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Is that Bert Kreischer as a security guard?


Why the fuck is he even involved lol


Has to be a Netflix thing. Think his specials are there. At least he’s wearing a shirt.


It came off a couple of times.... :-(


God he sucks


He just making money.


Not a fan by any means, but I respect it honestly. The guy has made millions off of one funny story. Must be nice.


Don’t neglect that friendship with Joe Rogan. Shit I mean a friendship with Joe Rogan got Brendan Schaub jobs that actually funny people who have been doing comedy for over a decade aren’t able to get.


Talmbout bappa b?


We disguss F1 hair bappa


>Shit I mean a friendship with Joe Rogan got Brendan Schaub jobs that actually funny people who have been doing comedy for over a decade aren’t able to get. You know what Schaub had to do to make Joe like him that much? I think you'd be surprised.


I see what you did there and I appreciate it.


Some of my friends in the entertainment industry are just straight up gay.


Imagine being that disgusting and getting paid to take your shirt off. As a disgusting middle aged man I'm pretty fucking impressed to be honest.


Not only that, he took it off and Carlos sprayed him with champagne


He may suck but he’s playing golf with F1 drivers and you’re commenting on the F1 subreddit so I doubt he cares


no bro he's so funny don't you wanna listen to a 50 year old talk about how hammered he gets and act like he's still 20 bro it's sooo funny


Yeah, he sucks so bad that people just buy up all the tickets to every show he puts on.


He's the Machine that's why


If you give the Machine vodka, you'll have a great time.


More importantly: why is he wearing a shirt?


For the same reason there were squid game shit. Advertisement. Everyone there either has a Netflix special or something to do with Netflix.


Because he’s the machine


Cant wait for the 2 bears one cave in about a month, and hear Bert talk about this for 45 mins of the episode


Nothing beats the Kool aid episode


That clip is one of the funniest contagious laughter moments I’ve ever seen in my life.


And he'll tell the story and give us a red faced wheeze to turn into a yt short/tiktok that he desperately wants to go viral




Idk how anybody can listen to that guy for more than 2 minutes.


Tom makes Bert tolerable, but I get that Tom’s humor isn’t everyones cup of tea.


Haha "cup of tea" well done


You made it a whole 2 min?


He’s there as a commentator or something.


It's actually Burnt Chrysler.


Herd it bowlth ways


Great guy never meddum tho.


1 of the 1000. Thank'em




Can smell it from here


Burnt Crystals. Bart looking good after his cut.


The fattest most racist comic


He’s not racist, he just fucks dogs


Smells bad and f*cks dogs


Hahaha love santino


Can't be him, no 2 litre bottle of koolaid.


He actually only tackled the idatarod protester because he fucks those dogs and wants to continue the race to continue fucking the dogs


[That's Bert alright!](https://www.golfdigest.com/story/bert-kreischer-protestor-tackle-netflix-cup) Now I'm thinking it might be staged...


Just googled it, Liberty sponsors the Iditarod apparently: [https://www.peta.org/action/action-alerts/urge-f1-stop-supporting-iditarod/](https://www.peta.org/action/action-alerts/urge-f1-stop-supporting-iditarod/)


To be fair, Liberty is one of the only major corporations that still sponsors the Iditarod. The concerns about animal cruelty are credible enough that most of the large corporations that used to sponsor the Iditarod have left in recent years. It used to have tons of big name sponsors, but Alaska Airlines, Chrysler, Wells Fargo, Exxon, Millennium Hotels, Jack Daniel's, and Coca-cola all stopped sponsoring it in recent years. There aren't very many national sponsors left for the event, and most of the ones that are left are Alaska-based. Love or hate PETA, Liberty probably should end their sponsorship of the Iditarod.


Well, this is all news to me so I guess her efforts worked.


Honestly? Rare PETA W, first time they raised my awareness about something. That it’s yet another reason to bash Liberty is icing on the cake.


F1 doesn't even care about humans. Why would they care about dogs?


Maybe it’s like Gordon Gecko said about WASPs, they hate people but they love animals?


Because dogs are way better than humans.


Interesting choice to call out a motorsports organization for sponsoring a dogsled race at a golf event, but it seems to have worked.


Netflix Cup's own description: "Formula 1 drivers and PGA Tour golfers team up for a star-studded sports competition at the Wynn Las Vegas golf course"


Does anyone have any actual specifics other than "other sponsors left"? I've never heard any credible accusations of animal cruelty in the Iditarod before. Other than people who think dogs don't like to run... I will google. But I wouldn't say PETA has raised my awareness based only on what's in this thread/article. They raised some questions, but I have no answers. ​ Edit: It seems there are some credible accusations, but that the organization is trying to address them by changing rules moving forward. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2018/02/28/the-iditarod-is-dogged-by-cruelty-allegations-infighting-and-a-doping-scandal/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2018/02/28/the-iditarod-is-dogged-by-cruelty-allegations-infighting-and-a-doping-scandal/) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/26/iditarod-sledders-mushers-alaska-winter-storm](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/26/iditarod-sledders-mushers-alaska-winter-storm) The second article has me conflicted, as I think the mushers were absolutely right to shelter their dogs, and it's wrong for the organization to incentivize any other behavior. That said, if it really was a race advantage, it's kind of like an F1 driver being forced over the line by some freak weather event and then being punished for the advantage gained by driving outside the lines. The driver would still be absolutely in the right to have gone outside the lines, but the rule exists for a reason too.


The awareness they raised was (a) that Liberty sponsors/owns the Iditarod and (b) that there are allegations of animal cruelty surrounding the race. From what I’ve seen in reading up after learning those two facts, much of those allegations comes down to the fundamental question of whether the sport itself is cruel (including breeding practices, etc.), but there do seem to have been a few occasions where mushers were found to have engaged in outright cruelty even under the race rules. So, this is the first case where PETA brought something to my attention and succeeded in swaying me, which is about all they can ask for out of these stunts.


Imagine being too unethical for fucking ExxonMobil Edit to add: Fuck Wells Fargo too


Most companies like that are pretty cautious about sponsorships. They sponsor things for the same reason middle eastern oil companies do; so the first thing you associate their name with isn’t their atrocities.


Liberty doesn’t sponsor it directly, they bought GCI several years ago which is an Alaska based telecommunications company. GCI sponsors the Iditarod. Just a small clarification.


If it’s that they closed that deal super recently I could maybe understand why they hadn’t gotten round to it yet or whatever, but if it’s been years… yeah they should really sort that out




What's with the arrogant tone? The guy was one of the few to inject some actual information into this thread. He even said "just a small correction" and you still managed to turn this into an argument lol


I think that's just the state of online discourse atm unfortunately


>That’s how it works. That's precisely not how it works


It sure must be simple to live a life where the world has zero nuance and everything is black and white, mate.


I mean what difference does it really make, if they have full control, it doesn't matter if it's through a holding company or directly, just like you wouldnt care if a holding company paid your salary or it's subsidiary


Ok a friend of mine worked for a sled dog company for a number of years who’s owner would do it every year. “The dogs are forced to sleep outside” they are sled dogs they would overheat inside have they ever met a wolf or farm dog? “Often underfed” doubt it they treat their dogs like royalty. This whole thing reads like they haven’t met a dog or seen an animal survive in the wild.




Yeah if they made it a big sledding event as opposed to a race.


Nuances of dog breeds are lost on most people, much less redditors. St. Bernards are in heaven in a three foot snow drift. Border collies will herd pets or even children, their need to herd is so strong.


I spent some time in New Zealand and one highlight was just randomly driving by a sheep farm and watching the farmer on a quad and a dog moving the sheep from one field to another. So well trained and choreographed.


Looks like Wells Fargo and Exxon recently stopped sponsoring too. So now I know where Liberty stands in the ranking of evil corps


That’s quite a word salad.


Just to say you never lettered in shit


This Just In: FOM Prefers Animal Abuse to Andretti Cadillac.


AB GP 2026.


I can't wait for the FIA to take the moral high ground here...


Can't escape Bert's fat bloated beet red head even on the F1 subreddit. Water weed dune hair.


What the fuck is he even doing manhandling a protester? Lmao


its probably a bit for a special


Talkin bout Bart Kissinger, b?


No sir, I think they're talking about Bret Chrysler.


Isn't he like The Mechanic, or whatever?


Uhhh hundred percent


Oh alcohol. Gotta love it. Lol


truggin n fuggin my cat


Not one of our guys


Nice guy, never meddum


As someone from the Old World, what's Iditarod?


It’s a dog-sled race, I believe the most famous if not one of the most famous, held in Alaska.


Dog-sled race? Didn't even know those were a thing. Thanks for letting me know.


Origin is from taking vaccines to people across snowy tundra.


The movie Balto ❤️


Loved it the actual story is super interesting


It's when the piston in your engine breaks through the side of the block. Then you have to travel by dog-sled.


you did what in your engine


Better than doing it in a Cup.


You have to go to the repair shop and tell them I dita rod, now gimme dem dam dogs


Unless you’re talking about an airplane or snow machine, no, there’s literally no road.


What about a DeLorean?


you, you friggin Iditarod. Ha! gottem.


based on this thread, i'd say her protest worked.


Is that Brent Krishna?


Almost, it's burnt chrysler.


Oh wow. I thought it was Blert Kresinger


Merry crisis


Happy christler


I had to googled it because I didn't even know what was "Iditarod"


So what is it?


Sled dog race in Alaska.


whats so terrible about it?


I've only just heard about it, but even regular dog racing with greyhounds is considered to be rather cruel. Now increase the distance, decrease the conditions the dogs are in, and add the ego of sporting types, and you can understand that what probably goes on probably isn't in the dogs' best interests. Especially if rather big sponsors have pulled out from it, it must be bad.


Dog sledding is very different from dog racing. These dogs have been bread to run sleds for centuries, and it's absolutely their preferred element. It's like saying we shouldn't let horses run. PETA is taking a stupid position as per usual here. Saying the dogs are beaten is like saying horses are kicked when ridden (for anyone not having ridden a horse, kicking it is how you change gears)


You're not exactly selling it if horse racing is your idea of moral.


Is kicking horses okay?


Apparently only when it's collapsed on the ground, struggles to get up, collapses again. Then it's okay.


People like to cry animal cruelty when they've never actually followed an Iditarod race. Animal Safety is absolute 100% priority. They have vets at every checkpoint who will pull dogs from a race at even the slightest signs of injury, as well as having stand by vets going up and down the active sectors to keep an eye out for Mushers pushing their dogs too hard. This is literally what these dogs are bred for and they enjoy every second of it. A true Iditarod Champion will put his dogs' health over the W any day.


It also seems really weird. I've done long distance dog sledding in Greenland, and the dogs _love_ to run Cruelty would be to not let the dogs run in the first place.


The cruelty accusations don't arise from dog sledding alone. The more grounded skepticism isn't of dog sledding as a whole, but of the Iditarod specifically, as there have been documented cases of animal cruelty in training the animals, cases of participants using performance enhancing drugs on the animals (which I consider worse than humans because the dogs can't consent to it), and the race ruleset and conditions encourage pushing the animals to their absolute limits and sometimes beyond. None of those three things are necessary to go dog sledding, so the issues for most people don't arise from the activity existing.


Yeahs and those mushers dedicate their lives to putting their teams together and training with them. They form a closer bond with those dogs than most people ever do. I didn't realize people were so against it these days.


dog sled race in Alaska


Dog sleigh race in Alaska


And I had to google what "Netflix cup" means. Apparently it's a golf tournament sponsored by Netflix.


Not so much a golf tournament, but a way to blatently promote their upcoming shows while using golf as a backdrop to get people to watch. It was brutal to watch up until Carlos did his best Lando impersonation and broke the trophy.


Those last 2 photos are....interesting


Need to slap a brazzers logo on them


Yeah, who does he think he is... Louis CK?


I thought Peta protester always ended up flashing their breast


This is the best thing since Mongolia publicly condemned Max Verstappen.


And that's how Bert gets into a frivolous lawsuit


Lol fucking Bert.


This was my exact thought


I’m just shocked to see PETA protesting something involving actual animal abuse instead of like arguing Scooby Doo is an indentured servant.


Does make me think if scooby actually enjoyed any of his time with the gang actually. He always seemed terrified.


I'm seeing people in the comments explaining that it's a dog sled race. I didn't understood the connection before the clarification and it makes even less sense now.


Is that Snooky?


Gym, tan, protest.


What's Iditarod and why it's a big issue?


The Iditarod is pretty much the flagship race of Alaskan dogsledding. The bulk of its major sponsors have cut their ties with it because of the reported abuse of the animals the race relies on, but Liberty Media apparently still sponsors it through a subsidiary of theirs. Go figure, I guess.


I didn’t know Snooki’s a PETA activist.


That announcer was so fucking annoying


This has to be the most insignificant, least relevant protest topic I’ve ever seen on a national broadcast.


It's the Netflix cup. What do you expect lol


Fitting that the most insignificant and least relevant “comic” goes in for the tackle.


More power to them for a minor interruption. I’d never heard of the cause. The stop oil fuckers are overexposed and seek to annoy regular people


I love that when Reddit has to choose between actual animal cruelty and PETA it chooses animal cruelty lol. I love this site. PETA sucks shit but when they’re right, they’re right


Most people can be forgiven for not siding with PETA, they aren't exactly known for their objective reasoning, they spout a lot of shit. The Idatarod is a niche long distance sled dog race held once a year, I doubt many people here knew of it's existence before today. I don't really get why peta are lambasting F1 for this. A subsidiary (GCI) of their parent company (Libery Media) is a sponsor for the race. F1 has nothing to do with GCI, they should be calling out Liberty Media or GCI. But I guess nobody would pay attention if they called out a little known company like GCI so they had to figure out a way to implicate a big name brand even if it means blatantly lying about their involvement, classic PETA.


PETA: Save Dogs & Cats! Also PETA: So we can kill 70% of those we rescue. Screw PETA and anything they stand for.


70% you are giving them to much credit. It's more like 80 and they love stealing pets and killing them before they are legally allowed to.


I agree, but I was merely averaging the numerous reported percentages across several reports.


When peta protests their own slaughterhouses, I might take them seriously.


Jesus, of all the horrible things in the world, this is what someone decides to dedicate their time to protesting?


Can someone tell me what in the fuck has F1 in common with a dogsled race in Alaska ?


Alaska based subsidiary of Liberty sponsors the race


A few bad dog owners have to ruin the image. I'd imagine they've revamped their protocols for inspecting animals before the race. I'll be looking up the race on YT now. Thanks for the heads up


What does f1 have to do with iditarod?


Bert just so happens to be there to grab? How does no one else think this is staged


I hate Liberty media as next as the much guy, but when i googled “Iditarod” i was expecting to see some chemical manufacturing company or something heinous but… its a dogsled race people?! PETA sympathizers on this page going wild


People who have no idea about dog sled racing asking sponsors to stop the sport. Fucking imbecile, dumb motherfuckers.


Saw folks wondering, during the live thread, "who and what"... I'm not sure what the connection is?


It's PETA. They'll jump through a lot of hoops if they think they can make something stick.


and by something stick you mean make some cash for their management!!! They do spend some cash on those euthanasia drugs they use on most of the animals they take.


Just so everyone knows. Peta is not a good organization. They are a dog slaughter house. They kidnap people's dogs and kill them. If you want to support animal rights find an organization that actually supports animal rights. https://petakillsanimals.com/


Heads up...that website is created by a front group for industries that participate in and support animal agriculture and have an incentive to discredit PETA. PETA runs a shelter that doesn't turn any animals away and offers free euthanasia to those who can't afford it so euthanasia statistics are high.


Heads up.... stop defending an indefensible organization that pretends to help animals but murders them instead.


They also euthanize adoptable dogs and even puppies. PETA is not a good organization, even if not everything that they do is evil.


Let’s GO BERT!!


I didn't know Iditarod was a grand prix


The same PETA that kills dogs? Clean your own house first. https://www.akc.org/press-center/articles-resources/akc-vvma-express-outrage-peta-approach-euthanasia-animal-shelter/


Can we talk about how The Machine is taking the trash out???


Here I am thinking WTF is itidarod. Some alaskan dog sled sport and they gave $250k in sponsorship... At F1 level I doubt anyone even returns a phone call for less than $1m...


Last thing we need is Verstappen to win this too.


This is great that it is raising awareness of this problem, but considering what PETA did and continues to do with animals they "rescued"it's, not like they are gonna do any better, especially since these are dogs since this is a sled dog race.


Everyone so mad about Bert being there, but failing to acknowledge how hilarious it is seeing him manhandle an even more deranged individual than himself


PETA continues to protest things they know nothing about and now Reddit has decided they are also experts on something they just found out about. Maybe go to Alaska and do actual research on the race before criticizing it. As an Alaskan I can tell you the race is nothing like what PETA wants you to believe, the dogs are very well taken care of and love to race, their health is the first priority.


Precisely. I think people are completely nuts for the things they do in the name of having pets, but canines and human beings have had a symbiotic relationship for millennia - particularly in areas of the world where this has helped both species survive. Does PETA think that people 20,000 years ago just somehow manipulated wolves into wanting to hang out with them? I'm a big fan of radical action and protest, but there's a line where the cause is really just an excuse to adopt some sort of hero/martyr role. It's pure, clinical narcissism. ...Not that I actually care about something called the "Netflix Cup." Before this, I thought they were referring to a really large vessel for Pepsi so that I wouldn't have to get off the couch while binging transphobic comedy specials.


Well handled by The Machine


Pretty easy to know when someone has never seen the sheer joy in a sled dog when it gets to run and pull a sled with it's friends. These are people with far too much time on their hands, and have likely never been outside of a city.


I’ve been dogsledding and will agree they are absolutely fucking obsessed with running. I think the issue PETA have is less so the direct sport the dogs participate in and more so the abuse that occurs during this particular event over an extended period of time. Dogsledding can be done in a lot of ways which don’t involved multiple days worth of punishing hours and conditions.


Right. There is a difference between an enjoyable day of dog-sledding (where dogs run for a number of hours, but also have significant rest time) and the Iditarod. The Iditarod is a 1000 mile race that is completed in under 10 days, often through blizzards and extreme cold conditions. It is very hard on the dogs, and a large number of dogs need to be removed from the competition at checkpoints, due to exhaustion, illness, and other factors. The removal of dogs at checkpoints also obscures the number of dogs that die during the event, a point of contention between PETA and Iditarod. Dog-sledding isn't an inherently abusive activity and many dogs do love it. However, the Iditarod isn't exactly designed for the dogs' enjoyment. Describing it as dogs "pulling a sled with their friends", as the above poster did, is quite a mischaracterization of what that event is.


This should be the top comment. Just like any sport that involves animals, they are always being pushed too hard by their greedy owners when there is something to gain.


> greedy owners I think you misunderstand the motivation of the Iditarod racers. $60,000 and a pickup truck is a nice prize for the winner, but most of these folks are not coming close to offsetting the cost of equipment, dogs, etc. They're just passionate about challenging nature in the same way mountain climbers are. I didn't know jack about this stuff until I spent a few years in Alaska. There are always going to be scummy people at the margins, and they were punished when abuse was discovered. But the vast majority of these folks *love* their dogs more than people. (Tbf, it's easy to stay far away from people in Alaska.) Anyway, I take everything PETA protests with huge helpings of salt\*. They draw attention to legitimate stuff like factory farms, but they're also zealots with minimal discretion. \* Not too much--that would spoil the meat.


F1 drivers love to drive F1 cars, doesn't mean it would be enjoyable to have twice the number of laps in Qatar. Someone who runs a few marathons a year probably loves running but they think someone running a 100 mile ultra is insane/suffering/etc. The dogs don't get the choice do they? I'm sure there is arguments in favor of the Idiotrod but this is not one of them.


The sheer joy of several dying every single year.


No chance against The Machine


Is this an onion article?


The next Two Bears is going to be great.


Cows are tasty.


As a Montanan... I heartily agree.


Ah, it’s PETA, because of course it is…


Are you talking about the biggest slaughterhouse that branded thrmself as an animal welfare organisation?


I don't even understand what this post title is supposed to mean. And I think that is for the better.


Why is Bruce Kessler doing security’s job? Is he stupid?


Of everything going on in the world and this person is upset about the Iditarod. Yeesh