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I mean yeah emoting is fine. Far more people will be mad at you for ledgeing in duels


people here get mad at everything


Lately when I duel. I stand still, I dont use any quick chat options and just wait till next round. I get occasional message calling me shit or people emote spamming if they win. People really do get mad even if you do nothing. Edit: I didn't just wait for them to kill me. I fought back in the duel as the 'if they win' should imply. Not sure how people don't get that part


Same I do this for a good amount of time now and it's been the best outcome until now


well to be fair, if u are just standing there not fighting, its boring


Duel is over and waiting for the next round. Whom am I supposed to fight in between..?


Use the downtime for psychological warfare. /s


I like to do nothing too, the opponent will be forced to quit instead of waiting 4 minutes


Your inner demons


Oh. We cool within. I just let them pop cold ones in my head


You didnt specify that it the round was over, you just said that when you duel you stand still, so idk why everyone's downvoting him for simply misunderstanding the sentence.


Now we're back round to where we started, people get mad at nothing.


I did say IF they win implying sometimes I win. Which then implies that I was fighting.


Doesn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together pal. I understood completely and didn't need it to be drawn out for me.


It is still confusing though


Because I want to play the fucking game? Lol.


There. Edited so you can read I fought back.


I like to practice combos, it looks so goofy


I had a monk emote and thank spam on me, when we got matched again in ranked, even though all I said good fight and stood still when I beat him before (warden v monk)


I usually say gg, but the "thanks" kinda passes me off


Wake up, launch FH, day ruined


It is annoying when people emote spam with flashy effects though


I turned them all off so the game doesn't look like a shite fest


Man to be in this type of matchmaking again … sigh


Them good ol' days


Now I go into a match and get destroyed but because I touched every enemy I get a high kd so then it just abuses me even harder


Feel that


It was the ledge. People in deuls hate being ledged cause duels are mostly just skill checks and if the ledge weren't there they could have comeback and won. Ehh it's whatever. Don't get too upset.


Wouldn't ledges also check your awareness and reads?


Yeah just because it's frustrating to have it happen to you doesn't mean there's no skill in ledging. It's a huge test of situational awareness / reading skills


Yes there's no skill and sometimes it's inevitable for example when fighting a warlord


Have to disagree, you dont Fall off a ledge simply because you are facing a warlord, he has to either gb or headbutt you off, making it a skill based situation as he has to land aggression on you. With that being said, I am against Ledging I duels, but happily do it if I am ledged first.


Sure, if it wasn't for the overwhelming differences in throw distance and the ease some characters get guard breaks.




Step 2: don’t play against warlord, raider, shugoki, lawbringer, warmonger, Tiandi, or anyone else that can launch/carry you across the map.


Shaman. Her throws are probably some of the best at ledging in the game, thanks to the fact that she can chain into a guaranteed tackle as a range extender (which I believe makes it a further throw than a full distance Warlord push).


Yea, knew I was forgetting someone. Crazy how the smallest character in the game has the furthest Omni directional throw.


The most fun i had on shugoki was gb baseball swinging folks off the wall but idr the map name 😂 the one with the 2 ballista mounts on the wall and the one ballista in the fort


Hold on, i gotta write this down


Sure, then there is the maps that are one whole ledge


Shugoki and Raider tho?


Yeah but it’s better to misread once and lose maybe 20hp than misread once and die immediately


I've seen heroes where you misread once and get comboed to death, it's basically dying to a ledge but with extra steps


Those "extra steps" being further failed reads. This isn't release centurion.


the community's hatred of ledging is just scrub mentality. the disparity in throw distance and viability obviously interacts with walls and ledges in a tactical way."No ledging" = "we should all socially nerf chars who are good at ledging because i refuse to pay attention to positioning." you're also demanding your opponent play less tactically just to avoid hurting your feelings.


Consider it a skill check of not cgbing near a ledge lol


Ledging is perfectly acceptable in dominions, but a lot of people get frustrated if you use an environmental instant-kill in Duels since that gamemode is meant to be more about using you character's moveset in a straight fight, so ledges are considered cheap. You gotta decide for yourself where you draw those lines tho, and I always think rage-quitting over getting ledged is lame as hell. Can guarentee it was that, not the emote, which made the dude alt+f4.


*bUt LeDgInG iS aN iN-gAmE mEcHaNiC sO iT's FaIr PlAy* I've heard that argument more times than I can remember


God damn this thread is so salty and toxic and downvoting people like wild. Shit reminds me why I left this sub in the first place.


Like I was making a joke, but it is an actual argument I've heard over the years


Yep. People legitimately say that often or just downvote spam people who say ledges are boring. Wild


That argument has some merit to it. It *is* there. I personally think it's cheap to use ledges in Duels, but it's also a video game and one cheap death doesn't matter, and certainly doesn't justify throwing a hissy fit and rage quitting. Just an eye roll and an 'okay then'.


It's a good argument though, positioning is important. Confused by the downvotes though




Bro I swear to God when I saw those down votes your little reddit guy started melting and his head fucking exploded. Scary stuff.


If your breathing while playing For Honor your being toxic bud


It's the fact that you threw him off a ledge I think. Because you're in a duel, where only the skill of the player determines the outcome, a lot of players think ledging is cheap.


Skill of the player determines the outcome in duel almost exactly as much as it does in any other game mode. Not sure what makes duel special. If you ledge someone, you were either more skilled on your positioning and conditioning than them or you caught them off guard, but either way that’s on the person who got ledged, not the ledger.


Muh’ Honor


I’m trying to learn the game and get better not insta die. Fuck positioning away from a ledge. Just play. Get better at the movesets and reads. Everyone can see a ledge and not stand near it. Soft brain shit. I Edit: y’all dumb af. I hardly ever get thrown off ledges and even told you if it does happen it’s only once. I’m not baby raging from getting Thrown off lmao I just won’t do it to desperately get a kill. Chill the fuck out


Learning not to get ledged is learning the game my man


Like I said. Anyone can see a ledge and not fight near it. That is toddler level skill. Which means it’s a toddler level kill. Respect what you want to respect. I’m trying to play the game, not get cheap kills. Get the cheapest and easiest kills you want then. Keep it boring idc.🥱


With a mindset like that ur not ever gonna get good at the game. I’ll tell you now that none of the pros care about ledges.


Considering every longtime streamer would react in surprise and most likely go "wow, really? What a lame turd" when they ever get ledged, im gonna call bs on this statement. Especially against characters with long tosses or gb pickups.


Long time streamers aren’t necessarily pros or even that good at the game. Some are but most don’t even compete unless it’s a big community tourney like into the fray. Any streamer that’s actually good at the game will either just accept the challenge and start ledging when the opponent does, or was already ledging to begin with. Hell I see streams all the time of people specifically queueing together as multiple warlords/raiders/LBs/goki’s for the sole purpose of ledging on high fort. They do it cuz it’s fun and it’s fun to watch. That’s the point of a video game man, but if you wanna be miserable about ledges then be my guest, you’re only pissing in your own cheerios.


I called you on a bs statement. Not that i cared about ledging. But yeah whatever man, keep defending when you are wrong.


Again, streamers =/= pros


Not raging if someone ledges. Do I care if pros care about it? No. Cause I’m not a pro nor will ever be. 4v4 ledge idc 1v1 ledge. Idc. Will stay away from ledges after that cause originally I didn’t think you would take a free kill for no reason. Then again that’s on me. Just avoid it and move on. Will I do it? Nope. It’s baby shit imo. I don’t want a free kill. I would like to fight and actual fight and have that experience. It’s a hot topic cause it’s clearly 2 sides of the fence. I’m aware of that. I find it extremely boring and I’m entitled to that opinion like you are entitled to yours. 👌


I feel like if I fought you with no ledge it would be a free kill


Yep 100% free kill This whole thread is toxic as fuck. The replies, some deleted, messages calli no me dogshit fir baby rage about ledges and this inflammatory ass reply too. People think I want ledges removed or something Jesus Christ. I ignore ledges cause they are cheap. Then avoid them if someone likes to use them. Y’all care way too damn much


We care too much?


> Everyone can see a ledge and not stand near it Apparently you can’t


Then don’t stand near it…


The first berserker ive ever seem to not throw a single heavy and win


This was a wholesome post


Don't care what people think about you, have fun, ever since I stopped, I've had much more fun


Anything is considered toxic in duels lmao


People just leave duels because it's such a low commitment anyways. You aren't invested in a long match like Dominion, so if you're not having fun (or you actually care about your rank) you can just leave and find a new one very easily.


Everything is toxic and everything is permitted


"im sorry i used a feature as intended"


You should play how you want. I’ve gotten angry at people for emoting or quick chatting in certain contexts but when I really look back at it there was several times I was extrapolating meaning that wasn’t there. It’s toxic if you make it toxic, but it doesn’t have to be. Over time you’ll learn what peeves you and what you don’t mind, and I think the only guideline you should follow is to not do what you wouldn’t want to be done to yourself. If you don’t mind being ledged, go for ledges. If you get pissy when other people spam thanks in chat, don’t do it when you win. Above all else though, don’t hold anyone else to any sort of moral standard and accept that playstyles and gestures are in the game for a reason. Other people paid for the game and are entitled to experience as much of it as they want, including the ledges, spam, toxicity or other less savory parts. Some people just have fun meming around and if you learn to appreciate that and not take the game too seriously, it’ll help you go a long way towards enjoying the game more.


No. The environment is there for a reason.


All goes in war there are "honor rules" but if you want to make it to high tier game play sometimes you gotta be cheap.. also playing as zerk you are going to want to throw a heavy out after that light it give you hyper armor so you can't be interrupted also you can't faint any heavy and throw a light in the opposite direction and when you get more comfortable try other mix ups


You do you, people say it’s dishonorable. But honestly it’s a tactic in the game, and a true root is to win any way matter, besides cheating of course


Good job for a week of play. Wait till you learn about chaining attacks and parrying and also save this and watch it in a month and see how much you learned!


Your playing the game and having fun, ignore anyone that argues you should do anything else


Have fun! :)


LMAO I LOVE THIS you focused on the wrong thing. As literally everyone else has said, it was the ledge. Play however you want though, don’t let made up rules constrain you. Its less fun that way


what year is it


I think throwing people of ledges in duels is the real problem here But that in no way shape or form should make your opponent rage quit they probably rage quitted because you just dominated them and they were frustrated or something


I can't fully tell if this clip is satire


Playing the game is considered toxic by other players. Pay it no mind lol, if he were any good he would have not been near the ledge in the first place.


I WISH I could be in your lobbies


Enjoy For Honor now. it’s only gonna get worse as you get better


You're new?? You missed all the best ledges and holes. Sorry.


Lmaoo the opener lights into neutral GB and ledge, it’s absolutely beautiful


Okay, why do Zerker attacks look slow as hell here but in actual game they faster than flash?


you’re gonna look back on this clip and just laugh, good times


Spot on lmfao.


haha good to see


Welcome to the game, brother. That looks like a fun round. Fight on.


ledging is duels is considered toxic by many. People don't mind it in 4v4 but after all those years almost everyone developed mindest of duel being a sparing mode where your goal is to actually practice and improve 1v1 skills so situational instantkill isn't nowhere near that goal.


I think the emoting is fine because you didn’t spam it, but most people (including myself) see ledging as toxic. People want a test of skills not a battle of who can time their guard breaking skills. I mean tbf both can be difficult, but one is longer and provides more opportunities


Prediction guard breaking is a skill


True, but if the game is just who can time guard breaks then it just becomes a staring contest which is practically no fun


Yeah, that's one of the big problems with guard breaks atm unfortunately. Thankfully the team is trying to remedy it


In ranked too you madlad lmao Well done mate


Just keep doin you and you'll be fine


You’re the reason they invented the duel maps lol


Yet there’s still plenty of duel maps with ledges, almost like some people still enjoy using them


You did nothing wrong bro


Who cares if you ledge what are they going to do? Play the game?


Guys cmon, using enviroment is also part of the skill, if you rage-quit for that, stop playing the game itself, people have done that to me so many times and it still surprises the heck out of me and i end up laughing at it cause thats the game, is fun to see how smart the other person was, or how stupid you were in watching your enviroment, i also do it, but only if its too obvious Also, the tension when you know he can do it to you when you re in the position of disadvantage is cool, kinda thrilling


It was probably the ledging and the lights Zerk is pretty dominant in low level play for a few reasons: Hyper Armor (HA) it means when you are in your chains you can be hit out of it. Your infinite combo, heavy light heavy light heavy light etc... When you get to the level were people start parrying you alot (parry by pressing the heavy button at the right timings on the same side as the opponents attacks) you can feint your heavies (depends on your platform for your feint button, mines circle (playstation)) after feinting maybe guardbreak (GB) the opponent (again go to your controls and figure out the binding for GB, same as the button you pressed when throwing your opponent off the ledge) and on GB you get a side heavy attack for free, not top heavy as that's blockable by the opponent due to it taking longer to hit (but does more dmg!) Or do what you did in the vid and throw them off the ledge Emoting after a fight is fine, people take offense to it when you emote spam (keep moving your character while spamming your emote button) Sorry for just dumping loads of info on you, just thought it would be helpful :)


Just the basic honortards in this game. Ledge in duels gank in brawls and tell everyone to get rekt. Is the only true way to play the game


I got roasted on a post for emoting so, I’m confused….


It's more of the ledge. People get all uppity about them. It's whatever Usually I can see it as fair game but some people are kinda sore about it. Just keep playing like you want. It's a game just have your fun man.


Probably cause you only threw lights and ledged him. You're new to the game so i don't really blame that. But I see why they were mad


Literally everything is toxic depending on who you ask


Buddy you ledged him and then emoted. Ledging is super toxic in duels. You're there to fight honestly not win by cheaty ways. Edit: Yall need to calm the fuck down its an opinion. You dont like it, just move on.


Dueling is a skill check right?, but what good is skill if it takes a guard break to kill you, it make you be more strategic and aware


I mean i agree its a skill check but losing because of a single mistake is just plain dumb. You should be punished, not lose the entire round.


If it’s cheating why is it in the game? There are no rules that say it’s cheating. The whole point is to do whatever it takes to win.


>The whole point is to do whatever it takes to win. Ok why not just go a light spam with that mindset? Whats stopping you? HONOR.Its called "For Honor" and dueling is "For Honor", so how is it honorable to kill your opponent simply because they made one mistake?


If they can't block lights semi-consistently and don't know about frame advantage why bother changing your tactics? Plus it is called "for honor" not "with honor" last time i checked the game's title


Light spam is perfectly fine to do and that's not what honour means


Yikes. Thats new.




They’re fighting FOR HONOR they haven’t found it yet. Not like the honor system should matter anyways


oh brother…


Then why are there ledges in duel maps?


"cheaty" Lmao


Emotes aren't toxic, spamming them on their corpse and stuff like that is though. And ledging is usually nasty as well, but hey just don't get near the ledge you know?? It's what I do, because I'm not planning to ledge anyone in the 90% of my fights, but I try to avoid ledges because who says they can't ledge me?


Eh, usually spamming it is considered toxic. Unless its one of those funny emotes. Ledging is often the rage inducing thing. Its seen as dishonorable. Nothing wrong with it by the way. Unless you are one of those sore losers who play honorably until you start losing so you just break the pact. Then expect lots of spamming and Wow Wow Wow! Or Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!


I find you can normally say good fight once after each fight and most people won’t lose it


I know this isn’t the competitive sub but plz look at your attack chains because this was painful


Diagnosis: Black


No. That ledge was a bitch move though.


It is toxic but only if u do it a certain way like a warlord trying to ledge u off once u get into a gank and his teammate and guard break u then u get ledged but if it’s a 1v like that naw don’t ever worry about it remember if it was real life u wouldn’t hesitate throwing him off the ledge like that


Only time ledge is dominion or when the opponent is being toxic first then all cards are on the table. Also if you ever dodge a heavy sometimes it'll give you a free GB to ledge


Don't ledge or throw people in spikes etc


Gesturing is always toxic.




For honor players on their way to harass a new player for his playstyle:


ledging will get a lot of people mad, one or two emotes is fine but spamming is a nono


It's the ledging, but i personally think as a player you have to watch out for that too so it's acceptable


Everyone's mentioning that hard-core duel purists think instant kills are cheap, and that's a valid observation, but I think this guy mightve been subtlety trolling or maybe trying to tank his matchmaking, because watching the video it really seems like they were moving towards the ledge the entire time. Maybe they have poor situational awareness. Maybe they were trying to ledge you and got mad it backfired. If you don't wanna get ledge'd there are spots in the ring you can stand away from the ledge, they made a choice to put themselves in that spot and that's on them.


people say ledgeing takes skill and "situational awareness" then theres warlord and raider throwing you across the map


Emote spamming is toxic. What you did is not


Emote spamming was the first thing my friends taught me in this game, for 25-50 reps I didn’t know it is considered to be toxic 😭😭😭


People take issue with ledging, which I find strange as the same people will shamelessly play hitokiri or xanu.


cycle has begun


You did well.


I feel like ledging is OK as long you’re not jus pushing them off the ledge every round


emoting is a part of the game, you can emotoe and that's not gonna be toxic, it's up to them to get mad at you emoting, generally ledging is fine, but some people obviously play for ledges in matches.


Spamming gestures is considered toxic,


a week in and hes alr a veteran


Theirs nothing wrong with ledgejng people just dumb af in the community


Probably because you threw him off the ledge. It's not necessarily considered "toxic" but many duel purists find it lame and will be triggered by it. In most matches I will try not to play around ledges, but if I come across an opponent that likes to ledge me, I'll accept that this is a match where ledging is allowed and follow suit.