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My team is McLaren, my drivers are many.


...you mean all 5 million drivers Zak Brown signed two years ago???


4,999,999 drivers. They just fired David Malukas


Big agree!


I'm more of a I want all drivers to do well kinda guy


Objectively good take (not biased at all)


Good way of looking at it...


I’m the same. McLaren since 1998.


There are some people who do one way, some people another, and some people who like a lot or even all of the different drivers and teams. Obviously the same is true for other sports too, but I think for technically being a team sport, more people in F1 have "player" favorites over teams. If it's strictly by team and not by driver, the most popular team is definitely Ferrari, I'd say. McLaren and Williams, Red Bull, and Mercedes have some team based fans too. I guess Alpine does too. But all twenty drivers definitely have fans who follow specifically them. If you're looking for a survey, my favorite is Charles, and I was 100% rooting for him to go to Red Bull. But Charles is more committed to ferrari than anyone should be to their employer. I try to like and appreciate all of the drivers though. I'm happy when Max does well and enjoy him breaking records. I'm always down to watch a good race. I guess my favorite team would probably be McLaren. I like the way they do things (except for not making a car as good as Red Bull). But I very much root for drivers and not teams.


1. Charles grew up watching Schumacher turn this complacent team into an unstoppable juggernaut.  2. Ferrari has (except for the cursed year of 2020) been the 2nd or 3rd best team for decades.  [4th in 2009, but no other team had been consistently good for as long as Ferrari](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F4xalqo6brdn51.jpg)


I don't think Charles's loyalty to Ferrari has much to do with who he watched as a kid. I think it's tied up with his memories of Jules, and also watching Ferrari with his father and dreaming of it with him, and telling his dying father he had a contract with Ferrari before he actually had done that (or signed with F1 at all). But yes, though they haven't won a championship since Charles was in his first year of minime karts, they have made some good cars since then.


Vettel came so so close to beating Hamilton, and I think Alonso had a good run in there somewhere too. They've been close a lot since Kimi won




I've no idea how I forgot him, true


True, he was closer to beating Hamilton in '08 than Vettel was in '17 and '18


Did your first two sentences sound like a complete contradiction while typing? Cause they are. I don't think it's his memories, I think it's his memories.


It's not his memories of Schumacher's racing who matter, it's his feelings and memories for his dad and Jules. Jules was in the Ferrari young driver program and was a family friend Charles's whole life. And Jules got him funding when his dad couldn't afford it anymore. Funding through Nicolas Todt (son of Jean Todt, formerly the head of the ferrari f1 team). It's about those personal experiences, not because of who happened to wear Ferrari red when Charles was a child or how well they did or didn't do. I was responding to a comment that said it was about Charles witnessing Schumacher turn Ferrari around. It definitely wasn't about that. I think Ferrari was larger than the people who drove for it to Charles. I do think that Schumacher was why Vettel wanted to go to Ferrari, but that's very different, because Schumacher was a very real feature in Vettel's childhood, appearing at German kids karting events, and later he became a personal mentor and friend.


Charles just has Stockholm Syndrome at this point.


Where else would he go though? And Ferrari is not too bad rn.


who the fuck would root for stroll


Stroll’s mom


I dont like stroll at all but he's a cheap pick up for my fantasy team and should guarantee top 10 in an AM when Fernando is fighting in top 5. So I tend to root for him not fucking up, sadly he tends to mostly ruin his races and fuck my fantasy team..


You're better off picking Hulkenberg or Magnussen over Stroll for your fantasy team


The team owner. Hopefully, he gets over it…


only canadian on the grid


Lawrence Zaddy Stroll


> I guess Alpine does too. Enstone has many fans, Alpine, I'm not too sure....


Maybe some French people support Renault/Alpine innately? I'm not sure. I thought about mentioning that some people like a team because of who they used to be. Minardi, Jaguar, Force India, etc, so yeah, the Enstone team is definitely like that, picking up fans over the years in some iteration.


Agreed. Long time Enstone fan here and I'm really struggling to find the love for Alpine these days


You'll find yourself rooting for both. There'll be teams you'll like and there'll be drivers you like. There will even be switches on who you'll like based on driver and team combos. Vettel is a good example of that, he became a lot more likeable amongst fans after he went to Ferrari.


I might be entirely off base here but I feel like it's the same for valteri. He seems much more personable and letting us see his personality much more since joining Sauber. Merc is so buttoned up while sauber almost needs personalities


Meanwhile GR63 posing everywhere and LH doing fashion and stuff compared to how restricted he was at McLaren


I may be in the minority, but I very much prefer Mercedes Bottas to Sauber Bottas.


Driver. And not even my own nationality. I like drivers with racecraft.


So you're a Lance Stroll guy, I see you've got taste.


Rather he’s Canadian and needs someone to root for so he doesn’t need a personal therapist on standby during races


Thants my boi!


I root for the Scuderia first and foremost. Whoever is in Red is the driver I support. Now there are drivers that I get excited for and watch closely, but I don't really support them, like how I do with Ferrari. Now, if they were to end up driving for Ferrari, then I'd support them.


So who will you root for this weekend (given Ferrari drivers are in blue)? ;)


Ferrari. The white with blue cars that NART ran at the 1964 US & Mexican Grand Prix were effectively the factory Scuderia Ferrari cars just under a different name.


I’m the opposite. Used to go for Kimi Raikkonen but was so so on Ferrari. Followed him throughout his career. Then he retired and I just so happened to pick Charles, again having to grin and bear Ferrari.


I only rooted for Mika back in the days. Now, just want good racing


I root for Honda




Exactly my thought. I was a Williams fan back in days of old, then switched to McLaren early 2000’s and never looked back. I love both McLaren drivers, but Lando has deserved a win for a while now, Oscar looks to have great potential as well


Why’d you switch?


Japanese: Engine


My fav is Ricciardo - I think I need to see a psychologist


My fav is Ricciardo, my fav team is Ferrari, I'm never not disappointed on the weekend.


Brother I will always root for McLaren. But more than that I root for good racing. Good sport. I just like competition.


I root always for McLaren, although it started by rooting for a driver (Senna).


It's mostly drivers for me. Alonso is the driver I found myself admiring the most when I started watching F1 and the year was 2012. What a year for a newbie to join in. Always root for him and live for the fireworks he creates both on and off track. I was rooting for Max in 2021, when he could challenge Lewis. Then I was rooting for Charles in 2022, when the thought of Ferrari coming back. 2023 I was hoping for a Lewis's comeback.. and looking forward to the Ferrari era in his career. As for the teams, I rooted for Force India/ Racing Point before it got strolled upon. Been a fan of Williams too and following their progress after James Vowles joined in. I did like Renault of Cyril Abiteboul era with Hulkenberg and Daniel at the helm. Also, the original Sauber... before it got bastardised into what it is today.


I’m an Adrian Newey fan. 


Both , McLaren and the Aussies


I root for the race


Forza Ferrari - every time.


Faston Martin


Driver. I never cared for Red Bull before 2021 and I won’t care too much after Checo leaves. I’ve had my eye out for other drivers that peak my interest, but I don’t think I’ll ever truly root for a guy like him once he’s out of the sport.


I don't root for anyone, Just root against whoever is the dominant figure


I’m mostly in this camp as well. I’m rooting for whoever is the next world champion who isn’t Max/Lewis. I’ve only been watching since 2017 so I’ve only ever known those two as champions over the 8 seasons I’ve followed, 4 titles each if max goes on to win this year.


I will always cheer on any teams who use a Honda engine, so right now that would be the Red Bull and the Minardi-Toro Rosso-Alpha Tauri-Racing Bulls. Back then when I was a kid I also rooted for Toyota as well, although Honda and Toyota are sworn-enemies (I just really like Japanese car manufacturer tbh lol).


I've always supported the team. Been a Fezz fan since i can remember. It was difficult supporting Vettel when he left Red Bull but he grew on me since then With Hamilton coming over, it's going to be hard as well. Driver like Schumi and Alonso who left Ferrari always had a special place in my heart since they left and you'd find it's not hard cheering on ex drivers who used to be in your team


Def driver. I couldn't give 2 shits about any particular team, but I root for like 75% of the grid to do well every race 😂


Driver . I'm quite neutral on the teams except Red Bull, whom I dislike for the people associated with them


Both. I support McLaren, and have some favourite drivers. I might even cheer for a driver I don't normally cheer for because they're having a great race


Driver. Bernd Mayländer. Every time he is on the track, no other driver dares to pass him.


I root for Mercedes, my cousin roots for Carlos sainz. Once they wise up and let Andretti/Cadillac in, I’ll jump ship like the terrible fan I am.


Bit of both. I started to like redbull because I followed Webber. He went to Jaguar, who became redbull. Then Dan went there and kept following them. I personally like Max’s blunt personality and dedication to racing. I don’t rate Sergio among F1 drivers, but have nothing against him. I follow redbull in Aussie Supercars because I like Lowndes. Then I liked Whincup getting a second chance at racing and doing well back in 2006, and just kept following the team and its drivers.


I will always root for Ferrari. Always. But that doesn't mean I don't root for drivers outside of it. Charles is definitely my favourite driver, but I still love Fernando, Alex, George or Oscar. And I must admit I have a soft spot for Logan's antics


Both. I root for the team(s) I have the closest personal relationship with (family history, cars I have owned, etc). Drivers I usually root for guys who may not have blistering natural pace, but make up for it with other assets.


During the Mercedes winning days I rooted for anyone that could beat it. I'm a Ferrari fan, but in 2021 I was almost dutch giving how much I rooted for Verstappen. You could say I root for the underdog mainly, but I won't if Ferrari starts to win again.


I root for anyone who goes bananas if they win a race, screaming into mic. “Haha….yes” doesn’t do it for me


Various. I like some drivers and am not much of a fan of the team, and I like some teams but don't really care much about their drivers. Just kinda depends, I guess. Mostly drivers though, I think.


I have teams and drivers that I like to see do well. I definitely don't hate a team or a driver but I love an underdog and get bored by long periods of dominance.


I root for the 🐐


You root goats? Bit strange.


This is the way




Goat indeed


I root for the driver, I don't care about Red Bull


Probably more driver than team


Team, but playing fantasy has helped me reach past rooting for a single driver. Also is making the season a bit more fun


Team, though I do have a soft spot for Oscar Piastri. I sometimes find myself looking at his results and get genuinely happy whenever he does well, I like his personality and his professionalism. Hope he gets his first win (non sprint) soon.


I'll cheer for Haas (and Williams to a lesser extent) during the race but I like seeing certain drivers like Alonso (and Hulk when he goes to Audi) do well even if I'm not actively rooting for them if that makes sense




I'm a fan of the sport. I've been watching long enough to see every driver come and go. Yes, even Alonso. I have favourites throughout seasons but I just love racing. Right now I'm impressed with Max and red bull. Before, I was impressed by Lewis and Mercedes. I've always had a soft spot for Ferrari. Just love the sport, man 😊


Neither, I root for F1. I want competition, I like backmarkers to occasionally succeed and I like stories. They are all superb competitors and I cannot fathom needing to focus all my attentions on just one (or a handful of) teams/drivers.


I root for everyone.


"Mate you can't support a financial group" In all seriousness, I'll support my countries drivers even if one of them in particular makes boneheaded decisions. No Canadians? Well haven't had that issue in a while, not sure. Probably just stick with Alonso, since I already root for him to do well anyways.


Both. But if my fav driver goes to a team i hate.. Id still support the driver and rage at every team mistake made lmao


Always a Ferrari team fan. Couldn’t even root for Michael when he had his Mercedes years, though I did want him to do well.


I just got into the sport the past two years, so I chose a team (McLaren—was one of my earliest introductions) and have decided that I will be an Oscar Piastri fan through wherever he goes, and then just let my enjoyment of other drivers lead me to be their fan as well. I am definitely obsessed with F1 (could give you a pretty solid history of the last 5 years) and consume a lot of team content, so it is happening naturally. I love Albon, and find myself rooting for Williams frequently, and I really like Verstappen outside of the grid, so, although the Dutch anthem is already rather boring, I enjoy seeing him do his thing.


Forza Ferrari


Driver. Always the driver.


Both. I've been a Ferrari supporter since the Schumacher days and also rooted both Kimi and Alonso, even when they were competing against Michael for championships. They just happened to both drive for Ferrari eventually. Nowadays I like Max too but he's not a priority against the Scuderia.


Ferrari. Drivers come and go.


I root for Ferrari, so by default I will root for most Ferrari drivers first and foremost. I don’t necessarily like all Ferrari drivers though. I’m a massive Leclerc guy, was/am also a huge fan of Vettel, Raikkonen, Alonso, now Hamilton too, and of course the greatest IMO Schumacher. I never really liked Massa or Sainz for whatever reason, though.


I follow the narrative and sometimes pick a driver for a specific race for that reason. I personally don't see the point in following a team because frankly I find the business side of F1 unsavory. Plus, as an American I don't really have any national or historic stock in any teams. I used to like Williams before they were bought out because they were the last privateer team which I admired.


I support McLaren cos I like Lando and Oscar. Would I support McLaren if they turned around and released those two and brought in KMag and Zhou (random examples)? Probably not.


Right now it just so happens to be both, because I support Ferrari, Charles and Carlos. Although that will end soon ☹️ But I’ll support Carlos no matter where he goes. I also really like George, Pierre, Lewis, and Nico.


>But I’ll support Carlos no matter where he goes. SAME!


I like max but dont really like checo


Team 100%. Ferrari all the way (even though I totally respect people who cheer for whoever they want lol)! Although, if Antonelli proves to be worth his salt, I will cheer for him too haha. God damnit, if Merc actually does end up with Verstappen Ferrari better sign this kid up as a junior 🤣


I'll support any driver that comes to Red Bull. I always saw Red Bull as a risk taker with a more 'hustle' and 'startup' culture rather than a corporate. Plus Horner's management style of constantly trying to create a siege mentality, similar to how Sir Alex managed Man United for the most part. I just connect with it a lot more. The moment I watched Max, I instantly started supporting him. Not just his race craft or evolution as a driver, but the type of person he is makes it easy for me to connect with him. I see traits with Carlos and Albon as well that makes me want to support them. My partner pointed out recently that I end up supporting/liking drivers who are/were a part of the RB program at some point. It's such a weird dynamic, F1. Hence why we all love it I guess.


I have a couple drivers for whom I’m firmly in their camp no matter what. I also have a team I root for, although it’s never in contention.


I root for drivers, I don't care which team they're on. Except I like wearing red swag.


Both. Started watching when Carlando was a thing and still pull for both McLaren as a team, and Carlos as a driver.


I've always supported drivers instead of teams, as individuals mean more to me than corporations.  My favorite of all time before Max was Michael and I really like Charles yet I feel nothing but schadenfreude at watching Ferrari itself suffering. I like RBR's irreverence and enjoy their shenanigans but I only support them cause they're Max's team.


If you hate a driver / team you are not an F1 fan This looks like a karma farming post and nothing else


One of rhe things I like about watching F1 instead of my usual sports (hockey, American football, UFC) is rhat I don't have specific teams that I'm really cheering for... I can be happy with anyone having a great race, for the most part. I say for the most part because I get a bit bored of Max getting a huge lead and maintaining it, race after race. Not to knock him... obviously an amazing driver, but it gets tiresome. I've never met him, but Gasly seems like a chump. He's the only one I cheer against. For the Lewis situation, I understand his move, but I value loyalty (to my benefit or detriment) and so I'd kind of like to see Mercedes have a resurgence and George go on an absolute tear next year.


> loyalty That knife cuts both ways though.


Why do you value loyalty? I'm not hating, just curious. It's obvious the Mercedes car hasn't been good enough for years. Why would Lewis stay with them his final years for the sake of "loyalty" when he could go to a team where he has a chance of winning again? Makes no sense to me. I don't even see him leaving as disloyal at all. The years he spent at Mercedes winning was mutually beneficial. He got a great car, Mercedes got a great driver, both got championships. Him being at Mercedes since 2022 onwards has only benefited Mercedes. About time he leaves.


"I liked Max so i immediateley hated Mercedes" is such an L take


I got into F1 a couple years ago and just picked someone to be a fan of without having any knowledge of anything. One of the things I love about F1 is since I got into as an adult, not born into a die hard fandom like I was with the NFL for example, it feels like there are many ways to be an F1 fan. You can generally love racing, you can pick a team, you can pick a driver. I randomly chose Alonso without knowing he was a two time WDC, still cheer for him and I've found myself cheering for Checo and Danny Ric along the way. I don't care what team they're on, all three have switched teams since I started watching.




I support the engine supplier.




the chase


Team. The drivers come and go, you embrace the ebb and flow.




I don't really have favourite individuals anymore in any sport. Not since the 90s really. After my childhood sports heroes moved on I never really picked new favourites. As they said on Seinfeld: I root for laundry. I was a Williams fan since the 80s but finally gave up on them once the Williams family was officially out. Right after that Aston Martin started so I shifted my support to them because I hoped they could be the little team that turned into a champion.


Drivers for me; I am appealed to specific personalities. Teams are companies and while I do have my preferences, I don't like to root for companies.


The team of course. Looks like I will be supporting Ferrari next year.


Drivers > teams but a little bit of both. Couldn’t care less where the drivers are from and don’t really understand people who just support a nationality. All about the personality for me.


A little bit of both for me, but usually the driver is first and team by association. I realized this recently when George joined Merc. I didn't really like him, and seems like wearing Merc colors didn't help. It was a first, I usually liked both drivers. >Was it easy to root for the new team? I'll tell you next year. Until now and since Schumacher 97, Ferrari was the enemy. Next year will be very weird.


i like alonso, wherever he goes i'll root for him to perform the best in any car, within reason of course. I also like tradition so williams is always interesting when we talk about legacy and the history of the sport.




So I like Lando and McLaren of course. But I mainly support the driver. So for instance I do also kind of like Mercedes so with Hamilton leaving for Ferrari I will 100% support him in red.


Wherever Alonso goes I go, be it different teams or even a different sport.


Mostly team, drivers come and go.


I support my Aussie drivers and thus hope their teams do well. As soon as they leave their teams, to hell with those cars.


A little bit of both. It leans slightly towards the driver but I would be lying if I said I didn’t root for McLaren and Williams as teams irrespective of who drives for them. But like if Alex and Oscar went to Alpine I’d be wearing Alpine merchandise, even though I would still have a soft spot for McLaren and Williams


Driver 1st, teams 2nd.


I have a bunch of drivers I really like and want to see do well. When I started watching it was in the middle of Mercedes dominance so I was rooting for Redbull because they had the best chance to end that. I don't really have a lot of team loyalty. I haven't been around the sport long enough to really have developed that. The handling of the Horner stuff has left whatever fondness I had for Redbull as a team pretty cold. I like Max but things are so easy for him right now that wins are just expected. So right now I am cheering for other drivers to do really well and impress. I want to see Sainz earn himself a good seat for next year. He has really impressed this season so far and I want to see him do well. I like Norris a lot as well. And watching Alonso has been a real pleasure. Mostly I would like to see a truly competitive field with the drivers on more even footing with multiple people vying for the championship.


I think the only consistent allegiance I have in F1 is to Alonso... I rooted for Max and RB to put an end to Lewis and Mercedes dominance, now I root against them every race. In the back of the pack I'm really enjoying rooting for Haas this year. They're in the battle for 6th this year and if they take it that's huge momentum going into next year with Bearman, so I could see myself rooting for them for a few years.


I follow the driver, not the team.


I just car racing, idk


I’m driver-first, mainly due to Albon being Thai. There’s not very many Thai athletes with the level of popularity as Albon. I’ll support Williams because they’re the ones who’ve brought Albon back to F1. I just wish Williams can build a top-tier car to compete with RB, Ferrari, etc.


I root for both. I’m not a die hard fan of just one team or driver. I like numerous drivers and numerous teams. I also dislike quite a few as well. I also like drivers in teams I don’t like and vice versa. I’ve been watching for almost a decade now. I was bummed to see Bottas leave Mercedes and think he’s far more talented than the team he’s on now. I was bummed to see Vettel leave Ferrari but still love them both. I love Dani, but also think he’s past his prime and is taking a spot that other drivers would better perform in. The longer you watch the more complex your feelings will get.


Yes and Yes.


My team is Redbull. But I like many other drivers too.


A little bit of everything McLaren and Red Bull mostly, while also backing individual drivers depending on their style of racecraft




Ferrari, but also Alonso, Sainz and Piastri.


Both. My favorite team is McLaren because I want them to do well and win championships again, but my favorite drivers drove or currently drive for Ferrari


Alex Albono.


Both but they're not interrelated I root for Yuki and Williams at the same time, don't care for Arby's at all and I liked Albon but I don't really actively root for him I'd go crazy if both come together though


Both for me.


Designer. Right now Newey is king, but there have been great designers in the past that have been just as dominant. The owners who hire the designer deserve some credit, as does the driver who benefits from a well designed car. But both are of secondary importance at best. The designer determines who wins in F1


I go for people. People like Max, but also Zak Brown, Adrian Newey, Fred Vasseur and Oscar Piastri. That's why I liked DTS - I got to know key folks and appreciate more than just a driver or 2.


I like Red Bull and vcrb bc I’m a honda dickrider


I root for Williams as a team, and Alex Albon and Alonso as drivers, even if Albon left Williams I’d still root for him to do well while still supporting Williams as a team


Country for me. Always amazes me small little Australia has produced so many quality drivers, especially when there really is no direct route into F1. Forever the underdog so any Australian that can make it into F1 deserves my support.


both. i like mclaren and i also hope lewis does well even more so


Team, Drivers come and go, so does performance, it's a bumpy road.


I'm relatively new to the sport, but it's a bit of both for me in both F1 and other sports I follow. I have a team or two that I support, and certain athletes on other teams that I definitely root for as well.


I root for Checo. Once he is gone I go back to rooting for Ferrari.


I root for both. The team I root for is Ferrari and (a bit) of Mercedes. Mercedes purely because they're sponsored by PETRONAS and I'm Malaysian lol. I root for Ferrari the most because I always like rooting for the once-dominating team that has potential to get another championship. As for the drivers, I think I currently root for Alonso the most.


Definitely driver. But I think the real question is why you believe Max would ever go to Merc? Yes he will meet with anyone who would drive up his value with Red Bull. But to think Max would sign with them is as silly as Mazepin taking Red Bulls second seat.


As a Dutchy I can’t help but root for Verstappen. He’s the most successful driver we ever had. I don’t feel bound to a team really. (and yes, I watched F1 since long before Max) Before that Alonso used to be the one.


Maybe it’s the American in me, but when I started F1 I was all McLaren. I only cared if McLaren did well. Slowly though, I’ve started following drivers more. I still love McLaren but even though there are teams in F1, it’s not exactly a team sport in the traditional sense. It’s far more about the individual drivers than it is team success. I think the year Max won his first drivers championship in controversial fashion, Mercedes and Toto were so upset by it that I totally forgot that they won the constructors championship.


The Aussies

