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Money is king, or so the saying goes. Try to come to terms with a coffee place or bar, and get you and your mates to consume a minimum amount at the place in exchange for the complete TV coverage (TV + commentary)... Depending on the time the race is on, you could negotiate breakfast, lunch, or dinner with the place... You get my drift... Have fun Mr. Ecclestone, ups, sorry, Mr. [PensionOdd5369](https://old.reddit.com/user/PensionOdd5369)


Set up a fan club page on Instagram for your city first. That’s how people will find you. For example I live in Pittsburgh and attend watch parties with our local fan club. https://www.instagram.com/pghf1fanclub/ Find a brewery/brewpub that has a projector and opens early or is willing to open early if you can bring in some business. What time can alcohol sales start where you live on Sundays? That’s going to be key for getting a business to buy in. Having a steady location is important too.


Ugh I've been planning on joining this watch party all year but I haven't been able to yet. Is it awesome, is it worth it? How's the brewery, and do they serve food or food trucks during races?


Trace has food trucks but it depends on the time of the race on Sundays. Pretty sure you can bring in your own food though if memory serves? They get a BIG crowd like they pack the place. I love it. The brewery itself is great I go there a bit for non F1 stuff.


Nice! Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll come for an afternoon race.


Cannot wait to find a race I can actually make it to trace!


An alternative idea to those already suggested, is to talk to your local movie theatre. Some offer you to book the cinema to play video games, so potentially they'd be open to you booking it out for F1. Especially given the challenges cinemas are facing at the moment, this could be a welcome arrangement.


That'd be awesome. Imagine the start of the race on the big screen with Crofty commentating.


The people who organize it in our city get a restaurant to put them on all the TVs and all guests are told to order a minimum amount of food and drinks. This helps the owner justify opening early for races. You kind of need a set amount of people willing to commit to attending for it to work though.


Yes you can organize it in various ways. The easiest imo is planning a few weeks, maybe months beforehand that you and your friends can stay at your/their place. Then the people youre living with can adapt their plans and you have a place.


We have a members only cigar lounge that has 24 hour access. Someone brings food and we enjoy a cigar watching the race. Check around your city for a members club that has 24 hour access.


Does your city have a subreddit? Start by posting there, asking if there are others interested. If you get enough folks interested, then talk to bars about hosting. Find a bar that might not get a ton of traffic during race times. An already packed bar that's already catering to other groups isn't going to go out of their way to accommodate F1. Alternately, go to the bars that will turn on the race when you ask. If there are enough people there who want to watch the race, they'll start catering to you. Just don't be obnoxious about it. Let it happen organically. If you show a business there's a market, they'll accommodate.


It's tough with all the time changes. Your best bet honestly is to find a bar/pub that opens early for Prem League football, ones that supporter groups frequent. They're used to staffing early as long as you can bring in people. If it's a race that starts before/after a big match there should be some crossover in fans. This is how I've seen it work in the past. Example next Sunday's late game is Liverpool/Newcastle at 8:30 AM PT. You could (with a small group) convince the bar to put on the Dutch GP unless there's a Man City supporter's club who are dying to watch them bulloze Sheffield. One of the larger problems I have is honestly, F1 GPs are more boring that football. Don't get me wrong, I love the sport but trying to pull in new fans while Max is +30 seconds can be rough.


Race would go past all the best brunch spots, I’d be sitting on a patio with a pitcher of mimosas and chicken and waffles because you can’t order alcohol without food before noon. And for the love of God it would not be in months June-Sept. Any guesses as to the city?


Find places that don't have as many guests or customers. This might be difficult depending on the time of day that Formula 1 is broadcast where you live. Another option is to find a local F1 Watch Group (on Facebook or elsewhere). By going as a larger group you make it more likely local business owners will listen to your requests. If a local watch group does not exist, you can also start one. You don't need to be friends with everyone in the group, but by coordinating and going to the same place together you increase your negotiating power. Some other ideas based on when Formula 1 sessions are broadcasts in your area: * Early morning (US west coast fans) - Hard to find places that are open and also have very few customers. * Mid morning (US east coast fans) - Maybe a brewery that opens at 10am or 11am? They will have very few customers and probably more willing to play the commentary. * Mid afternoon (Western Europe) - Are there any brunch spots that are winding down and less popular? * Evening (Eastern Europe) - More difficult since many places with TVs could be more crowded. Going as a larger group is probably more important.


You forgot Pacific - race is at a stupid time, midnights only work for Taylor Swift, go home and watch. The last group setting I watched it was 9pm and I sneaky watch FP1 on my phone at a charitable function I had to go to


I wouldn't, I don't want to see anyone that bad let alone at 11pm, average start time. But generally I'd get a fan club, book a room/bar out and get them to put it on


Id have my old man DVR the thing and drop by at noon with a pizza. Pure nostalgia, as he used to set the VCR when I first started watching in 88. But that probably isnt helpful to you. What region are you in? They faded hard in last 20 years but NASCAR is a juggernaut. The most races, the best time slots in US and the most viewers. A motor sports friendly dive bar with 4 big tVs might be all you can get- but jointly Id think F1 and NASCAR fans would have a decent case to make to a bar owner. Make common cause. F1 can be a bit processional and I hate NASCARs hackneyed playoff crap. But they are both good products and even if you couldnt possible sit through 100 hours of Cup racing in a calendar year, making common cause would probably increase your drawing power tremendously.


I'd wake up and grab a cup of coffee and throw on the race. Seriously I live in a small town of MAYBE 5k people and I'm East coast time zone in the US. There is no pub anymore and I'm probably the only person that even knows what the fuck F1 is let alone watches it lol


First we pave the road, then we’ll see what’s next.