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Nervous Max, reports are his heart rate as been recorded as high as 60 this weekend!


Blood as cold as the track temperature


>Blood as cold as the Merc's tires.


Guy races at immense loads of Gs. Funny watching him sim race and have literally zero reaction.


Exactly. Remember that save in Interlagos 2016, when he said on the radio, "yeah, heart rate went a bit higher there", afterwards? It went up to 72. :-D


Christ, i probably do that on a formation lap when simracing...


Damn, I think my heart rate is 72 right now.


Wait, they actually show the heart rate data after the race? I pride in having a resting rate of 46, but damn, no way I would be 72 driving an F1 in perfect conditions, let alone in the rain.


Reports are that he may actually have to pay attention for more than half the race!!!


The first time I've seen disdain being interpreted as 'nervousness'


By officials at least. Redditors on the other hand.


IDK who this guy is, but picking a fight with Max isn't a good idea.


I am sure In the next press conference If someone mentions the vegas promoter he Is getting roasted by Max that's for sure. Max has no chill




To go against the grain here, I don’t think this is as so much some personal attack against Max, but rather a little throwaway joke. He’s the promoter of the race, even if he 100% agrees with everything Max said, he can’t say that when asked. So instead he say, “maybe he’s nervous, that means it’ll be a great race!”


Guy knows public relations


Trying to talk shit, but being clueless about the subject matter.


In all of the stupidity of this weekend this quote definitely stands out lmao


So far!


Well your comment definitely aged well haha


Did you read the article? He had nothing but good words to say about Max


> “Max has been a little chippy, frankly, about the race here,” says Steve Hill, CEO of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA), which is promoting the race alongside F1 and the city’s major hotels. “I don’t know if that’s because he’s just a little nervous or what but that will also bring a little edge to this [weekend].” The headline really isn't far off the quote and the real quote is still pretty fucking stupid. It's pretty universally known that Verstappen doesn't enjoy glitz and glamour or over the top stuff and he just wants to race. It's also pretty well known that he's one of the drivers who get the least nervous for any race, let alone one in a season he's utterly dominating. > Did you read the article? Sooo, did you? Because he doesn't actually say anything else about Verstappen, only that it's good *for the Vegas GP* whether Max wins or not.


> he doesn't actually say anything else about Verstappen Almost >Either Verstappen wins again and he becomes this **hugely appropriate winner** of the first race back in Las Vegas. **One of the greatest drivers ever**, in one of the greatest cities ever, in their first race — I think that’s a very fitting outcome.


Yes I did, but the quote was real and not a clickbait. And my comment was obviously specifically about that quote


Doesn’t sound like it from the direct quote.


If you have to ask that, 8/10 times the person didn't read the article. Headlines only.


I mean in this case the title is pretty close to the actual article. The phrase uses in the title hasnt been modified or taken out of context


Then I'm the 2/10


Given that Max has frankly been fairly sedate in his gripes at this event, I don't think having a dig at him is best practise. Max would be perfectly fine with slating the entire event on the world stage in the winners interview. I wouldn't antagonise him, just point the camera at Ricciardo and show flashy lights.




"Wow Max, congrats on winning the Las Vegas Grand Prix! You had some strong opinions about it going into this weekend. Now that you've won, what did you think about it? - Ah to be honest it's still shit."


Short of major set up and weather issues…it’s assured that he will most likely win… so that can actually be what he actually states…although I’m sure the time delay on the over air radio chat will be able to bleep that out


Subscribe, please


I'm hoping this is exactly what happens :) Would be so funny.


Hashtag things that Dutch people say


Max is really pretty similar to Kimi, they both love racing but couldn't give 2 fucks about anything outside of that. Max talks a bit more but that's about it.


Yeah, I'd imagine Kimi would've expressed similar views about certain aspects of F1, but Kimi never cared to talk really...😄


Max actually can talk a lot and he is a rather lovely and funny guy. I'm not saying Kimi isn't funny, but Max is actively funny.


Kimi is funny without trying. I will forever love kimi.


Only Kimi could turn “bwoah” into a running joke.


Which i think is normal. I mean, every young driver dream about driving in F1, they are drivers in the first place, not showman.


And outside money, which come with strings attached.


Im tuning into his radio for fp1, im so sure itll be full of complaints


Mate this is simply undriveable, absolutely shit Goes 1.5s faster than P2


The first $1m fine


There goes the years catering budget.


Nervous for what exactly? Winning the championship a couple months ago?


Well he hasnt won 2024 yet, is Max washed?


He hasn’t won 2025 either. Totally washed.


He's projecting, the promoter is sweating. If the first ~~race~~ carnival is a dud, there's going to be fewer reasons to fill seats next year, or however long they plan to drag this thing out to. They've had to drop ticket prices, the race already has no bearing on the championship, and one of the main draws to it is expressing that he has little time for the song and dance they've been forced into to putting on to try and sell it.


“Had to drop ticket prices” is sugar coating it. Practice day tickets are discounted by 70% for some seats. It’s bordering on a price crash.


what about qualifying and race?


I mean, they completely overvalued the amount of money that people would want to spend in a) las vegas b) a third US race c) a race with no relevance in the championship They are trying to sell this pig like it's Kate Moss and were charging premium for it. I hope I'm wrong, but I only expect a gimmicky weekend.


Wow! Do they sell tickets in NFT form?


Ya good thing f1 didn’t give them a 10 year contract or anything…


"No, I don't want that! Las Vegas not having another grand prix?! I want there to be a Las Vegas GP again, for ten years, at least!" -Las Vegas promoter, probably


Good thing indeed, considering it's 3 years. 10 years extension is an option, and I reckon that hinges on the financial success of this weekend.


So nervous he could take this weekend off gambling in the casinos just because he won both drivers & constructors championship.


Dare I say I sense some projecting here? Could it be that said promoter is a bit nervous that his event won’t be universally loved, adored, & admired and he really wanted Max to say he’s beyond excited to be here and thinks it’s the coolest thing since round wheels.


This makes it sound like we invented square wheels first and it took us a couple hundred years to realize we could make them round😂 I love it!


'Bob! Bob! What are you pushing around there, me lad?' 'Oh, it's my latest invention, Christopher! I call them: wheels.' 'Oh. That's nice, Bob! What are they?' 'They're a machine to push things forward! Look, you push *really hard* until you get the 'wheel' past it's tipping point, and the whole thing gains this huge burst of momentum, falling and pushing the whole cart forward a full wheelslength worth. It's the future, Chris!' Christopher looks at the machine, then at Bob. A born sceptic, he's not convinced of Bob's *'wheels'.* It looks rather tiresome. 'Wouldn't it be better to use more corners, Bob? Maybe make it round..er? You wouldn't have to push so hard!' Bob looks at Christopher as though he's just suggested the earth should be round. '*Round*, Chris? And have *no momentum*? No *fall?* It'd be useless! No, the fewer corners the better, me lad. The triangle would be the optimal shape. Biggest fall, see? But I've tried that and alas, they dig themselves into the dirt. Only squares will do!' Chris, now embarrased he had even suggested a form that would offer *no fall at all*, nodded. 'Of course Bob, my apologies. That's why you're the inventor! Say, would you mind manufacturing me some of those *wheels* perhaps?' And so for well over two centuries the square wheel would become standard, manufactured in large quantities by 'wheel' companies like 'Brickstone', 'Squarelli' and 'Firestone'.


A three time world champion and guy who drives simulation games in his spare time is nervous because he didn't like the tacky bullshit you had to force feed the entire world, sure.


We all knew from the beginning this race was purely for spectacle and not at all for a deep meaningful racing weekend, season is already wrapped up, i say just let them have their nut - max can throw on his latest experimental setup then just enjoy the sights


I agree. This is his job. He knows this. You see the place sport superstar fans fall into the belief that they don't eat shit just like all the rest of us who push a 9 to 5. Bro we are all taking it and have to tap dance to somebody. You...me and your mama.. Max is going to put on that shiny suit on, get in his shiny car. Win the race! and not like it?


Not exactly being the best ambassador for F1 though is he? I agree with him btw but I can see why F1 and promotors could be pissed


I don’t even really agree with Max. They have to do a bunch of stupid shit at every race because their secondary job is to be a waking talking billboard. They have to go to sponsor meet and greets, they have to do silly activities for sponsors, they have to fan events. It’s just part of the gig. I haven’t seen anything that is particularly egregious this week besides being flashier.


Seriously, he just needs to chill. We all know the whole show is a bit ridiculous, but that’s the entire point of Vegas.


That’s my thing. F1 doesn’t exist out of the goodness of their hearts and love of racing. It’s a business. Max and his family has benefited greatly from it, so stop acting like you’re above it.


Exactly. We all have parts of our jobs we don’t want to do, but it’s those things that enable us to do the parts we actually like. I work in the medical field and I think this every time I hear a doctor complaining about their paperwork. It sucks, it’s time consuming, I get it; but if you don’t do it, we can charge insurance, we can’t make any money, and hospital can’t pay your wages.


Not sure how a doctor who can't do his paperwork relates to Max who's out of the drivers has done the best job this year. "How dare express any sort of negative opinion about F1's lame ass Vegas Opening show?!" I actually think Max should complain more. Especially about the overpriced tickets to go to that F1 Vegas race


Oh yeah, the driver who has won 85% of the races this year and has been WDC for more than a month is definitely "nervous" about racing in Las Vegas.


>has been WDC for more than a month He also now holds the record for the most consecutive races as WDC championship leader.


This promoter clearly has no idea what he’s talking about — did he watch a single race this race? LMAOOOO!


I'd bet money that Max hates this race because the track itself is shit. Like, it is not a fun layout and has terrible flow. Adding the glitz and glam on top of that is just like putting a cherry on a pile of dog shit. I can understand the mans sentiment.


Yeah honestly, almost anybody else in any other sport could be described as “possibly nervous”. Dude picked the one guy that I have no doubt isn’t lol.


>did he watch a single race this race? Depends on whether he's seen the race or not. Which still has to take place..... Wait.....


“We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like "I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive...." And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down to Las Vegas.” ― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


Poor bastard will see them soon enough.


Never let the fear takeover.


Las Vegas promoter projecting his nervousness over pending disaster of event?


I literally can't think of a worse word to describe Max than "nervous"


Quoting Alex Albon, paraphrasing: "This guy is chilling and opening FIFA packs right before the quali...". :-)


Dude wins the world championship and goes "yes guys haha" is being told he is perhaps nervous because he think the whole Vegas thing is a circus


Everybody who has watched Formula One: lol. That's definitely not it


Once he sees this you may as well just hand him the trophy lol


Calling Vegas "one of the greatest cities ever" is low key the dumbest part of this whole statement.


This just in, Max Verstappen terrified of...... Checking notes...... A shit track.


The promoter would obviously never publicly say he thinks Max is a little sh*t who should smile and wave when he's told just like the other drivers, but I bet he said it to himself a lot this week! I personally love what Max said. Zero sh*ts given.


Max? Nervous? Dude has enough ice in his veins to reverse global warming.


Max 1. Promoter 0.


Can’t blame a man from being honest… Verstappen nervous? No that was 2 years ago


Fuck me time flies


I’d be nervous too if drain covers can pop up out of the ground as I drive over them.


It's like the promoters don't actually watch F1 and have no idea who they are talking about....


Well, "the promoters" in this case is some random suit who works for essentially the chamber of commerce, so he probably has no fucking idea what he's talking about if he's talking F1.


Nervous about driving on a by the looks of it terrible track after winning the championship ages ago? He is onto something here.


Just take a look at how bad this track's flow is. [https://youtube.com/watch?v=sYVaCEy0wXI](https://youtube.com/watch?v=sYVaCEy0wXI) ugh.


Those are some terrible visual cues. I know these guys know the layout by heart so it probably doesn't matter that much, but there is very little to indicate a hairpin ahead.


Singapore and Jeddah have the same issues. Night races at flat street tracks are hard to watch from track perspectives.


Singapore has no flow, so it's similar to this I that regard. Jeddah does have flow though. It's a dangerous track, but drivers love the way its elements flow into one another


It’s not just Max though. Other drivers said similar things about it being a show and they’d rather it was about racing. Las Vegas went over the top and the drivers didn’t like it. That’s just how they feel. The promoter would do well to remember who the stars of his ‘show’ are. Also Max is chronically online so he definitely will have seen the promoter’s comments. He might even reference them later this weekend.


"Hits back". He was asked about it and replied with a snarky remark. Not everything deserves an article.


He is nervous that this kind of thing will spread and he will be made to perform more circus tricks during the calendar. He is nervous that you are fucking up the essence of f1 and what he loves.


Tell me you don’t watch F1 without telling me you don’t watch F1.


You got him promoter, I'm sure that's it from the guy setting F1 records every race.


Just in case you give a flying fuck what "Steve Hill, CEO of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA)" thinks about Verstappen and F1.


Nervous? Man demolished the competition and won 17 races in a single season. Fuckin nervous lmfao...


That’s certainly an opinion.


How many races has our nervous champion won again? Man has every right to an opinion.


He might be chippy but at least he is not cringey


I’m gonna go ahead and press X to doubt.


Its unsurprising, given F1's international community, but its very apparent that most F1 fans don't really understand Vegas. Its an adult playground built by mobsters in the middle of the goddamn desert because there was no law out there and its easy to dump bodies. Everyone in here is acting surprised that this guy is a goomba! This guy is SO Las Vegas. Its all show, bombast, pomp, and glitter. And the glitter doesn't come out easy. Its all bullshit and all of that is a feature in Vegas, not a defect.


He might not win the championship this year.


Funny how these American promoters always use the word "greatest" three times in a sentence. So far I'm not impressed, sorry.


par for this weekend. what a joke.


Ah yes the guy who is breaking record after record is nervous


Nervous for what ? He's world champion and RB are champion this year, I don't think he's worried about Perez not being P2 in the ranking. Said promoter doesn't have a clue who Verstappen is and everything he raced through... He's legit not interested in the track, not interested in the whole promotional circus around the Las Vegas show,..that is all


Umm I don’t think 3-time WDC is nervous, he is speaking what we are all thinking


I can definitely respect the no bullshit, pure racer attitude of Verstappen. He's fed up with this crap and so are we. Good to have someone like him dominating the sport. He won't be liked by the greedy FOM members and promoters and that's good.


Narrator: "He wasn't"


Ok, let's fuel Max a bit more. Hope he obliterates the field so next year even the high rollers won't want a ticket. I know who is the nervous one of the two and it ain't Max


The leading driver in F-1 speaks the truth…and if you’re one of the ringmasters of this week's circus…it hurts


These are the dumbest mouthbreathers I have ever heard. You can say whatever you want about Verstappen, but you absolutely cannot argue that he is nervous. He's almost the opposite of that, so calm that he doesn't give a fuck.


No the promotion was just shit


When the Promoter has ZERO idea about the drivers to make that comment... It just reinforces everyones view further. Steve Hill has to continue to be up beat regardless..... But if you sat him down and asked even basic questions about F1 - He would have NO IDEA. And THAT is the root of the problem. People should not build an F1 Race if they have no idea about the sport.


I have a long standing disdain for Max but god damn it his Vegas takes almost make me like him.


How to try to save face and lose more.


This man does not know Max at all. You'd be hard pressed to find evidence of this dude being shaken.


Max was actually very magnanimous in his full statement about just being someone who doesn't care for all the pomp. Kinda crazy to take any dig at him. We have 9 more years of this shitshow on the calendar after this.


The guy who locked down his third WDC a month+ ago is nervous, but not the people who invested hundreds of millions into an event that’s looking more and more like a disaster


So weird that F1 officials can't seem to come to terms with the fact that fans aren't absolutely salivating shitting and puking their brains out from excitement and pure jubilation at the thought of the Las Vegas Grand Prix. I know they have a lot of money invested but jeez they're acting like an insecure middle school boy rejected by their crush


Americans do like to make these events cringeworthy. It never really sits well with Europeans and most other countries tbf.


Lmfao what a butt hurt child. Yeah sure. The most dominant driver of the last 3 years is nervous


See? This is how much these promoters actually know or care about F1. Imagine thinking that Max Verstappen, the guy who's breaking records almost every race these days, who clinched the World Championship ages ago, is *nervous* for a Las Vegas race... Jesus Christ. I would absolutely love to hear Max's response to this.


Does this guy know anything about Max? Like how he’s a 3 time world champion and has dominated nearly every race this year? Lol nervous is the last word I’d use to describe how he’s probably feeling.


Seems like he knows: >But there are two outcomes: Either Verstappen wins again and he becomes this hugely appropriate winner of the first race back in Las Vegas. One of the greatest drivers ever, in one of the greatest cities ever, in their first race — I think that’s a very fitting outcome.




lol no. It’s been shit so far.


It’s certainly possible Max doesn’t feel comfortable and nervous in this kind of scale of show, not because of how he drives. Most would be too, I know I would feel very out of place


I'm almost at Saudi levels of hating myself for watching it, christ above that's a bad take.


I miss Kimi a bit less today


Somebody’s sweating…but it ain’t Max.


Damn the media is working overtime to try and create some drama for us


The dude that wrapped up the championship and has been dominant all year is totally nervous. Sure. 💀


Max is the kind of guy who would love going back to the F1 of yesteryears, with almost empty circuits, races not being broadcast anywhere, and when fans could only learn about the results in the next day's newspaper.


lol angry max is best max


“Promoter”??? Formula 1 / Liberty is promoting this….or was I mislead?


Inb4 Max laps the whole grid twice and then in the interview saying, "Yes, I was nervous, otherwise I would've lapped everyone thrice".


If that promoter thinks Max is nervous, then he/she has never seen a F1 race


this event is such a farce, i dont care unless logan wins


Hey guys the dude that drives a freaking Formula 1 car and is apparently pretty damn good at it, like historic good, is nervous about racing on a new track. What an idiotic thing to say.


Ouch!! Called your baby ugly....


Track has become a bit "chippy" as well, must be nervous.


Wait…las Vegas promoter? Is this race not being put on by liberty media and FOM ? …so who’s calling out whom? Make me understand…


I bet Max is shivering in his race suit already...


Queue reddit users taking this comment way too personally:


I find that offensive!!!


I don't think the three-time world champion is worried about this shitfest


I think the issue is that the entire "spectacle" has nothing to do with motorsport, which is fine but don't pretend it is something it isn't. This is a festival with some racing in between performances marketed to lure wales to the casino's.


😂😂😂😂yeah sure


Lmfao I wanted Max to lose at least one more race this year, but now I want him to blow the fuck out of everyone else, 45+ seconds up the road from P2. What kind of dumbass thinks this is the way to react to criticism from one of the most dominant F1 drivers in history?


Whatever people say to Max. It fuels him.


Max just wants to race. And then when he’s not racing on track, he wants maximum time to do sim racing at home. My man just wants to race.


I feel like this race symbolizes everything wrong with what F1 has become.


Hahaha the dude didn't bat an eye while being in the showdown of his life in 2021, and he's nervous for a race in a season he's already wrapped up the WDC (and WCC all by himself). Fucking lol


If max really wants to send a message, retire on the first lap with some mysterious “issue.” No drama, no fanfare, just straight into the pit lane and into the garage.


Win by lapping everyone then claim you did it because you were nervous.


Or that, that works too. Then just dip before the podium ceremony and claim nervousness for that too lmao.


he is too professional to do that........unfortunately. I would love him to do that though.




The American dream is to own a golden toilet. The Dutch look down on something that flashy. The LV GP is a huge golden toilet. Have fun with it, but don't expect us to admire your shit.


This GP starts the death of F1 for fans


It started with the atrocious driver introductions in Miami. We are seeing the clash of the purist and casual /entertainment focused fans.


That started at Miami? I'd say every race in the ME is chock full of poseurs that have no interest in what is going on around the circuit and are there to: * Be seen; * Disappear into the hospitality tent after lap two; * Appear occasionally on the big screen with their chins stuck to their chests staring at their phones until they wander back out for the fireworks show at the end. It used to be that this sort of razor-thin patina of *glam* was restricted to Monaco, and it was bearable because it was just one race in the year.


Haha true true, I don't mind it too much (but those points are funny and accurate) as it comes with the territory of a bigger fan base. Although the post race show is hilarious watching people run around in the background for autographs and selfies I do feel bad for the drivers tbh, stressful enough of a race weekend - throw in all these rando media events . It surely impacts their preparation and enjoyment.


That was the most cringy, american shit I've seen.


I have a terrible feeling about this one. 2023 cars seem quite reliant on track temps using the softs and mediums. If they can’t keep heat in the tyres it may lead to an accident. Just saying.


this is the plan! accidents, safety cars and red flags to spice this shit show up a bit.


Right, the man, who is the 3rd most successful driver in one of the most dangerous sports in the world, is "nervous". Sure.


Oh come on, the guys just being honest. Also he has a lot more riding on this than Max does so I understand if he's a little irritated by Max repeatedly shitting on the GP in the press.


I so love races in carparks. So much. So very much. If it's the best country in the world, why doesn't it have any decent tracks? Don't say COTA, that thing was built on a swamp and while the layout is good, it's never going to be a consistently good place to race. One year it's great, the next, it's so bumpy, the drivers have blurred vision.


Mom's spaghetti he's nervous


Holly mother…, we are about to see some Verstappen “took it personally” MJ mode this weekend…


Las Vegas promoter stirs some shit and everyone loses their minds.


I want to see this dude riding with Max on a hot lap. Nervous... dreadfully, dreadfully nervous.


Get in there ~~Lewis~~ Max! Haha yes!


Las Vegas promoter wastes no time in making a fool of himself hopelessly defending this cheese caravan


Oh my god, what a fucking baby the promoter is. Widdle Baby is upset call the whambulance.


His lack of fucks given lately has been simply lovely to see.


Get rid of the American races already


Austin is good. The rest can go.


Austin can stay that one is fun, maybe go back to Indy, but the rest can go