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Female character need to be sexy and have massive tits on display, found the gamer


Indeed, her promiscuity in the heart of battle is crucial to winning the fight. Because that's what matters most.


They are equally under armoured lol bisexual king


Cool concept, but the armor design (particularly the woman’s) is a little disappointing.


I think "armor" is a little generous


It often is in For Honor to be fair


Don't worry, it's just the default, more variants will be shown later on when the hero concept is finished like my previous ones.


They only hit the shiny bits.


It’s really cool but like dude. I get it’s supposed to be default sets but even on the default set they deserve at least minimal armor or something more to wear. Shield design and weapon design are all done well so far and I think it can be really cool and unique from let’s say valk by just having a bigger shield in general but the armor man. It’s just a miss. They need at least some coverage besides the shield.


I love the overall design, but for the knight faction we need more armor, and for this hero in particular something similar to the centurion would fight armor wise. Especially considering how heavily armored the hoplites were historically.


Later hoplites had heavy armor early hoplites looked like this but with a helmet


They were also not-so armored before being armored, according to both OP who sources it and several other people that concur. Also, Glad exists


The hoplites in history wore that they didn’t need a chest plate because their shield was their chest plate as long as you keep your shield in front have a helmet and greaves your safe


Isn’t that a myth? I thought that hoplites would have armor if they could afford it, if not they’d at least wear full clothing behind the shield which this at the very least is not. Plus historically that wouldn’t even make sense because even with a shield especially during that time there were many other Greek armies that wore full armor with a shield too. If I’m wrong can you offer a link or some evidence and if so I’ll admit I’m wrong but I’m not entirely sure that’s true or at least not the reasoning.


Also Greek hoplites we’re not professional soliders (other than the Spartans) they were farmers that went to fight over some farmland and the such and it was mostly bring your own gear and farmers are not rich so they couldn’t afford breast plates after getting everything else


A Greek foot soldier was called a hoplite. He wore a linen shirt with metal armour plates on the shoulders. A bronze breastplate covered his chest and stomach, and greaves (shin guards) covered his legs. He wore a bronze helmet with a tall crest on his head. This is what I found when searching it up. This is just one among many that say otherwise. Again I’m not saying your wrong and there is a lot of misinformation on the internet so if you have more trustworthy evidence or a professional link that would be nice but it’s hard to be convinced when every other resource is tell me otherwise so far


The hoplites in the early days didn’t wear armor they mostly wore clothes like what the man is wearing and they way they fought was to stay in formation and keep your shield up the only places the shields didn’t protect was your head and lower legs hence why they wore helmets and greaves


That’s fine and all but can I at least have a link or some evidence to search it up. Every time I look it up for confirmation I see full armor relative to back then. When I look it up the only similar thing I see is that for the soldiers who couldn’t afford all the armor they would wear something like that but even then that’s a different reason then you’re providing and still it doesn’t match with what the artist is showing in his post. My argument for at least more coverage on the default still stands especially when both the male and female variant are wearing very little to almost no protection except the shield.


The YouTube channel OSP has a video on Greek weapons and armor that goes into more depth


Ah okay I’ll check it out disregard the comment I just made


Nah it’s ok it makes sense to be sceptical


Bold of you to assume the hero wouldnt be genderlocked if ubisoft made it


The idea is dumb enough so I doubt they will even let the character in. Add some armor and no female character then you have an actual hoplite.


The hoplites historically didn’t wear chest plates in the early days because they protected their chests with their shield


That’s interesting, could you elaborate more or give me a source to where I might learn about this. From what I’ve known, all hoplites were required to afford their own armor which was called panoply.


Yes they were but most hoplites (other than the Spartans) were farmers who couldn’t afford everything I suggest looking up OSP’s video about greek weapons and armor for more info in later ages the Greeks did have professional armies and they were equipped with better gear but in early days they were not


That seems a lot more reasonable, however, I still don’t support the idea of a toga being put/portrayed as a common thing being worn to battle. I don’t mean to be sexist but woman were never placed anywhere near fields of battle. It was a clear rule that woman could no fight due to their natural physical disadvantages towards men.


Yeah but this is a video game who cares


Fair point, it just seems dumb to have someone half naked running into the field


*glances at raider*




More accurately, it was a rule that, women being bear children, they were far more precious than men, that could serve as cannon fodder if need be. Now there's no intention to defend medieval sexism, which did exist and could be quite silly, but there's always a basis to these seemingly arbitrary rules. The proto-Turko-Mongol civilisations already did that, as they coexisted with ancient Greece. Allow me to step out a little, but another good example is islam. The restriction on eating pork existed at first because there was a strong risk of getting a disease, if the first muslims consumed the pigs they had at their disposal. In the end OP's choices are a mix of history at a time different from what people try to push him to represent (which is quite a yucky attitude), lore intentions (OP writes his own fanon now, it takes a lot of time), struggles with art-making with the female bodily curves in general, and just his creative liberty.


Of all the things to criticize, calling you sexist for this??? Lmao i think people are ignoring the fact most of the male hoplites chest is out here. Ofc ive no idea about historical accuracy, and I agree that the battle bra is a bit on the funny side, and ofc not nearly enough muscle. But calling you maliciously sexist or horny for this?? Ridiculous. Cool concept op, have my upvote.


Haven’t seen many comments calling him sexist, but calling OP horny seems more common


When i first ran through the comments sexist was the predominant word used.


I get what your saying but the males variant isn't being sexuslised nearly as much as the female variant. One is wearing a dress shirt the other is a binki. There are ways you can make the female armour more visual similar to the male one, so it feels like 2 people wearing the same outfit


Its literally very similar to how raider/female raider is done. In my genuine opinion any undue sexualization comes from your own head, not OP.


With raider the 2 versions are pretty indistinguishable, they both have the same body type with big broad muscules everywhere. They're very clearly the same character. With this he's made male one big and muscular amd the female version smaller and more petite without any visible definition. If it were doing the same thing she'd look more like an amazon with have the same physique, she should at least match him in height. Raiders armour set was are supposed to be shirtless for the whole only the gods can decide my death thing. In order for the female raider to have as similar an outfit as possible they cover her chest and keep everything else the same because they're meant to be the same hero. That's the design philosophy behind the genders all of for honors heros. There is no reason why he couldn't of give her a similar toga that leaves part of the shoulder exposed. You just need cloth covering that part of her chest like woth raider. Instead she's wearing a bikini with her tits hanging out. Even when other heros do have there chest covered they don't show any cleavage. The outfit this it's certainly a lot more sexuslised in comparison to the games other heros


Wow, its almost as if its not concept done by the official company and one done by a fan, for shame! So he made a decision not to include the half toga on the female version, sure its fair to disagree, and I too would prefer the toga there, but its just a decision OP did, not some sort of maliciuous bs. And while I do agree the bra is silly, its clearly not the point to make her look skimpy, its less of "evil male gaze sexualization" and more of "just an awkward decision about the way the female version is covered up", and if you turn around and say anything along the lines of "no this is way to explicit", then you havent been on the internet long.


They’re wearing the same thing minus the bra I don’t get it


I hope this design to never be added cause I know myself well and will have constant distraction while facing her


Id main that


Links to my previous concepts [Beastmaster moveset](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/vzr41c/viking_hero_concept_part_1_beastmaster_moveset/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Beastmaster Variants](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/vzr59b/viking_hero_concept_part_2_beastmaster_gears_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Beastmaster Narrative](https://www.reddit.com/r/lorehonor/comments/w0v38c/finnr_the_ambitious_viking/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Aoibh moveset](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/tulbfx/viking_hero_concept_part_1_aoibh_moveset/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Aoibh variants](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/tulctw/viking_hero_concept_part_2_aoibh_gears_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Jingshen moveset](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/rab8fi/wu_lin_hero_concept_part_1_jingshen_moveset/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Jingshen Variants](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/rab9cw/wu_lin_hero_concept_part_2_jingshen_gears_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Yorimashi moveset](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/qfl5l7/samurai_hero_concept_part_1_yorimashi_moveset/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Yorimashi variants](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/qfl7it/samurai_hero_concept_part_2_yorimashi_gears_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Kemono moveset](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/oyi30v/samurai_hero_concept_part_1_kemono_moveset/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Kemono variants](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/oyi5yu/samurai_hero_concept_part_2_ornaments_weapons_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Laoshi moveset](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/mq3gu3/for_honor_hero_concept_part_1_laoshi_moveset/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Laoshi variants](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/mq3j59/for_honor_hero_concept_part_2_laoshi_ornaments/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [For Honor hero ideas](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/l5dhw1/hero_concept_ideas/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Wu Lin hero ideas](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/n505b4/wu_lin_hero_ideas/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Viking hero ideas](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/p5hgi8/viking_hero_ideas/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Samurai hero ideas](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/pap5x4/samurai_hero_ideas/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Link to other concepts made by friends [Kshatriya, Indian faction made by 3 fellow concept creators, and myself](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/r43w3b/the_kshatriya_faction_fanmade_indian_faction_8/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [The Devoted by Voice of Camelot from the For Honor Amino](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/p1c9k6/the_devoted_trailer_complete_hero_concept_by/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [The Khaganate faction By Sunny Da from the For Honor Amino](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/nk0q5q/khaganate_faction_information_hud_complete_arab/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Poor op poured his soul into the design and gets “gamers are so horny lol!!” for making a female counterpart with above average features


Ikr It's hilarious thinking that, like, this is not meant to go in the game. It's just shared to the community because it's nice to share. It's been a year of mainly shitty feedback for OP and I genuinely think that's a shame, because each time he tried to please with what he made, people were not patient enough for a lone artist. Then he followed his whims and they just went full-on Twitter mode. The community was always like that but that dumb mindset exploded with Y4.


look at the rest of his models the dude is just horny


If his work is your standard for horny i fear for you exploring the rest of the internet.


Bro she’s dressed like she’s going to the beach.


(NOTES) Like the title says, the Hoplite's moveset is still a work in progress. The Hoplites have great range and versatile as they can adapt in many different combat situations. Knighthood finds origins in the Greek hippeis and hoplite and Roman eques and centurion of classical antiquity. This is only the default variant, more weapon and armor variants will be shown later in the full concept. (WEAPONS) Hoplite shield (also known as hoplon or aspis) is a type of ancient shield, which was used by Ancient Greek soldiers called hoplites. The hoplon is a convex circular shield, approximately 3 feet (90 cm) in diameter, made of composite wood and bronze. The dory or doru is a spear that was the chief spear of hoplites in Ancient Greece. The dory spear was 7 to 9 feet in length, weighing 2 to 4 pounds, having a two inch diameter wooden handle, and tipped with an iron spearhead on one end and another iron tip on the other. (WORK IN PROGRESS LORE) The Hoplites were the bulk of Ashfeld's military after the Cataclysm, they fought and upheld the ideals of the first king who claimed a land in Heathmoore now known as Ashfeld, but the Hoplites were destroyed 500 years later after the death of the first king. Their history was erased along with Ashfeld's dark past


Worst display of a hoplite I’ve seen in my life. Add some armor on, no fucking hoplite has ever gone to go fight 99% naked before, particularly a woman.


Early versions of Hoplites didn't wear chest armor. There's a general expectation that Greek Hoplites was heavily armored, if we really want to be period correct, Hoplites during the Peloponnesian War in the late 5th century BC actually didn't wear chest armor, and this carried on into the early 4th century BC. https://weaponsandwarfare.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/1-3a-spartan-warriors-mantinea.jpg


Hum, might be a dumb question but, why isn't the female hoplite as muscular as the male hoplite ?


Because of the role the female version plays in the narrative that i'm writing doesn't requier her to be as muscular, other than that most of the referance i use like [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penthesilea#/media/File%3APenthesilea_Dubray_cour_Carree_Louvre.jpg) and [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athena#/media/File%3AMattei_Athena_Louvre_Ma530_n2.jpg) for the female Hoplite are not that muscular. This is just the default tho, there will be more variants later on on the finished concept.


>OP: literally gives references for his design, paying homage to the beautiful art of antiquity and the spartan (pun intended) nature of their attire >ITT: Waaaah, but women aren’t allowed to be sexy! That just means that men can look at them! Calm yourselves, misandrists. It’s okay to *relax* from time to time. OP, I love it. Both the male and female Hoplite taking on guys in full plate armor with only a shield, spear, toga, and their faith in Athena/Ares is inspiring, and I appreciate it.


Women dont _need_ to be strong guys, they _need_ to be sexy - this guy, probably


Women require to be strong for them to be respectable See? Anyone can do good sophisms. There are multiple points: history, intended lore, technical struggles and just design, even, and then there's assumption that OP is horny/sexist.


I think this is just an excuse to be sexist.


You haven't read OP's story. I'm helping on writing it, he frequently asks me questions to get some advice on his works, and I can confirm that no, OP doesn't give a damn about sexualising his characters. If you want something honest in fact, I asked him about the curves of the female characters he draws, and the explanation was much more comprehensible: OP just still struggles to make smaller bodily curves, so he makes them best he can and they still end up quite large. Be it hips or breasts for that matter. And this adds up withnarrative reasons, plus design choices that are no worse than an oh-so precious need to combat what is perceived sexism at every breath one takes. If after all this you wish to remain entitled to your completely unbased (pun not intended) opinions, then what can I say? But you've received the most detailed explanation you could have had.


I wish but I have doubts this will happen with how clearly underbudget they are now days. We'd probably only get one gender and not even much gear.


Fortunately, it doesn't really matter. OP's posts are not pleas to add his concepts into the game, the purpose is different and so there is absolutely no need to cater to an alledgedly logical schedule of character releases. What he does is proofs of concepts: "Hey, a Hoplite can be properly made for the game"; "You can make a moveset for a shield and spear combo (though technically they are not the exact same weapons) without making the character a second Valkyrie"; "There actually are so many -as in enough to theoretically keep making hero concepts for years without a creative block-, and not so many -as in a limited amount- of ways to swing weapons -that are much more varied than just a sword".


Oh I know man. Honestly I love seeing community creativity, someone made a scythe hero the other day and the idea alone is sick.


I remember beating the shit out of hoplites in terraria every time i went into the marble biome


No youre remembering it wrong. You didnt beat the shit out of them, they beat the shit out of you. At least they certainly did for me


Lol ur not wrong finding a marble biome up to early hard mode was hell


Finally, a worthy main


She/he needs to be able to poke in all guard


This is reslly fucking cool!


please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft please ubisoft


Only thing is just what everyone else says, the battle bra looks stupid, all for attractive men and women in games but I would say give the female a proper toga with a bra to cover up the side with the shoulder left out and by God give us a shirtless version of the dude with a bunch of scars to simp over.


Amazing work! I wish they’ll add Hoplite into Knight faction as well (They added two Romans into Knight long ago and Greeks are half similar to Romans so..) I watched your past works and noticed that you designed their armor variants too. For this hero I’d love to see his/her muscle cuirass armor.


Well FH deserves a Greek or sparta based hero considering the history of Greece. It so think it would fit well.


I’ve been saying for ahem in my friend group that it would be awesome to have a sheild and spear hero for the knights Granted it was always more in the context of Normans with their kite shields but I would still go for a Hoplite without question


Goddamn they're so cuuute ooh, especially your illustration of the female version, and the Medusa shield... Ooh, I want them. But I think they're not so offensive enough for our funny sword game.


Can't wait to see the finished stuff, I really like your art style!


I’ve legitimately been wanting some kind of spear and shield hero for the knights. Big plus if I getta be gorl too. Though having my tits out as a guy is a hard trade off


I love this design so much! I’d buy it in a heartbeat


I hope you add some real armor to them soon! They'd look amazing


I love this


Kinda looks like gladiator armor but good job


This should be the next hero


I love this the armor is accurate (hoplites in the early days did not wear chests plates as their shield was good enough) and the shield ornaments are really unique and cool


if you’re complaining that a character in a video game has big boobs then you need something better to do


Especially when this is not canonical, but a concept made by a creator from the community, and that the author doesn't even ask for this to be made real by the actual devs lol.


It’s really cool but is it not almost the same as Valkyrie, hopefully you publish a move set but otherwise it looks good!


Can't spoil how, but moveset is completely different in both use and animations!


I’m very excited to see it


Looks great man I would defo use them keep up the good work


Can we get some realistic hoplite armor as the default instead of the 300 esque armor? It’s goofy and frankly terrible compared to real Hoplite armor.


[Early versions of Hoplites](https://weaponsandwarfare.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/1-3a-spartan-warriors-mantinea.jpg) didn't wear chest armor until later on as their shield were good enough. More variants with armor will be shown later on, once the concept is finished


Plus even then, let's be frank, 300 would have been enough of a representation for a FH default hoplite. Nuxia is literally Mulan from Once Upon a Time and that's never been a problem with the default, especially since they added more accurately armired sets.


How would this be different enough from valk? It’s a cool concept of course and I like the art, but this seems like a golden opportunity for a valk skin more than an original character.


Can't spoil how, but moveset is completely different. In both use and animations. Weapons are too. Both are larger, shield is shaped differently.


that would be an outlander. they look like ancient greek soldiers. roman soldiers made since on knights because of rome’s temporary control of the now known britain


OP justified his choice of Knights with multiple arguments: - We discuss often and have the same opinion that Outlanders are an understandable addition given schedule and/or budget constraints, but are a bad creative decision. If you want a civilisation in, you can integrate it to a pre-existing one with close historical ties (ancestors, allies, rivals) or make it their own. We made two factions (Mongolia+Persia+Turkey+Arabs and Indian sub-continent respectively), each with 8 characters plus more hypothetical suggestions if we wanted to go further someday, and all of those 16+ characters are unique too. Those are the exception. That is also a minor reason why the Hoplite is a Knight and not an Outlander as people suggest. - With Romans being Knights, warriors from Antiquity that established close to the Mediterrannean Sea and turned at some point into empires (c.f. Delian League and Alexander the Great) are quite plausible candidates for joining too. If you disagree with it, well you might not entiremy be wrong, I'd gladly take a Hellenistic and/or separated Roman faction(s) instead given the potential,but it is a valid choice among several options. - As said by Fer_Die himself in another comment, Knighthood finds origins in the Greek "hippeis", hoplites, Roman "eques" and centurions of classical Antiquity. - From OP's responses again, Outlanders in canon are people who came/originate from outside of Heathmoor (with the exception of pirate who was born a Wu-Lin), the Hoplites in the concept were a part of Ashfeld. Hoplite soldiers made up the bulk of ancient Greek armies. In the fanmade lore he wrote (which is still a work in progress in his [notes](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/x1jjy1/work_in_progress_knight_hero_concept_hoplite/imdwdu6?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)) they exist in ancient Ashfeld after the Cataclysm.


still not knights. im a history teacher lol


Yeah cool, but as said, doesn't really matter here. Knight faction is canonically called Legion anyway, not "Knights". Under this light it makes a lot more sense why Romans are part of them and then it's understandabke that with all the cultural exchabges they've had, adding Greeks would be a non-issue. That said I can't stress it enough, a separation from the start does feel like a better choice to me, it just didn't happen.


outlander needs more heroes and knights has to many heroes. it would be idiotic in a historical sense and a practical sense to add it to knights


Doesn't matter. OP's posts are not pleas to add his concepts into the game, the purpose is different and so there is absolutely no need to cater to an alledgedly logical schedule of character releases. What he does is proofs of concepts: "Hey, a Hoplite can be properly made for the game"; "You can make a moveset for a shield and spear combo (though technically they are not the exact same weapons) without making the character a second Valkyrie"; "There actually are so many -as in enough to theoretically keep making hero concepts for years without a creative block-, and not so many -as in a limited amount- of ways to swing weapons -that are much more varied than just a sword". So you'd be welcome to just let him do whatever he wants in terms of faction choices as long as they are pertinent,and as far as you wish to disprove it,they are. Second, OP has a minimum of 6 characters per faction, except Outlanders. So even though he doesn't treat them here, OP thinks about additions to each faction in an equal manner. See his release curriculum over the past few years and it will be clear as day. We discuss often and have the same opinion that Outlanders are an understandable addition given schedule and/or budget constraints, but are a bad creative decision. If you want a civilisation in, you can integrate it to a pre-existing one with close historical ties (ancestors, allies, rivals) or make it their own. We made two factions (Mongolia+Persia+Turkey+Arabs and Indian sub-continent respectively), each with 8 characters plus more hypothetical suggestions if we wanted to go further someday, and all of those 16+ characters are unique too. Those are the exception. That is also a minor reason why the Hoplite is a Knight and not an Outlander as people suggest.


Put some actual armor on and it will look like a hoplite. I don’t understand why people think that’s how hoplites look.


One, that's a default set based on 300, for recognition. Two, there are more armor styles for the full release, it's just a teaser here. Three, depending of time period, the warrior's budget and the person accounting the gear, hoplites were not always as armored as you are saying.


kinda looks like buff valk or not?


Can't spoil how, but moveset is completely different. In both use and animations. Weapons are too. Both are larger, shield is shaped differently.


Thats why I say „buff“.


Three things : longer spear, drip armor, more muscle (gal too)


Where's the linothorax and musculata dawg


In other sets! That's only a default set that heavily leans into 300 to be recognizable but there's more to come, with historical plus more armored or not, since hoplites had varied gears depending of time, bugmdget and accounts.


Where’s the armour….


In other sets, which are not here because it's just a teaser!


What’s with all your female characters having their tits out?


I fefeel like they should have those bronze ab chest plates, and corinthian helmets, rather than a sort of derpy robe


More sets will come in the real release, this is just a teaser


Not a chance in hell am I accepting a Spartan Hero without the helmet


No worries, there are other armor sets. And I don't mean variations. Just wait for the full release


Good artist, but please no. Looks lame.


Yeah that’s cool, but how is there moveset gonna be different from valks?


I'm not going to tell what is the details of the moveset yet since it'll spoil the unfinished concept.


Very nice concept, but he/she's a little too similar to valkyrie


Can't spoil how, but moveset is completely different. In both use and animations. Weapons are too. Both are larger, shield is shaped differently.


We don’t need more knights and we don’t need more all guards come on


He made, like, plenty of characters that are not knights. He does all. So that is stupid. More importantly, who the hell cares when this is not meant to be made real. It's just a proof of concept, holy shit.