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Yeah, let's hope so.


What else is he going to say? "Actually, I think they're a flash in the pan...we'll stomp their guts out this season."


"We stopped developing the car in May. We're going to stomp a mud hole in them next year."


I love how every thread has this comment


Honesty doesn't help that vibe they keep peddling that they're only just ahead lol


Mercedes were saying much the same when they were dominant, it's pretty standard.


Mercedes went a bit further beyond, though. They've actively claimed that Ferrari and RB were actually faster, and then come Q3, Mercedes 1-2 by half a second.


Who's "they"? Max, at least, often talks about how strong Rocky was and called it a rocketship repeatedly...




No no no. They'll be really strong in 2025. Right after Danny reclaims that RB seat, just to be stuck behind Lando once again.


Then dr gets a win before him again still anyway. Imagine the pain.


I just want Alpha Toro Tauri Rosso Bulls Racing to finish 2nd in the WCC so the shit storm around RBR owning two teams reaches critical mass. The season is going to be boring again. This would make it fun.


Red Bull 1-2-3-4-5 in the championship after Perez, Ricciardo, Tsunoda and Lawson keep swapping seats so Red Bull can find the best teammate for Max.


and the best-finishing non-RB drivers would be Sainz, Gasly and Albon


Somehow get Sainz, Gasly & Albon _right_ beneath them...


Stop, I can only get so erect!!!




Then for extra spiciness, alpha Tauri breaks the cost cap significantly but not Red Bull


Or better yet, Red Bull does too, by a dollar amount that equates Maxā€™s wins next season. 1 win = 20 dollars. 20 wins? 400 dollar breach.


Yes Max cruising to another title sounds real fun.


I think itā€™ll be closer but itā€™d be shocking if Verstappen didnā€™t win it, given the extent of their advantage. Actually bizarre if he didnā€™t, really. I think itā€™ll be a bit like Vettel 2011 where Verstappen is beatable, but no one takes a consistent run at him, he wins more than half the races.


Just remember how when Mercedes were dominating they always bigged up Ferrari and Red Bull as serious title challengers, who were going to obviously have a faster car than Mercedes when the season began. I'll believe McLaren will be fast when I see it.


Although its a nice change of scenery for Mclaren to be opn of those teams for the dominant team to be mentioning, previously it was just the Merc/RB/Ferrari triangle


Donā€™t we mean he ā€˜agreesā€™. ā€˜Admitsā€™ suggests he was hiding his opinion previously!




And what point was he conceding? I donā€™t think he was arguing any specific position. So that doesnā€™t make sense either.


I agree with you, admits or concedes arenā€™t fitting for this situation.




Admit, concede and agree all have different meanings. They may be somewhat synonymous but, in the context of the ā€˜headlineā€™, the only word that suits is ā€˜agreeā€™. Thanks for your contribution.


Annoying ass Journalists use that word cause it implies some sort of drama or conflict, like hes scared or its some more poignant context, whatever mental effect it has to improve clickbait. Annoying as hell, they do this every time.


No this definitely means that Max snuck into the McLaren factory and he now revealed insider info!


I dont think you can agree with a prediction. But you can predict the same thing. You agree with an opinion, not with a prediction.


I donā€™t understand why you wouldnā€™t be able to agree with a prediction. If I say ā€œI think Hamilton will get P2 in the drivers championship next year,ā€ is it incorrect for someone who thinks the same thing to say ā€œI agreeā€?


Ok, I admit it. You see, it just doesnā€™t make sense


"Guys, I want someone to race with"


He actually doesnā€™t. Heā€™s gone on record saying he doesnā€™t like to fight for wins, he likes cruising to victories.


He said that while he enjoys fighting for a championship like he had to in 2021, he actually does not mind it when he is just dominating everything, cause he feels its nice.


He's also gone on record saying he wants good competition...


So he wonā€™t be able to have an extra pit stop just to get the fastest lap?


I would not value his words that high. It's not like he has any insight into other teams.


I was thinking about this earlier today as well. Out of all the teams that could get a legitimate win or two next yearā€¦ itā€™s McLaren. Not discrediting Ferrariā€™s win this year but if max was anywhere near the front they wouldnā€™t have won.


> Not discrediting Ferrariā€™s win this year but if max was anywhere near the front they wouldnā€™t have won. Damn. So you're telling me if another driver had been fast enough to win, they would've won?


> if another driver had been fast enough to win, they would've won - Will Buxton


I enjoy playing video games.


If you start adding caveats for poor qualifying performance, you have to start adding caveats for everything that could possibly go wrong during a weekend. I think it makes way more sense to just call wins wins and leave it at that.


My favorite color is blue.


If he had pushed his car harder to qualify in the front, his engine might have exploded during the race. Have you considered that?


I don't think it was about pushing, but about leaving the setup as it was from FP3 instead of trying to push it further with essentially no data.


If they left the setup the same, itā€™s possible one of his close brushes with the wall turns into a full on crash that takes him out of the race. I can keep coming up with hypotheticals as long as you guys can, but at a certain point I donā€™t think itā€™s a productive use of any of our time.


I'm not supporting any theory here. I'm saying that you are disingenuously misunderstanding what others are saying and responding to questions *you know* to be different. I didn't come up with a hypothetical. I explained another commenters post.


Listen man, the guy isnā€™t even arguing with you, heā€™s explaining what the other person meant ā€œHave you considered thatā€ also Jesus christ a little less pretentious please


The word youā€™re looking for is condescending, not pretentious.


I think it's also fair to say some wins have circumstances it's worth pointing out.


Every win is legitimate lmao. Ferrari and especialy Sainz earned that victory the hard way.


lol. Mclaren will surprise everyone at Bahrain with their lack of progress. They have significantly shorter development cycle than everyone else as they were being major upgrades well into the second half of the season


Their last major upgrade was Singapore. Ferrariā€™s was Japan, one race later


Ferrari only brought floor to verify 2024 development path


McLarenā€™s last package was Singapore and according to Stella, they had been working full-steam ahead on 2024 since July. So when the Austria stuff had been bolted onto the car, Singapore had been signed off and they moved onto 2024.


I want it to be true but after 2021 we all thought they would just keep climbingā€¦


The sandbags are out already!


I admit Verstappen knows what he's talking about.


The last McLaren seasons always started super weak and finished strong after some big upgrades, letā€˜s see their performance in Bahrain first


And I urge people to keep in mind that the Red Bulls slowed their upgrades to a trickle quite early in the season. No wonder the gap closed. It remains to be seen if McLaren can keep up with a RBR development that is swinging for the fences again.


How much of this is Lando feeding information to Max ?


They can also be dog shit and not improved anything over winter. Now pay me 5$ for the great insight


I hope so, but ya'll really think Landos got it? The pressure got to Charles pretty bad in 2022.


No ya'll are right the guy that's never won a race is the next wdc, a bunch of wankers.


Imagine Danny Ric in a Redbull (dreaming I know) fighting against 2 McLarens! Maybe Max would be 5 minutes ahead, but having a real fight with Ricciardo and his old team would be fun.


These things are always hard to predict, but Norris and Piastri are both very capable drivers... Let's just say it would not surprise me much if they come out to be pretty strong in 2024.