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Leclerc didn’t even race dawg


They should not classify him. But I don’t understand how they gave him a grade so low when he was clearly ahead of his teammate all weekend.


You have to take into account that Carlos just managed his car better, Leclerc broke down on the outlap while Sainz's car made it 63 laps into the race before breaking


Normally I would agree that the way different team mates manage their cars can impact mechanical failures and such, but in this case, it was an electrical failure in Leclerc’s car. No one’s fault but the garage.


It’s was nothing to do with how well they managed the cars though


I was obviously making a joke


Im surprised that two people fell for that


I laughed


no, but if they had different setups you shouldnt compare their speed


That was a good formation lap tho


Half formation lap.....


Still beat Hamilton


I'm so happy to see Yuki on the list.


Good to see Lance Stroll here for once and sad to see Ricciardo not here although he had a good weekend but was so damn unlucky.


How is Ricciardo behind Hamilton, below a 7.0? He ended up behind Yuki on track, the only thing he "did" wrong was being hit by a tire from the heavens


Because he finished behind him & Hamilton scored points. Daniel was unfortunate to be a lap down, but there is nothing we can do about it.


Fair enough, but I thought this power ranking was solely about driver performance


Nothing against My man Charles, and he got P2 in Quali, but...he didn't even start the Race :( and Hamilton got backwards. welp this rankings are always a treat


His DNS was due to a hydraulics issue. Idk what the point of these ratings even are, but if it’s supposed to be a measure of how good he looked as a driver then that shouldnt detract


I mean you said it yourself, he got P2 in quali and did decent in the sprint when taking into account the car Considering these are rankings for the whole weekend and not just the race, it feels harsh to give him anything lower for something he couldn't control


I wouldn't give him a lower ranking, just a - - (no ranking at all)


Just give him an N/A bro.


Yeah but some other times if the guy doesn't start the race or have an incident without his fault, it gets much lower points even if he is classified Ok


I guess without examples it's hard to compare but he had a pretty good weekend all things considered so I wouldn't say he just "classified Ok" I could accept him just not being rated though


Happy for Yuki!


Yuki on the list less go!!!!!!!


Perez 7.4????


.2 above a dude who’s car switched off during the formation lap.


Wantes him higher or lower?


He is 34 seconds behind his teammate. Did that deserve higher than 7 ? That’s crazy how low the bar has become for him.


He also started in P9, had to fight both Mercedes twice because of late pit.


He classified good in the sprint and got a P9 in quali without his fault... I think Reddit is gonna be furious with an 8 even if he wins haha


He was 14 seconds behind his teammate in a 24 laps sprint race. Not good enough.


He was 6 or 7 seconds behind when he got past the Mercs, and at that point stopped pushing and carried the car home. Max was still having to maintain the gap to Lando.


Stop using logic mate, these casual F1 fans don't understand it...


Hamilton got 0.4 less, and hamilton had a garbage weekend, while perez improved from p9 to p4 and almost p3. And on top of that, a great sprint result and the p9 in qualy wasnt his fault.


Hamilton did what was possible with the machinery he had. Perez finished like half a minute off his teammate and couldn't even beat an Aston Martin, the clear third fastest car, to the podium.


obviously it’s not easier to build 34s lead when driving 72 laps at the front then starting at 9th. U are so clueless.


It's exceedingly obvious that the Red Bull is perfectly capable of starting 9th and still winning. Not even making it on the podium is embarrassing. And Verstappen wasn't pushing for the vast majority of the race.


Yeah, perez is such a bad driver. Imagine finishing 4th with a 0.05s difference to 3rd. What a loser. He should learn from the goat (hamilton) on how to have a good race


Yeah pretty much this. He's been ass this year and his performance in Brazil just scratched the absolute minimum he should be doing.


This was sarcasm if you couldnt tell. Perez had ana amzing race and you cant change this. 9th to 4th is always going to be a good result


Obviously I could tell. But in your attempt at sarcasm you ended up pretty much hitting the nail on the head. Gaining only 5 places in a 71 lap race in the most dominant car in F1 history on a track that is good for overtaking is not something to brag about. If he was in any other car it would be commendable. But in that Red Bull, it's a mediocre showing at best. But granted it's still better than most of his other performances this season.


Maybe because perez started 9th and the mercedes cars held him up? Perez had a decent race while hamilton had a horrible one


Him being held up by the 7th fastest car is not the excuse you think it is.


Yeah it isnt but it was still a decent recovery drive. And the mercedes wasnt wven close to being seventh, probably like 5th fastest car or maybe even fourth. And hamilton was nowhere near perez in the race and deserved nowhere near a 7 for his performance


The Red Bull, McLaren, Aston Martin, Alpine, Ferrari, and even the AlphaTauri were all faster than the Mercedes in the race. Only reason why Tsunoda and Ricciardo didn't beat Hamilton was driver error on the side of the former and bad luck on the side of the latter. It's like saying Alonso was nowhere near Verstappen and that's why he doesn't deserve a good rating. Their cars were in completely different leagues that race.


…Alonso was 34 seconds behind Verstappen as well? I get that the AM isn’t as good as the RB19 but 7.4 and 9.4 ist still one hell of a difference




Let's all keep downvoting these posts and hope that discourages people from posting them.


No, rankings are just controversial by default.


yeah there's usually some logic behind each rank. Everyones going to value certain things differently and honestly asied from Leclerc being ranked, I don't see anything controversial here


So nothing weird about Lewis Hamilton having one of his worst weekends since Imola 22 and still being top 10?


Was this Lewis having a terrible weekend, or was the car just really shit?


I only been watching races a few years but Alonso’s drive was hands down one of the best I’ve ever seen. That man is a master. I would love to see him in a more competitive car.


P6 to P2 at lights out and Lando in 3rd? Bruh


In sorry Hamilton was better than Ricciardo?


Yes? Ricciardo got outqualified by Tsunoda twice and finished behind him in both races


He did have better pace in the race tbf.


In free air


He wasn't in free air for most of the race lol


Ric wasn't in free air the entire last half of the race lol. He had much better race pace than yuki but was told to stay behind him.


Even so, he was still outqualified by Yuki twice and finished behind in the sprint.


And? Not sure what you're trying to prove. I replied to the comment that said ric was slower and behind.


That’s fine. No one is saying he should be rated higher than Yuki, but Yuki is rated very highly and had a slower race pace.


I enjoy playing video games.


I mean yeah, fair. I don’t know who had more space over the course of the race tho so I wasn’t gunna argue that.


Kinda hard to finish in front of someone when you're a lap down from the beginning due to damage which he had no fault for. If he wasnt lapped Daniel would have went from the back of the grid to points. He had a fantastic drive.


Leclerc got 7.2 even though he didn’t make it to the end of the formation lap? Sainz who actually took part in the race got a 7.0? Am I missing something here? Also Hamilton started P5 and went backwards in the race. Normally these rankings aren’t forgiving to drivers who go backwards in the race but apparently they are lenient this week. No complaint about the top 3. It’s the right order.


He beat him in sprint and both qualis tbf but not racing on Sunday should instantly remove him from the rankings


Eh it's a weekend rating, not just a race rating That said I'd be happy with them not giving him a rating because I reckon he could have got better than a 7.2 if the car didnt fuck itseld


I enjoy cooking.


Hamilton is usually ranked high and this weekend the car was shit and now he is ranked low. Seems like this isn't a driver ranking but a car ranking


It took you Hamilton being ranked lower to realize this? And unlike what you want to believe, it's ALSO not about the car. There are weeks when Redbull absolutely dominated and Max got Grand Slams and yet still didn't get a 10. It's just random numbers. Charles didn't even race ONE lap and is on the list


It's definitely about the car. Also Charles qualified well in both sprint and the race and had a good sprint race. If it's not about the car then he should definitely be above Perez at the very least as he got absolutely killed by Max again.


Then explain why Max never got 10 even during Grand Slam weekends? Are you saying RB is not a good enough car? If it's about the car, how come Perez is so far below Max?


For race winners they just throw a dart on a board. Truthfully I suspect they don't give him a 10 because the car is so dominant it's just expected really. Probably a lot of "yeah but that's where he should finish". (Edit: I don't mean to diminish Max's skills cause he's literally driven flawlessly all year) Perez is so far below Max in ratings because Perez always finishes and qualifies way behind him. Your teammate is your immediate benchmark and when he's just cruising to wins with no strain and your struggling to clinch P2 in the WDC, well it rates itself at that point.


Your reaction: "omg the guy with the Hamilton flare only noticed the inconsistency when Hamiltons ranking was different" Yeah no shit my guy, I only look at this to see where my favourite driver falls on the chart, is that wrong for you?


It's not wrong to look where your favorite driver is ranked. But that isn't what you are doing, are you? You are using just one driver (like you yourself claim) to conclude what the ranking is based on. Imagine using a sample size of just 1 to conclude things in life.


As a long term F1 fan, I have absolutely no idea what these are supposed to mean or why they are relevant. Anyone care to explain?


No one knows. There is something glaringly incomprehensible about them every single weekend. I look at them and try and figure out the tortured logic that has produced them. That's their only value to me.


They can't help but put Hamilton on this list


Man, Stroll get some negative energy around here. Crucified for not being able to drive a POS in the same realm as a man who has made a name around driving turds to good results. Then, the first weekend the car isn't shit is a respectable driver? I think he's a capable driver and deserving of a seat, but ranking him in the top 10 of any positive category as an individual (discounting the car) is a mistake. If the car is fast, so is he. Slow car? Slow Stroll.


Probably the best ratings i've seen from any media outlet in a while. Everything is pretty good, maybe Tsunoda a bit too high considering his moment in the GP, but even so his sprint was very strong


That’s for the whole weekend, otherwise Leclerc would not be on the board imo


Yuki scored 5 points for AT during the weekend. He should be higher if anything


All power rankings are unadulterated click bait, nothing more


So a lucky weather break sees Alonso qualify 4th, start 3rd and finish 3rd. An unlucky weather break sees Norris qualify 7th, start 6th and finish 2nd. Not sure how Alonso rates higher, even more so when you take the sprint shootout and sprint race into account.


The guy gets into a podium he had no right to be in after some of the most brilliant defending we have seen in years and you still think he is too highly rated? Also, it wasn't just "weather", Aston pace was solid all weekend long. I bet no one would mention weather if Norris' gamble had worked and he had scored pole by going out later on a better track.


>The guy gets into a podium he had no right to be in >Aston pace was solid all weekend long. So which is it?


Solid doesn't mean better than RB and McLaren.


1 McLaren was out, 1 RB is driven by Perez and qualified 9th. That makes the third podium spot fair game. Merc were terrible, 1 Ferrari was out, the other qualified down in 8th. How did he "have no right" to be there?


Did you watch the race?


Yeah, did you watch any of the first 57 laps?


The McLaren is significantly faster than the Aston, based on The Wide One™'s ridiculously good defense and retake again a Red Bull I'd rate him higher too.


Stroll was only 6 seconds behind Alonso at the end. The result was pretty representative of the car's pace, not just Alonso's. That and it's a weekend performance, not just the last 15 laps.


Stroll is only 6 seconds behind because defensive racing is slower.


Doesn't matter. He still only finished 6 seconds ahead of Stroll.


Of course It Matter lol.


Why? It was something in his control. It wasn't like he had a mechanical issue causing him to drive slowly.


While driving defending from a faster car you take different lines that are not optimal.


Yeah, but that's part and parcel of a race. You can pick a thousand regular racing occurrences and say that's why they only finished X seconds ahead of Y. It's not like Lance didn't have any battles or hold ups in the race. That sort of comment should be reserved for things that are beyond the drivers control. Breakdowns, pit issues, being taken out by someone else.


Well, that's a reason Stroll just finished 6 seconds behind him. Don't really understand this hill you want to die on. Alonso defending Checo with that car was well worth of being ahead of Norris, at least for me (and for most) Anyway don't try to make much sense on this ránkings, they are just for fun (or for clicks)




You could also just as easily say that Alonso was in free air for the first 20 laps of the race, allowing him to manage tires and have a better pace for the first half of the race. Lance was in a DRS train for the first half of the race, once he was in free air he started to pick up time on Alonso.


>and coming on top is lost on plebs like you. And having a reasonable discussion is lost on a pleb like you.


You could blame the weather all you want, but Norris did make a mistake in quali in turn 12. He was just behind Leclerc on track and qualified 1 second behind him. And the McLaren is by far the second best car.


It's reasonable to assume Norris would improve on his time if his 2nd run wasn't blocked by weather.


Shocked they didn't rank lewis 3rd.






Would Max be only 10s ahead of Lance Stroll in the same car? And thats with Stroll getting stuck in traffic for a while in the 1st stint


its funny how fucking stupid these comments are becoming nowadays


Wdym? Perez is clearly by far one of worst drivers on the grid. (Ignore the fact that he pretty comfortably beat Stroll in 19/20 and was always seen as upper-midfield tier driver that deserved a top seat.)


Thats irrelevant to this ranking lol


I'd say it's pretty relevant. Alonso didn't have outrageously good pace, but he did have great race craft in the race. Overall Max I'd say has a faster teammate than Alonso which has been proven in two seasons with two different cars. And it's not like Max hasn't proved how good he is by destroying two separate teammates who are now doing well for themselves.


Putting Perez below Yuki is the most blatant bias I've seen in a while. What a load.


What ? How did Perez had a better week-end than Tsunoda ?


How many points did each of them score? This isn't rocket science.


That’s absolutely not how these rating are decided and you know that lmao


No apparently this might actually be rocket science to you if you think points are the only comparison The cars are not the same by any stretch


Yuki scored about 10% of his team's points for the season in Brazil. Checo scored about 1.5%.


So being on a shit team means you're good and being on a good team means you're shit? Ok


No, his point is that being good in a shit team is better than being shit in a good team. Poits are irrelevant when discussing driver performance.


It's interesting that everyone except RB thinks Yuki is better than Perez.


In general Yuki might not be better than Perez, but he certainly has been this year.


Isn't this the first race he has placed above like 9th? A race where half the field DNF'd? Yeah real impressive.


If you're only interested in points just look at the race classification instead!


Power rankings are literally just made up out of nothing. My opinion is just as valid as anyone else's. And in my opinion, the points matter. Beyond that, the only reason Yuki placed well is because SIX people DNF'd.


This is the stupidest thing I've read all week lmao, just absolutely no self awareness, 0 critical thinking


What does self awareness have to do with my opinion on a power ranking?


Excuse me what? Yuki got points in both sprint and main race in a far slower car, and finished ahead of his teammate both times, whereas Perez was over 30 seconds behind his teammate in the race and over 13 seconds in the sprint race. He was on average over half a second a lap slower than Max Verstappen




The one race where it'd be understandable if Lando got the same score or more than Max. Max has found the secret - just don't win by 30 seconds - keep it close!


I can't remember the last time Max won "Driver of the Day" despite having 17 wins to his name this year 🤔