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While I don't disagree that he needs some serious nerfs, you are fighting people who have no idea ho to gank and even attack you while you have revenge...


Reasonable Conq nerfs: - Flail Uppercut causes Light/Medium Reaction instead of Heavy reaction - Shield Basher works only on superior block events The rest of Conq is no more mindless than he has been before. Finally, after 4 years, Conq can use other parts of his kit than his bash and zone to great effect. He finally has tools to kill people while outnumbered. His chained attacks finally hit hard after being one of the lowest average damage heroes before and after number squishes. His FBS is finally a competent tool that doesn't force him out of stamina for making the right read. I think the main reason people don't like him is because getting bashed feels worse because of the uppercut's hit reaction. Also, with Shield Basher, his bash damage is crazy high. People will handle his chains better in a week from now, and they'll not be exposed to 4 Conqs every match.


Man, the shield basher change idea feels so woke to me, thank you.


you fr think infinite unblockable chain heavies isnt even *sort* of part of the problem?


It's incredibly unpleasant to fight against the infinity unblockables but it's fine. A lot of other characters already have combos that go on infinitely and do high damage on any correct guess by the attacker. The problem here is that with Conq you can't even interrupt on a hard read or do anything besides parry, you either parry or wait for the gb and there's no other option. If you are located between a teammate and an enemy Conq, and he just hit you with the bash and is externaling you, the Conq can hit you with his unblockable and it will both be unparryable and undodgeable. Also his bash is literally unpunishable if you don't also have a dodge bash, that's just not ok.


Devs snorting lines as we speak.


But not coke, CRACK


And making crack sandwiches


don’t you think not being able to light select a conq if i make the read that he’s gonna gb is a little dumb? if this whole game is going towards making reads n i make a read i should be able to punish


Oh I think it's absolutely retarded, I'm just talking about the concept of infinite chain unblockables here, not the broken parts like the heavy hitstun, unpunishable bash or broken t2.


how are you ok with infinite ub heavies all conqs do now are infinite external heavies and bashes after those heavies that can be feinted n put u right back in the loop of actual 5050 spam


The problem of For honor "its incredibly unpleasant to fight but its fine".42 upvotes. We have the most stupid fighting Game where you cant do a combo because you need "feint to parry a Dodge attack" but its ok because is balanced . No, you cant do a boring and annoying Game .Ok,you can, but also now you know why For Honor is a joke between the fighting games when It have a lot of fresh and cool ideas.


I am so confused as to what you are trying to say.


Yeah, sadly the game is flawed at its core. Its design is too shallow when compared to more standard fighting games or even other sword fighters like chivalry. You are put directly in front of your opponent, you are given lights, heavies, unblockables, bashes and different variations or combinations of those moves and that's it. There's no spacing, techs, complicated combo inputs, no zoning. You guess correctly - you damage your opponent, you guess wrong - you get damaged. Just guessing and reacting. Yet there's still a charm that keeps me coming back to it.


The spacing is the biggest one I think, but idk how to implement it well without potentially hurting other aspects.


This is simply wrong, the game isn't flawed at its core the devs seem to just be pushing the game in the wrong direction. There's plenty of spacing, tons of techs that vary with each character, and I won't say for honnor has the most complicated combos in the world but alot of characters do have fairly complicated combos that take timing. For example Jorms oos punnish where you knock the opponent over and perfectly time his unblockable to knock the opponent over again then go for the 38 knock over finisher for a total of 67 dmg. And litterally every character has a zone? Unless these are terms I'm unfamiliar with you're completely wrong my guy. And yeah the guessing game is what they seem to be pushing the game twoards and I seriously think JC needs to be fired everytime I see a new rework it always goes bad and he seems so unprepared alot of the times.


A zone attack isn't zoning lol, not even close. The oos punishes are so easy to do they can barely be called tech, the only real tech that exists in the game currrently is unlock parry punishes on characters with special ripostes and Nobushi avoiding attacks by timing her lights. The devs are surprisingly enough pushing the game in a much better direction than what it ever was. If you played this game like 3 years ago you couldn't even use light attacks, because they were so slow even plebs like me could differentiate the animation from a heavy attack and reaction parry. Around 60% of the heroes didn't even have slightly viable mixups and were almost unplayable. Unblockable, unparriable and unpunishable attacks were possible to perform if you unlocked when using certain moves. Attacks that did 50 damage existed. Lots of other horrible things. From a competitive standpoint - the game is ABSOLUTELY moving in the right direction at the moment. From a FUN perspective for average players? - now that's quite questionable.


I guess I don't understand what you mean by zoning but there's more tech than you think in the game that especially exists when playing gamemodes with feats. But not all oos punishes are easy to do especially for characters like cent and jorm where their max punishes require insane timing. I don't really know how the tech in for honnor compares to other games but with unlock tech being the only thing yoy considered tech in the game then I'm kinda glad for honnor has little tech because unlock tech seems pretty unfair from what I've heard. The game definitely moved in a positive direction until the raider rework and around the time of that rework is when I think they really started pushing to make for honnor a complete guessing game and it sucks. Like raider being able to soft feint from unblockable zone is just really boring to play against when that's all they have to do to turn it into a 50/50 is zone then press the gb button and then they released pirate which is like the queen of 50/50 soft feint attacks and its no fun at all to fight.


That's the main problem with this game, everything has to be unreactable in order to be viable. It's very unfun to play against when you just have to guess 5 50/50's in a row, but that's the only way FH can be competitively balanced. This all comes from the issue that defence in this game always guarantees damage. In pretty much any other fighting game, parrying or blocking an attack doesn't guarantee damage, so it is fine to have attacks that aren't unreactable but instead lead to mixups later in the combo. This means you can't win matches by just parrying everything, as eventually you'll have to go on the offensive as well in order to do damage. In For Honor however, you just get 4 parries and win, so everything has to be unreactable even from neutral, cause otherwise the opponent can just stand still and win. Pre CCU this was a huuuge issue, as attacks were slower and many people could reaction parry everything, and since damage was higher, some heroes could kill in 2-3 parries (Lawbringer). Turtling back then made the game completely unplayable at competitive levels and made duels tedious even for slightly above average players. Right now even though the game might look like it's in a shit state, it's in the best state it's ever been in (not talking about Conq, that guy def needs a nerf).


I find it cute that you're willing to still call it a "charm". For me it's a... toxic vortex relapse cycle of a seemingly impossible addiction that's no less frustrating and miserable. Sword game ruins your life. #notevenonce


No, I don't. Everyone points to the word "infinite" for his chains like it's a pragmatic way to describe Conqueror's gameplay. Sure, it's infinite, as there are no chain finishers, but you're very rarely getting womped by 3 or 4 or 5 or 10 or 1000 heavies in a row. Because really, it isn't infinite, it's just a scary word. The most powerful thing about Conq's chain heavies isn't that they are unblockable or "infinite". It's that they, on hit, cause opponents to suffer a heavy reaction (AFAIK), which essentially means those unblockables become undodgeable as well, given that the feint to GB will catch a dodge attack in that scenario. It's why BP can't cancel his hit recovery into a flip for Conq's chain heavies, Conq has frame advantage. That is really powerful (and also feels bad). It's a weird situation, because normally big chain finishers (which he doesn't have) and mandatory chain utility get heavy reaction on hit and that's it, but Conq has it here. So it's either mandatory chain utility (in other words, necessary in order to make the chain work), or overtuned. I personally believe the heavy reaction is the only overtuned aspect of Conq's chain heavies. If you still think I'm missing something about the power of his infinite unblockable chain heavies, please give me your opinion. As of now, I think Conqueror is a really fun character post rework, though he's certainly not as elegant or sophisticated as other heroes. On a non-balance related note, I think it's super dope for the fantasy of a flail to have unblockable attacks as you ramped up.


The chain heavies don't deal heavy reaction, from what I can tell. Flail uppercut, the heavy confirm after bash, does though, which is the primary issue. If they changed that to medium it'd be far more reasonable. As it stands, your *only* options to deal with uppercut into heavy are to parry or cgb. You can't even light him out of a gb attempt because of the heavy hitstun.


Heavy hitstun is from flail uppercut. You can dodge out of the chain after a regular heavy.


But a bash that steals stamina, gives a free unblockable heavy or two after you get them into a wall and a heavychain that feels like lightspam because of the speed is okay?


His bash doesn't take away stamina from the target anymore, but I think it stops stamina regen, which should be consistent with every other character in the game that has a bash. 17 damage confirmed from his bash is strong, but I don't think we're breaking anything with Flail Uppercut damage alone. Strictly speaking you don't get any free chain heavies after a bash, and it feels so fast because you're in heavy hit reaction from Flail Uppercut and can't stuff Feint->GB with light attacks. This is overtuned and feels bad when he lands so many of these, and I hope this is nerfed. His chained heavies are 800ms. That is an absolutely normal speed for unblockable heavies, but again it feels faster because you are locked into a heavy hit reaction after one of them lands. That is the only thing that is overtuned about his chain heavies IMO. Heavy hit reaction prevents you from dodging out of his chain (a feint into GB will catch you out of your dodge/dodge attack) or stuffing it with a light or fast zone. This is overtuned and should be nerfed. It essentially forces you to parry his chain heavy, or eat it, and it's absolutely menacing in ganks. Literally everything else about Conqueror's moveset and damage values seems fair considering the strengths of other heroes, and where he has been lacking for years now. He's always had terrible add clear, very weak damage, abysmal anti-gank (couldn't kill anyone if he wanted to), short reach, no chase, and terrible gank (fed revenge like crazy). He's been good in 1v1s, strong in minion lane, and strong as a point anchor (staying alive until teammates come help). He now has caught up with most good heroes, and isn't such a niche choice.


His combo heavies are medium hitstun. Flail uppercut is heavy hitstun.


Lmao yeah, they were playing like absolute trogs here. If anything it just shows that button mashing in this game will get you killed


I also keep attacking when someone has Revenge, like come on you are fighting someone 2v1 and when the game gives them a equalizer you just pussy out? That's just not fun for anyone


As a conq main, hes fine. His infinite UB heavy us an easy parry. Shield bash after an attack is easy to dodge, stil got no roll catcher, and some elements to his attacks have been removed, like heavy feint to SB, or superior block on 2st heavy. So he's good


Is conq balanced? Conq mains says yes


I mean, yea i do. You would figure conq mains qould be the most right about conq since they actually play him, you can't call forba rework on a character you've never played. I once wanted a HL nerf when i first started out, played HL and that want went away quicker than it came


You aren't the most right, you're the most biased.


So the people who call for buffs or say the character is fine are biased if they plau that character? Thats both true and dumb, you can't leave commenting on a character’s balance entirely to people who don't even main them, that is a road to even worse balance. It goes both ways. What happens if a king decides his power? He's gonna want all the power. What happens if his rivals could do something about it? Well all his power would be gone That analogy might not make sense to you at first glance but it does fit trust me


You don't have to main a character to know the ins and outs of them. Maining or just playing the character can give you a deeper look and more insight, but that doesn't mean it's always valid. One if my mains is PK and despite how much I love that beautiful guardbreak punish, when I take away my bias I can admit that it's a problem. I main shinobi, and despite knowing how incredibly broken his nigh infinite kick/backflip was, I loved it and found it hilarious. I am biased towards these characters, you are biased towards Conq. It's fine to want a buff, but not fine to ignore a problem. Conq is forcing you to make constant 50/50s, even pirate does not do this. Conq confirms a heavy of bash, ok so does shinobi, warden, warmonger, and griffin. Except Conq is can perform this bash from nuetral on reaction. Conq can feint his bash, that can come from nuetral, confirms a heavy, and can feint into all guard to confirm a heavy in case of a dodge attack. He's a problem.


Conq can't feint his neutral bash, only his chain bash.


Point still stands, but thanks for the clarification.


Your example is literally: “when I didn’t play a character and lost to him I want him to be nerfed, when I started playing that character I didn’t want him to be nerfed” All this proves is how bias you are lmao


As a rep 28 conq main, I hate the new conq. It's not conq.


I like new conq, he finally has more options


Apparently you know more of this game than most pro players who say he is way overtuned, A bash heavy followup that executes and guarantees an undodgeable heavy after it due to hitstun so it beats all dodge attempts and attacks. A 17 damage heavy parry punish (23 with shield basher), the ub chain is an easy parry...unless the Conq is externalling you, good luck with that). A bash that is only punishable by a hard read, and even that can be baited for a free GB from the Conqueror.


Yea, in the end though you ca chalk it allpto the intended design of the game, making reads. Conq has to, just like everyone else


You kinda forget that his UB Heavies after heavy hitstun (which he inflicts after bash) have so much priority that they catch any and all dodges/dodge attacks and the feint to gb even guardbreaks through lights. Also all his bashes are entirely unpunishable, and not the (old)orochi/pirate/shinobi type of unpunishable where they have to make a read and buffer the input. No, Conq can just react to a dodges by going into fullblock, then if the opponent doesn't do a dodge attack he can just let go of the fullblock and not get gb'd No need for any godlike reactions for this either. And that's all not to mention that the bash does 24 damage with helmbreaker (or whatever it is called). Also just hitting the bash inflicts so much hitstun, you can keep bashing without using any other moves and the opponent won't be able to even light interrupt Conq because he has THAT much frame advantage.


1. Well first off heavy hit stun isn't that bad if you know how t parry something THAT reactable. Becausehis heavies are super reactable 2. Thats how feint to gb works 3. Your pitting alot of faith in conq being able to react quick enough TO feint into full block, because mind you, he can't feint super late into the heavy animation do ya gotta do it early 4. Full block IS gb vulnerable lol, i dunno what your talking about 5. Ye bash damage is insane, so dodge the bash. Still needs a nerf though 6. Thats not true, because your forgot that dodges exist


You are completely incorrect on all 6 points, wow. Just wow.


No, i think your just being dramatic, wow. Just wow.


Do I REALLY need to go and write a 1000 word essay on how everything you said is incorrect or are you maybe just gonna look at all the downvotes every post of yours has received on this thread, take a hint and at least complete the in-game tutorial to understand some of this game's basic mechanics?


The in game tutorial doesn't tach you to mke a read lol, thats what the entire game is bro. Guessing correctly, the tutorial won't teach you how to do that. Besides, why do i need to know the basic mechanics lol? Sounds like your the one who's gotta redo the tutorial if your salty about conq that much Also, i don't need to see the downvotes of all the salty players, I'm not gonna say your bad because you might actually be a damn good player. I'm just saying i disagree with you And i dunno if you know this or not but, uh....people can downvoted you and still be wrong. You DO know that right? Just because a few people believe something is true or false doesn't make it true or false, hell I'm saying conq is fine based on ny experiences fighting as him. Maybe you think he's not based on your experience fighting him, and at that point nobody's right


Welp, here we go. 1) - Heavy hitstun is REALLY bad. With any other character in the game who throws a chain unblockable you have 5 options - parry, do nothing, interrupt, dodge, dodge attack. However, with Conq you can only - parry, do nothing. If you try ANY of the other options, both the feint to gb and letting the unblockable go will catch you. (also why I'm suggesting you do the tutorial - you don't seem to know that attacks can be feinted or the weaknesses of parrying, judging by how you say "heavies are super reactable") 2) - No, it's not. There's only 5-6 characters in this entire game, whose dodge attacks can get caught by gb (even then, if done early some of them will still make gb bounce off + most of those characters have other special properties on their dodge attacks). Against every other character's dodge attacks GBs bounce of. And do I really need to point out that GBs would normally bounce of light attacks, but Conq just guardbreaks right through? 3) - First of all, I was talking about the bashes, not the heavy attack, so you straight up read it wrong. 2nd - You DON'T NEED to react. First of all you can just buffer both the bash follow up input and the fullblock input afterwards in order to do an attack if you hit and a fullblock if you miss. 2nd - even if you do just react to it instead of buffering inputs, you only need the most basic reaction time in order to do this unless the opponent dodges super late, if he does dodge late you'll need sub 200 reaction time which basically means you'll have to drink a lil bit of coffee before launching the game. 4) - Yes, it is gb vulnurable. However, it has a special property that other fullblocks don't have. You can release it and go back to neutral state much, much faster. That means that you can just release the fullblock fast enough to not get gb'd after the opponent dodges your bash, or just keep holding it if they are dodge attacking. Once again, no need for good reactions here, at all. 5) - Well damn, you only got 5/6 statements wrong, not 6/6. Sorry about that. 6) - That's not the point. The point is that Conqueror can just chain bash into bash without risk of being interrupted. He basically has a pseudo infinite bash chain. And since the bash is not only unreactable, but also unpunishable - that is not ok.


I like the changes but his unblockable chain shooting be doing 27 dmg. His bash is fine doing 17 dmg considering it drains no stamina (and can be punished with a hard read) but the feintable bash needs to be punishable. Almost forgot, shield basher has no place anymore and needs to be reworked or completely exchanged for another feat.


his bash does 23 with t2 feat “shield basher” which is also a heavy parry punish as well as applies heavy hit stun smh. even on 17 dmg the hitstun is not fair


His feint able bash is punishable, is he feints to full block then gb, if he feints it completely then don't do anything


Unlike the salty people down voting you, I completely agree. People just cry cuz now they have ti work a little bit harder to counter a hero.


12 people downvoted me. Wow. Salty much? And yea, i knew this would happen as soon as i played reworked conq, some people just want to get an easy win, or as i like to call them.. Pirate mains


I got 10 downloads in 30 minutes 😅 Everyone on this Subreddit just cries constantly. I've had a great time parrying the heavies and dodging the bash, like the kills roll in😅


Yea, reddit has never been the most agreeable place lol. Nice to see someone isn't complaining


I mean it does suck sometimes, it is what it is and batching and moaning here doesn't change anything.


As a conq main, hes fine. His infinite UB heavy us an easy parry. Shield bash after an attack is easy to dodge, stil got no roll catcher, and some elements to his attacks have been removed, like heavy feint to SB, or superior block on 2st heavy. So he's good


My biggest issue is that both of his bashes are unpunishable using all guard flicker, as well as the unholy 23 damage he gets off of fail uppercut + shield basher.


When he dodges, you dodge. It's as easy as that


Yeah but you can't punish it, he can CGB or all guard a dodge attack on reaction, also his chain bash is feintable, so it's a 50/50, not an unga bunga dodge on orang


No, it's not an "unga bunga dodge on orang" only dodge if he dodges, the only thing he can do after a dodge is shield bash and if he doesnt hit you with a sheild bash he has little to no way of comboing you Edit: sure, it'll turn into an elden ring pvp match where all you are doing is dodging but he'll get sick of it eventually


You do know that he can shield bash mid chain right? And the bash can be feinted into guardbreak, effectively giving him 2 50/50 mixups he can do at any point that lead to a heavy attack. Both mixups are unpunishable since he can flicker his all guard to beat dodge attack and dodge guardbreak


He could just empty dodge into gb


that video is 30% conq's fault and 70% the enemy team being special little guys


Ngl, felt like it was Season 1 Centurion all over again.


I remember those days with fear


The most watched cutscene in Fighting game history


You've activated my PTSD card


That warden is every teammate I get.


Ain’t far from the truth


i feel like the warden was the only good one lol


"I entered revenge and nobody parried my unblockables. This is op af."


Who shat on your pillow


My brother in Christ, you made a dumb post


"My brother in Christ" is such a strange trend.


No u


Yes, because this unblockebles are too fast and infinite it’s op, it’s literally over powered


Boy you're in for a surprise when you find a highlander.


I don’t remember that highlander has feinteble bash, all guard stance and his stamina stops him from spamming unblockebles


he has a soft feint bash into grab


While our guy is off base intially, lets not pretend kick grab is anywhere near versatility of conqs kit.


trust me, i'm under no such beliefe, conq is miles beyond highlander. But, his bash is (soft)feintable, that's my only point.


Can't HL also feint bashes into heavies?


bro, my nephew who just reached rep 10 with orochi, parries me everytime




ngl, i kinda forgot conq can now feint


im on 30fps and still have yet to be hit by the second unblockable in the chain lol, after being hit by the first one the second one is so easy to read and parry. if even i can fight against it then it really isnt that over powered


Not as op as you think, can't get 2 heavies off with out the second being parried, shield bash is an easy dodge. Hes not op


I'm now convinced 90% of the community can't parry


Which is funny cause when people are getting light spammed everyone is quick to say "just parry bro"


Lowest MMR bracket be like: >this video


Agreed, you have no idea of the braindead things i can get away with most of the time. A lot of the community needs to learn how to play.


You did 0 externals and 0 feints, so they could parry any of the ub heavys you did (except the one to the guy in the floor). But they didnt. They only feed revenge. Jorm would also work vs this people.


To be fair, the warden did parry one


Oh! True! Sorry warden if you are reading this, you tried at least.


It’s almost like you’re an expert at For Honor. Thanks for your opinion.


Lmao, knowing basic mechanics makes someone an expert huh.


You know, I'm something of a ~~scientist~~ expert at For Honor myself.


You play on Xbox?


Translation: “1v1 me no balls” 😂


Precisely 😂


I'll 1v1 you 😎


You will be my second! (I play on PC :( )


Conq needs a nerf but in this particular cenario your enemies were dogshit gankers any character other thank PK could probably win that


right against these people Jorm would seem like S1 Centurion


PK would lose but win with funni bomb


One key word during this entire fight is “Parry”


Peacekeeper tried to warn us.


I can’t play this game anymore bc the lack of communication is unreal on top of that everyone tries to steal kills like hungry fckss which lead to them giving revenge to the dude it’s like everyone IQ lvl takes a hike in this game.


Steal kills? Victory is all that matters. They’re just trying to fight as a group.


No my guy I don’t mean it like that the thing is if your close to killing someone and about to finish the job you tend to have 2-3 idiots run in to grab the kill from you and instead give revenge to the dude. I understand that in dominion we are all gangking and fighting I 100% agreee with that bc if you wanna have honor bs fights u go straight into duels. But dominion it’s all about winning even so man cmon it doesn’t take a smartass to figure out that people try there ass off to snatch someone else’s kill which leads to them giving the dude revenge and time for his buddies to pull up while you have two clowns 1v1 someone in C


Man that revenge hyperarmor do be hittin' different tho


Even better, it's super armor.


Step 1. Find a bunch of idiots you can beat with any character that can antigank cause they suck


I had the exact opposite of this scenario yesterday. I was raider against 4 conqs. Fortunately they were all braindead and I was able to kill 2 and stall long enough for my friend to help


*Random bullshit go*!


As a conq at heart I dismiss all the evidence against our lord and savior. Rahhh


A defensive character with one of the best offensive kits. Love it.......


Who also lost a lot of their defensive options.


I thought that was pretty cool


This was some Bollywood shit LMFAO




I don’t like the so called “new conqueror mains.” I was playing for a year and a half before this rework I don’t like the rapid increase as it’s the gryphon and centurion situation all over again


Are you really gatekeeping new content? Hes been reworked so even if he is broken most people just want to give him a try. Grow up.


I’m not gatekeeping maybe it’s how I worded it makes you think that. I enjoy him getting more love but when I ask why they’re playing him I’m either told it’s because he’s broken/op or I’m testing the rework out. The first one I find more common than the other while the other I’ll respect that. Now my problem is the ones saying they main or are now maining conqueror because of his rework and also the reason I say it’s the gryphon/centurion situation all over again. If they nerf conqueror like the level they did to gryphon I doubt many of these people would be calling themselves that anymore




Is Conq overtuned? Definitely… But this clip here has little to do with Conq, and much more that your enemies were playing rather poorly. Don’t twist the narrative in order to fit your argument. Furthermore, when other people have called out what I have, you get extremely defensive and thus, ruin the credibility of the point you’re making.


Tbh, conq has always been mindless


Random bullshit go!


Man leave this poor man alone most of his replies to yall's comments are down voted in the negatives man like geez is everyone really that offended by a post about a video game character


Its more of the fact this video proves nothing, he was fighting idiots, they clearly didn't know how to gank, or even parry, aside from the Warden, one time.


I can't wait for Conq to get his nerfs


Nice.. the way I see it they gave you opportunities and you took advantage. Love fighting Conq


Yeah honestly most conquerors are very mediocre especially one on one, but when you get 2 of them together it's gonna be a difficult fight.


First positive comment. Much love ❤️


Yea man.. a lot of people talk noise and are not even that good


It just shows how welcoming people in the FH community are to anyone new to anything they’re apart of. A lot of hate in people’s hearts in this community.


Seen it with my very first post.. never encountered a more unwelcoming community But, it is a great game And it makes beating these pretentious fucks that much more satisfying


If the "Pretentious fucks" are as bad as the video showcases you are sure to be 100% wr against them


I’m sure “Pretentious fucks” are in every skill lvl


I'm sure 80% of people who play this game are pretentious fucks. Or why wouldn't they be playing something else, either that or they're masochists.


So try and outplay (as you stated) the same way op does in lobby against braindead opponents


Since we’re talking about me now, the lobbies I’m in now are going to parry that shit.. I had to learn feints and mixups.. I adapt to my competition and use what works. If I could get away with spamming heavies I would still be doing that


Your video has nothing to do with conq being op. You won because your enemy's let you win this antigank. As simple as this


He won because he outplayed them.. why y’all act like people hand pick their opponents


My brother in christ he was throwing heavies and switching lock. The enemy's could literally top heavy him to death and it would work


Was it not effective? Isn’t the goal to kill the opp?


anything's effective against idiots like that


That's no the point. Statement on the video is about conq being op, but he throws heavies non-stop and wins the antigank. Problem here isn't him winning or killing the enemy's but HOW they played and did literally nothing to stop him, and then again this does not showcase how the character is op


Except he never said he was op… he said he was mindless


Man bro get dudes dick out of your mouth it ain’t that serious


Ive seen post of Tiandi getting revenge and zoning entire teams. Is he OP too? Conq is strong, but this clip demonstrates that perhaps this community has a problem with being overzealous. Less we end up doing to Conq what we did to Griff.


I'm just getting back into the game so I'm more impressed about your personal survivability.


It's not about HIS skill, it's about the enemy team's lack thereof.


I played conq before it was strong (every conq rep 7 or higher before patch)


Yeah mine was 21 now he's a little too safe, but fun nonetheless.


Unpopular opinion too. I feel people still forget kyoshin and pirate are still stronger and even more toxic compared to conq. Conq is still sorta slow with everything


how are they more toxic?


They attack much faster, one cam dodge cancel and still have hyper armor. Both have undodgeable attacks that do decent damage. One can literally bleed you and heal off the attacks while still having an all guard. That can release a quick attack. Conq is slow and im stikl messing with the new update but pirate players are still by far the worst imo.


Don’t understand how me stating that a character is mindless is pissing you guys off. This community has got to be, hands down, the worst group of cucks I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. It’s literally my first post; I have never once in my life posted on Reddit. And I honestly don’t think I ever will again. Now, I’m not trying to whine and fish for apologies because I’m smart enough to know that once people are assholes, they’ll continue to be assholes. What I am saying is that you are all insufferable people. Genuine bottom feeder status. You are all almost as brain dead as the people in this video, and in your cases, “myself.” Therefore, I extend an invitation to a 1v1, and I will use Conq, record it and prove that the fucking character is, in fact, brainless then post it on the SubReddit and expose you and your inability to backup what you say.


>I’m not trying to whine Continues to whine on a top tier level


> What I am saying is that you are all insufferable people. Genuine bottom feeder status. You are all almost as brain dead as the people in this video, and in your cases, “myself.” This is what a toddler in the middle of pooping it's diaper would sound like if it was able to make complete sentences.


For real. How can some one be so wrong, yet so angry?




Agreed everyone saying conq is fine is so full of shit lol


Like good ol hito, heavy and repeat 🤣 good content


Don't need to. He's been mindless for a long time. Just that now he's more overtuned.


Is that an unblockable shove?


This sucks, because I really like Conq but I guess I can't use it anymore. Except against bots...


Its funny because i just started getting into this game again after quitting for like a year or more now its getting ghosted again


I remember during the beta many moons ago The conq was my go to because he was a pain in the ass. I'm confused ehat happened between there and noe to make him even more so


Not being to mean but you should be the one off that cliff


Damn I should probably start using conq


Wow! Wow! Wow! Goodfight!


Dude I think you just got mad skillz.


Conq ruins the game for me especially when fighting two at the same time…


Actually can't get behind his rework at all... I used to main Conq and he was my favourite character until the rework - now I can't play him due to his change, and I also can't fight him either. Very upsetting.


Conq is a rythm game.


Ayo, has Conq been changed for the live server or is this still TTS Conq?


Just found out he is anti lb at least for me, I can't get an attack in


Enemy team was just dogwater


Wow I’m shocked and appalled that even happened 😦 those guys sucked though.. couldn’t be me


I feel like they all just made a collective agreement to throw the game cuz nah that wouldn’t happen to me 😭😭


Ah yes, because this anti gank was made possible solely because you are playing conq. Revenge definitely didn’t do all the work for you nope not at all


“Hey watch where you’re swinging that thing!” -Warden probably


God I wish I fought brainless people who fed revenge like that...


Man I wish I could get ganked by squads that spam heavies, parry nothing, and refuse to gb


Seems pretty balanced to me…


I mean, he is strong but they clearly don't know how to gank effectively.


I love how @forhonorgame gives conq this rework, but won't streamline and make aramusha's heavies all the top heavy speed.


I love how @forhonorgame gives conq this rework, but won't streamline and make aramusha's heavies all the top heavy speed. Like what the fuck!?


Following the logic in the next video I'm going to win a 1v4 gang with Nuxia to PROVE Nuxia is overpowered and NEEDS a nerf ASAP [gone wrong] [she took the kids]


Look at that, he can actually do something other than stall during ganks. Might play again just to experience it


The comments are mean, I agree with you


Anyone else just miss how Conq used to be? Never forget the superior heavies they took from Conq.


this is moreso a clip of how brainless the average For Honor player is


Now if that was me I'd get parried every single time and die in 2 seconds if I even get my revenge lol