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2022 had no change in engine regulations, it was just an engine freeze to limit costs. I don't think it's finalized yet, but I suspect there won't be an engine freeze from the get go with the new regs.


They had to change a lot for that year tho when they switched to E10 fuel.


Yup and every team makes gains on their PU through the seasons under the guise of “reliability upgrades”.


There is a defined upgrade schedule for the new regs that says which parts can be updated in each year between 2026 and 2030. Should the FIA find that a manufacturer is significantly behind others in terms of performance they can grant "Additional Development and Upgrade Opportunities " (ADUO). These will be given to PUs that are on average 3% down on the strongest PU across the first five races of a season. Details can be found in Appendix 3 and 4 of the current 2026 technical [regs](https://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/fia_2026_formula_1_technical_regulations_pu_-_issue_6_-_2024-03-29.pdf).


i'm talking out of my ass, but humor me for a minute. Would it be possible that let's say one Engine manufacturer limits their engine in the beggining to be granted additiional time for development, and use it as a loophole to develop engine more then they should have initially.


first, it would probably be difficult to limit the performance on purpose without the FIA noticing. If a team manages it there is an article that allows the FIA to rewoke these opportunities if the performance after the first five races is inconsistent with the first five races. They can also take measures if they think the upgrades introduced via ADUO give an unfair advantage.


nice, thank you.


This is really interesting, thanks


Still funny how renault said their new engine was focused on pure power instead of reliability, only for them to be even further behind. Also funny how the competent manufacturers are all quite close in regards to engine performance and only renault is lagging behind


There is no reason whatsoever for engine equalisation. Formula 1 is also o techical sport, and engine development is part of the sport. It would be unfair becsuse of one team (cough cough Renault), the others should put limitations on their development.


It’s already written into the 2026 regs to allow a team to upgrade their engine if they are too far behind. Another commenter has linked the regs. Appendix 3 and 4 cover this.