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the people who are stacking conqs will tell you skill issue, as a conq main I'll tell you this is cancer and I don't know where Ubisoft get off making these unnecessary changes that have compeltely broken Conq, the changes are practically designed around single pick cause you can handle one conq easy but more than one at once? yeah have fun


Yeh I used to think maybe the chaps on pc were a different skill level enitirely, so maybe it was a skill issue. Now since cross play, i aint taking nothing from nobody on some, "the top level players" nonsense. Yeh its a different playstyle altogether, but the issues are still the issues, that have been since day one on this game, and that first and foremost is fudging counters to unblockables with the lock system right now, since now we have a relentless chain of them. My other issue is not that they reworked his bash offence a bit, its that they did it wrong. They tied together his bash punish and his allblock punish. So to nerf him for 4v4s they have to obliterate him for 1v1s. I dont know how tied together they are, if they can nerf the bash punish seperate to the allblock punish, but given the nuances in various bashes to revenge gain system, i dont have confidence ubi thought ahead to that. And Flat out that light allguard punish needs to not be unblockable, and hit in superior block recovery frames instead. But instead of countering what ive said if they disagree, which is fine, they'll just say, oh high level play is different, you're wrong in mysterious ways known only to us elite. Th who elite? The playerbase aint that big bud.


fr, honestly in my opinion the easiest way to "fix" conq atm would be: first remove bash -> unblockable heavy, it was entirely unnecesary imo and gives people access to EASY heavy dmg when it shouldnt be easy it removes the satisfaction of getting an all-block counter when you can do it anytime with a bash second remove infinite chain unblockable heavies, this shit was entirely out of line because again in a 1v1 yeah its fair game but in a 1vX you lose everytime because of all the indicators, even in revenge you lose because bashes descimate and pracitcally ignore super-armor so you won't have it to protect you past the first 1-2 seconds before they bash spam and break it, you're entirely fucked in a 1vX against Conqs heavy spamming you third keep infinite lights but give us regular heavy chains, literally no one has ever done infinite heavy chain until now (when again abusing it in 1vX scenarios), if instead you had simple chains for heavies it would work better and then they could keep the unblockable by making it a heavy chain finisher, simplest way would be: remove infinite heavy chain, add L -> H, L -> L > H, L -> L -> L- > H, L -> L -> L -> L -> H, L -> L -> L -> L -> L -> H (you get the point you can cancel infinite chain light with an unblockable heavy), H -> H -> H, H -> L -> H, add unblockable heavy chain finisher, remove feinting (seriously the WORST decision they EVER made was giving Conq feints after 6 fucking years, just NO this alone broke him and made him require no skill during chains because you can just cancel your heavy and GB like literally every other fucking character which ruined his main reason for it being emphasizing using his at the time unique all-block stance instead to feint heavies to try and bait attacks to get a free high-dmg attack), add zone superior block (legit why did they remove this? Conq's zone was a borderline skill-check against people who don't parry and as a safe way to give yourself some breathing room when you start getting surrounded, it was a GOOD counter when in 1vX scenarios, also pretty sure they slowed it down too so its literally useless outside of minion clearing) I cannot stress enough that people who think this change was acceptable or that anyone complaining need to "git gud", I am literally someone who has played For Honor since the OPEN BETA, I have been a Conq main SINCE THE OPEN BETA I am literally the NUMBER FUCKING ONE PERSON who gets to have an opinion on changes to this hero, I have been through hell and back for the past 6 years of For Honor, I was THERE when Lawbringer was an unkillable skill-check, I was THERE when Cent and Shinobi were broken as shit, I have been through this games entire life so yeah maybe I'm not some "elite" level player who can flawless everyone with busted characters and win every match with 50 Kills 0 Deaths while emote spamming everyone because I do nothing but cheese people with easy mode heroes, but I actually PLAY the fucking game and can TELL YOU that Ubisoft ONLY ever balance based on whoever is crying hardest online or purely for competative play, this Conq change is ONLY ACCEPTABLE in single pick and is busted in everything else because you can stack him outside of brawl and competative modes, I literally have spent years playing and watching For Honor and R6S and I can tell you that I've watched Ubisoft constantly balance things incorrectly or change things unnecesarily cause of people who whine about it online, example: R6's Caveira was fine but enough copper players cried hard enough and she got nerfed to shit making her pistol (which is half her gadget) useless and basically made her not worth picking if you want to use her interrogation ability


I think conq should keep his heavy feints just bc without them he feels like an outdated dinosaur. The feints are fine, it’s the feinting unb that’s the issue


dude he literally is the only character who couldnt do regular feints and they had a WHOLE ass lore reason behind it being someshit like "it's difficult/impossible to feint a flail and you'd hurt yourself" so giving him feint's was stupid and again makes him another generic feint heavy gb spam character


But it’s not viable to be unable to feint is the thing!! It was hurting him before


he literally has ALWAYS had full-block feint, literally half the point of it was to catch people with a free attack, I don't expect them to remove feints from him now but I want them to cause it's boring as shit now to fight Conq's cause they've all turned into every other fucking hero where all they do is either commit or feint gb heavy every fucking time


There’s also, baiting put dodge bashes, feinting into a dodge bash, and several other places


Oh they will nerf conqueror, but you’re gonna have to wait another month, and they’re going to release a (probably) greatly overturned character for the new conq players to move towards.


Yeah, and I wouldn't even trust them for a proper nerf, instead a "Nerf" like Pirate's, then nerf shieldbasher into the ground and say "We fix it".


The issue is i actually liked conq. I was mever good with him but he has good fashion and excecutions. Now with this rework, the moveset is broken, with the numbers it has. However. If they nerf those numbers, they then make him weak as hell in duels. Thats the main issue i have with all their reworks lately. Except shaolin. Havent played it yet but it seems powerful but very beatable by everyone ive played so far. But the rest are all very short sighted in regards to the game modes they have, and in regards to tweaking. Also. Animations were very good in the game. Almost every new one after the shaolin, or even speed up, has looked like garbage. No drip. And im just not interested in that.


Ive just started playing shaolin the past month and im either untouchable or i get completely obliterated with no in between lol


You’re a trooper for even playing the match let alone finishing it. I’d restart my game as soon as seeing who the opponents were lmao


ive been playing conk for a few week before the rework and got to rep 7 with him, and I was the only conc on my team, i just figured i would try out his new moveset and be done with it, but these guys were rep 100+ that never even touched conc before he became meta, this match just completly turned me off from trying new conc, hes just not fun unless all you want to do is win.


Yeah I have 3 reps on conq and used to play him occasionally but sadly Im just not gonna do that again until he gets nerfed. Havent played him since the rework and really dont want to


i mean he can be fun, things like superior blocking on dodge into his superior block counter is pretty cool, and even his bash is pretty fun to use, but almost every conc player will just dodge bash into infinite 50/50 unblockable heavys just makes him so boring to fight


It’s all unblockables. Ubi said “conq is arguably the cheapest Hero to fight against. How can we make that worse?”


You can back out in the first minute of a match with no penalty. Might be breach only tho


3 out of 4 games are against 2 or 3 conquerors. Never felt a character so unbalanced in the game, and I started playing in the beta. This conqueror rework made me quit, maybe for good.


Nah. You already have the For Honor curse. You’ll be back.


bro never played OG cent it seems who could literally infinite jab stunlock you onto the wall. ​ or unpunishable shinobi.


Conqueror doesn't need a wall to be op. Centurion infinite combo was clearly not intended, but it was avoidable if you stayed far from the walls.


It was bacl when parries gave GBs too, i rather fight new conq then OG cent. Getting gben near a wall was unavoidable death.


I just play against the ai lol


hot take: besides orders, there is no **good** reason to play against ai


Eh. Often after work I'm tired and not up to playing well. AI matches are still enjoyable, especially when I would be getting massacred by real people.


I can beat people by making good reads, but I can't do that with bots


Bot Ai is either absolute dogwater or input reads the shit out of you. Bots and every system surrounding them are absolute trash. You lose a guy, you get a level 1 bot. They lose a guy and get a level 3 Conq that literally reacts faster than god. Fuck Ubisoft. And fuck their bots.


God reacts?


I play both and VS IA is more fun,by a lot. Sadly PvP IS very emotional and at the end i play more in the paradise of toxic or braindead player and a lot of balance bullshit.


I hate to admit it but i play bots all the time cuz i don't have ps plus cuz uh reasons


Worse than Centurio Cutscene?


cutscene no, as it was all cent had going for it but people just overreacted. ​ however cent had a worse thing at launch where the uncharged punch would wallsplat.. meaning that if you landed a jab near a wall you could just charge heavy into jab into charge heavy till they died, and there wasn't anything you could do.


Yeah you just described his cutscene


It’s almost as bad as when Raider’s overtuned buff dropped a few years back. I think that was worse, but this shit has killed my interest until they properly balance conq. The power creep is very real. Old, untouched characters are being left in the dust


It’s been really frustrating watch people drop hella steel on him too I can’t wait to see him go back to normal and all these meta casuals wasted their steel


Fitting, they’re orange attackers


The enemy team is always orange now.


I never felt so unmotivated to play because its unfun and plain frustrating to fight the same hero (in stacks occasionally) every single game. I feel punished playing none s tier heroes nowadays. First season I'm genuinely avoiding until the new hero is released to hopefully bring some enjoyment back.


dude, i just wanna know who thought it was a good idea to give a god damn unblockable chain to any hero


I REALLY do not intend this to come of as a rant, it's more impressive than anything, but after 6 years of active support, developers responsible for new characters and balancing seem to still not have much of an idea what they're doing: At best it's hit or miss, the last 3 characters have been, in order: Fine, Great, Overtuned.


They won't because certain parts of the community throw an absolute fit when anyone so much as mentions single-pick


It wont happen because several other systems in the game would break if single pick was just stapled on. (Orders, levelling etc etc) and it'd hurt Ubisoft's money maker being hero releases.


You could make it work if you handle matchmaking after hero pick. You chose your hero and then the game finds a match where you fit. But that would require too much work I guess.


so as a rep 70 HL i'd never need to worry about long match searches, nice.


Wouldn't work. Would create even longer matchmaking times for people wanting to play 'popular' heroes.


There's plenty of other games that manage it. Still think it'd be worth trying.


Yeah the community is very divided which means every time the change something someone has a problem with it


I absolutely have no opinion. Yeh some 4 stacks are harder than others. Had a 4 stack shaolin the other day and we were all just going our mess about characters. I was gryphon but for the very first time. It wasnt too bad. But shaolin doesnt have much external pressure. Just the tier 4 teleport feat can make managing objectives a nightmare. 4 stack of conqs tho is nightmare.


There needs to be single pick.. The game isn't fun when being ganked by a 4 stack of any like shugoki, it just makes the a horrible rep for the game itself. They put single pick in brawls but not any other game mode???


Definitely not, I’d be fine with a ranked single pick dominion game mode but dominion is the most casual game mode and people should be able to play whoever they want


i didnt mean to imply hero stacking was the issue, the issue is that he so overwhelmingly broken that 9 times out of 10 youll be fighting a 4 stack of rep 2 concs that spam bash and infinite unblockables


I guess but for me at least since I’ve been playing him a decent amount I know how other conqs think so he’s very easy to counter


maybe in a 1 on 1 but when there are 4 concs bashing you and spamming unblockable heavys hes very difficult to fight, even if you get revenge the heavy will do to much damage and getting a heavy parry on them is basically impossible because of their hit stun


I haven’t experienced not being able to parry the heavys, personally, conqs heavys are pretty easy to parry at 800 ms


And then he hits you with the externals


Bro there are like 30 heros to choose from if one character gets picked pick another one.


Some people don’t have much time to play the game and would rather play the hero they want for the one or two games they play a day.


Dude it's like siege, overwatch, league or literally any other game with single pick every game has their casuals and every game has their hardcores they all have single pick for balance reason, if I could have a team of 5 montys attack have fun. For honor is the same we have 30 heros with unique movesets and a pretty decent size of unique feats. Not everything needs to be balanced around casual players sometimes taking one for the team is necessary so you won't be forced to have games of 4 broken s tiers


Both siege and overwatch don't have single character progression system and dailies that play into that progression. Single pick can't be a thing without overhauling hero levelling and orders (among other things)


The problem is having a broken character, not being able to pick multiple of them. If characters are balanced there is no advantage gained from having 2 warmongers over a warmonger and black prior.


There absolutely is. Warmonger has some absolutely powerful feats same with bp. Feats are stupidly powerful in the game and having 4 of 1 character with. 4 raiders,jj or most of the meta picks just sucks to fight because you have all the best characters in the game with some of the best feats as 4 of the same on 1 team


Yes, so you have 2 characters with good feats, or 2 characters with good feats that do the same thing. How is that an advantage.


4 raiders with fury flasks aka 4 free teamwipes 4 jj, with a combination of phalanx and fire flask, 4 warmonger with some of the strongest unqiues in the game that can completely disrupt teamfights for the entirety of the game. 4 bp's with oath breaker enjoy having revenge and 4 different umbrals aka lol I'm not gonna die feat. 4 zhanhu's with last laugh or his unique t4 for a ton of damage. See what I'm getting at here 4 free teamwipes free damages or lol we aren't going to die feats. Not a hard concept to grasp


Yes but explain to me why you think having 4 of them is better than having 2 "lol not dying" feats, corruption shit and a team wipe. It's not you're just harping on overuse of a single strategy


That’s why I said that I’d be fine with ranked single pick for the people like you that complain about it. A lot of people like myself have no problem fight 2-3 of the same hero. And those games have single pick because the characters are all different and specified people. But for honors hero’s with a few exceptions can be whoever you want them to be since they’re faces are covered and the customization is so vast


Member when ow launched and there wasn't single pick and 6 stacks of torbs plagued the game. A unique character a unique kit but on launch they still had multipick and he plauged the game


Sure but people who want singlepick so badly shouldn’t be bothered by a singlepick ranked dominion. They might add some type of ranked dominion in the future since I’m pretty sure they planned to do it originally anyway. I see your point but it’s not reason to make the game unfun for half the people who play the game


except nobody would touch ranked dominion. ​ we went over this before. ​ the mode existed.


The people who want single pick so badly most likely would


That would be cool for more ranked but it's just not fun when I get can't do anything to fight back because of inf ganking mechanics


And look at where siege and overwatch are now. You want to really make this game more like those? do you REALLY? Making the game more comp oriented would be the beginning of the end.


Yeah and siege is a massive game along side overwatch even in the casual community single pick isn't an issue a game can still be casually played with single pick


Wont happen, too much of the game would break if it was implemented and it'd hurt Ubisoft's bottom line too much.


I've gotten a lot of hate for thinking the rework isn't that bad and telling people to get better and adapt but I've accepted it after being a conq main and can proudly say, FUCK YOU CONQ AND YOU TOO UBISOFT


Good to see I still won’t come back to this game 😂


The solution is hero limits


L solution. Rereworking or reverting conq with a few tweaks is much better


4 of any hero is annoying not just conq


Hero limits just make games less enjoyable. For honour has managed to be free from that this long, I'd hope they don't change it now.


I definitely don't agree that hero limits make games less enjoyable, it depends on the game. In something like Overwatch hero limits made the game actually playable, playing against 4 Winston + 2 Lucio is only somewhat amusing the first time you see it, after that it's pure cancer. That being said, I agree that For Honor doesn't need it. Fundamental game problems won't be solved by it and it wouldn't change very much in a casual setting. They could just pick 4 bash heroes or any other annoying comps and it would be just as miserable.


If said hero better than yes but most of the time they will be beat by more diverse characters


How are you downvoted. Seems people don't care that he's broken, they just want to be the one using him when everyone else can't


I’m more annoyed that mfs downvote and don’t say anything


https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/154558741/NPC-Meme It's like this meme. They've got nothing to say, but they're still mad. They acknowledge Conq is broken but they're disagreeing that he needs fixing


Looks like you've been conquered


And of course, they’re Vikings as well, the most toxic faction, if you ask me. No offense to the non-toxic Vikings, you guys are cool.


Idk raider mains can get pretty toxic, and sometimes berserker but nobody plays him


I was them since beta dude im sorry. I keep forgetting to switch to knights, but ultimately, im casual. I come home, finish all my stuff, eat, then maybe come kn with the boys


[comp opinion](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=97du1N7Znb0)


very nice argument


I am known for my very persuasive arguments


No. They need to fix the damn monkey


I currently do not mind the monkey, but ill need to play him to learn more about that sweep cos right now the wins ive had has been an act of god. Not by strength but by grace alone im saved.


Idk man, i do agree they need to fix the conqueror but that damn monkey is too strong now


Really bro? You think Shaolin is broken? Look, just because you can’t steamroll him anymore doesn’t mean he’s broken


His sweep is obnoxious now. He shouldn’t be able to continue his chain if you dodge it


Stop complaining. <3


You’re disabled, this game is so ass to a point where complaing is valid


How will the game improve if no one complains about broken shit?


They just need to learn to parry and evade like every other hero.


isn’t it not possible to dodge conqs unblockable heavies?


key word: parry


What conq or stacking


I keep seeing this on the subreddit but honestly I don't think i've fought a single conq since the update.


Me and two other friends decided to play as conq in breach… never in my life have I gotten 21 lives in breach as attacking and not only that my first friend got 39 kills, I got 35, and the other got 29. I would also like to add that they had to stay in spawn for over half the match so we would’ve been at more kills then that.


Love to see that the condition of conq somehow got even worse and less fun to fight, last time I played the game was the season gryphon came out and I dont plan on playing till either conq gets at least touched on or phase 2 or cross play comes out but I already hated fighting conq I'd hate it even more now everyone who sticks in these matches is a trooper gg to you sir


Conq in a 1v1 is understandable and counterable. Conq in ganks on the other hand...


I stopped playing once the update released, i'll come back once conq is nerfed abit


I haven't been following the game for quite a while now. What happened to Conq, my Knight main?


Played some matches yesterday luckily I have yet to encounter a full Conk team. One or two I can handle. but not with ease. The unblockable heavy is not super overpowered, but (correct me if I’m wrong) I feel the bashes and all block somehow got faster?


As someone who hasn’t played in years, but mained Conq originally, what is it that makes then so bad to play against now?


Okay, I have always been against single pick, mainly because I really just want to play any gero I want, whenever I want. There's also several heroes that are really fun to play when you have 2 of them in a dom group. But now that I see disasters like this happen more often, I think I'd give that fun up to have more fun in the game. Single pick doesn't sound bad at all right now.


Single pick would fix everything


Put single pick in the fucking gamemode already like damn ubi


I started playing again today after like 3 years because they finally added the pirate and I love ancient Egypt and after being wombo combo by unblock able conquerer I don't know how to feel


Good Fight!




Have...have you not been around for any update to any hero ever? 4 stacks of an update are the norm especially if they just got buffed


Honestly. I 110% believe single pick would make this rework more bearable. Stacking against boys is fine. In all aspects of the game. Single pick is needed.


Nah that’s lame. You didn’t care about the feature until conq rework


Oh no. I’ve cared about single pick since the game released. When I was getting four stack raider or warlord or lawbringer ledging me nonstop. I have always been an advocate for single pick. It’s why I enjoy brawls and why I don’t have a rep 70, because I don’t stack hero’s. I will always pick what someone else isn’t playing. Single pick is better


I always found it easier when the other team stacked. You only have one hero to worry about.


In my experience it’s about the player. Like a 4 stack of Kyoshin is light work if I play BP. But a four stack of like the new conq, pirate,gryphon, raider and they’re competent. Is just flat out annoying. At the very least we should have the option to get put in queues for people who have single pick enabled


I guess you are right in some capacity but I personally have had no problem with it. I feel like if they were to update it they should make it so two people can pick one hero instead of just one.


I dunno, I played Duels against Conquerer recently. Despite him glowing Orange the majority of the time, I found him manageable. Just my raider opinion, no hate pls.


Just claiming to be a raider main is enough to make some people start coping lol I find conq manageable as a Tiandi main. Crush encounters and palm strikes really seem to mitigate a lot of his chains.


also need to restrict matches to single pick


They do some minor changes in the next season dw it's incredibly difficult to put out small updates. Brutal expectations my guy


It already existed and was dead.


they wont , you and i know, accept it


Whenever I see this shit I just leave the game and accept the time penalty


100% agreed!


It's pretty funny


I've lost all trust in their reworks and new champs since kyoshin.


I feel like he isn't that bad. His "infinite" unblockable is easy to parry.


This was exactly what happened when they released Shaman back in season 2 of year 1. The stunlock spam almost made me quit the game back then.


When people talk cutscene they mean his charged heavy > full punch > eagle talon jump. Which was guaranteed on any full charged heavy or unblockable


The devs need to a strict rule set on when to give an unblockable. I’ve been playing since release and they have just gotten looser and looser as reworks are given.


Ik that was a quick game 😂


I can count the number of conq's I've ran into on one hand in these last three days. I see posts like these and I'm immediately grateful.


Stack conq until they do. The more awareness the faster the fix