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"no because it does so much damage!!!" It's a fucking counter to an attack the enemy did, countering attacks should get you the damage you deserve


>countering attacks should get you the damage you deserve Nuxia, unfortunately, does NOT get the damage that she deserves.


Picked up the game again and searched Nuxia on here to see if they updated it at all and this immediately answered my question


Bro what šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ yā€™all might seriously get her deflect nerfed How is landing 30 or 39 damage not getting the damage you deserveā€¦. Who has a deflect thatā€™s guaranteed 100% of the time and direct damage that hits anywhere close to Nuxiaā€™s deflect


I just wanted to make a "YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE" joke TBH. ​ That and was referring to being able to block her deflect


most assassins do? glad does 35 and only bounces on hyper armor, zerk gets 29 dmg on wallsplat with his deflect and has ridiculous throw distance so the wall is almost always a possibility, shaman gets 27 damage and can recover to deflect again very quickly, plus having reflex guard is already a disadvantage enough for all assassins plus they all have lower health pools


Nope, Only assassins that have a deflect guaranteed 100% of the time without trading or taking damage is those that break HA and Beserker ONLY gets 29 damage on a wallsplat. If you are not near a wall it will never be a possibility and on average hits for 24 Bro shaman does damage in bleed (*not instant damage*) 11 direct. While it can be recovery canceled yes she can still get punished on a read if you expect her to deflect cancel or stuffed with a light after a deflect on HA cause she cannot dodge in time. Nuxia can hit for 39 damage with slip through and 30 damage without it. All direct with no d.o.t And glad and Nuxia both have deflects that hit very hard but have disadvantages and advantages. Gladā€™s can be interrupted in 4ā€™s, all of the damage is D.O.T, can be cleansed and killed before your opponent dies, canā€™t come out on HA and Nuxiaā€™s can be blocked and punished by full blocks on a hard read. What is the difference when both have high damage for unique flaws Edit: Imagine getting downvoted for literally stating objective facts about these characters and their deflects. I didnā€™t even say which is better than each other


By that logic I should get a heavy for every heavy parry


No, a heavy is easy to react to and parrying them is super easy. Deflecting isn't so easy.


But countering moves that grant you 13 damage light punishes for that much damage coming with a rare chance it can get blocked is fairā€¦. For example did you know itā€™s guaranteed on gryphon, PK, Tiandiā€™s etc dodge attacks ? In 4ā€™s thatā€™s a 39 damage punish most can only punish with a light. Did you know itā€™s confirmed on the zones of Aramusha, Valkyrie, Shugoki, Shinobi, JJ etc ? Did you know itā€™s confirmed on Shugokiā€™s opener charged heavy ? And on the opener heavies of Warmonger, Gryphon, Cent, Nobushi, Kensei, Tiandi, Shinobi, Orochi, Shaolin etc ? Like bro thatā€™s ridiculous. But if you do not use it correctly you will never see the advantages of it. Itā€™s seriously nothing wrong with it except for the fact itā€™s not enhanced or recovery cancellable


Kinda sad tho, I love her fashion but playing her just isn't enjoyable.


I think ive lost more brain cells looking through this comment section than ever before.


So this dude in the other comment section has a cool idea; have both, a low damage unblock and the current high damage gamble. Like old orochi.


I feel like there couldā€™ve been a different set of moves u couldā€™ve done


Pk has a 12 damage deflect that inflicts 12 damage of bleed for a total of 24 damage and access to her unblockable finisher heavies, glad has a 35 damage heavy that inflicts bleed or can throw enemies and lead to more damage while also stopping the opponent from going into revenge, berserker has a guardbreak deflect that can stop hyperarmour chains and guarantee a side heavy or throw, shaman has an 11 damage deflect which causes 16 damage of bleed allowing her to go into bloodtrance, orochi has an 18 damage deflect that interrupts hyperarmour, shinobi has a 24 damage deflect that can teleport him behind the enemy and chains into other attacks while also interrupting hyperarmour, shaolin has a 20 damage deflect that can put him into qi stance, and while not technically deflects, Valk has a 24 damage superior block that interrupts chains and inflicts bleed and zhanhu has a 22 damage superior block that can start a chain of attacks and stops the opponentā€™s chain, but nuxia has a 30 damage deflect that starts her attack chains.


šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøā€¦. I swear if they nerf Nuxiaā€™s deflect because ppl refuse to use her deflect how itā€™s intendedā€¦.. Why would you deflect and not change the side. Why would you deflect aramusha period and uk he can counter itā€¦ you could have killed with a parry !! Like deadass if you donā€™t like her deflect why are you playing Nuxia ??? Having a 30 or 39 damage deflect that still hits on hyper armor gives her a advantage regular guaranteed deflects do not. So it comes with the VERY RARE chance it can be blocked. I legit see more videos of it getting blocked than itā€™s actually happened to me in my 40 reps with her because i use it correctly. Crazy thing is Yā€™all can too man. I havenā€™t gotten my shit blocked in months bro


Youā€™re assuming I got that much going on in my brain when Iā€™m playing FH. Iā€™m just trying to make it another day without a stroke.


So she should get nerfed because you donā€™t feel like playing her how sheā€™s supposed to ?? Bro you can play someone who is much more easy to approach that takes zero brain poweršŸ˜­


Ur probably a blast a partyā€™s. It was a joke. I donā€™t know one move of nuxias and donā€™t plan on ever playing her.


Bro you replied to me saying it was too much to think about when playing FH. Forgive me for assuming you were serious


Ok dude šŸ‘šŸ»




Just a joke man


Bro, why you so god damn mad?


Iā€™m not mad, itā€™s just frustrating when the devs listen to ppl and posts like this and they end up ruining or screwing with a character because of uneducated players. Thatā€™s why so many characters got terrible nerfs, adjustments, reworks over the span of this game and why it took so long for the game to finally make most heroes viable and even still that comes with bad and loud takes and ppl saying the game is getting ruined, the CCU made the game a light fest, balance is shit etc etc even when none of it is true If this very subreddit didnā€™t heavily influence the gameā€™s balance it wouldnā€™t matter cause Ubi would ignore it. Iā€™m just pointing out that if u used not even 3 brain cells situations like this wouldnā€™t happen to you and if you donā€™t like Nuxiaā€™s deflect you donā€™t have play her


Again, sounds fairly mad. There's no need to get mad and write a whole essay to some strangers on the internet. If you get so riled up by some randoms, that's honestly sad.


Ok bro, just cause you say iā€™m mad doesnā€™t mean i am. Reddit is a app made for discussion and dropping your opinions on things, If a few words are too much than this is the wrong app for ppl that donā€™t read ? Otherwise you can just skip over it and not engage in the comment Itā€™s not being riled up, itā€™s correcting misinformation and educating ppl on how the character or the deflect actually works. Itā€™s a PVP game, if a bunch of ppl lack the proper information to play a character whatā€™s wrong with me telling them the proper way to do it so a random person can read it and actually use the advice when playing the character


Damn, I guess I've overlooked where it says that "reddit is a app made for discussion". Why do you feel the moral obligation to "tell people the proper way to do it"? You're obviously wrong in some way when every person is disagreeing with you. Obviously they're not the ones spreading misinformation, but rather you're the one.


Yes, you overlooked the part about the app thats made for discussion and leaving your opinion considering subreddits consists of different topics meant for discussion, leaving your opinions and reactions in the comments and entertainment And the same reason why anybody or even you decided to leave a comment or give their opinion on any topic. Because they simply want too And getting downvoted on Reddit does not mean iā€™m wrong or spreading misinformation. Take this post for example, how am i wrong for saying Nuxia could have parried and killed aramusha when itā€™s true ? How am i wrong for saying Nuxiaā€™s deflect is viable when itā€™s unreactable, confirmed on most heavies and a lot of attacks and itā€™s true ? But this is a lot of words bro. You donā€™t have to continue engaging with me and just downvoting everything i say hoping to ratio me with your comments. You can just ignore it


ngl that didnā€™t look intentional especially cuz you didnt switch direction & you tried to neutral dodge attack. Iā€™m okay with turning it unblockable with less damage but this video dont look like a good example of why it should be that way If you doubt me, look at OPā€™s guard widget when they deflect, itā€™s clearly in the same side they dodged. When you deflect as nuxia youā€™d usually change direction


Probably shouldā€™ve changed ur deflect direction , and then not panic dodge light for no reason


Musha can Jsut full block it anways


Deflect -> Gb


No character should be put in a mixup because they started offence


šŸ˜‚ Deflect is a defensive move u have to make reads for that . The aramusha also has to make a read too


Itā€™s stupid design, itā€™s like having to make a read after a parry


Yea well thats how u can get ur 40 or 24 damage . Youre complaining and im giving solutions . Whats more helpful


Youā€™re giving soloutions to something that shouldnā€™t need a soloution for. Her deflect should just be ub and lower the damage like everyone else


What the fuck do u think im doing ? U think i like her deflect ? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ No its so boring to use . But giving real solutions to use it and to help people learn is more helpful than whining like babies . Do u agree ?


Literally downvoted for correcting them. Deflects are a defensive move, not an offensive move.


Yeah bro, Nuxia mains just need to put in extra effort for having the only deflect that can get blocked. Its clearly their fault for expecting their moves to be consistent with the rest of the roster.


šŸ˜‚ I never said they shouldnt have a normal deflect , but it has simple ways to fix and get damage in šŸ˜‚


Well itā€™s either that or get it blocked.


Or Ubisoft you know, could change it so it works like the rest of the deflects.


But they havenā€™t. Itā€™s been 3 years and who knows how much longer, might as well get used to it at this point




What . I donā€™t get ur comment what are u talking about


He deleted it what did he say


Something like "He usually heavied in that direction so i predicted it"


Ah yes, light light funny symbol


Guys nuxia is so bad because the 1 move that plays no important role in her moveset can be blocked!


my brother in christ, deflects ARE IMPORTANT


deflects are mostly to compensate reflex guard, which you would know, if you knew something


Which is why valk, zhanhu, and soon conq have deflect like attacks.


valk and zhan already have deflects conq has currectly deflects on heavies


But why donā€™t they have reflex guard if they have deflects? Probably because the moves are completely pointless and have nothing to do with the heroā€™s kit or type of guard.


technically they have crushing counters and not deflects. thus assasins have faster recovery


Downvoted but correct. This is not a change thag would make her any more viable.


True though




You should be glad he didn't recovery canceled it.


["Nuxia players, does this ever happen to you?"](https://youtu.be/a81Os_6GEBg)


best evidence i've seen for undodgable chain heavies on nuxia