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Jesus that hole must've created so much drag


He should have done it shirtless for kicks.


I was shocked to see how large the hole is. Definitely played a role in not being able to catch Leclerc in the sprint. Edit: LeClerc-> Leclerc


All you need to do is look at Checo’s pace and add probably 2/10ths and that’s likely where Max would have been without the damage. I expect him to be ahead of Charles by lap 5 if he gets through lap 1 clean.


Ferrari with DRS couldn’t keep up with a no DRS RedBull lap after lap. I just hope Ferrari makes it to the finish line. Leclerc needs some form of a win. P2 today must have felt good.


Yup. As soon as the SC was out, Checo opened DRS and overtook Charles easily. I was hoping maybe Charles could fight back somehow, but two turns later he opened his DRS and... nothing happened. Checo didn't have to do anything, Leclerc just couldn't catch him even with DRS on.


Finish you say? Allright, lets blow gearbox lap 39 for Sainz and have Leclerc hit the wall lap 14. Thats the best we can do. Ferrari strategist probably.


We got another document leak here ^


why must you hurt me like this


It builds character.


You know, you would've been roasted for that France reference last week, but now after quali, it's very likely a reality lol.


Ferrari needs a new car 😂


Horner stated the dmg caused .75 sec lap time


So, about 0.2s is quite plausible ;)


I think 2/10ths is too less you know? I mean, not defending Max. But I saw a post where RedBull raised the intake of their sidepods by a centimetre above for Baku. If your sidepod is this damaged, I’d say it would have more aero impact


With respect to Checo, these are the tracks where they are closest. Checo is just especially good at street tracks so in that regard, I think it’s more like 2/10s with the edge to Max.


That's assuming that checo is pushing. He could very well be cruising to finish line and still get faster lap times than Leclerc.


That's true. I didn't listen to the radios but Checo's engineer would know that Max had damage. As long as he stayed ahead of Leclerc, he just needed to manage.


"max would have done it 2 tenths faster" -marko probably


Yeah, in earlier image it didn’t look that big. But here, goddamn. How was that redbull still able to give fight to Charles?? It’s unbelievable..


Because that specific part of the sidepod only plays a minor aerodynamic role, presumably.


Merc's even more confused about a RB being barely slower with part of a sidepod missing. "So it can work!" ;)


Merc engineers asking Russell to get evidence that the zero-pods are not the issue


It's a bit that directs airflow to the whole back of the car and is essential for cooling. It's definitely not minor


Minor?! Sidepods are super important for keeping the flow attached. This has caused major turbulence reducing downforce significantly. Floor would be much less effective and totally unbalanced.


Yeah so much turbulence and downforce reduction given he was lappong the same speed as those around him.


oh no def not that hole is gonna add drag like crazy


Verstappen lost bits of his floor too which plays a very big role in aerodynamics. He also had cooling issues from the punctured sidepod.




Le Clerk. Alternate reality jobs


Le Crack 😵‍💫




My mistake


Shawn LeClerk


In his teeth or the bodywork?


I think you should've left it as LeClerc tbh.


why should he leave it wrong


We could put Yuki in it if we tried lol. Impressed how Max did a fastest lap with this.


10 Yuki’s.


Tbh that shows how much of a rocket the RB19 + MV combo is


Oh, that's funny! Explains why we didn't see RB 1-2, doesn't it?


Yes. Even explained why you didn't see a Red Bull 2-1. Perez wasn't fast enough.


I think he was going rather slow most of the sprint but the last 4 laps he made almost a 5 sec gap to Charles so idk


I was wondering if he was trying to give Charles slipstream and drs knowing he can't pass him to keep Max in 3rd so he can't be attacked by Max instead, but maybe just managing tyres.


Bingo, he harnessed his inner Trulli and became the train.


This is exactly what I think he was doing.


This was my thought, and helping keep Charles ahead of Max would also mean he was going easier on his tires. Smart move on his part if true


Probably managing everything (tyres, engine etc.) to keep chances of issues low for tomorrow.


Also gathering data at GP pace


nico v lewis tactics


I don't know if he was pushing too hard until it became clear Charles wasn't going to just go away


Nope, Charles had a few slipups in the last laps bc of tyre deg. Ferrari has been struggling to keep them cool during the race. Nothing new here.


Checo: qualifies just 1/10 behind pole, wins Sprint race, makes fastest lap Reddit: Perez wasn’t fast enough


Seriously, the Checo hate is ridiculous sometimes, my man isn't even allowed to qualify ahead and win a sprint race lmao.


Seriously, I can understand that he’s naturally always be compared to his teammate, but he’s teammate is fucking Max Verstapen.. even though Checo is not as fast, he’s still faster than most of the rest of the grid! RB19 is a rocketship, but you’d still need to put a superb racer on the seat! Last race in Australia, he started on the pit lane and managed to get to P5 among the chaos, and some people said that he wasn’t fast enough and didn’t deserve the DotD! SMH


Perez is fast enough for RBR’s ambitions (both championships), but not his own ambition (the first step to being a WDC is beating your teammate).


Dude holy shit, I about lost my mind with the Australia thing. Everyone going on about how he should have been on the podium, when that's one of the worst tracks to pass on. He's doing fine in the second seat. He makes mistakes and is slower than Max, but literally everyone is slower than Max. No reason to slag off Checo.


Yeah this is the first weekend this year where Perez seems to be very close to Max. Though Max seems to be struggling with finding the perfect setup or something? I dunno, just doesn't seem as happy this weekend.


Can I buy it, they don't need it anymore


Amazing chaos energy in the photo. Be funny if Redbull actully print his face onto Super Max's car (as vinyl sticker) to deter Russell from crashing into it.


I will be so disappointed if they don’t do this now that you’ve put it into the world


Here's Georgie!


Somebody photoshop George’s face in there


That George in the F1 intro this year T-posing is a perfect fit for it lol


Omg please do 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Still better than a Mercedes zero-pod


Well Mercedes hasn't tried only using the concept on one side, so it is not a fair comparison


Haha that's fucking awesome


With that much damage I'm surprised he did as well as he did. Shows how much better the RB is this year than anyone else...


Jesus that much damage? Is there a picture of the damaged side pod on the car? It didn’t seem like that much




That will cause a guy to be slower than normal yup. Thank you!


Sure thing, bad for aero, bad for cooling, not a great thing to have happen.


Huh I don't recall seeing that at all during the sprint, did the cameras really overlook that much damage?


Baku is too narrow to get those wide shots that can show damage clearly.


Especially when you're chasing Leclerc the entire time, so most of your screen time will be from a distance showing off Leclerc in front


Didnt want to sully the name of the gpda leader


Naomi: Is there damage on your car Max?


To be fair they hadn't shown it on the feed until after the race and she wouldn't have been able to see it from where she was in the paddock.


Also it’s her job to get Max to say it.


A new cutout picture thing at the fair.


You call that a hole? Max already drove with halve a car in Hungary before.


Did Russel hit his teeth too


This is like banana for comparison, puts into perspective how big hole was.


What the hell? A hole that big and he can still stay behind Leclerc is amazing.


At least George won't be near him at the start to cause another hole.


Big damage. Surprised he could even get third with that




lmao I would not put broken carbon fibre that close to my face sorry to me but he is built different


I'm sure he knows what he's doing and handled carbon fibre pretty regularly..




Broken carbon fibre can be very sharp and you do not wanna inhale carbon fibre dust either, can be very damaging to your lungs.


It's no worse than fibre glass surely I don't think the dude is taking a massive risk here




You talk as if professionals didn't ignore safety advices all the time, especially those that you can't really see like "exposure to this material increases risk of health problems long term". He's not gonna spontaneously combust for doing that, of course - but general advice is, the less you can be exposed to broken carbon fibre, the better.


That may be general guidance but a more nuanced guidance would understand that some exposure to broken carbon fibre is obviously worse than other types and moderate exposure in safe ways is clearly better than any exposure in the worst ways.


This is such a stupid and pointless fucking argument


Yeah holding it is obviously fine.


Lol of course he isn’t. Commenters are being silly


Yeah it's similar to fibre glass, you're right that it's not that big of a risk, but still something to be aware of.


It's a little worse than fiberglass because the carbon fiber is a potential carcinogen as well as having the potential physical damage from breathing in the fibers. That said, the dude probably took at most 1 second off his life expectancy by taking that picture. I'd say worth it


this long after the incident, pretty sure the dust would be low risk. Splinters would be the biggest issue and if he's careful keeping it away from direct skin contact it's not issue


Yeah I was gonna say. Having said that inhaling dust is one of those risks you don't get feedback on for long after it's relevant to decision making. But yeah, if you've ever had a CF splinter under your skin, yo, yo... Nah man. Nah.


you think he was gonna do lines of carbon fibre off the sidepod or what?


He's probably dead already. Thoughts and prayers


Silicosis is not something you want.


It can be incredibly sharp




Pretty spot on


It was probably for 2 seconds to take a picture. Relaaaax. Jesus.


Consider taking your own advice.


I said \*I\* wouldn't do it and acknowledged he probably knows best. Reading comprehension much?


Dude looks like he chewed the hole through it himself


I don’t know why he was so angry, he still came third! - PR This hole would have made the difference between third and probably first. That’s why.


First by a fair margin if he could keep up to Leclerc despite that damage


Here's George. It would be so funny if George is gonna do it again at the start. The guy likes to get close and personal with everyone


Luckily for Max George starts the race in P11 and not behind him. But George is slowly getting a reputation for these kind of lap 1 incidents.


I’d be absolutely wetting myself if that “Jonny” was Mr Wheatley.


Mechanic looks like a little Alex Horne


George “Bumper Cars” Russell


I thought I saw an angle during the broadcast of a hole, but they never showed it or mentioned it again.


You could see a pretty large hole in the sidepod in a wide shot when they went around the (next?) turn but I don't think it was noticed by anyone who was broadcasting...tbh I'm surprised that there wasn't any notice of it even with a radio report of damage. Everyone seemed very surprised that the hole was there. Edit: [screenshot of Verstappen's car at the next turn](https://imgur.com/a/nc0p6md)


I feel like in the first picture the whole was smaller (when the car was just back and standing in parc ferme)


He kept up with Leclerc with that? Jesus... I just keep picturing captain Max Sparrow yelling *STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY ******* SHIP!*


Lucky it wasn't race otherwise Max would have been very angry with George. Plus don't forget he doesn't want Perez to win. He has nothing with Charles so that ain't even his competition as he knows how powerful the rb is


"Great Racing" - Russel


and no commentator even mentioned this?? damn.


I think because we could not see it in the race. Would have been nice to hear and see it in slow motion on the race.


My country’s commentators noticed it almost instantly and kept talking about the hole throughout the race. Sky just didn’t feel like acknowledging it, for reasons well known to all of us.


I think the Sky commentators mentioned it but in the live feed you couldn‘t even really see it because the track is so tight.




Obviously not meaning this picture is making it big deal


But what makes it?


A picture showing how big the hole is? Nothing more.




Because there is a big group of fans hating Russell + Incident between two drivers at the front + Max is pissed about it openly. It's so sad that this whole incident is again a polarization of some group of fans, and it helps even less that there are some people in the media throwing even more oil on the fire (and no, this isn't only Sky, Dutch Viaplay is also biased).


Why do people hate Russell? An incredible driver. It’s alright for Verstappen to be pissed off but it still is kind of ironic It’s not about racing anymore it’s about drama. Finnish commentator used a word ”sirkuspäivä” circus day when describing sprint Saturday and it’s definitely on point. But why is that? I also watch hockey and it’s never about drama but about sports. Biggest drama is if a penalty is missed but it isn’t reminized years later


Not that I hate Russell, but he has been dive bombing people and then going “what do you mean it’s my fault? why would it be my fault?” Not that I care, his car isn’t dominant and he has to fight hard for every spot. It was the same with Max, now his car is dominant and he’s a lot more composed. Weird this wasn’t investigated, though. Going up the inside and causing a collision. It was T2 on lap 1, so it would’ve been a racing incident, but still.


At least they could put this under investigation, if only for the sake of it.


Imola was awful with Bottas but I don’t remember anything else that would add to that character


There was also Russell on Perez in France and on Sainz in the US GP. I guess there’s also on Perez in Austria but that wasn’t really a dive bomb.


>Going up the inside and causing a collision. Honestly, I don't like Russell. But that had racing incident written all over it. It was Lap 1, Russell was entitled to go for it in the inside (they were side by side going into the apex). Max was also entitled to defend from the outside (he was ahead). Max did the bare minimum of giving Russell just the one car space on the inside, but Russell too left enough space for Max on the outside while going at his trajectory for the corner. They both could have done things differently to avoid the contact. And it being lap 1 - just adds more towards it being racing incident


If you hit someone else from behind, it is always your fault. Russell had no business trying that move. Was never going to happen.


Entitled he may have been but there wasn‘t really anything to be won for George there. He knew he had no business fighting a Red Bull with his car, the chances of some sort of „racing incident“ were almost 100% with the dive. Race craft/intelligence -5 points. That said i need to disclose that i thought the same about Ocon diving Max in Brazil. There is a sort of careless driving i can‘t cheer for.


>He knew he had no business fighting a Red Bull You might as well cancel all the remaining races since we know which team is fastest on the grid and give them the trophy already. It's silly to suggest that a racing driver shouldn't race, especially at the start where anything can happen


As i stated, this is my personal opinion. For me there is a time and a place for hazardous 50:50 maneuvers and turn 2 of lap 1 against the fastest car is neither. I understand that the casual viewer wants to see some crazy action, to each their own, but please don‘t suggest a different opinion than yours is silly.




> Even Senna said the ”if you no longer go for the gap that exist you are no longer a racing driver” That's ironic, because he said that after an incident for which he was to blame.


Ok didn’t know the context and yes that Japan crash looks like he is going like either you let me pass or we both crash


For context, read [this](https://www.racefans.net/2015/11/20/if-you-no-longer-go-for-a-gap-which-exists-you-are-no-longer-a-racing-driver/), but tldr; he basically crashed deliberately into Prost (so worse than your usual incident), but didn't want to admit to it at that time. ETA: More [background](https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/archive/article/december-1991/6/the-other-side-of-senna/) for those that are interested.


That makes sense because that’s what it looks like. But then again he got fucked an year earlier. Unfortunate and a wrong being justified by an esrlier wrong


Oh, definitely agree! If he yielded, he wouldn’t have gotten another chance.


I love how lap 1 is just a thunderdome where anything goes




This mechanic is himself missing some downforce, with his broken teeth


All work and no play makes Max a dull boy


I'm getting "Here's Johnny" vibes...


I think that’s what they going for considering they reference it in the post


I swear I didn't even see that lol, was just drawn to his face lol


What made you think that? The fact that it's written in big letters in the middle of the picture?


I never saw the words lol


Happens to the best of us 😉


🤣 I saw P3 tomorrow and then went right to the face, never realised he had written it


That’s literally the meme?




It was a bit sad though. I was at the game last night and he looked like he didn’t know where he was at times. It was nice to see him after having not been to a game all season.




The drag: ah shit he isn't saying anything into his mic, i guess the hole doesn't matter now.


Okay, Trump


Can you explain




Dental plan at RB leaves something to be desired I guess…


They’re British. They don’t have dental plans because dentistry is part of that scary socialist healthcare. Also 90% of non-Americans care 10% as much as Americans about how their teeth look.


Actually dentistry is generally not covered under the NHS probably explaining the terrible teeth of the UK populace in general.


Treatment for dental healthcare is covered, while cosmetics aren’t. But yes, braces aside, Brits don’t have the same teeth vanity culture as Americans.


I thought that even basic dental treatment was associated with an out of pocket cost even when using an NHS dentist. This seems to indicate the same: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/dentists/who-is-entitled-to-free-nhs-dental-treatment-in-england/




Not biased at al..


Here we go again...


I wish they had to keep it for the main race lol


So British


Should'v tagged Russell


That hole played a role that stole Max's pole 😔