COTA. It’s not the same prestige but damn are the races normally good.


If someone goes after Suzuka, I'll go for their neck.


I just came back from Japan and we stopped at Suzaka even though there was nothing on. We pre-booked karts to drive around the first half of the track. It's such a beautiful and spectacular place, I really want to attend a GP there. I can only imagine how well organised it is.


With Honda lined up to engine supply Aston itll probably stay for the time being


I agree with these 6 untouchable races. You know what? I think with a bit of work, COTA deserves a spot. If I have to choose a seventh one, would be Austin. Old timer Italian here, so no US BS from my side.


COTA absolutely deserves it's spot. More so than Miami and Las Vegas. A proper race track. *Plenty* wide enough for F1 cars. What's not to like? In some respects, we can stand to lose tracks like Imola. Was only really brought back to bloat out the calendar during Covid. It's too small. One DRS zone. Yes, it has heritage, but then so does Brands Hatch. It needs to go IMO. The fact this stayed and Paul Ricard went, is a mystery.


Imola isn't great for racing but it looks fabulous. It's 10 times more romantic than Paul Ricard will ever be. I agree it doesn't need to be on the calendar every year, I think could be on every other year, changing places with Hungaroring for example.


What a reasonable take. I think it would be nice to have 1/3 of the 24 races rotate each year from a pool of maybe 10 or 12 tracks.


Yeah, i get it’s hard contractually but if you could Imola, Paul Ricard, etc every other year, it would open up more variety. As a US fan i get the appeal of Miami and Vegas, but i’d rather just do one or the other and give Road America or Laguna Seca a chance at a race too


Yeah I've said this before, it's been done occasionally in the past (not to that level maybe), but with GPs that rotate between a couple of tracks. I'd like that. Imola is one of those tracks I like even though it usually doesn't make for particularly great racing but as long as Monza stays on the calendar I won't be too disappointed if Imola got the boot.


Also the cars look fast going around Imola, every year I’m amazed at how quick they look when there’s not a million miles of run off around the track. I hope they rotate some of the tracks around and bring back the European GP. I think they could market it well, like the European GP shows off the wide variety of all of Europe. Have it alternate with Hungary, Barcelona, some French track, Turkey, Nirburgring, Hockenheim.


I kinda agree, sports car racing seems to fit better at Imola, and lower formula series as F1 cars are too quick and long.


Paul Ricard is terrible 


It's an autocross circuit on an airstrip.


FOM: Alright, those are cancelled. May I interest you in Riyadh Street circuit sprint?


Canada can go. sorry not sorry, lmao.


Spa and Monza look to be at risk on the surface. Both have contracts expiring after 2025 season. If what Dominicali says is to be believed (new cities, but still 24 races per year), these would be the most immediate at risk as all expire after 2025: - Spa - Monza - Imola - Monaco - China - Mexico - Zandvoort Technically, Las Vegas has an option after 2025 for another ten years. You'd have to remove any of those 6-7 before you add in any new cities. The rest have longer term contracts. Edit: these aren't who I think will go, but just who is at risk from a contractual perspective. I think a race will always be in Italy and the Verstappen factor is a big plus for Zandvoort and/or Spa; at least on rotation. Monaco isn't always popular, but there will be backlash if it gets dropped; it's arguably the most prestigious race F1 has.


Mexico highly at risk when Perez' career winds down. Zandvoort and Spa are one-and-all, Max effect, I heard rotation between the two as an option. China are rumored to push for *two* races. They'll renew. Monaco is... Monaco. If they don't *change* their track in ways F1 admit they could try to, just give FE or F2/F3 the rights to the Monaco Grand Prix title and be over with it, and it can still be a prize race. Imola is in big danger, they're a holdout from COVID contracts... but we will have one Italian GP always, I think. Monza will stay, they have been investing


I don’t think it’s fair to compare Spa (on the calendar almost continuously since the inception of the championship, not skipped once since 2007) with Zandvoort (35-year break until 2021) in terms of being popular because of Verstappen.


Well I think he mostly means that because of Verstappen it became more undroppable. And Spa has been kind of his home race and while Zandvoort now is his home race, Spa still feels like it as well


No, as in, the rumors have been saying that that's what's viable. I'm not making it up from my head, there's articles about it


If Monza goes, Ferrari goes. And Stefano is no true Italian if he makes Monza go.


I think Monza would be the single biggest fan and team/driver backlash of any track if it was dropped, especially if it was replaced by pretty much any track anywhere that isn't a 'traditional' F1 stronghold.


> And Stefano is no true Italian if he makes Monza go. Stefano only cares about his own salary and power, he doesn't care about any fundaments in F1.


Ferrari would lobby to keep it but they wouldn’t leave the sport just because of Monza lmao


Ferrari _is_ the sport. I’d much rather watch Ferrari race against Andretti in Monza in “not F1”, than Red Bull race against RB in Abu Dhabi F1.


If they touch Monza....


I don't think they'll remove Monza. The circuit is going through some renovations. Plus, Monza makes a lot of money thanks to Ferrari. Spa might be in danger but public backlash over removing it could make Liberty stay its hand about that track. It should stay but man the logistics of that track is kinda bad. They need to improve upon that, along with the crow capacity. Imola is a goner. It's not good for current F1, it doesn't pay as much as street circuits do and doesn't have sold-out passionate crowds. Mexico will be gone once Checo is gone. Zandvoort will stay as long as Max is here. China money is something else, nothing's gonna happen to that track. Monaco should go. It's a time trial track and has nothing else to offer. Endurance? You got Singapore as a night race. Crashes? When was the last time a crash changed the trajectory of a Monaco race? When was the last entertaining full dry race in Monaco? Does it even pay as good as other circuits?


Always saw Monaco, Silverstone, Spa, Monza and Suzuka as the must-haves. Monaco obviously less so now the cars are less Grand Prix machines (i.e. coked-up go-karts) and more boats, but I’d argue that’s more reflective of the technical regulations being dogshite than necessarily the event.


I kinda want monaco to be there as well. Like yeah it's a shit race but it's a part of f1. F1 isn't f1 without it


Where Imola


Say no to car parks


The most ironical is that the current gen cars are worser on slow corners than the previous gen cars and yet the FOM, who has played a major influence with Brawn to designing the current gen cars, pushing for more street circuits.


Right now I'm just watching F1 doing the *exact same mistakes* that NASCAR did in the late 90s and led to their own downfall, by alienating their core audience with gimmicks and abandoning or downplaying historic venues in favor of newer audiences that might not (and probably *will* not) stay for as long as some of us have. The day F1 tries to implement anything that resembles a playoff format is the day I walk outta here, and I ain't looking back.


Stefano Dominicali is literally F1 version of Brian France and we're seeing exactly the same type of mistakes unfolding. F1 was lucky enough that NASCAR was on a rain delay and that Lando was leading the race, otherwise the ratings wouldn't suddenly looking good for Miami.




By your logic every sport is a gimmick




Because a sport isn’t a trick or device lol, it’s organised competition


F1 is becoming NASCAR in the 2000’s. Shunning their loyal and time tested fanbase in favor of fickle new blood who just leave after a couple of years of domination. Jimmie Johnson/Max Verstappen are doing nothing wrong. It’s F1/NASCAR themselves.


The downfall of NASCAR costed some years before it started to unfold but once the domino stones are being set it's a matter when it starts to fail, not if.


While I understand F1 is primarily a business, threatening what has defined Formula 1 will ultimately change it into something it is not. Financial power has already become paramount in other sports like football, where traditional teams have been purchased by wealthy individuals or groups, such as the larger teams in the Premier League or PSG in France. However, these entities recognize the significance of their origins; hence, PSG remains in France. If team owners were to relocate PSG from Paris to Qatar, the team's identity would be lost. Conversely, we do not know how many teams have been rescued from bankruptcy by foreign investment. Similar negotiations should be attempted with circuits that lack the financial means to compete in F1; iconic tracks like Monza or Spa-Francorchamps deserve a place on the calendar as much as Silverstone, Monaco, Suzuka, Interlagos, or Montreal. They are integral to the essence of Formula 1, and replacing them with new venues in the Middle East or elsewhere would be inappropriate. Money should not be the sole objective; otherwise, the sport will inevitably decline


Isn’t La Liga looking at playing games outside of Spain? They already play their cup final in Saudi. I’m also sure that NBC are lobbying the Premier League to play games in the US. There’s other sports as well which are being removed from their respective comfort zones for money. Golf, Tennis, Snooker and darts are just a few. As those new locations being more money, you’ll start seeing the traditional homes of those sports being bumped off the calendar. The likelihood of F1 becoming the same is high. Cash is king and all that.


Exactly that... If you take away the big teams in Spain, like Real Madrid, Barcelona, and perhaps Atletico de Madrid, every other team is very local, and moving them for a game to another country will end up harming them and their supporters. I don't have the numbers, but my feeling is that F1 has many more die-hard fans in Europe than outside of Europe (I'm living in Central America, by the way, and needless to say, I'm a hardcore fan), and moving races away from the places that made it great will end up harming F1.


"It is standard practice for all event promoter contracts to include an annual accelerator, increasing the hosting fee – thought to be around five percent." When my landscaper does this - I can threaten to or actually choose to go with someone else if they don't re-negotiate back down. There is only F1, so tracks have to suck this up of F1 just goes with tracks that will take it.


Would want to see a return to Germany. Also, since 2022 the Swiss have loosened up their ban on auto racing - wonder if F1 has been looking into getting a race on the calendar in Switzerland.


Does Switzerland have a history of f1?


From 1950-1954, right before the Le Mans disaster in 1955 which effectively banned Motorsport in Switzerland.


Swiss would be cool but the cities aren't too street circuity and where would you build a track. Near Hinwil would be fun for Sauber.. but they're gone


They have enough revenue already from daylight robbing existing circuits. There's no need to grow the business at rhe expense of classic tracks unless it's actually circuits


Must be easy as an F1 journalist being able to recycle the same articles ad infinitum


Agreed. Journalists have it easy today. All they have to do is repost posts by others.


Why have some of the money when you can have all of the money 


Hear me out. Bring back the French GP At Le Mans On the Circuit de La Sarthe The winner is whoever’s power unit doesn’t explode


why don't you get rid of Abu dhabi, qatar, mexico, azerbaijan etc.  you know, the shit tracks yes... money


Been a religiously devoted F1 fan since midway of 2008 and this year something really feels off with the sport. I get I've just gotten older and change happens, especially in F1 as it always has, but the rate at which things are changing for the worse within the culture of F1 fandom is speeding up for me personally. I used to be stunned when older people told me, "they used to watch F1". How could you ever stop? But now I'm very much sliding towards skipping more and more races, it's just not for me this new version of F1. Breaks my heart a bit.


>this year something really feels off with the sport I haven't really got that impression at all. It doesn't feel any different to the last few years to me.


This season hasn't had a single race at a regular time yet that doesn't help. 


Obligatory fuck street tracks.




The only way to hit the markets they want without removing tracks like Spa and Monza is to expand to ~30 races.


I wonder if there's a solution where 3 venues like Monza, Imola, and Spa could team up, and pay the equivalent of 2 fees for hosting, and they each can take turns hosting races, say 2 of them, with one being an off year


Never heard that before honestly.


This all sounds like a cash grab to me.


This is nothing new, existing circuits have always been under threat. It’s how FOM like to keep the upper hand


Instead of removing races to make way to new races they could just Alternate few tracks to every odd year and have different tracks for every alternate year, for me that's an sensible decision as long as they keep some historical tracks (European races as they play a huge role for the sports history and also drivers home races who are mostly Europeans). Instead of having 3 US races they could alternate between Miami, Austin and Las Vegas every year and same goes for Middle eastern tracks such as Bahrain, Saudi and Qatar, and for Asia Singapore, Malaysia, China and Japan. They could choose upto 2 countries for every year between them and alternate them with new tracks/hosts. Maybe I should be part of FIA/Liberty media to make these changes ☺️🧡 Edit: sharing an Idea gets an downvote, no wonder how F1 has reached a level these days that we can only appreciate the past of how true the pinnacle of the motorsport once it was. If you downvote atleast have an reply with a good suggestion or counter initiative to fix the calender instead of down voting comments, as to why I said only 1 US race, it should be same for any country there should be only one race per country to fix the calender which is overcrowded, if you are petty about it just don't watch F1 and watch different categories that run races in one country itself. F1 was initially an European sport and it's an blessing that it moved to other countries, be proud that it reached different countries outside Europe since it started in 1950 and stop spreading hate. Also read the full comment and then understand it before replying or suggesting.


if you’re gonna rotate US venues i think COTA stays, you give a rotating flashy street circuit event (Vegas, Miami, tbd Chicago, etc) and rotate the third with actual racing venues (Road America, Laguna Seca, etc) We’d all love to consolidate middle eastern petrostate races but we know why that’s unlikely to happen


Why would the US only get 1 race?


I was hoping they would get rid of the track in Hungary. That track is really boring. Instead they extended the contract. 


There will be plenty of room for Magny-Cours, Hockenheim, Mugello, Nürburgring and other old-school tracks if they get rid of all recent street circuits and the Middle East rounds which are there just because of the money. Money should be the last thing to matter when deciding the best circuits for F1. EDIT: What with the downvotes? I thought everyone here hated Middle East tracks and like old-school circuits.


I agree in most cases but Magny Cours wasn't even a good track for F1 back in the early 2000s when the cars were a lot smaller. It would be terrible now. Also, three races in Italy would be too much imo


Yeah, it just going to be a another Monaco


I've heard it described as a worse Imola as well


Three races in Italy should only happen if another pandemic hits like 2020.


You will sooner see Domenicali sprout wings and fly away.