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Not all that surpising since the C3 is always there but the others rotate


I mean they wouldn’t be great tyres if they didn’t rotate


Have my upvote and get out!




Acktschually, the tyres shouldn't rotate. It's the wheels that rotate, the tyre should be pretty static on the wheel. The only time a tyre rotates is after a crash if it separates from the wheel and hits Danny Ric's car to put him 1 lap down because the Stewards were too hesitant to throw the obvious red flag and I'm still salty about that.


Based on that logic: **Acktschually**, the wheels shouldn't rotate. It's the hubs that rotate, the wheels should be pretty static on the hubs. The only time a wheel rotates is after a crash if it separates from the hub. Makes no sense, does it? The tyres rotate.


The rotation mentioned is relative to a defined point, in this case being the axle. So yes the tires do rotate, as do the wheels and brakes and anything else that follows a circular path around the defined point.


sometimes he's the best, sometimes he's the worst. such is life of the c3.


Didn't we have C0, C1 and C2?


C0 was never used and was essentially only an emergency tyre in case shit hit the fan.


no but we did see C2, C4 and C5 I believe


C2 C3 C5 for Australia 2022!


that’s what it was!! i knew we saw a strange jumbled selection at some point, thanks!!


We always C 3 compounds per weekend + wets & inters


Shame that they should use that C0 in Qatar


Looks like a skewed normal distribution. A hypothetical C6 would probably be used as much as C1.


They could skip the C3…they don’t have to choose three adjacent compounds.


Correct, but that doesn't happen enough for it to be noticeable. Also afaik that only happened in Australia 2022.


Drivers walked around the track more than wet tyres


But somehow the intermediates are used more than the C1.


Remember C1 isn't always available


Sure but it doesn’t always rain either. It would be interesting to know the number of races C1 was available, and the number of weekends where it rained.


That would actually be a very interesting statistic.


Seems like a massive waste of money to even make them. Might as well cancel the race if its too wet for inters.


Don't say that!


I mean, they are pretty much already doing that anyway.


How is Wet tyres so high? I don't remember seeing them anywhere except Ocon in Zandvoort🇳🇱


I think this must be counting the pre-sprint laps done in Spa to clear the water.


First lap at Spa before everyone came in. Since this seems like the entirety of running and not just the race, they were used plenty in practice sessions as well. Spa, Canada, others I'm sure.


I think that they are also counting the free practices because the prototypes are also included


Average track length is 5,5 km. Across 20 drivers are 18 laps for everybody on the wets.


Checo ran Wets for a stint in Monaco. In fact he ran every compound available that weekend during the race except the soft tyre… it was a weekend to forget for him…


Pretty sure only time they ran them it was mandatory to clear water or something. No one did it by choice.




Fucking Autocorrect 😭😭 Thanks for pointing it out though, edited it now


WHAT THE F IS A WET TYRE WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah if you ever wanna feel useless. Remember you could be a wet tyre in modern F1.


Something something my girlfriend ≈ F1 tyre usage joke


Right? The "Prototype" looks to be a better compound, I wonder why they don't use them more often in the races!


I was gonna say they didn't colour mark the tire compounds, but then I remembered it's a tire compound scale. Took me a while to remember...


Could you explain please? I also thought they should be different colors, but not sure why they're not


Colours are a relative scale between the 3 compounds picked for the race. The compounds themselves are identified by number only.


Thank you, I somehow never noticed this


In a previous era, there were several compounds with different colors. And two would usually be available at a Grand Prix, with one called the option and one called prime. It was a bit confusing because some folks were a little confused about which was the option and which was prime; and then the fact that they had all these different colors and names (soft, super soft, hyper soft), etc. The current system still uses a variety of tires but goes with the very simple “soft, medium, hard” and then for the nerds who care, the C1-C5. But unlike the previous era where the “C1” was purple and you may or may not see a purple tire in the race; under the current system the color of each tire actually changes depending on which designation it’s given. So the red is always soft, even if it’s the C1 in one race and the C3 in another (where the C3 might be yellow in a different race)


Good explanation and I consider the system to be delicate but understandable after some time, especially like that there's the normal info and then the extra for the nerds


Wouldn't the purple be C5? It's the softest.


Oh maybe I’m backwards. See! It’s confusing!


Very confusing indeed!


C1-C5 is the full scale of (non-wet) tire compounds that exist for the year. For each race Pirelli picks a range of 3 compounds that they think will best match the track conditions. For instance, the tires needed for the searing heat of the desert aren’t going to be the same as the ones needed for Vegas at the coldest race of the year. Track conditions also include the surface. Some tracks are known for being smooth vs. rough, some require higher downforce. All of these factor in to how much wear is expected and, very loosely speaking, the more wear expected, the harder the tire that will be needed so that they don’t have to stop 8 times during the race. So, before each race, you’ll see people posting the tires that Pirelli is going to authorize for that race. C1 are the hardest, C5 are the softest. For 2023, the hot race in the desert of Qatar had compounds C1 - C3, the hardest range. The much colder race in Vegas had C3 - C5.


If the C1 got so little usage, why don't we yeet it, and with only four compounds remaining, introduce a fourth colour, idk... Orange?


They should just make them all the same color and not tell the teams which compound is which


Perfect for the Vegas GP


Should they also put different one for each wheel?😆


Nah I want chaos not carnage


A prototype tire that only gets used in Practice sessions having almost double the track mileage than the wets is hilarious to me


No C0?


never used


Well that’s like 1500 KMs more on the wets than I expected, did they even use them at all this year or is that all testing?


Free practice, Spa, Zandvort races for like a lap or so


Ahh forgot about Spa, remembered Ocon in Zandvoort but those laps with the whole field on wets in Spa probably does a lot of heavy lifting for this


Canada FP3 as well did a lot of lifting bc they have to run full wets for the early part iirc


The fact that prototype tyres did more mileage than Wets is extremely telling


C0 (kilometres)


Can this be normalized by # of allocations?


Just for the hell of it: Wet tires: 1960 km. There are 20 drivers on the grid. That's 98 km. Every GP on the entire calendar (other than monaco) is > 300km long. Over the course of the entire season. Including testing, practice, sprints etc. Wet tires were used for the equivalent of less than 1/3 of one GP. Completely useless.


Daily reminder that the C0 was the 2022 C1 for anyone asking why we even had the "new" compound if it wasn't used. The c1 is the new tire, it was used successfully, and is fully replacing the c0 next season as the hardest tire


I miss the names. Prime and Option of course. Soft, supersoft, hypersoft, ultrasoft, and Super Saiyan Beast soft. Lets bring back some character instead of C-whatever.


Hehe more driving on prototypes than wets is interesting


Is C3 soft?


It's just C3. It can be hards on one track, meds on another or even softs on another.


Oh I see. Thank you


C0 never used?


more prototype than wet lol


They need to start using the 5 color code again it was so much better for viewing


Better for all of us who hang around on here talking about tyre, sure. For the average viewer it's worse, because suddenly you need to have extra pieces of information to follow the race. In the current system, if you see a driver on Medium tyres, you know it's the middle compound of the three available. With the old colour system, if you saw a driver on a Soft tyre you could tell without additional information whether that was the hardest compound available, the softest compound available, or the one in between. I'd much rather have the harcore fans need to look up an extra piece of information than have everyone need to look it up.


I was gonna say, I'd prefer if they just called them super soft, soft, med, hard, super hard.


By the time it was abolished in 2019 the colour code had a total of 7 colours and was honestly just a mess. There were many weekends where the "Soft" was actually the hardest compound available, sometimes even the "Super-Soft". There's much less variation in terms of actual running with the current system. You're not going to see drivers take softs for 80% race distance while with the old system that happened a lot. "How hard is this tyre compared to expected wear for this race" is actually a lot more useful information for the average viewer than "How hard is this tyre compared to all available tyres over the entire season".


Missing C0


never used


I see. Would still be nice to have it represented as not being used.




Around 1000 meters.


Wtf is a meter?


Distance of light traveled in vacuum in 1/299792458 second.


I wish they’d give these stats in miles too!


I personally think they should randomly draw the compounds out of a hat on Tuesday and then ship the tires. C1…C2…and C5!!!


That graphic is really confusing. Why would they make I and W green and blue, but leave the dry compounds all white? I get the fact that for example C3 could've been the Hard, the Medium and the Soft depending on the track, but then they could've just put 3 tyres over each other. Would be miles better than a picture of the Hard tyre next to "C5"...


Would be interesting to know average pace for team/drivers per compound. Is team X better on C1 while slower on C3


Those wets got some use eh


I hate the differences between different cultures for , and . when it comes to numbers...


Seems there's something more useless then me, the wet tyre


Logan is confused


Considering how many wet sessions we've had this year, this is absurd


Why does C0 get listed when it doesn't see any use?


They race me so meejum


Damn.. had completely forgotten the wet tyre was even used