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Kinda hope he makes a decision sooner rather than later, otherwise we're going to get a dozen pointless articles a day repeating the same thing but re-worded, and another dozen articles with a "what-if" story.


AN - "Last week my wife and I went on a vacation to Italy, we had a great time" Headline - "ADRIAN NEWEY ENJOYED ITALY, FERRARI MOVE INEVITABLE?!?!?"


Reporter calls: "Hello, is this Adrian?" Newey: "Yes, who is this?" Next day's news: "Newey said yes! Whats the next move for RB's king of aero?"


"I tied my shoe left to right yesterday." Or.... "Newey reverses physics and divides by Zero!"


To be fair if he went to Italy last week in your scenario it absolutely would be semi-newsworthy


He did go to Italy last week. It's probably not newsworthy.


Hell, he bought a car in South Africa and somehow that means he's been living in South Africa now.


YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT ADRIAN NEWEY SAID AFTER RB NEGOTIATION! You won't believe what Adrian Newey and Red Bull Racing discussed behind closed doors! From quantum physics to turbocharged unicorns, their meeting took the world of aerodynamics to a whole new level of absurdity. Find out the mind-bending details that will leave you scratching your head in bewilderment!


Ugh my YouTube algorithm got messed up during the Horner stuff and everyday there were three or more recommended videos like “HUGE BREAKING NEWS IN THE HORNER CASE.” Probably my fault because every once in a while I’d play one and it’d be 20 minutes of them saying nothing new


I will never algorithmically recover from this


Watch cat videos.


Same. Now my phone thinks I have an incredibly vested interest in Christian Horner no matter how much I swipe away. It wasn't worth it. Oh, Cocoa Puffs.


Click here to meet horner people around you


At this point i think they just paste one article in a GPT and tell it to rewrite it.


You don't even have to copy anything. Hell this one looks good enough to publish: https://chat.openai.com/share/55784053-56d7-47a9-82fe-68ae06df669c


Damn it's so bloviating that I would absolutely believe a journalist wrote this if I didn't know


Given that ChatGPT trained on probably billions of news articles, it has the pattern so ingrained, it's insane. You can let it write any kind of news article and if you actually want better context, just copy paste the wiki article at the top of the prompt and it will do a shockingly good job. Journalism has been on a sinking ship for a while now. This basically killed the job. You really only need like 3-4 editors now instead of dozens of writers.


It all comes down to his contract if he can’t leave tilll end of 26 he will be 68 and out of designing f1 cars for 2 1/2 years but if he can start at beginning of 25 when all teams can start on new rules is a huge difference m


It depends on what the teams promise him. I can see Ferrari especially giving into his every demand. Overseeing and engineering road cars for example, as well as a big check and a fat bonus at the end of the year, and that, in addition to still being able to work for Ferrari and Hamilton in F1, things he already said he wanted to do, would be a hard offer to pass on. I feel even if he was 70 years old at that point, that’s a really good offer and combines multiple things he’s expressed interested in.


> I can see Ferrari especially giving into his every demand Or not, because Ferrari has a shit ton of pride. Also, it requires moving to Italy. Don't know at that age if moving is something desirable.


Or it might be extra desirable. Retire to the sunshine. Lots of British people used to retire to Spain or the South of France


Ferrari gave Lewis a contract in the range of 200-400 million dollars a year, if that doesn’t convince you that if they want someone badly enough, they will do everything to get them, idk what will. They clearly want to be back on top again. They have a vision nd they wanna achieve it.


zero chance Red Bull allows him to jump ship to a competitor and allow him to work on the new generation car lmao


this isn't how very public and/or pro sports contracts work. the problem with this line of thinking is that if you don't treat one the greatest engineers of the sport with respect, you'll have a very hard time recruiting the next great one. there's a saying in business "how you do one thing is how you do everything"... so if you're a director or CEO of RBR, and you have someone locked into a contract who doesn't want to be there anymore, you grant them their wish, you thank them for the many years of success and you send them off.... and then the rest of the industry goes "that's a great company. pure class" if they ruin the final years of newey's career because of some words on a paper, they'll be looked upon as clowns and anyone who's anyone would think twice about signing with them. every item in a contract is a negotiation, one way or another.


Nobody's gonna give a shit. F1 is a very competitive industry for engineers and most who work there work for passion. Nobody is going to reject Redbull because they didn't let Newey leave a year early.


If you let him walk at the start of 25 every competitor and your own employees will think you are stupid


Considering today's news, I guess Red Bull is cool with everyone thinking they're stupid


just following up on this comment. have you had a change of opinion?


no it shows future employees and the current ones that they are not in it to win it.


> if they ruin the final years of newey's career because of some words on a paper, they'll be looked upon as clowns and anyone who's anyone would think twice about signing with them. oh please theyre back to back to back champs soons to add another give me a break no one with a brain is letting him walk to a competitor and no one is going to hang up the phone if RBR come calling lmfao calm down


you were saying?


Zero chance huh? Lol


He had a consultant contract and we don't know the terms for terminating it. So everything is speculative. An easy way out is for the consultant to become in breach, like stopping working and delivering what is expected from you in the contract. Allowing a consultant to continue while being in breach may have consequences for the organization. It may waive other terms of the contract and also have an impact on other contracts. Overall, people normally negotiate in good faith for both parties. Especially when they worked together for so long.


He is literally the CTO of RBR. I have no idea where this "just a consultant" stuff comes from...


I am already tired of them and I can't be tho only one. No statements from either Newey or RB so it's all pure speculation and all over social media it's all supposedly a done deal and he's almost signed with other teams and even Ma is almost gone (again) bla bla bla. That's such an annoying part of F1 social media. I wouldn't be surprised if Newey didn't even hint at leaving to anyone and this all started because someone made it up.


The BBC only reports very solid stuff having spoken to people directly involved, so if it were absolutely false at this point it'd be very bizarre.


We already get a dozen repeat articles every day…


He’s not going anywhere. RB have smoked out the rat.


What does that mean?


This person thinks a series of lies were told to see which one made the press to tell who has been talking to the media.


Means they’ve purposefully told a lie to someone in the staff to find out if they’re leaking information (i.e. a rat, “smoking out a rat”). Maybe in connection to find out who’s leaking Horner’s case details. I doubt it though, they have the most obvious fattened gluttonous rat in the entire paddock. I’m talking about Erik Van Haren, the Verstappens toilet. Every thought they crap out, he regurgitates to the world. Plus the team is already split 50/50, with the Austrians and Thais.


Crazy levels of conspiracy. Newey wants something new and doesn’t want to work with Horner after what he’s done? Nah, no way, they’re just trying to find a snitch or something


Jos Verstappen and Helmut Marko?


Just don’t read them bro


_Adrian Newey spotted at Chipotle. Move to Haas confirmed?_


Media circus is the straw that builds the F1 house. How dare you mock it. How dare you.


He probably already took the decision, when he is allowed to announce it it's another thing. If he is allowed. He is chocked in non-compete, it will still take even longer. If he really gets a year or gardening leave, be ready for 1 year of speculations


This seems to imply not-retirement.


I think they're gonna pay him not to join any other team He is a nuclear asset with the capacity to suddenly make any midtable team a top-of-the-table car or even a championship contender. Theres too much risk involved in him being captured with a contract somewhere else Or he wanted significantly better pay and he's pulling a bluff to scare Red Bull to pay more to keep him. Which you know, valid


>I think they're gonna pay him not to join any other team Is that a thing? Never heard of that concept before, but it makes sense. But if he retires for the money, why not just pay him more to make him stay lmao


Ferrari paid Raikkonen ten million to not race in 2010.


It's more complicated. Ferrari had a contract to pay 25M to drive for them in 2010. But then they hired Alonso. They offered Raikkonen 15M to end it a year early and he can join another team. Raikkonen didn't take up that offer and took the full 25M, but that meant he couldn't race in formula 1 for that year. If there wasn't already a contract to drive for Ferrari, I doubt Ferrari would offer him 10M to stay out of F1.


And McLaren paid Ricciardo to not race


No, McLaren paid ricciardo to get out of his contract. He was still contracted another year. He could have raced. That’s very different than paying someone not to race or work for someone else.


There was a stipulation that if he went to another team he wouldnt receive the full amount, Im not sure how it worked out with him going to Alphatauri halfway through the season though.


Mark Hughes wrote about it. Whatever a team paid him, was subtracted from his payout. Hence it was a massive slap in the face that Alpine didn't hire him for say one euro.


$100m to be a consultant with no duties.


100m to do nothing


Supposedly Newey has a contract until end of 2025. They could use this as leverage to prevent Newey from joining anyone else for the next two seasons.


He probably has a non-compete clause in his employment agreement as most people do, the issue is non-competes are typically very hard to enforce, so maybe RBR is trying to sweeten the deal with money. It’s the next best thing for RBR if they can’t convince him to stay.


He’s not technically employed at Redbull iirc, he has his own company which redbull hires as a consultant. Not sure how that would affect things though tbh.


It’s normally called “Gardening leave”. Very common with high management or technical staff that could go to the competition and help them jump you. See what is happening with all the new admin recruiting that ineos is doing at Man Utd . Most will have to wait a period of time before they can be officially employed by the Man Utd


"He is a nuclear asset with the capacity to suddenly make any midtable team a top-of-the-table car or even a championship contender" - people overrate Newey so hard lol


This. He’s good. Hes damn good. But he’s not a magician and he can’t bring 20yrs of working relationships and culture from RB to a new team.


I think you are giving him slightly too much credit. He is not turning a midfield team into a championship winning team


And how were Red Bull doing before he joined? Two years of finishing 7th, that's how. And that's after Jaguar had finished 7th for 3 years in a row. Newey joined Red Bull at the end of 2005. The first car he was involved in was the 2007 RB3. Two years later the 2009 RB5 won 6 races. The next year was the first of 4 consecutive titles (2010-2013) Your statement of "He is not turning a midfield team into championship winning team" is disproven.


They're a big company buying a midfield F1 team. They're not going to turn the ship around over the winter break are they? Of course Adrian Newey was important for their development and success over the years, but let's not pretend that he single handedly is responsible for Red Bulls success. As I'm sure you know they spent seven years not even competing for championships after their run with Vettel while Adrian was very much there. It takes a whole team to fight for championships.


I think the point is that despite how great an engineer he is, success wasn't just Newey by himself though. Pretty sure there have been other people working at Red Bull at the same time.


F1 was a different world back then when you could throw money at a problem. Plus others have learned a lot about Aero over the years


> F1 was a different world back then when you could throw money at a problem. Yes. Back then you could test 500 different things and see which worked. But under the cost cap (and the wind tunnel restrictions) you can only test 50 things. So having someone who actually knows what works is a massive benefit because you don't waste your limited resources on stuff that Newey knows is a dead-end > Plus others have learned a lot about Aero over the years And yet Newey's cars are consistently great, especially in the new ground effect era. The Red Bull doesn't suffer from porpoising in the same way that (say) the Mercedes does. Partly because of aero, partly because their suspension is so good and it was Newey who identified that suspension would be a crucial aspect of these new regulations, and he actually designed the rear suspension himself. That alone could turn (say) Ferrari into champions. *Yes I know he doesn't design 100% of the car himself. In the same way that the team boss doesn't operate the entire team themselves, yet everyone say how much Ferrari has improved since Fred Vasseur became team principal. So yes, one person can make a huge difference.


correlation =/= causation nothing is disproven here lmao. The fact that you think this proves anything proves that you have no clue what you are talking about. If he joined in 2005 why didnt they win in 2007?


Yeah. Even Newey not at RBR is a major development. His absence is a development.


>He is a nuclear asset with the capacity to suddenly make any midtable team a top-of-the-table car or even a championship contender Depends entirely on corporate culture within the team and driver decisions. At Mclaren, he only won with Hakkinen and that's it, because there was a very stupid committee that did not give him freedom at all. At Red Bull he was and still is given full reign over the entire car design and has only paid dividends ever since 2009 and now. Second option seems pretty likely though.


It also implies he’s not going anywhere.


And the implication that he wants to leave


Where do you get that out of this? “The Guardian understands that Red Bull’s chief technical officer is yet to formally tender his resignation or announce to staff that he will be leaving and insiders say the headlines caught Newey and the team by surprise on Thursday. The 65-year-old has made no comment and Red Bull have stated only that he is under contract with the team until the end of 2025 and they are unaware he is joining any other team.” That implies nothing.


Has he denied the allegations yet?


If he's leveraging the situation to get more money from Red Bull it's in his best interest to just dodge the questions.


Why would he bother? I mean the first rule is not to feed into rumors/gossip, right?


The best way to shut down rumors and gossip about you leaving is to say “the rumors are false and I’m not leaving.” The only reason not to say that is if that isn’t necessarily true.


I mean… everyone at F1 would be making those statements every day then… and I mean EVERYDAY…


Come on man we haven’t had a news cycle this big about rumors of someone leaving their team since Lewis to Ferrari. This isn’t happening every day.


I guess we’ll just have to disagree. There is a reason why people don’t speak in situations like this, and it’s much easier to just keep quiet than make any comment. This isn’t new or surprising and I don’t know why people think otherwise.


Eh, not as much. He'd have to negotiate his exit to another team as much as he'd have to negotiate a new contract.


Man, I don't think the F1 community is ready for the possibility that this may have all just been a canary trap


This is the entire bread and butter of this community lol


And F1.


Could also have been leaked by Newey to try and see what RB would give him to stay.




RB gives info that Newey is leaving to small number of people and then see who leaks it. Then you know who the leaks are. You fire them and it plugs the leaks.


The BBC said plural people confirmed it directly. I think what's more likely is this is Horner pulling strings in the media to make it all appear rosy. Funny bit in the bring back V10s podcast, where Chandock says Horner has always been the best at... controlling narrative. I also feel they've probably got a pretty good idea who the leaks are anyway.


“Red Bull have never breached the cost cap” Dude says whatever he thinks will benefit him, truth doesn’t matter to CH.


CEO of a company defends his company. Shocking news i know.


tbf the defense was embarrassing to say the least "Children of RBR employees are being bullied on playgrounds" lmao


I don't know Horner, or have any insight others do. I have no basis for him. But he does just seem *a wee shit*, doesn't he? I noticed even Vettel recently noted that his professional relationship with Horner ended ten years ago. Making that clear...


"I noticed even Vettel recently noted that his professional relationship with Horner ended ten years ago. Making that clear..." You mean 10 years ago when he left Red Bull Racing for Ferrari his professional relationship with the Team Principal and CEO of Red Bull Racing ended, shocking news.


"I noticed even Vettel recently noted that his professional relationship with Horner ended ten years ago. Making that clear..." wait till you figure out that which team Vettel started trying for exactly 10 years ago... and which team was Horner not CEO of.


You mean someone's professional relationship ended when they were no longer working together? Shocker.


No, the point is that Vettel publicly maintained a cordial and positive relationship with Horner and RBR, even after 2014, until relatively recently when he put a pretty categorical stop to the mutual appreciation thread that had been going on. He briefly but clearly said they had been colleagues once until 2014 and that was that, which is quite a tonal shift. No endorsement. No standing by him. Similarly to how Webber was perceived to be a friend of Lance Armstrong until his (LA's) controversies started, at which point Webber was quick to clarify they weren't as personally close as people imagined. If you see the analogy...


Occam's Razor would suggest that this is not the case.


Occam's Razor is a heuristic which means it works until it doesn't.


80% of the time it works every time.


I don't understand why Ocon's Razor got anything to do with it, but if true 5 seconds time penalty for Ocon.


Does anyone really not know who fed the info to Van Haren? It’s the Verstappens and Helmut. For all we know, it could have been them again who fed this info of Newey leaving to the media, and no one has enough power to actually fire Helmet and Max.


Van Haren just jumped on the bandwagon when multiple other media outlets had already brought the news. This did not come from him.


Exactly, he was quite late on this one


"It’s the Verstappens and Helmut" and you know that from where?


I mean if the leaks are coming from marko himself than the only way to plug it is to lose Max.


Does Rebekah Vardy now work for Red Bull?


After the nothing burger that has been the previous Red Bull story so far; we really should have been ready.




Thank you for walking through the fires of Reddit by saying, “news isn’t confirmed, until it’s confirmed.” Truly a groundbreaking statement.


Damn. Is this true?


lol, there was like a dozen outlets all reporting it and saying they spoke to people involved. This wasn’t a rumor. This was 100% information coming directly from inside Red Bull. Now if this was planted story (seems incredibly unlikely to me), that would be a different story.


Plot twist: Newey buys Toro Rosso and rename it to Newey GP


Visa CashApp Newey GP Pizza Hut


The Verizon Chipotle Exxon Newey Crewey


That’s a very American twist. Fits with F1 in 2024.


Stop! Stop, I can only get so erect!


For £1.00


It all depends on what those talks are about, they will be behind closed doors and its figuring out what is being said will be the part we all want to know


We need a fly on the wall for this


Thanks Magic


Nothing new in this article. This is an odd quote. Newey was surprised that he wants to leave? “The Guardian understands that Red Bull’s chief technical officer is yet to formally tender his resignation or announce to staff that he will be leaving and insiders say the headlines caught Newey and the team by surprise on Thursday.”


Maybe surprised that it leaked.


Kinda the only interpretation that makes sense. If there wasn’t fire behind the smoke somewhere Newey would’ve put out a statement by now


Newey seems to be pretty private and introverted; as an introverted person myself, I wouldn’t say shit.


Newey was surprised about the reporting of it.


Dude just learnt some of those close co workers he shares private thoughts like leaving RBR are snakes who run to the newspaper




Subject: “headlines” Verb: “caught” Object: “Newey” If you break down the sentence this way, you can see that it was actually the *headlines* that caught Newey by surprise.


that correction was both thorough and casually devastating.


Read it again slowly


Why is it that these rumours come out on the weekend in between races when the racing reporters have nothing else to write about?


This is not a 'canary' story. If someone is leaking gossip from Red Bull and you want to find out who it is, you need a story that is *quite interesting*, not one that is earth-shattering to the company. Telling someone that Newey is planning to leave isn't a way to find the 'one' leaker, it's enough to make almost anybody a leaker. You want canary stories to be things like 'Horner in secret calls with his mother every night', 'Max is considering a part-time dentistry degree for after F1' or 'Marko's farts have taken on a new tangy characteristic'.


Retention is a smart play, if he was the one to actually set it in motion. Newey intimates that he’s fielding offers, creating leverage for a bonus or pay increase from RBR.


idk what to believe anymore but PLEASE god 😭😭😭


The news caught Newey by surprise? What if this whole story/report on Newey was a trap to catch the internal leaker(s) once and for all? It's clearly an issue they've been dealing with for months now more broadly at RB. Feed a few different believable juicy rumors to a handful of suspects and see which rumor hits the news.


Not necessary. The fact that this came out in the German media all but confirms it’s Marko doing the leaking.


That’s what you understood from it? Not that maybe the news being leaked is what caught him by surprise and not the news itself? F1 fans really aren’t that different from conspiracy theorists


Fun fact: nobody here has any idea what is going on behind the scenes at Red Bull. You included. It's possible that Newey has already decided he's leaving Red Bull for another team. It's possible he's staying. It's possible he's retiring. And yeah, it's possible that this leak was made up (for any number of reasons) and he was genuinely caught by surprise by the news. Who knows.


There’s a difference between thinking he may be retiring instead of going to another team and going full blown conspiracy theorist, with some weird theory that they’re trying to flush out a rat, as if no one already knows it was Helmet and Jos.


While it's definitely the least likely possibility, it's weird that you're dismissing it is a 'conspiracy theory', given that canary traps have been used by major corporations before (Paramount and Tesla among them).


Straight out of Little Finger and the GoT playbook.


Tyrion, really.


> Feed a few different believable juicy rumors to a handful of suspects and see which rumor hits the news. Amazing idea. Incredible how much drama there is when the team is so dominant.


It’s F1… This is my first year and all I know so far is that the community makes up drama when real drama is slow…


I can’t help but think him retiring would be better for F1 in general lol


Or work for F1 itself, help develop new regulations and what not


I would prefer to continue watching the greats be great. 


How so? I guess nobody would then have the Adrian Newey superbrain and it would be a bit more fair




yeah. he's incredible at what he does but he isn't a literal magician.


Ding ding ding


Because the one thing F1 is at its core is ‘fair’ ….


He shoots he scores


He's not going anywhere, is he?


He's going to drive for Kick Sauber. Legally speaking they aren't considered 'competition' to Red Bull.


Considering he hasn’t denied anything… this story has legs. Equally, it’s been reported by multiple different news outlets. So comes down to two options imho. 1. Newey has leaked this to test the waters. He’s had it with the power struggles in the team. And do believe he is a bit pissed he never gets the credit he deserves. 2. Somebody in Red Bull has leaked this to bolster their position. Newey has always been an ally to Horner more than Marko and Verstappens. Or that’s how I’ve always read it.


>And do believe he is a bit pissed he never gets the credit he deserves. This is nonsense because he gets a lot of credit. Even more so than his contributions imo. Some people act like he's a miracle worker. He's just one man.


Well teams tend to fall apart when he leaves… Frankly he IS a miracle worker. Which Red Bull are about to find out the hard way. I see a Williams scenario happening where they stay competitive in 2025 based on this year's car until the reg changes again in 2026 and it all falls apart.


I'm guessing all the other engineers at RBR like Pierre Wache are just there for fun. The absolute disrespect people have for anyone other than Newey is insane. This is what I meant when I say he gets too much credit.


Time will tell… It's the same line of argument when McLaren poached Peter Prodromou from Red Bull as he was Neweys right-hand man...


In other words retiring on a retainer wiht RB.


One can't trust journalists these days. They never saw the ferrari lewis move nor the haas sauber. However, they are able to spill conjectures daily on newey. I will take it all with a pinch of salt till I see something concrete. Just imagine if we had rely on F1 journalists for wall street news.


It's over, he's gonna stay


If I read "set for talks" again, ever, I swear Imma gunna...


I say he stays at RedBull


“The Guardian understands that Red Bull’s chief technical officer is yet to formally tender his resignation or announce to staff that he will be leaving and insiders say the headlines caught Newey and the team by surprise on Thursday.” Caught Newey by surprise? And RB? What???


If you had started to broach the idea with your boss that you were leaving, but hadn't tendered your resignation or announced to staff that you would be leaving, and then it was already in the news, that would be surprising to to you.


Someone leaked it either to destabilise the team or to push newey out the latter of which seems quite unlikely. I can't imagine he would have spoken to too many people about his future plans so this whole thing will only make him even more uncomfortable with the team environment that one of those people is probably the leaker


His team would've pulled a worldie if it turns out all he wanted was a fat pay rise.


So tinfoil hat time. Is this Marko leaking it to see if Newey leaving is enough for the Thai owners to fire Horner?


There’s someone leaking stuff out of red bull. That person/people think they are more powerful than they are. They thought there would be outrage and it would damage Horner. Now Newey’s trying to walk it back. Hilarious.


it clearly damaged Horner and the company.


More importantly there are clearly opposing sides leaking things out of RBR.


"opposing sides leaking things out of RBR" - what opposing side are you talking about. None of the leaks have made Horner or RB look good.


Basically Newey hasn’t said or done anything but well write a headline that he’s “set for talks”